General Discussion

  • Thread starter daan
You'd be a points gainer, but not a race winner.

So you finally got here...
Welcome to the party. :sly:

The sad fact is that in order for the game to award points the race has to be "won" and while no-one that's hit the "Maximum Points Gainer" target of 111,813 has ever claimed to have done anything but aim for the max points total. The lack of rules applied in this small sub-forum is in no way reflective of the rules of most racing, and indeed other areas and fora within this site.

Perhaps you can let this go now.

With regards to your request to start the thread for you, frankly no, I'm busy enough with staff duties here, real-life work and real-life in general.
Not to mention administering the Stock Car thread, trying to keep the SFGTP results up to date (admittedly not very well :guilty:) so I don't want to start yet another thread with a responsibility to keep a list updated.
You have my blessing to go ahead an start it within the main GT4 forum, and should it garner enough interest I can petition the staff to have it moved into this sub-forum, but you have to start it, and importantly you have to keep it maintained. 👍
To be honest, you seem to have some fairly well defined and thought out rules, but only you know what exactly they are, thus you're the only person who can set them and you'll have to set a "proof criteria" for suspicious entries, such as we've encountered in the Stock Car thread.
That's the gist of it, yes - although with the note that it's not the posting of events as such I'd object to, but designating cheated-the-game events in such public posts as "wins" or "achievements".
After all, if that's the case, I'd have about 3463 race events to post about, all neatly Notepadded, crashed, wallridden, corner-cut and AI-punted to 1st place. Oh, if that had any value, I'd be the King... albeit in the land of the blind, naturally. :dunce:

You still don't get it. Why don't you stop and ask yourself a question.

If it was as easy and as simple as that, why is there a whole forum with thousands of posts dedicated to it and why in 4 years have only 25 reached 100,000 and 15 the maximum?

While I could answer it for you, it would be better if you answered it from your own "first hand experience" after having undertaken some of the more difficult aspects of the challenge, which have been pointed out to you.

Well, of course it's rather contradictory to call a game cheat a "skill", isn't it? The skill would be in being fast enough to keep up with the AI, not to then wallride past them to get into first place.
Note again, though, that if it's just not possible to get to 1st in some races, that's just GT4's programmer's faults (and beside this, game- and AI-wise they've made many). :ouch::

You persist in making these statements, without a clue of what is actually required. The fault is yours for remaining confined to your sim or soap box, not the programmers.

(As for not trying all hard races, as I stated several times I tried GT4 as a fun diversion from GPL, not as a goal in itself. I never set out to drive *all* races in GT4 myself (..and if some are just not winnable by humanoids, not quite without good reason, I guess). To me, 200 points stock is the max you can do in GT4, and I've already done that multiple times. I pick the races I want to race, that's all - but then I do try to win them cleanly, and if possible using realistic (N2/street car) tyres.
Still, some people seem to want to push me into trying some kind of "challenge" instead of discussing this any further. To them I'd reply in similar manner and say "Sure, if you get the BRM negative in GPL first." - maybe interesting to try a simulator for a change.)

There is no reason for discussing anything further until you are initiated into the realities of what is actually required in this endeavor.

If you are "not willing" to undergo such initiation, so that when you post, it is from an educated relevant perspective, then you have absolutely no legitimate perspective to post from. Which so far has certainly been the case

(You have a point there.
Still, after thinking about it for a bit: even in racing *games* instead of sims the general basic point still is to follow a set course and try to pass your opponents there, not drive around in the countryside somewhere (after all, if not, what's the point of having a track to race on in the first place? There are no point-to-point races in GT). And if wallriding was the point, wouldn't GT4 actually be an SF game like Wipeout or Rollcage, specifically designed to support it?

(Surely it's not, it even tries to depict realism, but there, of course, is the catch. You *can* cheat it... but you could basically do that in any game or sim. As said, if that would be the point, why not just Notepad ourself to 1st place? It's much easier, and says just as much.

(Good point as well.
It is a game, even if it has some sim leanings in GT4. You could argue that some rules don't apply here... but then race wins would have no relation to driving skills in the traditional sense, since gaining max points would be the point, rather than outracing your opponents (as it is commonly understood). That could be done... but then in terms of 'driving' skill, announcing 'dirty' race wins would be automatically meaningless. You'd be a points gainer, but not a race winner.

Again your comments are based purely in uneducated assumption. You mistakenly think therefore that it is easy and simple.
Take up the challenge that has been recommended and truly discover for yourself, what it takes to win some of these races! BTW winning is the only way you get the points. They're not awarded on how you won.

While it will require creative aspects outside the dimension of your sim box mentality, Trust me when I say "you will not be crashing, bashing or cheating your way to any easy victories", and yes you will need all the "driving skill" you can muster and then some. Go ahead and show me how easy it is to, not "notepad" but "actually win", the races from the list I recommended.

But then, like you said, GT4 *is* also a "game" in a general sense. And in games in general, what's the point of accepting results if they're the result of game cheats? At the very least, that's not the general consensus in gaming.

Wake up and get in the game pal.
This is not the "general consensus" thread.
The challenge here has nothing to do with your concept of cheating.
Nevertheless do not continue in the mistake of ignorantly assuming it is easily achievable, and considerable driving skill is not required.

BTW if you read my last post, I mentioned those who have, or are currently undertaking A spec point accumulation incorporating similar restrictions as you propose. Although the maximum achievable A spec points cannot be gained under that restriction, that does not equate to it being a meaningless or unworthwhile pursuit. To the contrary it is a unique and special approach worthy of respect, as IMO all accomplishments herein are due. Likewise I believe that approach should possibly have its own designation.
RaidoGT, thank you for your well thought-out post. I think this sort of more civilized discussion is worthwhile.

SCJ, I really don't believe there is much value to insisting that RaidoGT race the difficult maximum-point events for himself. If he objects to driving that way, what's the problem? He isn't complaining that these events are easy to win with our cheating, but rather that there is no value in driving with dirty tactics. His perspective is legitimate and does not hinge on attempting such races himself. He has his point, and we have ours. I don't see why we all have to continue to repeat ourselves (although I'm guilty of that, too :dunce:).

By the way, I would definitely be interested in a thread for clean race wins with N2 tires. I fear, however, that with the impending release of GT5, there would be little interest.
I'm sorry, but I'm completely shocked and dismayed at the apparent serious entertainment of this "cheating" fantasy in the 200pt. Aspec thread.

Some races if your car is not too disadvantaged are certainly winnable in a clean or normal race fashion. However many are not.

All this talk of rules, leagues, etc. is absolutely irrelevant to the issue at hand. How many of you entering a race in any arena, being told you will run 25-50% less hp; 20% more wieght; and 3 tire grades worse than the competition; Oh but we will give you a little bottle of Nos to even things up; and BTW you start 6th behind everyone else;
would even consider doing such a thing under the guise of "fair" or "normal".
Of such is many of the races for 200 or max. pts. and is part of the obvious extra dimensional challenge that goes with it.
Now you tell me who the the hell is getting cheated?
If I ever personally spectated at an event where that was the case I'd cheer that driver on if he took every shortcut and wrecked every sob on the track.
In reality you probably would too!

This whole "cheating" argument in this thread is the most ridiculous, unfounded, baseless, foolish, knuckleheaded BS I've ever heard. I can't believe its not laughed off the thread by everyone in here, much less given any consideration.

The only person who would claim otherwise would have to be totally ignorant of the above listed facts. That is why I emphasised the need to educate oneselve to the realities of some these races, before making such foolish and outlandish statements to the contrary.

If one wishes to pursue their point accumulation under whatever restrictions they deem necessary, then please do so. You have my complete respect and admiration. But please do not insult mine as well as others intelligence and accomplishments here, under the false pretense of it being "cheating" to do so. I do not appreciate it and seriously doubt if others do. I've completed all the races for max pts., the good, the bad, and the ugly. In a severly disadvantaged car it is anything but "cheating" to manage a win.

Now that I've had a much needed rant on this subject, I will retire.
I apologize, SCJ. I didn't intend for my post to be inflammatory :guilty:, and now that I look again, the tone of my last post wasn't that positive.

I didn't intend to imply that using dirty driving tactics in the hardest 200-point races was cheating. The point I was attempting, poorly, to make was that trying out such races isn't vital for a person who objects to using such unrealistic means to win any race. Ultimately, IMO, it is our choice to pursue the goal of 111813, meaning that we aren't precisely being told to make our cars vastly inferior to those of anyone else. I believe that the latter point was one of the key points of RaidoGT, and it is valid from the point of view that racing simulators are meant to be driven realistically.
Radio GT
You have made a valid point.
I can understand your feelings.

A Spec was added in GT4 for those wanting a harder challange.
I believe a few members here describing some race wins in GT3 using very sub standard drives was the motivating factor for PD to implement into GT4.
The MX5 enduro comes to mind and the reason it is so hard in GT4.

How one draws the line to this challange is totally up to the individual.

Yes I have cheated in a motor race on a computer game to boost my score.
I have blocked, taken short cuts and let the B spec driver wear out my cars.
Do I feel bad? No.
Have I lied ? No.
Here it is all out in the open.
Your constant posts fail on this one point.

We are posting in a dedicated thread / sub forum and as such are not breaking any rules.

The problem in finding out a totally clean max a spec score is the basic fact that the long races can not be recorded in full and then checked.
I reckon about 103,000 to 1005,000. It also depends if the RAM is considered as clean.

Some of these race events should not be possible to win because the car has to be made really bad.

I will take my Mazda MX5 enduro example to show the game play is being exploited.

Start on N1 tires do one lap, change to N3 tires and still get the max offered at the start after doing 193 more laps ? Totally exploiting the game.
The blocking and short cuts are exactly the same. Exploiting the game play.

And I dont think I will ever get to max as the Hyundai are just not fun to drive on handling tracks in the set up required to get max.

Play for fun, come here to learn and teach, and maybe start a new thread in the general forum about clean max a spec points with rules etc and then we can read in wonderment at your great skill and all respect you for what you are.
I apologize, SCJ. I didn't intend for my post to be inflammatory :guilty:, and now that I look again, the tone of my last post wasn't that positive.

I didn't intend to imply that using dirty driving tactics in the hardest 200-point races was cheating. The point I was attempting, poorly, to make was that trying out such races isn't vital for a person who objects to using such unrealistic means to win any race. Ultimately, IMO, it is our choice to pursue the goal of 111813, meaning that we aren't precisely being told to make our cars vastly inferior to those of anyone else. I believe that the latter point was one of the key points of RaidoGT, and it is valid from the point of view that racing simulators are meant to be driven realistically.

You need not apologize or blame yourself for inflaming the conversation, at least not on my account. I think its pretty obvious, the flame was present before your post. One need only to review many of the threads at gtplanet to confirm, that at times, it is just a reality of the forum discourse. Although as pointed out below, heretofore it has been a rare if not non-exsistant part of this thread.

As UH so accurately and pertinently points out and I quote:

"We are posting in a dedicated thread / sub forum and as such are not breaking any rules."

Dedicated to what?
The pursuance of 200pt. A-spec races and over the course of the pursuit, in the original 200 pt. thread, it was discovered some races maxed out below 200 and hence the term "Max. pt." surfaced to refer to this endeavor. That is the original object and purpose. Accordingly it still is. "Obtaining the points" not "how they are obtained" and in particular, the maximum pts. attainable in each race and in total.

It is a foregone conclusion to anyone who has seriously and dedicatedly undertaken the pursuance, that it will take you dimensionally beyond the bounds of "Racing sim mentality". While GT4 is a "Racing Sim", IMO to KY's credit, with the inclusion of the A-spec point feature, he wisely made it more than that. It will also become readily apparent under such pursuance that "Driving skills" above and beyond the Sim requirement, have to be developed and employed to be successful. Herein lies the great divide as I interpret RGT's comments, implicative to the contrary. While they are irrelevant in this thread, as has been pointed out repeatedly, it is still my contention, that perhaps he may gain a new found respect and appreciation for the purposed endeavor here, having personally pursued it as prescribed. At least a certain few races anyway.

While this may require him to temporarily put aside his tender sensibilities as to the rules of racing, I believe the revelatory reality of what would be gained will by far out-wiegh the sacrifice. That contention is not a complete dismissal of all his ideas, but rather a hopeful expansion of them relevant to this thread.

I guess I find it impossible to believe, that amoung us drawn to this competitive racing enviroment is someone apparently incapable of credibly recognizing and acknowledging a difficult challenge, regaurdless of the exact nature of approach needed for that challenge.

Maybe Dotini was right. What we have here is a blind, incorrigible Zealot, hell bent for enforcing (his) "The only Rules and Ruler of Racing in GT4".

Frankly, I think my biggest beef with his attitude, is the reckless contempt and disregaurd shown for the co-operative and encouraging spirit of camaraderie that has always pervaded and been a hallmark of this thread.

The following is a reprinted comment I made in the 100,000pt club thread:

"Pursuing Aspec points forces you to engage every aspect of racing skill, from "lineups and setups" to "braking and cornering", whether its "stock car", "no nos", or "all out".
What the challenge, of the Aspec point dimension of the game adds, is almost immeasurable. "

BTW I'm curious as to what races you need to pick up your remaining 200 pts. ?
You still don't get it. Why don't you stop and ask yourself a question.
If it was as easy and as simple as that,

SCJ, please cool down a bit and try seeing some reason behind my apparent madness. I never did say it was "easy" to win difficult races even when cheating the game. That's not the point. (Although in such cases, you are of course by nature making it easier on yourself). In fact, I did mention that in some cases even keeping up with the lead car may be very difficult.

Secondly, I did stop and ask myself some questions on the business of what is generally called cheating - or at least dirty driving using deliberate corner-cuts or wallrides, which always renders any driving results null and void.
I asked myself what other people on this here forum might think. And came up with an interesting thread:

To avoid too long a post, I'll just quote the relevant first bit.
"Unfortunately, though, with thousands of dollars worth of prizes up for grabs, it has attracted the attention of cheaters with no regards for fair play or clean driving. The first week of competition ended on Tuesday, and GTPlanet’s own challengers are up in arms over the drivers who took the top positions by “wall riding” around the High Speed Ring circuit. “Wall riding” consists of nothing more than exploiting the game’s physics engine to carry unrealistic speed through a corner without losing momentum. The only skill involved is simply avoiding activation of the penalty system – a far cry from watching your braking points, turn in angles, and throttle modulation.

Rewarding blatant cheating sets a dangerous precedent for Sony with official Gran Turismo 5 challenges that are sure to follow in the months and years ahead. We do everything we can to promote clean racing here at GTPlanet,..." (GT5P forum)

So. In the light of this - and many forum members who agreed to it - it seems that things at least aren't as clear-cut as it might seem to you. Yes, I know you will counterargue that it doesn't apply here, but unfortunately it does, at least for any sim *or* game which purports to depict realism.
I'll also remind you that on most simracing forums, corner-cutting and wallriding is *not* seen as a legitimate way to either win races or gain more points.

That said, again, I do see Smallhorses' different point of view that gaining points rather than clean driving would be the main goal for some people... and I agree that they're welcome to do so in any way they want to; as long as they're in full realisation that what they're doing in some cases has nothing to do with 1) driving skills and 2) racing, or getting valid results as such. Let alone any semblance of realism.
You can do it, but I wouldn't make public posts about it - at least not with regard to the driving.

Still, I maintain it's only because the game is flawed because it doesn't offer you the opportunity to do it all cleanly. (After all, most people state that they *do* try to gain race points as cleanly as possible, so it must mean something to them.) The game not allowing this in all races is unfortunate, but like I said, it does make the 111.813 maximum basically a theoretical maximum, rather than a measure of driving skills.

Take up the challenge that has been recommended and truly discover for yourself, what it takes to win some of these races! BTW winning is the only way you get the points. They're not awarded on how you won.

Ah.. The old excuse.
If that's the case, why would I not take your challenge, race two or three events cleanly and subsequently Notepad myself to victory and max points in all races? Or use a cheat cartridge? After all, the winning is all that matters, not how I won it, like you said. :dunce: Truly, if you factor the "how" out, the possibilities are endless.
Like I said, if it's a challenge you crave so badly, do get the BRM negative first (it's the worst car in GPL) and then get back to me. Have fun on Mosport, Zandvoort and the Ring.

To the contrary it is a unique and special approach worthy of respect,

Ah darn... Sorry, you lost me on the last bit. True, respect is of course due to all the races won without corner-cuts or wallrides. However, calling deliberately cheating the game 'worthy of respect' is just too bizarre (for any kind of gaming, I guess).
Does not compute, sorry.

If I ever personally spectated at an event where that was the case I'd cheer that driver on if he took every shortcut and wrecked every sob on the track.

Oh dear oh dear, you'd be a popular one with the track marshalls. (That said, I've wished the braindead AI a terrible death many a time, but I always kept in mind the reality of the situation and blamed the programmers and testers of GT4, who are at fault for releasing a buggy product - which, no matter how you look at it, AI-wise it definitely is.)

This whole "cheating" argument in this thread is the most ridiculous, unfounded, baseless, foolish, knuckleheaded BS I've ever heard. I can't believe its not laughed off the thread by everyone in here,

Oh yes, I quite understand. Also, I agree I'm quite the zealot, alone in my fanatical quest to promote clean racing as the standard to measure things by. Woe is me for even noticing and suggesting it! After all, to quote the same GTPlanet thread:

"We do everything we can to promote clean racing here at GTPlanet, and our members have already started calling Sony and Logitech to make them aware of the cheaters who are spoiling what should be a fun and rewarding competition for honest Gran Turismo fans." (..)

Note this is right out of the GTplanet community itself - not mine; so it's no use arguing that it's only my utterly zealotic train of thought. (Nevertheless, peace be to those that just won a race without resorting to dirty tactics, or are gearing up with the most righteous intention to do so. Amen.)

Regards, R
(..) what's the problem? He isn't complaining that these events are easy to win with our cheating, but rather that there is no value in driving with dirty tactics. His perspective is legitimate and does not hinge on attempting such races himself. He has his point, and we have ours. I don't see why we all have to continue to repeat ourselves (although I'm guilty of that, too :dunce:).

By the way, I would definitely be interested in a thread for clean race wins with N2 tires. I fear, however, that with the impending release of GT5, there would be little interest.

Austin343 got my point here, even if we don't agree on the basic issue at hand.

I understand some people *would* be interested in having a clean-race stock+ competition. (Note my attempt to steer the debate in a more positive direction here, at least in my own small way..) From Smallhorses' reply I gather he thinks it's a basically valid idea, but wouldn't be able to start a separate thread on it himself. He's also unclear about what it should entail.

I don't think I should be the one to organise it, since it would probably be seen as an ego thing instead of a valid competition. But I do think I can put forward for what I'd have in mind and then hear other people's input on its concept and/or validity. Probably, the basic premise could be carried over to GT5 as well.

Suggested Concept: Stock+ competition / thread.

Basically, it would resemble the Stock 200pt thread, but only cleanly-driven results (old or new) would be allowed and the aim should be to get those in a way that would resemble real life results as much as possible, using more realistic means than the default driving aids + high-grip S2's that GT4 equips stock cars with. To wit:

- No driving aids, no downforce for non-racing cars
- N2 tyres for street cars (up to 400 BHP)
- Car should be stock apart from an oil change and wash-up
- Clean driving only of course, to reflect actual driving skills

- If races are not winnable cleanly in total stock form, NOS is allowed, but of course you get less A-spec points using it. Also, as a suggestion catching on to Smallhorses "My NOS dilemma" thread: - you may use NOS to get behind the lead car, but you may not use it to pass and get in the lead. In other words, you can't use it to actually *win* the race.

(For the moment, I'd recommend to restrict it to stock street cars, since adding traction control and downforce for racing cars would rather detract from keeping things stock, and you can't "unstock" downforce, qually tyres or TC on a racing car.)

Of course, getting as many A-Spec points as possible would up your score; but since it may be impossible to win some stock races cleanly even with NOS, 200-points scores need not be the goal. Just as many as possible, with 200 of course being the non plus ultra.

Now, apart from it being from *me*, the designated zealot, suggesting the idea: what do people think? Comments? Suggestions? Amendments?

Regards, R

PS. Oh, and if you think you'd at least be *interested* in taking part in such a competition: feel free to say "Aye", which would give us a chance to gauge if there'd be enough people who may think it could be fun to try.
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- If races are not winnable cleanly in total stock form, NOS is allowed, but of course you get less A-spec points using it.

Is that one the rules of your idea for this thread? AFAIK you don't get any less A-Spec points for using NOS in the game.
I asked myself what other people on this here forum might think. And came up with an interesting thread:

To avoid too long a post, I'll just quote the relevant first bit.

1a) This is not GT5. This is GT4
1b) These rules were made for "on-line" races competing againt other real life drivers.
2) Maximum A-spec point hunting is NOT a competition. This is a section of gtplanet, where members can discuss how to gain the maximum possible A-spec point total, that can be achieved. How they gain this total is irrelevant. Even thou you need to bash the AI and climb the walls, it is a part of the game that many members wish to participate in.
3) Jordon obviously did not have a problem with how the A-spec point hunt was carried out, otherwise the 200 pt A-spec races sub-forum would not have been created.
4) I will now choose to not read any of your post, just so I do not reply with something that may be misconstrued, taken out of context, or even something I should not be saying.

edit: because I did not want to double post, like some of our new members are doing.
Suggested Concept: Stock+ competition / thread.

Basically, it would resemble the Stock 200pt thread, but only cleanly-driven results (old or new) would be allowed and the aim should be to get those in a way that would resemble real life results as much as possible, using more realistic means than the default driving aids + high-grip S2's that GT4 equips stock cars with. To wit:

Have the rules for the stock car thread changed, because I was under the impression that.
[size=+2]Rules[/size]: No tuning (stock car -> i.e. you can't buy any new parts, but you can change all settings possible except ballast). Oil change allowed. No wallriding or shortcuts including riding AI cars in corners. 2 tires on the track at all times. S2 or S1 tires for any car, R3->S1 tires for race cars.
Rally cars come with R1-tires stock, R1->S1 allowed.
Special races can be ridden with dirt or snow tires.
The Laguna seca enduro can be ridden with RSH tires (R1) as all AI road cars uses it (this is an exeption to the rule due to a probable slip from Polyphony Digital).

Would the Stock thread already be encouraging Clean Racing? I think so.

have a nice life
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@ RaidoGT: I'm not sure why you're persisting with this ignorance of this being a SUBFORUM of :gtplanet: with it's own rules?
This is well worth arguing (not necessarily that you have a Zealotic tendency) but that you have a somewhat blinkered view of the fact that somehow all rules ever apply in all places ever. This is quite simply untrue.

Just because you've found a set of rules written by the site owner, which were very specific to a very specific competition run in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT game and a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AREA OF THESE FORUMS, doesn't mean they apply here.

Try this for me:

Take the current FIA F1 rules to the WRC and tell them they're cheating because they're cutting corners and not staying between the white lines.

Take the NHRA rules to a demolition derby and tell them they're all cheating because they're not running 1/4 miles in a straight line.

Turn up at a swimming gala with the rules for a breaststroke race and tell all the contestants in a Freestyle race they're cheating for using front crawl.

Turn up at Crufts with the rules for judging Labrador Retrievers in the Poodle section and tell them that having manicured curly hair is cheating.

Please, please do.
Then come back and let us know whether you receive a warm, fuzzy reception at any of those venues either?

Within this subforum, as Der Alta has pointed you in the direction of in another thread, you'll abide by the rules here, regardless of whether you agree to what they entail or not (and you should note, you were asked to discontinue this train of posting, not just be me, but by one of our Administrators.)

As far as your own thread goes, put your ego aside, and ask yourself this:

Do I want a thread where I can race by, and impose my own rules?

If the answer to this is yes, then you and you alone can fix those rules, and thus you do need to be responsible for the thread and that which it contains. To police the entries for possible rule breaches, and establishing a criteria by which dubious entries may be tested. There are drivers of varying skill levels here, and certainly what is questionable for one driver may be achievable for another without cheating.

If you're too lazy to do that, then so be it, but you can't expect someone else to organise it for you.

Yes, I, and doubtless others would be interested in showing you that we possess the racing skills that you hold so dear, but please, I'll ask you again to take it outside of this subforum where it appears you are unable to grasp the concept that "anything goes" is acceptable in here, here being the 200 A-spec Subforum (excepting the Stock Car thread which has clearly posted rules of it's own) and you need to lay down clear rules for what's acceptable. To me, NOS is a no-no. Does it mean I'd thus consider every driver that uses it a cheat? Definitely 100% no.

There is a huge, and I do mean huge, difference between a set of rules laid down for a competition whereby human vs. human racer is the issue (and ironically despite :gtplanet:'s push for stricter enforcement of the rules you've highlighted for that contest, ultimately in some cases such as the Logitech competition, the organiser (Logitech) actually fell back upon the "we're unable to police this if people exploit game flaws that Sony/PD have left in the game" excuse, and our clean drivers did not prosper.
You cannot, however, apply those rules in retrospect to GT4 within a forum where people have posted for 4 years because they happen to conflict with the way your game appears on our own memory card.
Now, apart from it being from *me*, the designated zealot, suggesting the idea: what do people think? Comments? Suggestions? Amendments?

What I think is that you really really need to give up on your holy crusade with this topic. This particular corner of GTP has been operating under a well-honed set of guidelines for more than 4 years. Really, while your fundamental point may have once had some validity, you have long since destroyed it with the overbearing rhetoric and perpetual contrarian attitude.

You've been asked by both moderators and administrators to kindly drop the subject. Please do so, now.

If you think your race series idea has merit, post it up in the Online Racing forum and see who comes out to play. Otherwise, please leave it alone and stop prolonging what essentially boils down to a "you say tomato, I say tomahto" argument.
SCJ, please cool down a bit and try seeing some reason behind my apparent madness. I never did say it was "easy" to win difficult races even when cheating the game. That's not the point. (Although in such cases, you are of course by nature making it easier on yourself). In fact, I did mention that in some cases even keeping up with the lead car may be very difficult.

You are contradicting yourself. It is impossible to make it "easy on yourself" due to the difficulty imposed by the dictates of the point system. Likewise you are not "cheating", rather in fact you are the one "being cheated'. This is the whole point. Apparently being trapped and held captive by your own inapplicable opinion, you completely fail to recognize it.

Other than the "stock car" thread and that is not entirely explicit with regaurd to AI interaction, your opinions only become madness, when you insist on mis-applying them outside of that to the Max. point category of races. I might also add that maybe you should confine yourself there until better aquainted with the gest of the other threads here.

Secondly, I did stop and ask myself some questions on the business of what is generally called cheating - or at least dirty driving using deliberate corner-cuts or wallrides, which always renders any driving results null and void.
I asked myself what other people on this here forum might think. And came up with an interesting thread:

To avoid too long a post, I'll just quote the relevant first bit.

So. In the light of this - and many forum members who agreed to it - it seems that things at least aren't as clear-cut as it might seem to you. Yes, I know you will counterargue that it doesn't apply here, but unfortunately it does, at least for any sim *or* game which purports to depict realism.
I'll also remind you that on most simracing forums, corner-cutting and wallriding is *not* seen as a legitimate way to either win races or gain more points.

Obviously, you asked yourself the wrong question.
As has been pointed out to you repeatedly in no uncertain terms:
"This is not general racing"! Neither is it "most" racing forums.

You are the only person in the 4 year history of this forum, apparently incapable of comprehending that. Maybe that will tell you something.

That said, again, I do see Smallhorses' different point of view that gaining points rather than clean driving would be the main goal for some people... and I agree that they're welcome to do so in any way they want to; as long as they're in full realisation that what they're doing in some cases has nothing to do with 1) driving skills and 2) racing, or getting valid results as such. Let alone any semblance of realism.
You can do it, but I wouldn't make public posts about it - at least not with regard to the driving.

I would certainly hope, I would have better sense than to come busting into a thread with the social tact of Attilla the Hun, espousing to the contrary it's very purpose, and posting such ignorant declarations, without first at least having educated myself to the facts of what is involved beforehand.
Again, you persist in a totally blind concept of the requirement. In doing so you mistakenly and ignorantly believe that "driving skill" and "valid results" preclude "Maximum points" . Herein lies your tremendous blunder. While the ladder is mutually exclusive to "Realism" it most assuredly is not to the first two.
That is the reason why I insist you undertake the races recommended, for in doing so, I believe it is the only way you can be enlightened to those facts.

Still, I maintain it's only because the game is flawed because it doesn't offer you the opportunity to do it all cleanly. (After all, most people state that they *do* try to gain race points as cleanly as possible, so it must mean something to them.) The game not allowing this in all races is unfortunate, but like I said, it does make the 111.813 maximum basically a theoretical maximum, rather than a measure of driving skills.

The flawed aspect you will have to take up with KY. Its his game. However I do not agree with your assessment.

While clean points mean something to most of us here, they are only relevant in relation to the competitive restriction imposed by the points system in any given race. In other words at times they are completely irrelevant. Again however that does not equate to driving skill being unnecessary to win.

While it would be hard to fathom, perhaps you have never heard the term: "All is fair in love and war"
What we are trying to point out to you is that in many instances the Max. point races are "war" or "Gladiator races" not "Gentlemen's races".
(In fact at times its more like Christian and Lion races)
Would it not take skill to prevail in either, albeit markedly different?
I for one, having been in the ring, would certainly not be fool enough to declare otherwise.
Since you apparently are, my suggestion to you is: Then go climb in the ring with the Gladiator and if you can prevail, come back and tell me how it did not require any skill.
Its that simple.

Ah.. The old excuse.
If that's the case, why would I not take your challenge, race two or three events cleanly and subsequently Notepad myself to victory and max points in all races? Or use a cheat cartridge? After all, the winning is all that matters, not how I won it, like you said. :dunce: Truly, if you factor the "how" out, the possibilities are endless.
Like I said, if it's a challenge you crave so badly, do get the BRM negative first (it's the worst car in GPL) and then get back to me. Have fun on Mosport, Zandvoort and the Ring.

The "excuse shoe" from this point on is clearly and un-mistakably on your foot my friend.
Hey it should be a breeze for some one like you. Go on and knock it out, so at least you can say: "I've done it" and then your assessment will carry some merit when you offer an opinion, as opposed to just the wind blowing.

Throw away your "Notepad" and "cheat cartridge". Take controller in hand and attempt to "actually win" not continue to babble and speculate, about something you havn't done. You will soon find the "how" will be your biggest problem and the "possibilities" rather than "endless" will be practically non-exsistant. Only by the depth of your skills will you prevail. (Occasionally maybe a little good fortune too)

It is my guess and I think the odds are pretty good, that if you ever come down out of your ivory tower and embrace the challenge as prescribed, it likely will be the last we ever hear of you.

Ah darn... Sorry, you lost me on the last bit. True, respect is of course due to all the races won without corner-cuts or wallrides. However, calling deliberately cheating the game 'worthy of respect' is just too bizarre (for any kind of gaming, I guess).
Does not compute, sorry.

Apparently so. I think you could be missing a chip. :sly:

Oh yes, I quite understand. Also, I agree I'm quite the zealot, alone in my fanatical quest to promote clean racing as the standard to measure things by. Woe is me for even noticing and suggesting it! After all, to quote the same GTPlanet thread:

Then go promote it where it is applicable.
Is that one the rules of your idea for this thread? AFAIK you don't get any less A-Spec points for using NOS in the game.

Huh? That can't be right... can it? Unless I'm much mistaken, adding NOS definitely detracted from the A-spec points you'd get.

Would the Stock thread already be encouraging Clean Racing? I think so.

True, but this is supposed to be a "Stock+" competition (otherwise it would be identical and that wouldn't make much sense). The Stock thread still allows you to have way-too-grippy S2 tyres on street cars, as well as driving aids on, which generally makes things just too easy to be realistic. (After all, on a real (stock) car, you wouldn't find those either.) That's why I proposed N2's and no aids, which people generally seem to think much more real-life-like.

Yes, I, and doubtless others would be interested in showing you that we possess the racing skills that you hold so dear,

@Smallhorses: I never said that I doubted those. But as you know, that wasn't my point. (Which I don't want to repeat ad nauseam either.)

Note BTW,
I don't want to get into the details all too much for lack of time, but I'm surprised some people seem to think I now want to turn this subforum into a thread with my own rules. Not so; that wasn't my intention.

While I disagree strongly that cheating a game in general doesn't apply here as well (after all, wallriding is wallriding), I was responding to Smallhorses' suggestion to start a new thread.

The suggestions I made *here* were simply to see if people would be interested in a new clean-racing competition, and to try and discuss what it'd have to look like rule-wise to get it started - in a new thread. It wasn't intended to change the rules *here* (lacking though they are in some respects).

In other words, don't get me wrong, I was trying to suggest what the contents of a new thread could look like competition-wise, and tried to gather other people's opinions on whether they could work or not. (This in order to establish if there'd be any interest at all; after all, if not, it wouldn't exactly make sense to start a new thread). That's all.
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Huh? That can't be right... can it? Unless I'm much mistaken, adding NOS definitely detracted from the A-spec points you'd get.

Nope, NOS is probably classified as a non power upgrade in the sense that it does not add BHP to the car therefore does not lessen A-Spec points. I think you need to learn some more of the basic rules of the game itself before you go any further really.
You need not apologize or blame yourself for inflaming the conversation, at least not on my account. I think its pretty obvious, the flame was present before your post. One need only to review many of the threads at gtplanet to confirm, that at times, it is just a reality of the forum discourse. Although as pointed out below, heretofore it has been a rare if not non-exsistant part of this thread.

As UH so accurately and pertinently points out and I quote:

"We are posting in a dedicated thread / sub forum and as such are not breaking any rules."

Dedicated to what?
The pursuance of 200pt. A-spec races and over the course of the pursuit, in the original 200 pt. thread, it was discovered some races maxed out below 200 and hence the term "Max. pt." surfaced to refer to this endeavor. That is the original object and purpose. Accordingly it still is. "Obtaining the points" not "how they are obtained" and in particular, the maximum pts. attainable in each race and in total.

It is a foregone conclusion to anyone who has seriously and dedicatedly undertaken the pursuance, that it will take you dimensionally beyond the bounds of "Racing sim mentality". While GT4 is a "Racing Sim", IMO to KY's credit, with the inclusion of the A-spec point feature, he wisely made it more than that. It will also become readily apparent under such pursuance that "Driving skills" above and beyond the Sim requirement, have to be developed and employed to be successful. Herein lies the great divide as I interpret RGT's comments, implicative to the contrary. While they are irrelevant in this thread, as has been pointed out repeatedly, it is still my contention, that perhaps he may gain a new found respect and appreciation for the purposed endeavor here, having personally pursued it as prescribed. At least a certain few races anyway.

While this may require him to temporarily put aside his tender sensibilities as to the rules of racing, I believe the revelatory reality of what would be gained will by far out-wiegh the sacrifice. That contention is not a complete dismissal of all his ideas, but rather a hopeful expansion of them relevant to this thread.

I guess I find it impossible to believe, that amoung us drawn to this competitive racing enviroment is someone apparently incapable of credibly recognizing and acknowledging a difficult challenge, regaurdless of the exact nature of approach needed for that challenge.

Maybe Dotini was right. What we have here is a blind, incorrigible Zealot, hell bent for enforcing (his) "The only Rules and Ruler of Racing in GT4".

Frankly, I think my biggest beef with his attitude, is the reckless contempt and disregaurd shown for the co-operative and encouraging spirit of camaraderie that has always pervaded and been a hallmark of this thread.

The following is a reprinted comment I made in the 100,000pt club thread:

"Pursuing Aspec points forces you to engage every aspect of racing skill, from "lineups and setups" to "braking and cornering", whether its "stock car", "no nos", or "all out".
What the challenge, of the Aspec point dimension of the game adds, is almost immeasurable. ".....

SuperCobraJet -
I wholeheartedly agree with your well written comments.

It seems to me that most GT drivers would rejoice that there is an area of the game where the most skilled drivers can really push the limits of what is possible in the game. I believe that's what those on the max quest are doing. It would also seem to me that if anyone was looking to see highly evolved driving skills, then this sub-forum would be the place to look (myself excepted).

If one goes back and reads the earliest posts from Route_66, Oceantech, Moloch_horridus, Vipersan, Hispeed, Jdw and others when they first started this 200 point quest (see old thread dated April 14, 2005), you can see that the quest is all about the search for 200 point wins and it has little to do with perfectly clean racing. These pioneers were pushing into the unknown and should be applauded for their efforts. You can hear the excitement in their voices/posts when they find new races and gain the 200 points!. IMHO all of this would have been lost if restictive racing rules had been followed.

Rules are important and should be followed where they add to the enjoyment of competing. But should not be used everywhere, or made so restrictive that all fun and enjoyment is lost.

Afterall, we are playing a racing game, and enjoying its addictive qualities should be the ultimate goal.

If there are races that you have to ride walls and the like to achieve 200pts,
then what's the point?
We shouldn't count those races, because that's a flaw in in the game in my opinion. A-Spec points are supposed to represent some sort of driving achievement. Tell me, what are you achieving if you have to cheat to do it? It's a very hard to get 200pts in every race (i haven't done it), but if this is supposed to be "The Real Driving Simulator" then we (GTP) should treat it as such, despite flaws in its programming.
/ snip/ We I shouldn't count those races / snip /

With al due respect dd666 in this neck of the woods the participants obtain 200 points anyway they can (incl myself) with the exception of 1 thread in this subforum that has a different set of rules.
I very much doubt you've taken the effort to read the recent discussions initiated by RaidoGT let alone read any of the #2 posts in the threads. [post=2458945]link[/post]

/ snip / It's a very hard to get 200pts in every race (i haven't done it)

I think your reply in this thread is based on 1 maybe 2 posts at most. You actually confirm this in the second part of your post that you haven't achieved a 200 point race (yet). Why not try it first and immerse yourself in this subforum and then offer an informed opinion..... Really I don't want a repeat of that whole episode. Thank you. 👍

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but if this is supposed to be "The Real Driving Simulator" then we (GTP) should treat it as such, despite flaws in its programming.

However, this is not a Simulator, it's a game. 'The Real Driving Simulator' is a fancy tag added by PD to make is sound good IMO nothing more. Plain hard fact is you can't get maximum points without driving dirty, nothing else to it and I can't honestly see the point in continuing this debate as the same things are just being retrodden over and over again.

You have your opinions, we have ours, can't we just agree to disagree and move on?
Hey guys,

Most of you probably recognise me (or not [hey, covering aall bases here]), and while AMMT is nice, I have been thinking about doing a full a-spec run. Should I? What are the pros and cons?

PROS: Bragging rights, self-satisfaction.

CONS: Can be a tedious chore at times, some races just can't be won for full points, and others can only be won for full points with seriously gargantuan levels of effort, and/or shortcutting/cheating.

I'm quite sure I'll never get the maximum, but I'm aiming to beat at least 100,000 and will be trying to get as many points more than that as I'm able. It's very satisfying winning races you thought were practically impossible.
It is a big effort to get a lot of points, ceratinly for the absolute maximum but I would say to get 100,000 is pretty easy. I am currently on 97,463 points and still have 14-15% of the game to go. One of the main chores IMO is wearing cars down to enter certain races for maximum points, luckily I have 2 Slim PS2's so I can wear down car's on one while playing something else on the other.

In a vain attempt to stop "but its not clean" posts I've updated all posts #2 with the rules that all A spec nutters have so far been abiding by.

Obtain as many points as you can for each race and see if you can make it to 100.000 or max 111.813 or anything in between those two values. Race as cleanly as possible. We don’t frown on blocking, wallriding or corner cutting; that, unfortunately, is needed in some races. Devices other than your PS2/3, a wheel or controller, and a GT4 disc are not allowed.

These rules do not apply to hispeed's Stock Car Race Comparison/Challenge thread.

Another item for the pro column, depending on your point of view I suppose, is extracting the most challenge you possibly can from the game. There's a con inherent in that though, mainly the tedious chore bit I mentioned before, loading lineup after lineup after lineup... This forum really reduces that effort for most races.
I seem to recall someone recently saying they were thinking of going for the 100k, but can't find the post. I'm thinking of it myself and would like some moral support if anyone can remember who it was.

Also, does anyone have a link to a printable spreadsheet to use for this?

Thanks in advance,

I'm considering to run 100k or full run, so you have support from me Pete. I just hope that I can get well enough into it before I get my PS3, and then Prologue, and then GT5.
You'll get support from most who are active in this subforum. Wrt a spreadsheet, have a look at post2 in beginners thread, we have two versions for you.

I seem to recall someone recently saying they were thinking of going for the 100k, but can't find the post. I'm thinking of it myself and would like some moral support if anyone can remember who it was.

Also, does anyone have a link to a printable spreadsheet to use for this?

Thanks in advance,


PF - I wholeheartedly endorse your goal of going for max A-spec points.👍 I have found that the challenge really adds a huge dimension to the game as eloquently stated by both AMG and SuperCobraJet in their recent posts. In addition, you end up driving cars that you would not otherwise even consider, so its a great chance to delve even further into all the cars in the game.

Keeping a spreadsheet is very important, so its good to see that you have already thought about this. The spreadsheets that AMG mentions are good and you can modify them to fit your individual needs if you want to.
