Funnily enough, convicted pedophiles/child molesters are far more likely to be killed in jail compared to other criminals.
A Few Sources
Its my understanding in Australia that we have specific prisons with specific divisions for these criminals, and I'm not really sure how to feel about that,
So we should let people like this live, people like this that dont even think about others
So we should let these drugged up people continue to be on the road, a drain on welfare system?
He will now be out of a job, face jail time, and who will employ him(a drug driver)?
Fast food outlets?
Or will the fast food outlet just toss his resume in the bin and hire the kid that is still in high school that has never done drugs or committed any crime?
It is better to remove the filth from the community.
50 tonnes of truck which might be on cruise control with a drugged up Fwit can easily take out 10 cars, motorcyclists and who knows what else and if he passed out due to overdose?
Hardly see how he's a drain on welfare, working off numbers in Australia, he made over 2k for that journey, not sure how the U.S companies pay their drivers...
This is one instance where the driver has been caught, which considering where he was caught and how far he travelled is far to late, surely there would have been moments that would have raised curiosities of other motorists on his journey that surely would have motivated them to call the police?
There's got to be more to the story, is he an addict when he's not behind the wheel? As a night driver the biggest issue i contend with amongst other drivers on the road is sleep deprivation, people trying to see out that last hour or less to be home instead of stuck on the side of the road for their required break, plus the pressures put on drivers by their employers to deliver loads on time, the transport industry is a mess globally, I would sooner be dismissed for getting physical with my bosses then be pressured into doing something questionable or illegal, can always get another job with a clean record,
Though while you're out on a capital punishment bender
@Grayfox can you remove feminists, cyclists and anyone who follows or speaks of any religious groups and cult followings, I fear those will harm more people then a jacked up truck driver...