SCJ, please cool down a bit and try seeing some reason behind my apparent madness. I never did say it was "easy" to win difficult races even when cheating the game. That's not the point. (Although in such cases, you are of course by nature making it easier on yourself). In fact, I did mention that in some cases even keeping up with the lead car may be very difficult.
You are contradicting yourself. It is impossible to make it "easy on yourself" due to the difficulty imposed by the dictates of the point system. Likewise you are not "cheating", rather in fact you are the one "being cheated'. This is the
whole point. Apparently being trapped and held captive by your own inapplicable opinion, you completely fail to recognize it.
Other than the "stock car" thread and that is not entirely explicit with regaurd to AI interaction, your opinions only become madness, when you insist on mis-applying them outside of that to the Max. point category of races. I might also add that maybe you should confine yourself there until better aquainted with the gest of the other threads here.
Secondly, I did stop and ask myself some questions on the business of what is generally called cheating - or at least dirty driving using deliberate corner-cuts or wallrides, which always renders any driving results null and void.
I asked myself what other people on this here forum might think. And came up with an interesting thread:
So. In the light of this - and many forum members who agreed to it - it seems that things at least aren't as clear-cut as it might seem to you. Yes, I know you will counterargue that it doesn't apply here, but unfortunately it does, at least for any sim *or* game which purports to depict realism.
I'll also remind you that on most simracing forums, corner-cutting and wallriding is *not* seen as a legitimate way to either win races or gain more points.
Obviously, you asked yourself the wrong question.
As has been pointed out to you repeatedly in no uncertain terms:
"This is not general racing"! Neither is it "most" racing forums.
You are the only person in the 4 year history of this forum, apparently incapable of comprehending that. Maybe that will tell you something.
That said, again, I do see Smallhorses' different point of view that gaining points rather than clean driving would be the main goal for some people... and I agree that they're welcome to do so in any way they want to; as long as they're in full realisation that what they're doing in some cases has nothing to do with 1) driving skills and 2) racing, or getting valid results as such. Let alone any semblance of realism.
You can do it, but I wouldn't make public posts about it - at least not with regard to the driving.
I would certainly hope, I would have better sense than to come busting into a thread with the social tact of Attilla the Hun, espousing to the contrary it's very purpose, and posting such ignorant declarations, without
first at least having educated myself to the
facts of what is involved beforehand.
Again, you persist in a totally blind concept of the requirement. In doing so you mistakenly and ignorantly believe that "driving skill" and "valid results" preclude "Maximum points" . Herein lies your tremendous blunder. While the ladder is mutually exclusive to "Realism" it most assuredly is not to the first two.
That is the reason why I insist you undertake the races recommended, for in doing so, I believe it is the
only way you can be enlightened to those facts.
Still, I maintain it's only because the game is flawed because it doesn't offer you the opportunity to do it all cleanly. (After all, most people state that they *do* try to gain race points as cleanly as possible, so it must mean something to them.) The game not allowing this in all races is unfortunate, but like I said, it does make the 111.813 maximum basically a theoretical maximum, rather than a measure of driving skills.
The flawed aspect you will have to take up with KY. Its his game. However I do not agree with your assessment.
While clean points mean something to most of us here, they are only relevant in relation to the competitive restriction imposed by the points system in any given race. In other words at times they are completely irrelevant. Again however that does not equate to driving skill being unnecessary to win.
While it would be hard to fathom, perhaps you have never heard the term: "All is fair in love and war"
What we are trying to point out to you is that in many instances the Max. point races are "war" or "Gladiator races" not "Gentlemen's races".
(In fact at times its more like Christian and Lion races)
Would it not take skill to prevail in either, albeit markedly different?
I for one, having been in the ring, would certainly not be fool enough to declare otherwise.
Since you apparently are, my suggestion to you is: Then go climb in the ring with the Gladiator and
if you can prevail, come back and tell me how it did not require any skill.
Its that simple.
Ah.. The old excuse.
If that's the case, why would I not take your challenge, race two or three events cleanly and subsequently Notepad myself to victory and max points in all races? Or use a cheat cartridge? After all, the winning is all that matters, not how I won it, like you said.

Truly, if you factor the "how" out, the possibilities are endless.
Like I said, if it's a challenge you crave so badly, do get the BRM negative first (it's the worst car in GPL) and then get back to me. Have fun on Mosport, Zandvoort and the Ring.
"excuse shoe" from this point on is clearly and un-mistakably on your foot my friend.
Hey it should be a breeze for some one like you. Go on and knock it out, so at least you can say: "I've done it" and then your assessment will carry some merit when you offer an opinion, as opposed to just the wind blowing.
Throw away your
"Notepad" and
"cheat cartridge". Take controller in hand and attempt to
"actually win" not continue to babble and speculate, about something you havn't done. You will soon find the "how" will be your biggest problem and the "possibilities" rather than "endless" will be practically non-exsistant. Only by the depth of your skills will you prevail. (Occasionally maybe a little good fortune too)
It is my guess and I think the odds are pretty good, that if you ever come down out of your ivory tower and embrace the challenge as prescribed, it likely will be the last we ever hear of you.
Ah darn... Sorry, you lost me on the last bit. True, respect is of course due to all the races won without corner-cuts or wallrides. However, calling deliberately cheating the game 'worthy of respect' is just too bizarre (for any kind of gaming, I guess).
Does not compute, sorry.
Apparently so. I think you could be missing a chip.
Oh yes, I quite understand. Also, I agree I'm quite the zealot, alone in my fanatical quest to promote clean racing as the standard to measure things by. Woe is me for even noticing and suggesting it! After all, to quote the same GTPlanet thread:
Then go promote it where it is applicable.