Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
So even ingame models for GT5 look better then pre-rendered models in Forza?

Where are you people getting that from? Ive played Forza 3, ive played Prologue, Ive seen a lot of footage of GT5. The cars in Forza 3 look fantastic. Are people just making this stuff up to make themselves feel better about this standard car situation?
All it'd take in FM4 is for them to change the developers

Thats much better lol.

Seriously your right Turn 10 don't have the luxury of time like PD. Also its worth pointing out that FM4 will always struggle to compete against GT5 in every aspect simply because of DVD drive.

Im sure I once read Turn 10 say they pushed the 360 to its limits which is why online is restricted to 8 and why weather wasn't implemented.
You dont understand the rage for the fact that 80% of the cars in GT5, a game releasing in 2010 not have changeable rims, no deformation, not the ability to use in photo travel and that they look like crap?

And please dont say that forza 3's car models looks almost equal, thats BS.
Are you sure GT5's the game for you?

I ask because it's a driving simulator, physics, day/night transitions, weather, damage etc. all rank far above changeable rims.

In fact I feel quite silly for even typing that it's so obvious!
Actually, with the MMR, if you zoom in, you can see the exact same three, jaggy lines that make up the edge of the bonnet. No wonder zoom is limited in photomode.
Comparison (Erased my gt4 save file to start from 0 while waiting for gt5 so a stock micra will have to do)

Copy and paste from GT4

So what happened to this thread? Does insanity come before sanity before big game releases?

How come this never really happened to Black Ops?

Anyway that Nissan Micra image from GT5 is so-so, but nothing to lose sleep over.
Thats much better lol.

Seriously your right Turn 10 don't have the luxury of time like PD. Also its worth pointing out that FM4 will always struggle to compete against GT5 in every aspect simply because of DVD drive.

Im sure I once read Turn 10 say they pushed the 360 to its limits which is why online is restricted to 8 and why weather wasn't implemented.
Lol they had way way more people working on the game also they outsourced everything. Only that way they could do it in like 2 years.

As for the pic:
I dont think it looks boring...

Where are you people getting that from? Ive played Forza 3, ive played Prologue, Ive seen a lot of footage of GT5. The cars in Forza 3 look fantastic. Are people just making this stuff up to make themselves feel better about this standard car situation?

I don't know, I've only played Forza 3 about 4 times. So I can't directly compare them. But people are saying they're pre-rendered in the picture comparing the GT5 MP4 to the Forza 3 MP4. I have no idea how it works in Forza; I just made a comparison picture for the games.

That Alfa looks terrible

OK guys this is the last time i will post today new photos more tommorow...

Standard cars - the problem is ... the game dont let me zoom in its forbidden too much for standard cars ... this is max zoom for it[/IM G]

[IMG][/IM G]

[IMG][/I MG]

[IMG][/ IMG]


and one premium from phototravel[/IM G][/QUOTE]

you act as if it took 5 years for pd to get gt5 looking like what it is.. in fact in 2007 gt5 was looking almost exactly like what it does now

that just isn't true sorry... just look at the first GT5 nurburgring video from back in 2007, it looked just like GT4's nurburgring in HD and washed light effects....
Now it's really amazing, with tree shadows, light effects and day/night looking yummy
Don't see why people are going insane over the standards, I'm actually surprised at their quality.

Not to be a troll or anything but what quality ?, The kind of quality we saw on a previous Gen console tarted up a little, How a game can be perfect in Kaz's eyes when standards are not perfect is beyond me but hey we all have our opinions i guess
Where are you people getting that from? Ive played Forza 3, ive played Prologue, Ive seen a lot of footage of GT5. The cars in Forza 3 look fantastic. Are people just making this stuff up to make themselves feel better about this standard car situation?
Again they are using 3 different models which less and less detail and when you actiually drive they use almost the same ones as from Forza 2.

For GT5 all these models are the same. At least the level of detail. They just adding some effects in the replay and photomode.
Graphics and sound should be higher, since these new videos have been out i haven't seen a bad word on the sounds, they are fantastic this time around, and as for graphics, i assume you put it low because of standards? how about you look at the tracks and premiums, because they are what GT5 is focusing on.
The rankings are how important each feature is not how well they are implemented in the game.

The graphics are without doubt far above any other title on the market and the sound now seems to be up there with Forza 3.
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So even ingame models for GT5 look better then pre-rendered models in Forza? I guess that pretty much gets the point across. The Premium models for GT5 really don't have a equal do they?

The premiums are by far the best looking car models out there .Kaz said they were working extremely hard on the visuals.
I do to, but it was modded. So I couldn't really use it. I wanted a somewhat fair contest between the two games. So those two pictures seemed the best to use. Also, they were the same size.

Yet you think that Forza 3 shot wasn't? I guarantee you it was. I have used FM3's photomode before, and trust me that pic's been shopped.
Don't see why people are going insane over the standards, I'm actually surprised at their quality.

I think people are upset because Sony showed us this video in 2005 and apparently PD wasn't able to deliver on the concept.

24-car races would have been fantastic and I would have gladly paid $60 in 2007 for this game instead of $40 for GT5P. Then Polyphony could have taken their time with GT5 and comfortably had it out for Holiday 2011.

I wonder if they regret their decision in hindsight.
You guys are going beyond ridiculous. Are you LITERALLY putting things like changeable rims ABOVE everything else? You're basing your purchase of this game off of a feature that most will use only a few times? You're making it sound like GT5 is the worst racing sim to have hit consoles since NFS Shift. If you literally think that, you're DENSE.

I'll say it again; GT5 is packing more into ONE GAME than ANY other racing sim on the market, at a general level of quality not seen elsewhere. Not to mention that if they were to get all these features to the level you all WANT it to be, they would need another two or more years. Do you really want that?

Stop complaining and enjoy the game when it hits...
The premiums are by far the best looking car models out there .Kaz said they were working extremely hard on the visuals.

Yeah KAz cares alot about the llok. The look of the car the look of the lighting or the look of the rain etc. He is just a perfectionist and they wont reach his perfect Gran Turismo for a few generations more^^
I have been following this thread for quite some time.
Firstly, my hat goes off to tekken90 and RDK for their contributions. It's refreshing to see such selflessness.

Secondly, to people who are incessantly bitching about what they have seen so far:

Don't be upset with a game that doesn't live up to arbitrary expectations you yourself have set.

It's not the game's fault that criterion x wasn't fulfilled for you. Gran Turismo 5 is an entertainment product, not a piece of software built from end user requirements. As such, I cannot justify or even understand why people would moan about the same old tripe on a forum. It's ok to be disappointed, but please don't feel like you have the need to show the gtplanet community how the game failed to match your expectations.

I'm not promoting blind allegiance to any video game series, but we should just be thankful for what we get.
Not to be a troll or anything but what quality ?, The kind of quality we saw on a previous Gen console tarted up a little, How a game can be perfect in Kaz's eyes when standards are not perfect is beyond me but hey we all have our opinions i guess

Where have you people been the last 12 months? It was clearly said that the standards are ported over from GT4... so what the heck did you expect?

They look much better than I expected, the improved lighting does a lot.

Seriously, the whining around here is getting insane, some of you just have utterly unrealistic expectations.
This comment on youtube made me laugh on that video...

4 months ago 8

@TheSuicideDawn All 1000 cars are modeled in real life using laser technology the 200 premium have more detail then standard. And the standard looks 100 times better then forza.
I'm not sure there is much point joining this debate but still...

I agree that it is dissapoiting that the majority of the cars included in the game are 'standard' and clearly not on level with what we expected of GT5. Many of my favourites are - according to the official car list - standards (Miata NB - my car in reality by the way, original Zonda, all the Aston Martins but the DB9 '06 and so on). However it's doesn't break the game for me. The standard cars look ok, not more. I do hope the sound is updated though.

If memory serves GT3 had something like 170+ cars (was mentioned above too) and it it still the best GT game by far! I did love GT4 but the progression from ordinary cars to super cars was too fast and in the end my garage was way larger than reasonable. In GT3 I spent countless hours grinding in my ever evolving AE86 (oh, the memories!) in order to take another step up the ladder towards being able to race the real dream cars. I can only hope GT5 gives me the ability to do that all over again, but with the concept of 'pick up and play' being so dominant nowadays (that wasn't meant to sound so melodramatic by the way) I'm not so sure.

Now, we get 200+ premium cars here and I'm sure I will spend the most time driving these and that's ok. Graphics and sound is important - at least to me. But the gaming experiance is more important. I'll have to wait until my copy arrives to have my final say.

But, when you look at the game's highlights, it does look simply fantastic! Premium cars on the 'premium' tracks (there was a difference I'm sure I read somewhere?) will be all that we wanted and probably in parts even more so. My only caveat right now is what was done in the end with the damage system. For some reason I really want that to look amazing but to be honest I don't really know why. I'm sure I'll curse the concept of damage when I put my premium DB9 in the wall at lap 9 of 10 on the Nürburgring.
Do you think I am really passing on the game???

I was being sarcastic.....:sly::sly:

It seems that the most part of the users around here love to nitpick and whine !

Oh my bad. It was possible. It could of been the nitpicking that you could have bought into. Glad to hear you were kidding then.
Again they are using 3 different models which less and less detail and when you actiually drive they use almost the same ones as from Forza 2.

For GT5 all these models are the same. At least the level of detail. They just adding some effects in the replay and photomode.

Actually no. GT5 does the same thing. Photomode uses a higher quality model than the gameplay does. But it shows how powerful the graphics engine is and could be if you wanted single car races i guess.