I'm actually supposed to be in bed right now; tomorrow, I'm driving my Civic to Bay City and Austin to sightsee. Texas's history and culture intrigue me... I'm not sure why, but I feel a sincere connection to this state.
I'm from the Rio Grande Valley... nobody ever talks about the RGV being a part of Texas because it's unworthy. You say Texas isn't progressive? The RGV is the epitome of an archaic region with blindly conservative viewpoints rooted in hate that can be traced back to generations past. Believe me, I understand where you're coming from.
It doesn't matter how many gay people are on GTP... it only matters how many open minded people there are here. Threads like this are indicative of a populace's receptiveness to tolerance; in short, I know who my friends at GTP are. Pako has always been an object of my admiration from afar because of his band and knack for making avatars, but the posts that I've seen from him in this thread have been nothing less than shocking. At the GTF (my home forum, I guess you could say), all of our moderators are very open minded and promote tolerance at every opportunity. That's not what I've seen here, and it's disappointing.
I'd just like to point out that there's a difference between being Christian and being judgemental and audacious.
There are three types of people that participate in the "Is it a choice" debate:
1. The people that know that it's not a choice.
2. The people that honestly question whether it's a choice or not, and are receptive to what others have to say about it.
3. The people that are dead stuck in believing that homosexuality is a conscious choice, and that cannot be swayed.
To the number twos out there: I have no incentive to lie to you. I have no reason to deceive you or mislead you. I hope that you'll believe me when I honestly tell you that being gay is not something that I chose. Why would I choose to become a part of the most hated part of society in modern times? Why would I choose to make my mother cry, to make my own life harder, to subject myself to the constant scruitiny of others, and to deprive myself of such elemental indications of being as marriage and a sense of normalcy?
For what it's worth, I am a practicing Catholic, and I study Buddhist theology. I know that God loves me... there are hateful flyers at church sometimes. What can I do? I just ignore them and reassure myself that I'm loved. God doesn't care about something as petty as someone's sexual preference... as long as I enjoy every day with a fervent passion, I know that I'm in good standing.