Gay Marriage

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
Yes. I'm talking about changing the definition of marriage - because as it is defined I think it is unconstitutional.

You can't defend a discriminatory policy by saying that it's always been that way.

Give me a break. A bunch of people that are living a certain "way" decide the want to be counted as equals as far as couples go just because? Come on.
Hummm….are morals religion? I’ve concluded that they are not. Morality is a code of conduct (behavioral) that is accepted by a social group. Remember this quote:

By Patrick Henry

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ".

I might also note that separation of church and state is not in the best interest as it relates to Christianity. The gospels teach that the “Church” is the body of Christ, not a organization or religion, but a collective of people. We want to keep people in government. The gospels that are preached about are much different than the picture of the churches of England. So we draw our moral guidelines from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Ten Commandments brought down by Moses.

Lets see….so if gays aren’t harming anyone physically, I could be emotional scared by a couple of homosexuals kissing in public. Not completely related, but why is public nudity unlawful? Where’s the harm in it? As a society we have concluded that it is offensive and we punish people because of it. How dare we do that, it’s their religion and right to practice it. They’re consenting adults and have no problem showing off their stuff, but the majority of people don’t want to see their buff around town.

Lets get rid of unlawful non-monogamy and open the doors. Lets not stop their, as long as they are consenting adults, let them do what ever they want, and as a government, we can even support their immorality with social and financial rewards. Now this is where I start repeating myself and should just refer to prior posts.

So in conclusion, if I was not a Christ follower and did not have Christian morals, I probably would not care what Homosexuals did as long as they didn’t try to force their gayness on me. Being that I try to follow Christian based morals, I am obligated to vote accordingly. I’m not saying Gays have to go to church and repent. I’m not forcing my religion on them. I am supporting the morals that this country was founded on, and I am supporting the morals that are taught in the Gospels of Christ.

Homosexuality is a social behavior that is not widely accepted in our society which supports that behavior as being morally wrong by more than just Christian guidelines.

Hope that makes sense and wasn’t too scattered. It’s hard as we have discussions and angles being presented in a thousand different directions. Not to mention the number of posts in the thread, trying not to be too repetitive, although new blood (members) that haven’t read the whole thread (don’t blame you) certain things need to be addressed again, and again, and again, and again…. :-)
Give me a break. A bunch of people that are living a certain "way" decide the want to be counted as equals as far as couples go just because? Come on.

And your decision to not count other citizens rights as equal just because?

I think we'll be at the exact same point at page 2047...
Give me a break. A bunch of people that are living a certain "way" decide the want to be counted as equals as far as couples go just because? Come on.

Because they're people just like you are and so they should be treated equally under the law. I don't see what's complex about that.

Lets see….so if gays aren’t harming anyone physically, I could be emotional scared by a couple of homosexuals kissing in public. Not completely related, but why is public nudity unlawful? Where’s the harm in it? As a society we have concluded that it is offensive and we punish people because of it. How dare we do that, it’s their religion and right to practice it. They’re consenting adults and have no problem showing off their stuff, but the majority of people don’t want to see their buff around town.

Public nudity should be lawful. It isn't a problem in countries where it is. Now that doesn't mean that people have a right to be naked on someone else's property (no shoes, no shirt, no service).

Are we talking about banning homosexuals from kissing in public?

So in conclusion, if I was not a Christ follower and did not have Christian morals, I probably would not care what Homosexuals did as long as they didn’t try to force their gayness on me. Being that I try to follow Christian based morals, I am obligated to vote accordingly. I’m not saying Gays have to go to church and repent. I’m not forcing my religion on them. I am supporting the morals that this country was founded on, and I am supporting the morals that are taught in the Gospels of Christ.

No, you're not forcing your religion on them, but you are advocating that they be treated differently under the law based on their lifestyle - which is as bad as treating them differently because they are of a different religion.

I don't see what's complicated about this. If you vote to ban gay marriage, you're voting to treat some citizens differently under the law because of their lifestyle. A resulting law banning gay marriage is one that should be considered unconstitutional AND immoral (even by religious people).
I should quickly add "their lawful lifestyle" to danoff's post. Certain lifestyles which are not lawful also invite different treatment under the law - quite rightly so.
i still believe homosexuals choose to be homosexuals...(directly or indirectly)

i also believe we ALL are naturally born heterosexuals, and that homosexual choose to divert from that natural born desire
Believe what you want. It doesn't make it anything remotely approaching the truth, particularly not when it's been roundly gainsaid by every single person in this thread who's actually in a position to know.
so you dont believe all of us are born heterosexual? for every homosexual, there has GOT to be a time in their life that they either directly or indirectly (verbally or non-verbally, etc.) choose to be homosexual
Well, maybe at some point, I will repeat something for the nth time, and I apologize for that beforehand; although, sometimes certain things have to be brought back, but from another point of view.

Anyway, I'm curious as for the point in the thread right now, I mean: What is the argument at this moment?

I know this may sound like oversimplifying the issue right now, but, if you will, please take a look at my signature for a moment. Nothing weird, right? Well, maybe for the part in japanese (in katakana, to be exact, and that's actually my name) there is nothing else, a link to the TidySigs thread, one line to tell anyone that could need help translating to contact me, and one line, which reads: "Life's only complicated if you want it to be".
What do I mean by this, and why did I bring it up? Simple.
There are some things that you can choose in this life, and there are some things you cannot. For example, I didn't get to choose which country I was born in (and, despite the current situation, I love my country), I didn't get to pick my parents, and I didn't get to pick my day of birth (which came up 3 months too soon). For those things, I simply accept them and move on. Why? Because I can't do anything about them, even if I tried. Some things in life (including your basic instincts) fall into this category.

As I pointed out before, I believe homosexuality (or not) is not a thing that you can merely choose, as if you were buying a shirt, or trying to figure out what you're having for dinner tonight. It's like this because that's not a conscious choice; it's something deeper, and simpler, actually. I mentioned intincts before because this is the part they come into play: instincts govern our most basics needs and desires (this is not the actual word I want to use, but I can't think of a suitable replacement), and I believe that sexual preference is one of these instincts. You can't actually choose what happens; it just does. If you check the comments made by the 3 members mentioned before, and some questioning by another member, you'll see that there's proof of this.

Now, for the things that you can choose, comes the part about caring or not about this whole issue. For example, if people start digging up derogatory terms for "latinos" and start shouting them at me, would I care? No. Why not? Because I choose not to care. I choose to keep my life simple, and not care about that sort of thing. Does gay marriage affect me in any way? No, I don't believe it does. Does it affect my faith? I don't see why, my beliefs are intact. Does it affect the government? Why should it?
In the end, it all becomes a matter of choice. Why do you make the choice to care/not care about something?
As the line in my signature says, you alone have the power to make matters complicated, or keep them simple.
And, while I was writing...
Believe what you want. It doesn't make it anything remotely approaching the truth, particularly not when it's been roundly gainsaid by every single person in this thread who's actually in a position to know.
Exactly. What else can I say? For the 'proof' stated above, well, there it is.
i still believe homosexuals choose to be homosexuals...(directly or indirectly)

i also believe we ALL are naturally born heterosexuals, and that homosexual choose to divert from that natural born desire
Believe what you want. It doesn't make it anything remotely approaching the truth, particularly not when it's been roundly gainsaid by every single person in this thread who's actually in a position to know.
I was born. I came into my maturity through puberty. I experimented. I had three girlfriends as I did so. Not once was I attracted to them in any aspect above their personality. I met another boy. Funny thing, I fell head over heels for him. And oh, what's this?? Little Ten is excited!!

I don't know if I was born homosexual. I don't know if I was born hetero and something changed as I grew up. All I know is that I can't think of a single point in my life when I was honestly physically attracted to a female.

And for the " "th time, I didn't just decide to be a faggot. It happened. Some of you people can be so bloody dense it hurts my head to read your replies.
and im done with this thread since it's not like you guys will change your minds...and im not changing mine
We all say stupid things that we know aren't true.

I must've "'left" this thread about 12 times now. :lol:

(damn, this was supposed to be one big edit....oh well.)
so you dont believe all of us are born heterosexual? for every homosexual, there has GOT to be a time in their life that they either directly or indirectly (verbally or non-verbally, etc.) choose to be homosexual
Why do you keep insisting this? You've got absolutely nothing to back it up other than your continued insistance that it must be true.

Besides, we're all homosexual at some point in our lives.
Thanks, I'll make sure to read those. And, by the way, it's not necesary to say "I'm done" with the thread and get out just because you can't change someone's mind about something. The point of this thread (being in the place that it is) is so that we can all have an opinion on something; not to suddenly change everyone's mind to your own (or anyone else's). I don't mean this as a way to attack you, is just that if you have an argument, and it's not getting across, try to reword it, or try to analyze what could the other person be thinking when he/she reads what you are saying.
Why do you keep insisting this? You've got absolutely nothing to back it up other than your continued insistance that it must be true.

Besides, we're all homosexual at some point in our lives.

Now where is your proof for that?
When you were six, didn't you think girls were stupid? I bet you never played with little girls at that age unless classroom socialization forced it; I bet you made Boys' clubs with no girls allowed. We all did.
I have to disagree with that as well... I'm not homosexual at any point of my life. Sure, you might think "what if..." at times, but I never ever caught myself thinking "Wow, I'd like to hmmm hmmm with that hot guy".... I'd probably jump off a bridge if I'd ever catch myself thinking something like that. :D I'm glad that the thought of sex with a male revolts me... so I try to avoid that in every way I can.

Still, if someone else likes the idea... who am I to tell him to stop thinking that way?
it's not like when we were six we thought lustful thoughts for them anyway...

crap, so much for last post, then again, it isnt a refuting post, just a comment post if there is such a thing
When you were six, didn't you think girls were stupid? I bet you never played with little girls at that age unless classroom socialization forced it; I bet you made Boys' clubs with no girls allowed. We all did.

And that makes me homosexual when I was 4 for what reason?
And that makes me homosexual when I was 4 for what reason?
Because you wanted contact with people of the same sex and didn't want contact with as many people of the opposite sex, among your peer group.
Because you wanted contact with people of the same sex and didn't want contact with as many people of the opposite sex, among your peer group.

Actually that's not the definition of homosexuality. Wanting contact with people of the same sex is not the same as:

  • A sexual orientation leading to a choice of partners of the same sex.
  • Sexual relationships with individuals of the same gender.
  • a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex
  • a sexual orientation characterized by attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire exclusively for another of the same sex.
Do you support the separation of church and state?

Are you not prejudiced against gays?

If both of those answers are "yes", then how is it not a no brainer?
Because you wanted contact with people of the same sex and didn't want contact with as many people of the opposite sex, among your peer group.

But NOT in a romantic way. Isn't that what homosexuality is about.
Arwin. I think you're a bit confused as to what the second coming of christ is. It isn't about forgiveness and the cross.

That's been exactly my point, Swift. I think you might have missed a 'not' in my text.