Give us better sounds - PLEASE !!

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I agree that some cars sound really nice in cockpit view but then it comes to replays all of them sound like s*it.

If you're going to the track of any race event, you could enjoy massively powerful engine-, exhaust-, tire- and braking sound.

In GT5 the only thing you could here are: “whooom, whooom, whooom” then the camera chase the car from the edge of the road.
This thread contains a ton of good ingame examples, how it (sh)could be…
Sigh, I'm losing hope with Kaz and his team. GT6 still sounds the crap. I saw some videos online and nothing has seemed to change at all. I mean what do we need to do to get this message across to PD. This has been one of the top priority issue since a long time. Now that GT6 is almost here, they still haven't gotten the engine and car sounds to sound decent. Yes, I'm aware that a few cars have good sounds like the HSV-010 and 787B, which is great, but what about the 900+ other cars? I've tweeted to Kaz directly about this numerous times and other members have as well. And yet it seems to have been totally ignored. I'm extremely frustrated. The game has potential and the only thing thats really lacking and taking away from the total experience is the SOUND!

Really wish we can forward this thread to PD and Kaz so they can see how frustrated the GT community is about this issue.
I'm only really posting to agree we need better sounds.

Sound is far more important to the driving experience than the graphics. GT5 was a big improvement over the others, and I have the benefit of a decent amp and 5.1 system and some of the cars do sound half decent, but there's still this terrible vacuum cleaner sound at higher rpm that almost all cars suffer from.

This should be when the engine is at its most charismatic, and when it's loudest, but it just rarely sounds exciting. Part of this is to do with volume, as when really turned up loud, things are better, but I borrowed an Xbox and Forza 3 some time ago just to try out my car in there, and it was much more recognisable sound wise. It handled like pants, but I found myself changing up at the same point I do in real life as my ear was attuned to the sound, instead of wringing the last few hundred rpm out of it like you do in a game...

A friend of mine is having his car recorded for Forza as they wanted a heavily modified example to sample (~670bhp), and they have a whole day at Bruntingthorpe booked for recording it in proper conditions, instead of just parked up at a few different rev ranges as PD seem to do.

Here's hoping the sounds continue to improve, hopefully at a faster rate than they have for the past 15 years.
I think what Imari is referring to is generally a lack of sound detail, in the sense of a missing layer. For NA cars, this is most notable as missing intake / induction sounds. For turbo cars, the intake is still important despite being muffled, but there are extra details (apart from BOV etc.) that are also missing - I expect these could be thrown in with a new intake layer and the existing "engine" layer. The same goes for supercharger whine.

Since GT rightly treats these sources separately on the cars, the only way to add this layer is to add another, third set of samples. These should be scaled in volume according to throttle-position and / or boost (boost scaling of volume, and flow noise, should apply to the exhaust as well.)

Extra samples will require more memory, but the tessellation should have freed up a good chunk of RAM. My hope is that sound has been given enough of this memory to add that extra layer. It's a long shot, though, so we should be prepared for more of the same (as GT5) until PS4.
After listening to the GT-R GT3 car, it seems to have the same sample as the 2011 GT-R but I think I can hear that additional layer you refer to. In this iteration of the build, it comes in much sooner then it did on the initial Silverstone build.
I'm watchin' this GT6 Academy stream right now... I hope this is an early build because these 370Z's still sound like vacuum cleaners.
Oh well I suppose we can put this speculation to bed. I'm pretty sure if they were working on better sounds, a Nissan would have it, and a car that was being showcased at an event would have it.
I'm watchin' this GT6 Academy stream right now... I hope this is an early build because these 370Z's still sound like vacuum cleaners.

The "vacuum cleaner" term should be banned from these forums.

The sounds seems unchanged from GT5, the do miss intake sound and a more realistic approach (and I agree that sucks) they definitely need to be done again from scratch but it's nothing like a vacuum cleaner.
I also have given up hope for better sounds, let's just hope they at least improved the AI and the race formula (meaning fixed starts and not the damned chase the rabbit thing all the time), otherwise i wont be buying it.
After listening to the GT-R GT3 car, it seems to have the same sample as the 2011 GT-R but I think I can hear that additional layer you refer to. In this iteration of the build, it comes in much sooner then it did on the initial Silverstone build.
There is a weird layered effect that phases a bit, but that might just be using samples from different sets at different points in the rev range. That happened a lot in GT5, too - mostly on Premiums, so it seems it's a new thing since Prologue.

The exhaust sound is four-cylinder based, though...
The video with direct audio of the Z4 GT3 still sounnds flat and lifeless. We ain't getting better sounds.
It sounds like the E90 M3 (with the missing dominant intake sound) from GT5. I can't imagine that's final - some sounds did change from the GT5 demos to the final game. It'll still most likely be GT5 style (whizzy, mechanical engine sounds), but they should at least work on using the right samples in more cases.
The exhaust sound is four-cylinder based, though...It sounds like the E90 M3 (with the missing dominant intake sound) from GT5. I can't imagine that's final - some sounds did change from the GT5 demos to the final game. It'll still most likely be GT5 style (whizzy, mechanical engine sounds), but they should at least work on using the right samples in more cases.

You would hope it's not final but you have to be realistic, there are 200 new cars in GT6 (depending on how they fiddled the numbers) and PD have chosen to show off 20 or so of them now. If they don't have the audio finalised for the cars they're happy to show of it doesn't say much of the other cars we've not seen. At this stage, less than 6 months from release I'd expect they should have 20 cars that are 100% final.
You would hope it's not final but you have to be realistic, there are 200 new cars in GT6 (depending on how they fiddled the numbers) and PD have chosen to show off 20 or so of them now. If they don't have the audio finalised for the cars they're happy to show of it doesn't say much of the other cars we've not seen. At this stage, less than 6 months from release I'd expect they should have 20 cars that are 100% final.

Unless they're not ready to show off their "pleasantly surprising" new sounds just yet! :dopey: EDIT: That was a joke, kids, in case it wasn't clear...

I maintain that, since cars changed on the run up to release, and after (for better or worse), so could the Z4. It'll still sound like GT5, but with more suitable samples, hopefully.
Going back to some general comments from yesterday I do find it amazing how many people claim that they don't care about sounds. Unless you are unfortunate to literally be deaf then sound along with vision are the two most stimulated senses when playing a video game, or any form of media entertainment. Great visuals need great sound to go with them, it'd be no good having a Blu-Ray movie with 64kbps MP3 audio, you need both to get the full experience.

Sound is extremely important in any video game and especially so in a car game so again I find it odd that people are so blasé about it. I'd guess it's more that they've resigned themselves to it being poor than not actually being bothered. I'm sure when/if PD finally do get it right everyone will be raving, including those who say they aren't bothered, and rightly so.

Unless they're not ready to show off their "pleasantly surprising" new sounds just yet! :dopey:

I maintain that, since cars changed on the run up to release, and after (for better or worse), so could the Z4. It'll still sound like GT5, but with more suitable samples, hopefully.

Ha, I doubt it. I'd like to think they could get better but I've done that sort of thing for Gt and other games before and it hasn't happened so I'd rather just resign myself that the GT6 sounds will still be poor and hey, maybe i'll be amazed when GT6 releases. I doubt it though.
Why? In some cases its an perfect example of the particular sound.

"Some", yet it's used to describe all. We can do without the purging of bilious humours that so elates the posters who typically use the term - it's almost always meant as an inflammatory, too.

It's not passion either. I use my passion to gain a deeper understanding of the sounds, with the aid of simulation, not question the competence and right to income of PD's staff, which is just inhumane. (General observation)

Check the edit Simon ;)
Engine sounds of GT series is worste sounds of game industry ...


Oh. You're serious...

I can find one single game with worse sounds in it. I'll post the gameplay when I do.

Worst sounds in gaming, to my ears.

And I really don't mind the sounds, they can be improved (but can't everything about everything?) but it's not THE make-or-break aspect of GT6, and I certainly won't be put off from buying it. Sorry, I'm not that pathetic :)
Whoever doesn't have the same preferences as you as far as game features go is pathetic?

No. Whoever doesn't buy a game because of one problem, in my book, is quite pathetic. Lets say they massively improved the sounds, you'd get the same for those 2D trees, this and that and this and eventually, GTP would be a dark place for the bitter to spit venom at PD.
No. Whoever doesn't buy a game because of one problem, in my book, is quite pathetic.

It's your way of thinking that is pathetic. What if the simulation aspect of a simulator sucks? Wouldn't that one problem be enough for people not to buy a game? For some, sound is just as important. Who are you to judge those people for their taste?

Lets say they massively improved the sounds, you'd get the same for those 2D trees, this and that and this and eventually, GTP would be a dark place for the bitter to spit venom at PD.

Is this really how you see it? People just coming here to complain for the same of complaining? Has it ever occured to you that people complain because they want the best for the game?

Gt5 was massively improved since it's release only because of people complaining again and again. It's this passive attitude that really destroys games. If complaining about the sounds 24 hours a day has a 1% chance to lead to some improvements, it's worth it.
Everyone comes here for themselves - bottom line. If they really wanted to help PD, they wouldn't be derogatory or demotivational in any way, as that's counter productive.

Yes I am defending PD, because they're human beings. If people stopped thinking about themselves and instead considered the bigger picture, they'd not feel the need to demonise PD simply to vent their own frustration.

Yes, sound is important, but someone thinking the world wants to see their power trip is pathetic.
Everyone comes here for themselves - bottom line. If they really wanted to help PD, they wouldn't be derogatory or demotivational in any way, as that's counter productive.

Yes I am defending PD, because they're human beings. If people stopped thinking about themselves and instead considered the bigger picture, they'd not feel the need to demonise PD simply to vent their own frustration.

Yes, sound is important, but someone thinking the world wants to see their power trip is pathetic.


Great post Griffith500!

In the end, most of the people that simply spread bad words around without a proper analysis of what is happening in the big picture, don't do NOTHING to help, such as research how car sounds work in general and posting useful information and criticism then if someone at PD reads it (we're proven that they do check the community) they can make a good use of this information.

Not that we are experts in this subject (from what I read from your posts, you must be, looks like you know A LOT about car/engine sounds) but if we do talk about what is right together with what is wrong is what can make it gets improved. I honestly think that sound distribution is done quite nicelly on GT5 (each tire sound have its own channel, I think its one example) but what was talked about a lot is that we seriously miss the intake sounds, etc...

But no. People think that acting like a "forum riot", writing "oh, vacuum cleaner bla-bla, mario kart sounds equal GT bla-bla" in GTPlanet walls, they will help.

Seriously, this doesn't help at all.

And PD probably have a reason for doing it this way. And I'm pretty sure they know it's far from perfect, like they acknowledged with their slow and sluggish interface on GT5, then they changed everything... I believe some change may come... until the final GT6 release, I think we just can wait. From what they did with the Honda HSV-010, shows that they know and they want to try something.

They are doing so much with GT6 in a lot of other areas that I choose myself to not expect much from GT6 in the sound department. Any improvement will be a big plus. I prefer to save my expectations for the PS4 game.
Sounds changed from TGS demos to GT5 release. And TGS was in Semptember. Calm down everybody and wait patiently. For now these are still old sounds, samples are reused from other cars in GT5. I'm not saying we're getting new sounds, I'm saying that it's not end of the world that they are the same now.