Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
Don't know if anyone else has come to accept this but all GT's are met with a bit of disappointment but huge anticipation for the following one from day one of release... It's just always been like that after the first game.

They are always missing features and adding others that A) aren't fully realized or B) wth? (photo mode)

So its just he nature of this IP, not a very progressive linear IP outside of the art thanks to long dev cycles and hardware updates mostly... So this one does appear to be the most "complete" but it's the promise of the "realized vision" and Kaz's personal passion that gives the series it's constant promise of the best... a best that is always next time...

Even Kaz said in the past week, GT5 still isn't his fully realized vision... thats a pretty big catch all statement to excuse a lot of stuff...

But I for one and very excited for GT 5, if for not other reason that I play them all and appreciate them for what they are... and have a well calibrated expectation :)
I'm not complain, but I'm fear about the 2 aspects of the game. Certainly, in general the game is going to be very good, but... :scared:

Don't worry, if you have played GT5P you should know that professional mode can be quite challenging.
The way I see it, you can't ever really encapsulate Gran Turismo into one single game. It's a never-ending project for Kaz, it's his life. As soon as one aspect is finished, he moves onto another without even hesitating. This time it's the weather/day-night cycle, he'd finished other stuff so he moved on to the next part, ignoring where he was in the game timeline and just focusing on the project as a whole. So he threw in what he had to give us some extras, and he'll continue his work on it for GT6. Perhaps when that comes out he'll have just started something else and we'll only get a slight glimpse of that too.
Don't know if anyone else has come to accept this but all GT's are met with a bit of disappointment but huge anticipation for the following one from day one of release... It's just always been like that after the first game.

They are always missing features and adding others that A) aren't fully realized or B) wth? (photo mode)

So its just he nature of this IP, not a very progressive linear IP outside of the art thanks to long dev cycles and hardware updates mostly... So this one does appear to be the most "complete" but it's the promise of the "realized vision" and Kaz's personal passion that gives the series it's constant promise of the best... a best that is always next time...

Even Kaz said in the past week, GT5 still isn't his fully realized vision... thats a pretty big catch all statement to excuse a lot of stuff...

But I for one and very excited for GT 5, if for not other reason that I play them all and appreciate them for what they are... and have a well calibrated expectation :)

Yeah, but Kaz is a perfectionist.
SSR7 night/rain is FANTASTIC !!! one of the best graphic/lighting effects of this generation !

It is pretty--and it better be. The effects in the sky and on the pavement are the only thing keeping me awake. That track is so boring I'm surprised they didn't throw Godzilla in the background.
Just saw the Nascar video, and the speed of the nascar when its like 2seconds behind the pack hits almost 360km/h, i hope this slipstream effect is gone while playing in professional mode or can be turned off, because then it will just be like prologue.
GT games have always had an excessive draft effect... but yeah, that is way too much. There's no way a NASCAR car would ever, ever be above 330 or so... Hopefully this is all a big mixup, and somehow the Czech guys don't have the actual retail game...
I'm sorry, I've been a absent since the release date was given.
I'm wondering about something which I can't find immediately :

In carreer mode, do you have to choose a difficulty setting in the beginning, or can you change the difficulty setting for each event?
no, it's just what people assumed because the dealerships are for premium cars only and the tuning companies are listed on a second alphabetical order list after the independent model-producing marques. the premium dealerships do not appear to be randomised.

It would also seem that unlike GT4, the used car dealerships don't rotate or change their entire lineup. Instead, it seems like new cars are added as you progress through the game.
Hello! i'm here to talk to you all today about cognitive dissonance, more specifically the belief disconfirmation paradigm. At this point it's even well beyond confirmation bias. When faced with contrary facts, you don't even search for alternate facts, you make them up on the spot. We need to get a few things strait here, and then we can move on with an intelligent discussion of the facts at hand.

1. Tekken90 is posting videos from a full retail copy of the game. It is not a review copy. It is absolutely the final game. If it was a review copy, for the game to be sold worldwide at the capacity it will sell, disk manufacturing would have to commenced no later than November 1. Reviewers don't have their copies yet, there would be absolutely no reason for them to get anything else but final game code.

2. There is no more physics option because there are no longer 2 physics settings. They have been combined into 1. They are the same in arcade and career mode, tekken90(the only guy here with the game) has confirmed this.

3. Arcade mode is not a magically dumbed down portion of the game. They physics are the same as career mode, the damage is the same as career mode, the graphics are the same as career mode, there are the same number of cars on track as career mode. Career mode is the "pick and play" portion of the game, nothing more. It allows you to chose the car, it allows you to choose the track. It is not a separate arcade racing game using the same assets.

4. The damage is limited. Greater damage will not be unlocked. They would not lock away central game features. The damage shown in earlier videos is not in this game. It cannot be "turned on". It is not different in arcade mode. What you see is what you get. The game isn't about crashing, crashing happens, and damage will be shown, but it is not the focus of the game.

5. Not everybody who cites issue with the game is a fanboy out to attack it. If the game is good, it will stand on it's own merit, it does not need 50 defenders to attack anybody without a completely positive opinion of every aspect of the game. It is perfectly acceptable for someone who enjoys gran turismo and is planning on buying the game to cite fault with issues. It is quite probably at this point that polyphony over-promised and under-delivered, but this is completely understandable and somewhat expected considering what was promised. They promised mars but delivered the moon while others promise the moon and don't deliver.

6. There are flaws with the game. Making mountains out of molehills will not make those flaws game-breaking. In the same sense, attacking people who are dissapointed by molehills that affect them won't make said flaws dissapear.

After approving hundreds of first time poster comments in the last few weeks, it's a real pleasure to approve this one. Welcome to GTP. 👍
After approving hundreds of first time poster comments in the last few weeks, it's a real pleasure to approve this one. Welcome to GTP. 👍

Thank you for quoting that. Best post of the thread (and might as well the whole general thread).
"4. The damage is limited. Greater damage will not be unlocked. They would not lock away central game features. The damage shown in earlier videos is not in this game. It cannot be "turned on". It is not different in arcade mode. What you see is what you get. The game isn't about crashing, crashing happens, and damage will be shown, but it is not the focus of the game."

this is very doubtful especially for rally / nascar cars, I dont see why they toned down damage for those 2 types of cars after working years on it...:)
"2. There is no more physics option because there are no longer 2 physics settings. They have been combined into 1. They are the same in arcade and career mode, tekken90(the only guy here with the game) has confirmed this"

Does this mean there is no easy or hard difficulty setting?
We don't really know what all is unlocked later in the game. Last time he showed it, tekkan was only at level 10 and had only unlocked the Beginner and Amature Halls. Even he doesn't know if more physics and damage settings are unlocked latter in the game. It's something we'll have to find out. Heck, full tuning wasn't even unlocked in GT5P until you got to the S class races.
Now that I think about it..
maybe beginner hall events are just easy for everyone,
and expert events later in the game, when you reach a higher level,
are just almost impossible for casual players.
"2. There is no more physics option because there are no longer 2 physics settings. They have been combined into 1. They are the same in arcade and career mode, tekken90(the only guy here with the game) has confirmed this"

Does this mean there is no easy or hard difficulty setting?

There was an option in one of the vids that gives you more grip once the tires start slipping. I think thats pretty much what the normal physics in GT5P were anyways. But ya having one physics engine sounds right.
Whaaaaaaaaat the hell? No pro physics? Daaamn if it turns out to be like that, then im gonna be really pissed! I wan't the game to be challenging and nota mainstream NFS on rails, I want to feel the car being pushed on the limit and I wan't it to be difficult, like in GT5 TT demo, not to be stuck in some stupid Arcade Physics. God damn if this is true :/ So if they only have one physics engine the must have toned the realism down in favor of casual gamers right? DAAAAAAAMN!!!!!!!!!
After approving hundreds of first time poster comments in the last few weeks, it's a real pleasure to approve this one. Welcome to GTP. 👍

still, point 2. is logical fallacy no matter how smart he's trying to sound and to me it looks like for tekken90 is difficult to understand and communicate in English (and/or he is new to GT series), therefore confusion about certain things
1. Tekken90 is posting videos from a full retail copy of the game. It is not a review copy. It is absolutely the final game. If it was a review copy, for the game to be sold worldwide at the capacity it will sell, disk manufacturing would have to commenced no later than November 1. Reviewers don't have their copies yet, there would be absolutely no reason for them to get anything else but final game code.

FYI, reviewers got their copies a few days ago

from Max Console
Got our review copy today (embargo'd at the moment), took it online and there were plenty of people about to race with, i wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be accurate, either that or all of the reviewers that got their copy went online at the same time.
Yes, I really hope the physics are a bit like the GT5 TT demo..
Really liked it that way. It was challenging !
Now, whatever happens... I will be happy,
and I will be surprised no matter what.
About some things certainly in a positive way, but some things will surprise me negatively too I think.
Thank you for quoting that. Best post of the thread (and might as well the whole general thread).

I'm not saying that I agree with the comments. It was just nice to wake up and approve something that is constructed well and worthy of discussion. Its made my day is all. :)
We don't really know what all is unlocked later in the game. Last time he showed it, tekkan was only at level 10 and had only unlocked the Beginner and Amature Halls. Even he doesn't know if more physics and damage settings are unlocked latter in the game. It's something we'll have to find out. Heck, full tuning wasn't even unlocked in GT5P until you got to the S class races.

As Leon said, I don't see why a core gameplay function would be locked content. I hope I'm wrong because I would like the extra challenge as well. As you said full tuning had to be unlocked in GT5P so I guess its not impossible.
Whaaaaaaaaat the hell? No pro physics? Daaamn if it turns out to be like that, then im gonna be really pissed! I wan't the game to be challenging and nota mainstream NFS on rails, I want to feel the car being pushed on the limit and I wan't it to be difficult, like in GT5 TT demo, not to be stuck in some stupid Arcade Physics. God damn if this is true :/ So if they only have one physics engine the must have toned the realism down in favor of casual gamers right? DAAAAAAAMN!!!!!!!!!

Just one single physics setting. To be honest, looking at most of the leaked videos. Yeah, I believe it's Pro settings. Just the assists make it feel more like Standard Physics. At least, that's what I've been able to pull from it.
Maybe you set Pro/Amateur physics when you start career or in options somewhere? Please tell me they haven't dumbed down on realism when they've been working on it so hard! GT5 TT felt so good!!! I'm really worried about this now :(
I barely even played GT4, but I know for a fact that GT2 (which shipped on two discs, Arcade and Career) used the same physics for both modes. Arcade in this sense didn't mean unrealistic or dumbed down, it merely meant it was quick to drop straight into a match with no real commitment to worry about regarding wins and losses. I'd say it's logical to assume they've done the same with GT5.
If it's Pro physics, than I really don't mind!
Casual gamers can just put driving aids on then.
And like some people said, the skid recovery feature will make the physics pretty standard I guess.

Although about the damage thing..
Are there still rollovers?
Are there still parts that come off your rally car if you crash it?
If they removed all this, wouldn't they remove it on their official site too?
As Leon said, I don't see why a core gameplay function would be locked content. I hope I'm wrong because I would like the extra challenge as well. As you said full tuning had to be unlocked in GT5P so I guess its not impossible.

*shrug* I think it would mainly to keep the game play even. I mean, if you went to arcade and played with the full damage model, then went to say Beginner Hall it had little or no damage, it would feel weird, right? I mean, you'd slam into a barrier and no damage and go "WTF...why is the game...oh yeah, I'm in Beginner's races."
Yes, I really hope the physics are a bit like the GT5 TT demo..
Really liked it that way. It was challenging !
Now, whatever happens... I will be happy,
and I will be surprised no matter what.
About some things certainly in a positive way, but some things will surprise me negatively too I think.

I'm not sure the time trial demo physics were really all that. They were just plain mean in ways life just isn't. All mistakes seemed to be amplified quite a bit.

While I'm not going as far as to hope such options are not in the game, I can say fairly certainly that if there is any possible way to avoid activating 'sucks to be you' mode, I will be all over that.