George Galloway and the US Senate- some choice quotes

  • Thread starter JacktheHat
Going to war based partly on faulty intelligance is NOT nearly the same as going to war based on LIES . I'm supprised you cant seem to see the difference . I support the war because for 10 years I watched that idiot make fools of the world after he lost his attempt to annex kuwaitt. I also believe that democracy will be good for the Mid East and will help controll the crazy bombers.He needed to be removed and he was. To me thats the big picture . Spin it any friggin way you want but Saddam should have not screwed around with the inspection proccess . Should not have tried to bluff the world into thinking he had WMD's , along with a bunch of other things like killing the Shiites and Kurds AFTER he got tossed out of Kuwaitt. Not to mention firing friggin missles at planes protrolling the no fly zones. It was not that long ago that Saddam was still in power and the debate over attacking him was being waged . Maybe you should go back and refresh your memory ./
Viper Zero
From stockpiles of artillery shells filled with Sarin to French made cruise missiles....

... I don't doubt that he had WMD's... he definitely did... if fact, you guys still have most of the receipts to prove it! :sly: But were not talking about the 80's here...

Just for clarification, being anti-war, or even anti-Bush, doesn't make you anti-American... I laughed when Bush said that you should never vote out a president during a war... maybe so, but that's scarcely a good enough reason to start one, is it?

I'm pro-democracy, and I love America... but why should I be pro-Bush too? Sure, he may have done great things domestically (ahem...), but in my opinion, he and the neo-cons who back him, lied about the war... doesn't make me 'hate America'... far from it... does being anti-war and/or anti-Bush mean you're not a true American patriot? I think a real patriot would question their leader when it looks like he is not telling the whole truth...
Viper Zero
From stockpiles of artillery shells filled with Sarin to French made cruise missiles...

I simply cannot help you, Touring Mars.
the 17 shells that were 25 years old and only contained so few traces of nerve gas that even the US military declared them harmless?

btw, were was the US goverment when saddam actually used such grenades against kurds and iran? they did not support him, did they? :crazy:
Touring Mars
Just for clarification, being anti-war, or even anti-Bush, doesn't make you anti-American...

There is a very thin line between Anti-War, Anti-Bush, and Anti-American.
Viper Zero
You don't have to wear that blindfold, jackthehat.

Que? It's starting to sound like a dictatorship now, what are you going to do with the Americans who opposed the war? Line them up against the wall?
Go on, explain your 'thin line' theory then...

These people are complimentary to each other. Simple isn't it?

you better take your's off since you do not seem to be able to see my posts.

Ooh, you catch on quick!
Viper Zero
These people are complimentary to each other. Simple isn't it?

Not really. Actually, not at all.

I'm not pro-American in anyway but I doubt that all the people opposed to the war, and even George Bush, agree with me.

Not every American wanted the war, and, not every American voted for George Jr. either...

Edit - I'd also be interested to see what you have to say on vladimir's original post
Viper Zero
Ooh, you catch on quick!
i waited a little to give you a chance...

but now it is official: you lack the balls to respond.
i feel really sorry for you...

(you can always try to prove me wrong!)
Not really. Actually, not at all.

I'm not pro-American in anyway but I doubt that all the people opposed to the war, and even George Bush, agree with me.

Not every American wanted the war, and, not every American voted for George Jr. either...

Edit - I'd also be interested to see what you have to say on vladimir's original post

Let me get this straight. You hate America, you hate Bush (of course!), and you hate war.

Complimentary is a word I would use.
Viper Zero
These people are complimentary to each other. Simple isn't it?

Look at the reciprocal of the 'you're anti-Bush therefore you're anti-American' argument... if that were so, it would follow that in order to be pro-American, you must be pro-Bush... that's just plain biased. Are Democrats anti-American?
Viper Zero
Let me get this straight. You hate America, you hate Bush (of course!), and you hate war.

Complimentary is a word I would use.

That's not what I said, why not read the whole of my post and then respond?
I'm not pro-American in anyway

Oh, that's exactly what you said, jackthehat. If you're not Pro-American, then you are Anti-American.

You hate Bush. This is obvious from your postings.

You hate war, especially the one you think Bush started.

Touring Mars
Look at the reciprocal of the 'you're anti-Bush therefore you're anti-American' argument... if that were so, it would follow that in order to be pro-American, you must be pro-Bush... that's just plain biased. Are Democrats anti-American?

Some of the current elected Democrats are very close to being Anti-American.
Not really. Actually, not at all.

I'm not pro-American in anyway but I doubt that all the people opposed to the war, and even George Bush, agree with me.

Not every American wanted the war, and, not every American voted for George Jr. either...

Edit - I'd also be interested to see what you have to say on vladimir's original post

Read it ffs, what about the other people I mentioned?

Stop playing off the back foot and actually respond.
I'd love to pass comment here, but, since I'm not American, Viper Zero will accuse me of being anti-American if I contradict any tiny part of his views. And it IS possible to not be pro- something and also not be anti- something. I'm neither pro- nor anti- foxhunting. I couldn't care less about it.

However, the Senate accused Mr. Galloway, slimey little get though he is, of getting 20 million barrels of oil from Saddam, despite the fact that they have never presented any evidence of this at all. That is slander - or libel if written down. Why have they made this accusation? Why have they not backed it up with evidence?
Other people? George Jr? I don't know who that is, I might have to Google it.

Totally complimentary.
I'd love to pass comment here, but, since I'm not American, Viper Zero will accuse me of being anti-American if I contradict any tiny part of his views.

But, if I don't accuse Bush of lying, I get labeled as a STUPID AMERICAN.

Don't worry, Famine. You're not on my list.
Viper Zero
Other people? George Jr? I don't know who that is, I might have to Google it.

Totally complimentary.

Are you actually going to address any of the questions posed to you?

It wouldn't be so bad if you were actually funny rather than just banal...
Do you mean "complementary", or is JacktheHat being nice to you?
Viper Zero
But, if I don't accuse Bush of lying, I get labeled as a STUPID AMERICAN.

you could try and persuade us otherwise by answering questions...

I think I just heard your knee hitting the table from all the way over here in England...
Why have they made this accusation? Why have they not backed it up with evidence?

Exactly, if you're going to accuse someone of illegally dealing in millions of barrels of oil you should at least have some evidence, even if it's made up. :sly:

The evidence they had against him was so poor it was laughable. The document with his name on it was "discovered" by the group who include Ahmed Chalabi, a man who has been convicted of corruption.
Wow, now that is an incredible statement. Considering Bush won't always be president.

I was thinking about that a few days ago. Would the blame toward Bush be passed onto the next President, Republican or Democrat? The radicals won't have Bush to bash on after 2008, I wonder what they would do?
Viper Zero
I was thinking about that a few days ago. Would the blame toward Bush be passed onto the next President, Republican or Democrat? The radicals won't have Bush to bash on after 2008, I wonder what they would do?

Whilst you were thinking did you come up with any answers to the questions you've been posed on this thread?

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