Originally posted by DGB454
Why shouldn't Christians use their influence to have the government go their way? Gay people do it. Minorities do it. Atheist do it. If you are a group and don't try and influence the Gov't then you are missing a huge oppurtunity to change things in your favor. We just happen to be better at it so far.
I have never demanded anyone to be Christian. I hope they do but I can't demand it. It's a choice.
I'm going to try to make this simple, clear, and non-offensive. I doubt I'll make it, but know from this point forward I'm not
intending to be offensive.
NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to use the word "Christian" to mean the hyper-conservative, politically aggressive Jerry Falwell type. I understand this is a generality and does not reflect the views of many Christians.
The post quoted above is the classic fallacy of social Conservatism. I'm going to use Christians as the example only because they are the most identifiable by far. What they don't understand - deliberately or not - is this:
Atheists and gays are
not lobbying to change Christians' lives.
They are only lobbying for their own freedoms. Christians, on the other hand, are lobbying
against the gays and atheists.
Right-wing conservatives are lobbying to stamp out the freedoms of other groups.
That's such a clear and fundamental difference. You
MUST be able to understand it. You must.
Gays want the freedom to be gay. They want Christians to have the freedom to be Christian, too. But Christians, who presume that their own freedom is sacrosanct and unquestionable, are looking to prevent
everybody else from having those freedoms, if they disapprove of them on moral grounds. And by "moral grounds", I mean "consenting adult" morality. No one rational thinks murder, violence, or theft is moral and no one rational would condone that kind of anarchy.
I mean that Christians of this type want to prevent
me from doing something
they disapprove of. That's immoral, in my book. I'm not asking Pako to give up his beliefs or Gil to deny the things his pappy taught him throughout his life.
I'm not trying to change their lives at all.
I'm just trying to get the Right Wing Conservatives
to stop changing my life. I can't put it any clearer. If that's not an understandable difference, I'm forced to say it's because you don't want to understand.
Those who want to live a strict, pious life, are welcome to do so without interference from me or the law! But if my life doesn't fit their mold of "morality", that's just too bad. I'm not making them to join in - but I won't tolerate them trying to interfere, either. I'm
already leaving them alone - now it's
their turn to keep their blue noses out of my business.