Everyone comes here for themselves - bottom line. If they really wanted to help PD, they wouldn't be derogatory or demotivational in any way, as that's counter productive.
Yes I am defending PD, because they're human beings. If people stopped thinking about themselves and instead considered the bigger picture, they'd not feel the need to demonise PD simply to vent their own frustration.
Yes, sound is important, but someone thinking the world wants to see their power trip is pathetic.
Great post Griffith500!
In the end, most of the people that simply spread bad words around without a proper analysis of what is happening in the big picture, don't do NOTHING to help, such as research how car sounds work in general and posting useful information and criticism then if someone at PD reads it (we're proven that they do check the community) they can make a good use of this information.
Not that we are experts in this subject (from what I read from your posts, you must be, looks like you know A LOT about car/engine sounds) but if we do talk about what is right together with what is wrong is what can make it gets improved. I honestly think that sound distribution is done quite nicelly on GT5 (each tire sound have its own channel, I think its one example) but what was talked about a lot is that we seriously miss the intake sounds, etc...
But no. People think that acting like a "forum riot", writing "oh, vacuum cleaner bla-bla, mario kart sounds equal GT bla-bla" in GTPlanet walls, they will help.
Seriously, this doesn't help at all.
And PD probably have a reason for doing it this way. And I'm pretty sure they know it's far from perfect, like they acknowledged with their slow and sluggish interface on GT5, then they changed everything... I believe some change may come... until the final GT6 release, I think we just can wait. From what they did with the Honda HSV-010, shows that they know and they want to try something.
They are doing so much with GT6 in a lot of other areas that I choose myself to not expect much from GT6 in the sound department. Any improvement will be a big plus. I prefer to save my expectations for the PS4 game.