Uhm question... I borrowed several of your cars actually (not all, just 3). Hope that was ok? I'll give you something in return.
Was wondering what the wheel colors are of the two Honda Integra's: one's Championhsip White with orange wheels (I have this car longer, but don't know the wheel colors; it's either Chrome Orange, or Chrome Orange Metallic I think), the other one Milano Red with yellow wheels. I think they were both on Bob_spec today. I also borrowed a Nissan SILVIA in Super Black with wheels I assume in Gold Leaf Metallic if that's possible.
If you have the time, would you be willing to tell me what the wheel colors are? Sorry for bothering you with it.
I'll send you these three in return

: Infiniti G35 Coupe '03 in Brilliant Silver, Diamond Graphite Metallic, Ivory Pearl.
And I can put some cars online for you for the weekend,
pick whatever you want from my 0/0/0 cars.