Silverstone National will be a nightmare for the slower cars on the straights. Too far away to outbrake other cars after the straight and having to back off mid-corner so as not to run into the backs of the straight-line rockets. It's definitely Renault & Alfa territory. Nissan & Honda will have it tough, because to be fast in these you need to take a wide entry and from last year's experience, everyone will dive into these sometimes non-existing spaces, possibly shoving you to the outside mid-corner and costing you the last piece of pace you actually have and you end up lapping the track a second slower than you could, but can't do anything about it. Ford should still have enough oomph to at least stay close until the end of the straights. But, there have to be some tracks on that end of the spectrum as well.
Will be damage-control this weekend. Looking more forward to BH season finale, to be honest.