- 3,425
Going to war based partly on faulty intelligance is NOT nearly the same as going to war based on LIES . I'm supprised you cant seem to see the difference . I support the war because for 10 years I watched that idiot make fools of the world after he lost his attempt to annex kuwaitt. I also believe that democracy will be good for the Mid East and will help controll the crazy bombers.He needed to be removed and he was. To me thats the big picture . Spin it any friggin way you want but Saddam should have not screwed around with the inspection proccess . Should not have tried to bluff the world into thinking he had WMD's , along with a bunch of other things like killing the Shiites and Kurds AFTER he got tossed out of Kuwaitt. Not to mention firing friggin missles at planes protrolling the no fly zones. It was not that long ago that Saddam was still in power and the debate over attacking him was being waged . Maybe you should go back and refresh your memory ./