hondakid said:
Hey, DA, thanks for telling me all about my feelings, my 'choices', what I felt, and why I 'decided'! It's so kind of you to assume all sorts of things about something and someone you know nothing about.
I'm not going to push this argument, because you're really deeply seated into category three. All I'm going to say is that there's no 'preference' aspect... you don't 'prefer' women over men, do you? Your body physically responds to female-centric sexual stimulation, and should not physically respond to male-centric sexual stimulation if you're truly heterosexual. In short, I never *chose* to be homosexual... heterosexuality is impossible for me for the simple fact that I CANNOT SHOVE MISTER HAPPY INTO A COOCHIE AND GET HIM TO UPLOAD MY DNA INTO A WOMAN. I don't know how else to explain it.
Thank you. In all seriousness, thank you. It's tough to see life from your point of view, and it's tough to see life from my point of view. I'm looking for "Why" you believe you didn't have a choice. You've stated the fact as your body does not respond to female centric stimulation. That helps me understand your view and what you believe. It gives new life for me to ponder and help define why I believe what I do.
Now I ask, did you look at yourself in a mirror? Probably not. My post got you too heated and you
had to respond as soon as you read it. Did you take 2 hours and
read my post. Think about the thoughts that I posted, or simply respond in the defensive manner you are so accustomed to?
My guess is that you are so used to defending your lifestyle, you've never looked at the fact that your body is built to procreate. Argue that fact. Tell me your body (Not your brain, mind, or emotion) is not designed to (as you so eloquently posted) UPLOAD YOUR DNA.
I'll make no argument that you think and believe that you are gay, always will be and always have been. That is an emotion from another human being that I don't have. I'll respect that most certainly, and allow you all the privileges it warrants. You are a person willing to face adversity for your choices, and that is rare to find in any person.
HK also said:
By the way, I'm sure it wasn't intended, but I'd like to thank you anyway for saying that I'm a genetic 'mistake' in your post. Many of my fibers of patience have been expended, but I've still retained enough restraint to resist describing you with a very pertinent adjective that I have in mind.
I apologize for that comment. I should not have been directed at you. You may not believe me when I say that it troubled me when I posted it. However...I'll stand by the fact, the line of thinking you've stated (Born Gay) makes my think Genetic Mistake. Before you blow your top, take a moment and ponder what I say. A male body is designed with the intention of physically interacting with a female body. Nature intended it. Can you fathom that? Can you understand and accept that? If not, I give up trying to give you insight into what I believe, and you have no need to read further.
If you can grasp the concept that nature intended for the male and female body to physically interact and nature intended that humans procreate, we'll take a baby step to the next line of thinking. You've stated that you have no ability to do this. "You can't stick Mr. Happy into Ms. Choocie and upload your DNA". Therefore nature is saying you are a defect.
Does that make you a bad person? Nope. Just a person that can't have children.
Am I trying to argue that you should "Go Straight"? No, only that you take a moment and see where I'm coming from. I believe that being gay is a choice. These reasons above are why I do.
Now, as a last point, if after reading all this, and you still can't see where I'm coming from, give up and PM me the "pertinent adjective" and why you wish to describe me as it. Give me something other than 3rd grade euphamisms to help me understand why you believe you were born gay.
Thank you,