Although I only had time this week to figure out a car the first combo, it was a fun race for the most part, thanks JL for setting these up. For the most part everyone gets what's going on here but I guess as Marcus had eluded to earlier in the thread here , there's always a few who will "game" the system. JL can correct me if I'm wrong but the essence of the setup is the have different but equal cars on the track. The posted time on the track is at or around the the ultimate race speed of the car for the given driver. There will be a difference of performance of cars because a slower driver will need a faster car to run the same lap time of a faster driver. Sneaking but not really sneaking
a fast car in and trying to keep it under the limit are ......well.......anyway....not as fun if everyone was all out racing cars at the limit. Thanks JL again , see you all and hopefully more next week