Funny/Strange News Stories

...Well, I see that this "Finance Department" only paid less than 40K AUS$ to this ad agency for a period of 4 years. I mean, c'mon - I'm sure that's not even enough to buy a Holden Maloo ute. You basically get what you pay for. In this case, a whole bunch of wooden acting, unconvincing line deliveries, way too much info with no room to digest those and "upbeat" BGM to garnish the stinker. Top job, I say.
...They came, they ate, and left without paying. All 120 of them. BBC.

Apparently, the diners were celebrating a baptism. Is there a connection between this and not paying close to 2000 Euros in bills? Nope. Not a bit. :lol:
That reminds me of the days (at least a couple of years ago) when the front page of Reddit would often contain an image of a receipt with something like "God's blessing" written in place of actual cash for a tip. :rolleyes:
It's a good article... did you disagree with every single point in it?
If we're talking about doing that when travelling to a foreign country then yes it would be rude, but here in the US (or UK where it was written) it's ridiculous to try and command people on how they have their mealm
Apparently, taking pictures of your food is rasict.

It's funny that when people clearly don't understand a specific cultural difference when it comes to food etc, people on the other side of the fence get so bent out of shape.

Surly blogging about food and either not doing research beforehand or not giving a rats about what is shown is just poor editing?

I agree with @wvmgmidget if I'm eating Chinese foot in the UK and take a pic with my viners fork sticking as a jaunty angle, it's not commentary on the Chinese culture or anything like a directed insult. It's just the way I eat my food.
...No, that makes you a cannibal. :lol: And I'm pretty sure, in the eyes of the UK law enforcement agencies, a criminal as well.
Eating the flesh of other humans is not illegal in the UK.

You learn something new everyday...?

And nor is it in the USA or Canada, as far as I'm aware. There's a historically-interesting point, one of the prime drivers of cannibalism in any given society isn't ritual but famine.
A lot of people outside Britain won't have ever heard of the Dartford Crossing. Why would you? It's pretty rural.
I've had many a quiet picnic along the Estuary near the Dartford Crossing. Well, if you ignore the docks, Bluewater shopping centre, Essex Arena banger racing and the fact that it's under the approach for London City airport. Apart from that it's a stunning rural backwater. Some say a hidden gem. ;)

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