Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
I'm not saying that I agree with the comments. It was just nice to wake up and approve something that is constructed well and worthy of discussion. Its made my day is all. :)

No, me neither (eg. constant damage for all modes, Pro to Beginner). But his post is so inviting and not hostile.

You may say, presentation of GT5 quality.
Edit: Never mind

That picture you posted, did tekken have his Traction Control set to 5? Because I was running around with a LP560-4 earlier today with Pro Physics and TC set to 5. It looked about the same has his Monza video (Damage wise.) And the cars seem to handle in similar manners (Feels like it's about to snap, have to baby the throttle, etc.) Maybe the game is auto set to Pro Physics. Maybe they just cut out the old physics model. I mean, I'm not saying this is fact or anything. But maybe people are just freaking out over nothing.
There really isn't any practical to have two physics models AND assists... And not just assists but 10 levels to each assist option...

GT has always tried to be as realistic as possible. Add assists for more casual players like all other games...

I would imagine that Proloug was a test bed, so the normal and pro physics might have just been GT4/GT5 versions...?
That's possible, but yes, Prologue was of course a public test.

As far as assist settings, I don't think it would be any more difficult to add 10 settings, as opposed to 1. Think of 0 being off, and 10 being 100% on. All they have to do in between is insert increments of 1 for the physics attributes they would control. It's definitely not 10 times the work.
Hello! i'm here to talk to you all today about cognitive dissonance, more specifically the belief disconfirmation paradigm. At this point it's even well beyond confirmation bias. When faced with contrary facts, you don't even search for alternate facts, you make them up on the spot. We need to get a few things strait here, and then we can move on with an intelligent discussion of the facts at hand.

1. Tekken90 is posting videos from a full retail copy of the game. It is not a review copy. It is absolutely the final game. If it was a review copy, for the game to be sold worldwide at the capacity it will sell, disk manufacturing would have to commenced no later than November 1. Reviewers don't have their copies yet, there would be absolutely no reason for them to get anything else but final game code.

2. There is no more physics option because there are no longer 2 physics settings. They have been combined into 1. They are the same in arcade and career mode, tekken90(the only guy here with the game) has confirmed this.

3. Arcade mode is not a magically dumbed down portion of the game. They physics are the same as career mode, the damage is the same as career mode, the graphics are the same as career mode, there are the same number of cars on track as career mode. Career mode is the "pick and play" portion of the game, nothing more. It allows you to chose the car, it allows you to choose the track. It is not a separate arcade racing game using the same assets.

4. The damage is limited. Greater damage will not be unlocked. They would not lock away central game features. The damage shown in earlier videos is not in this game. It cannot be "turned on". It is not different in arcade mode. What you see is what you get. The game isn't about crashing, crashing happens, and damage will be shown, but it is not the focus of the game.

5. Not everybody who cites issue with the game is a fanboy out to attack it. If the game is good, it will stand on it's own merit, it does not need 50 defenders to attack anybody without a completely positive opinion of every aspect of the game. It is perfectly acceptable for someone who enjoys gran turismo and is planning on buying the game to cite fault with issues. It is quite probably at this point that polyphony over-promised and under-delivered, but this is completely understandable and somewhat expected considering what was promised. They promised mars but delivered the moon while others promise the moon and don't deliver.

6. There are flaws with the game. Making mountains out of molehills will not make those flaws game-breaking. In the same sense, attacking people who are dissapointed by molehills that affect them won't make said flaws dissapear.

I pretty much agree with your opening and agree with your closing, but it seems you went and did exactly what you are warning about not doing... you just took a bunch of assumptions and stated them all as fact...

As much as I (painfully) agree that I don't think we are going to see anything major unlocked and that the game is underdelivering on their promises, I have to say I can't agree with the level of certainty you portray your position with.
The whole thing about the NASCAR cars was that they had the ability to have more damage inflicted on them, so forgive us for not quite buying the whole limited damage thing we saw in Tekken90's video.

Even the recent Top Gear magazine article quoted the great man himself getting very excited by a crash that happened during the play session with the guy's at Top Gear, and I quote "Unidentified pieces of car spray across the tarmac" To which KY replies, "Big Crashes" he cheers. "All the time!"

This isn't as good as the damage gets in GT5, not that I wanted damage in the first place, but this isn't it.

I also recall very early on when KY noted that damage was included mainly for the NA audience, he stated that alot of people ultimately end up turning off damage once they have played with it for a while, the evidence just doesn't stack up here.
so there is no more the physic option? when you start the career so you have to choose the level or ti increses while playing ( i hope not, i don't want to start with standard physic)?

I mean when for example you select beginner events than can you select the level of difficulty(bewteen the 3 we saw)or you're forced to play with "standard" physic and only when you reach expert and extreme events you're forced to use professional. Or you select a level when you start for the 1st time the gt mode.?

tekken please answer.
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Come on people, let's be reasonable now.

-There is no reason PD toned down the damage engine they talked so much about and worked so hard on.
-There is no reason the game would force you to play using standard physics with all the talk about how they are finally starting to understand the true nature of driving physics.
Come on people, let's be reasonable now.

-There is no reason PD toned down the damage engine they talked so much about and worked so hard on.

Ah, but that doesn't necessarily mean the one they talked about is the one you saw. I'm pretty sure they would have experimented with lots of different settings and levels of damage, and then settled on a nice average, not non-existent, but not too ridiculous either.
If true, which it sounds like it is, the fact they removed the physics settings is unbelievable. If they dumbed it down i will be so far beyond mad. What the hell is the matter with them? This has to be wrong.
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Ah, but that doesn't necessarily mean the one they talked about is the one you saw. I'm pretty sure they would have experimented with lots of different settings and levels of damage, and then settled on a nice average, not non-existent, but not too ridiculous either.

Well the one we've seen is non-existent. The cars make head-on collisions at mind-boggling speeds and suffer no mechanical damage.
If true, which it sounds like it is, the fact they removed the physics settings is unbelievable. If they dumbed it down i will be so far beyond mad. What the hell is the matter with them? This has to be wrong.

I agree with you, but as I already said in my previous post : It doesent make any sense if they tone down damage for rally and nascar cars (for other cars I could understand) but for rally and nascar they worked very hard to achieve what we saw in the latest demos, why remove all this ?!! it doesent make sense, so I dont believe that nomore rally cars coudld have for example their doors way they removed all those lines of pragramming and hard work of modelling textures/polygons..that would be insane....let alone the fact that this would be disappointing for the fans and make the credibility of GT franchise suffering (remember the delete of online mode from GT4 at the last moment ? I will never forget that, I was shocked at the time, hopefully this is not the case for GT4)
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Someone spotted a month ago that the Driving Physics option looks like it's been replaced with a slider for 'Skid Recovery Force'.
This sounds logical so I expect it will be a while before it sinks in here.
Someone spotted a month ago that the Driving Physics looks like it's been replaced with a slider for 'Skid Recovery Force'.
This sounds logical so I expect it will be a while before it sinks in here.

So is this more less the same thing? I haven't kept up with PD's work on the physics so far.
If true, which it sounds like it is, the fact they removed the physics settings is unbelievable. If they dumbed it down i will be so far beyond mad. What the hell is the matter with them? This has to be wrong.

Alot of people seem to be forgetting that GT4 didn't have different physics, just assists, like ASM, (someone mentioned "skid recovery force" above) etc. which would be changed in the tuning section for the car, which the good Mr. Tekken90 has so far failed to show us.

So who's to say that it isn't similar to GT4 in that respect, just more driving aids as opposed to Prologues TC and on the other hand Standard Physics ?

Seriously, it's not like we have months to wait to find out !

As regards the official track list, you have to wonder what Sony/PD are thinking sometimes !
Alot of people seem to be forgetting that GT4 didn't have different physics, just assists, like ASM, (someone mentioned "skid recovery force" above) etc. which would be changed in the tuning section for the car, which the good Mr. Tekken90 has so far failed to show us.

So who's to say that it isn't similar to GT4 in that respect, just more driving aids as opposed to Prologues TC and on the other hand Standard Physics ?

Seriously, it's not like we have months to wait to find out !

As regards the official track list, you have to wonder what Sony/PD are thinking sometimes !

It used to annoy me no end in GT4 having to turn of the assists every time i purchased a new car :grumpy:
I have a feeling were all going to have a sigh of releif when the game finally arrives and we can get a simple conclusion to all this confusion =/ Doesnt seem normal that a company would take ages to do something then just delete it =/
Alot of people seem to be forgetting that GT4 didn't have different physics, just assists, like ASM, (someone mentioned "skid recovery force" above) etc. which would be changed in the tuning section for the car, which the good Mr. Tekken90 has so far failed to show us.

It's right there in his Nascar video. :)
Also looks like it goes into a spin just by briefly releasing the throttle, but I can't be sure if that signifies anything.
Thing is with these previous demos nothing was consistent.

Skidmarks then noskidmarks.
Damage then no damage.

I remember thinking I've not seen anything tying it all together.

I really couldn't care about the visual. I just wanted mechanical damage to stop the bloody rammers and wall grinders online.
Oh and to make it realistic.
Ok, I thought I would share what I found...

In the description for the karting challenge, I think it is an unknown track. There is no logo/description like the 'Ring and Top Gear track. Anyone have thoughts?

Alot of people seem to be forgetting that GT4 didn't have different physics, just assists, like ASM, (someone mentioned "skid recovery force" above) etc. which would be changed in the tuning section for the car, which the good Mr. Tekken90 has so far failed to show us.

So who's to say that it isn't similar to GT4 in that respect, just more driving aids as opposed to Prologues TC and on the other hand Standard Physics ?

Seriously, it's not like we have months to wait to find out !

As regards the official track list, you have to wonder what Sony/PD are thinking sometimes !

I bought GT4 used and returned it because I hated the physics. It means everything to me. I played it for about 30-60 minutes and couldn't stand it. I'd played a few PC racing games and there was no comparison.

The physics in GT5 Prologue were OK, not great, but much better than GT4.

If they dumbed the physics down on this I will be very upset. I'd probably just sell the game if that's what's happened.

We'll see I guess. I can't even sleep now I'm so disturbed by this.
I bought GT4 used and returned it because I hated the physics. It means everything to me. I played it for about 30-60 minutes and couldn't stand it. I'd played a few PC racing games and there was no comparison.

The physics in GT5 Prologue were OK, not great, but much better than GT4.

If they dumbed the physics down on this I will be very upset. I'd probably just sell the game if that's what's happened.

We'll see I guess. I can't even sleep now I'm so disturbed by this.

A few people made a similar mistake with GT4.:dopey: By default every car came with a high assist setting which is very forgiving for the casual or novice player. What you had to do with turn off the TCS and the other assists idividually for each car to get the optimum experience.
Hello guys!

So at first I wanna thank you for Premium User! :D

Today program: Read PMs with your video requsts and progress in career mode (I hope for better damage). And new video probably from Photo mode.

Edit: And for tuning(moding) requests - now impossible - must open tuning parts etc.!
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