Funny/Strange News Stories

I forget the details now but I have a feeling that one of the messages of that exhibition was relating to the selfie type culture. I could be remembering that wrongly.

Funnily, the exhibitor claimed that it was a simple accident and wouldn't try to claim compensation saying "If you try to design something that's idiot-proof, the universe will design a better idiot".
Funnily, the exhibitor claimed that it was a simple accident and wouldn't try to claim compensation saying "If you try to design something that's idiot-proof, the universe will design a better idiot".
There was a theory going around that the incident was a planned part of the artwork.
....A dog eats $16K diamond ring: Rapaport.

And yes, according to the owner of both the dog and the ring, it came out "naturally" and it's still being "cleaned" at the time of the piece's publication.
This is the Funny/Strange News Story thread and you may not agree, but I find this story is both strange and funny.
A British woman who pretended to be a man by wearing a prosthetic penis and tricking her blindfolded friend into having sex with her was sentenced Thursday to 6 ½ years in prison. A close friend claimed Newland tricked her by pretending to be a man named Kye Fortune, who she believed was her boyfriend. Newland and the friend met while they were attending he University of Chester in 2011, The Guardian reported. Newland duped her friend by creating a Facebook page when she was 15 years old to take on the male persona, putting photos of an American man on there to make it more believable.

The friend said in court she was unaware Newland was Fortune because she was always wearing a blindfold when they met. Newland would then wear a strap-on prosthetic penis when they had sex. "There was no point until the day I took the blindfold off that I thought for one second that a woman was the person behind this,” the friend said in court.

Who has an entire relationship with someone, from the beginning, that is blindfolded?
I read theories from a bunch of religious nuts in the comments, but nothing funny...

...Well, I found some of them quite funny, most likely unintentional on their part. Quite frankly I thought this was either staged or fake news. Whatever the case may be, the article sure brought out a few Bible thumpers out of their collective closets along with the ever-so-pleasant know-it-all Islamophobics.

These kinds of comment sections are a real blast to browse through, you know.
The comments are funnier than the story.

80 sheep commit suicide in Turkey
As the article says, one sheep jumped off a cliff and the rest followed (which is, after all, what sheep are famed for doing). I would also argue that a sheep is unlikely to have been able to tell that the jump would result in death, hence it is unlikely to have been 'suicide' IMO.

This reminds me of a funny incident when I was mountain biking in Colorado. I noticed a small ridge and so cycled up to it slowly, only to find it was in fact hiding a 12 ft drop on the other side. Unfortunately, one of my friends (a novice bike rider) wasn't so careful and cycled right over the ridge - too fast for me to be able to warn him - he took off, yelled something in Irish and then crash landed - luckily he was OK, except for a scraped leg and a bruised ego. I will never forget the sight of an Irishman flying through the air like that. Fortunately, no-one followed him over the edge, and luckily for him it wasn't jagged rocks below or a bigger drop, otherwise he could have been killed - the point was, though, that it didn't look like a big drop, and I was luckily that I happened to see the ridge from a slightly different angle, otherwise it probably would have been me going for an impromptu flight. Our Aussie friend (and experienced mountain biker) then decided to do the jump on purpose and made it look easy, just to rub salt into the wound.
...Girl, 5, fined 150 quid for a lemonade stand by the local council. BBC.

Granted, she didn't have the requisite trading licence, but still, four Bobbies with cameras recording the proceedings and reading from a "big script" seems a wee bit overkill to me....
I'm glad the council cancelled the fine and will probably give the enforcement officers a stern talking to.
...Girl, 5, fined 150 quid for a lemonade stand by the local council. BBC.

Granted, she didn't have the requisite trading licence, but still, four Bobbies with cameras recording the proceedings and reading from a "big script" seems a wee bit overkill to me....

If you take a step back, and look at it from the big picture... a little girl is making people smile and nobody is being harmed, and people with badges and authority tell her to knock it off and that she owes them a fine... how does anyone in their right mind think that makes sense? If there's a part of your brain that is saying "but the law says"... turn that part of your brain off. Just look at the implementation and realize that it's wrong.
I'm glad the council cancelled the fine and will probably give the enforcement officers a stern talking to.

...Yep. It seems that common courtesy - or in this case consideration - prevailed and the fine's been scrapped. However, when you mention the stern talking-to, why do I picture uniformed Rowan Atkinson doing his shtick from The Thin Blue Line?! Gosh, suddenly I feel old for some reason...
...Girl, 5, fined 150 quid for a lemonade stand by the local council. BBC.

Granted, she didn't have the requisite trading licence, but still, four Bobbies with cameras recording the proceedings and reading from a "big script" seems a wee bit overkill to me....

There is also the possibility of food poisoning
Yes, improper food handling can give it to you, uncleaned lemon juicers, uncleaned or dirty cups.

Lemons are too acidic to be a good breading ground for bacteria (in fact lemons can help if you have food poisoning) and it was rather clear she was using disposable cups. Granted it certainly could happen, but I would have to imagine you would probably have to worry more about the local water supply being contaminated.
Lemons are too acidic to be a good breading ground for bacteria (in fact lemons can help if you have food poisoning) and it was rather clear she was using disposable cups. Granted it certainly could happen, but I would have to imagine you would probably have to worry more about the local water supply being contaminated.

If E Coli can suvive stomach acid, it can survive citric acid.
If E Coli can suvive stomach acid, it can survive citric acid.

You can't live your life in fear from everything, and you have an immune system for a reason. Germs are everywhere, in fact whatever you used to type your post is probably swarming with bacteria to a horrifying level.

Is there a chance you can get sick from her lemonade? Sure. But I would imagine it's a much slimmer risk than getting sick from any licensed restaurant.
You can't live your life in fear from everything, and you have an immune system for a reason. Germs are everywhere, in fact whatever you used to type your post is probably swarming with bacteria to a horrifying level.

Is there a chance you can get sick from her lemonade? Sure. But I would imagine it's a much slimmer risk than getting sick from any licensed restaurant.

But this is councils/government/police were talking about they're stupid and follow the law blindly like sheep jumping off a cliff.
There is also the possibility of food poisoning

....Uh, sure thing. I mean, I've heard of a person who was allergic to lemon, so there's that. But, hmm. I think, and I could be wrong here, the chances of me getting some sort of food poisoning from this little girl's lemonade is as "good" as me becoming the next president of the United States of America.

No, scratch that. With unlimited wealth, that can be achieved. So.... ah!! Me winning the Nobel prize for astrophysics. Because I lack the necessary brain for the field. There you go.
No, scratch that. With unlimited wealth, that can be achieved. So.... ah!! Me winning the Nobel prize for astrophysics. Because I lack the necessary brain for the field. There you go.

It still requires American citizenship to be POTUS, so even with all the money in the world a non-American couldn't run for office.
....Uh, sure thing. I mean, I've heard of a person who was allergic to lemon, so there's that. But, hmm. I think, and I could be wrong here, the chances of me getting some sort of food poisoning from this little girl's lemonade is as "good" as me becoming the next president of the United States of America.

Well if you are a US born citizen you could become POTUS, I mean look at Trump.
A racist bigot became POTUS and he has no political experience.
The only experience he has is some business skills and those are questionable as he has declared bankruptcy 4 times.
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