danoff asked
Tell me why gays should not be allowed to marry without using religious reasons.
How about a physical reason? What is your bodies main purpose for being? Not your mind, heart or brain, but what is your bodies purpose in life? Procreation. Pure and simple. Your body is designed to further the human race. Would this be a reason why gays should not be allowed to marry? I don't think it should. I can't state any other reason than this.
Honkakid asked
To the number twos out there: I have no incentive to lie to you. I have no reason to deceive you or mislead you. I hope that you'll believe me when I honestly tell you that being gay is not something that I chose. Why would I choose to become a part of the most hated part of society in modern times? Why would I choose to make my mother cry, to make my own life harder, to subject myself to the constant scruitiny of others, and to deprive myself of such elemental indications of being as marriage and a sense of normalcy?
You made that choice because you felt that you were gay. Your body can't tell you it's gay, because it is programmed on a basic level to procreate. This you can't deny. Your body is not homosexual. You accepted all those drawbacks as part of the choice. Stand naked in front of a mirror and tell us that nature did not intend for you to procreate. You can't. Your body was designed to produce offspring.
If you use the argument that you were born different and nature did not intend for you to procreate for whatever reason, I'll respond with, "Yes, I can accept that." After all nature has made mistakes before. What happens to those mistakes? Extinction. Can you procreate? No, therefore face extinction. No opinion there.
If you can't procreate, you face extinction. That is a fact.
Let's get into my opinion. I'm Christian, I believe in God, Jesus, the Resurrection, and the bible. I have struggled with reading and understanding the bible ever since I first opened it. There have always been parts I've read, reread, and pondered for many nights, weeks, months and even years. I'm certain that I can go to any priest, minister, rabbi
for their answer, but I'm looking for my answer. What is my interpretation and what are my thoughts on it.
"One man shall not lay with another man, like a woman"
That's pretty straight forward. In the eyes of God homosexuality is wrong. Hard to argue that point. But then I look at my wife's boss. He's openly gay and in the same relationship since he graduated from college. 18 years. I've known people that have been remarried 3 times and are working on their fifth marriage in that time. These are the very same people that have had 4 kids with three different fathers. I find that a tough pill to swallow in the bibles teachings.
My stance on gay Marriages.
Not wrong. It should be allowed. For two people to join in a committed relationship in the eyes of the state, be it for tax, health, emotional, or other reason, should be respected weather they be man and woman, woman and woman, and yes, even man and man. Under this reasoning, this should also allow a grandmother and grandson to join, as it grants these people the same rights as a married couple.
A further explanation is necessary. Grandmother can't make ends meet on her own. Grandson can't make ends meet on their own. They rent the same house, work towards mutually beneficial goals and towards their future. Why should they not be able to take advantage of the same rights that a man and woman who are legally joined in marriage and in the same position? Because of intercourse? That is the dumbest reason to base laws on I've ever heard of. There is a big difference between having a kid and being a father.
From all the relationships that I've seen,
the one unifying factor is commitment to each other[/size=6].
So to play devils advocate, why couldn't cousins get a civil union, take advantage of the rights afforded to other committed couples, and see other people? Given this right, people will abuse it. My old roommate and I could have gotten a civil union and I could have met my wife, as well as he met his girlfriend. We could keep the union, and the tax/health bene's but hook-up with who ever we want. However that would be illegal, as you are defrauding the state of monies dedicated to couples working towards a common goal.
Because the fundamental rule of the union is commitment to each other.
Commitment to each other should rank higher than choice of sexual preference.
I likely could have gone on much longer, and probably will in the next few days.