Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
If I get the game and it is less realistic than Prologue, then I will cry. Simple as that.

The series has always carried the name "The real driving simulator". By what logic would the simulation aspect suddenly disappear from the final game when a month back we have had demos with superior physics to Prologue?
I know those tracks are not on official list ! But i want to see are they in game cause we are still not sure does that list really shows all tracks !
Dude, lot of people are hoping that official list is not correct, same as it wasn't correct for GT4..
Also, some tracks that was shown in trailers and gameplay videos are not on the list !

That's why Tekken should check it out so that we are sure what is the truth. I hope you can understand that :).. 10 days is way too long for wait :x
Tekken, I'd appreciate if you went to the car dealerships and checked if the Veyron is really only a standard car. It is so hard to believe..
Tekken, I'd appreciate if you went to the car dealerships and checked if the Veyron is really only a standard car. It is so hard to believe..

LOL, thats true, I was really looking to drive the veyron in the cokpit view in GT5 with the new physics/graphics/sound engines !!!, one of the best feautures in other racing games : the veyron is a revolutionary car..
It is incredible how the game is already shiped and yet very few leaked video ! this is a success from sony lol

the whole Halo game got leaked in the internet, not the case for GT5...

9 days to go and we are still debating about the main features of the
It is incredible how the game is already shiped and yet very few leaked video ! this is a success from sony lol

the whole Halo game got leaked in the internet, not the case for GT5...

9 days to go and we are still debating about the main features of the

A lot of that has to do with how easy it is to pirate games on the Xbox 360 as well. It is possible to do with PlayStation 3 games, but I can't see GT5 being one of them.
The series has always carried the name "The real driving simulator". By what logic would the simulation aspect suddenly disappear from the final game when a month back we have had demos with superior physics to Prologue?

True. You're right. I'll stop watching videos and do thermodynamics like I should be. I'm not going to keep dwelling on physics of a game that I can only watch videos of. It will be in my hands next week. I'll wait. :)

Let's keep our heads on straight, people. Tekken90 seemed to be teasing about the physics in the last post on this thread anyway. It is meant to be the real driving simulator. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and completely lose it a week away from release. We'll all have the full story soon. 💡
Wait wait this is getting way out of control. Are there any sparks in the game? i know that there were sparks in demos and trailers. Is this why they delayed it!!!
Guess were only going to get clear cut answers when : 1) A reviewer gets a copy or 2) November 24th arrives :P Thanks to Tekken for keeping us occupied though :P
Wait wait this is getting way out of control. Are there any sparks in the game? i know that there were sparks in demos and trailers. Is this why they delayed it!!!

I haven't seen any sparks in the game and I simply cannot comprehend why they would take them out (even if they are kinda useless).
Wait wait this is getting way out of control. Are there any sparks in the game? i know that there were sparks in demos and trailers. Is this why they delayed it!!!

Yes, the sparks are still there. They've just toned them down significantly since the E3 demo where it was way over the top.
Wait wait this is getting way out of control. Are there any sparks in the game? i know that there were sparks in demos and trailers. Is this why they delayed it!!!

The real reason why the game was delayed was because PD wanted to put in a bunny hopping simulator mode and it wasn't working out to well so they cut it out of the game but had to delay it in the process. They modeled bunnies and everything, there were going to be 100 different variations of brown cute furry bunnies.
Hello! i'm here to talk to you all today about cognitive dissonance, more specifically the belief disconfirmation paradigm. At this point it's even well beyond confirmation bias. When faced with contrary facts, you don't even search for alternate facts, you make them up on the spot. We need to get a few things strait here, and then we can move on with an intelligent discussion of the facts at hand.

1. Tekken90 is posting videos from a full retail copy of the game. It is not a review copy. It is absolutely the final game. If it was a review copy, for the game to be sold worldwide at the capacity it will sell, disk manufacturing would have to commenced no later than November 1. Reviewers don't have their copies yet, there would be absolutely no reason for them to get anything else but final game code.

2. There is no more physics option because there are no longer 2 physics settings. They have been combined into 1. They are the same in arcade and career mode, tekken90(the only guy here with the game) has confirmed this.

3. Arcade mode is not a magically dumbed down portion of the game. They physics are the same as career mode, the damage is the same as career mode, the graphics are the same as career mode, there are the same number of cars on track as career mode. Career mode is the "pick and play" portion of the game, nothing more. It allows you to chose the car, it allows you to choose the track. It is not a separate arcade racing game using the same assets.

4. The damage is limited. Greater damage will not be unlocked. They would not lock away central game features. The damage shown in earlier videos is not in this game. It cannot be "turned on". It is not different in arcade mode. What you see is what you get. The game isn't about crashing, crashing happens, and damage will be shown, but it is not the focus of the game.

5. Not everybody who cites issue with the game is a fanboy out to attack it. If the game is good, it will stand on it's own merit, it does not need 50 defenders to attack anybody without a completely positive opinion of every aspect of the game. It is perfectly acceptable for someone who enjoys gran turismo and is planning on buying the game to cite fault with issues. It is quite probably at this point that polyphony over-promised and under-delivered, but this is completely understandable and somewhat expected considering what was promised. They promised mars but delivered the moon while others promise the moon and don't deliver.

6. There are flaws with the game. Making mountains out of molehills will not make those flaws game-breaking. In the same sense, attacking people who are dissapointed by molehills that affect them won't make said flaws dissapear.

I love you.

I was saying this last night, and people kept telling me I was wrong, and that I "didn't understand". Good to see that I'm not the only one who knows something fishy is going on.
Ahh hell with this thread still no clear information which is giving me a headache. im getting my copy in about 5 days and i'll find out about the mess PD have put the game into.
Good we have these videos game looks great, im aloud to pre order if i get this college work done today :/ lmao. Also, anyone checked out the video titled "Video0013" looks weird :S, made me laugh though.
Guess were only going to get clear cut answers when : 1) A reviewer gets a copy or 2) November 24th arrives :P Thanks to Tekken for keeping us occupied though :P

I wonder if we will hear from the people who won the Subway contest before the 24th. I would be kinda mad if they promised me the game early and don't deliver. On second thought, that was pre-delay so maybe that threw a wrench in it....... any Subway winners out there?
I wonder if we will hear from the people who won the Subway contest before the 24th. I would be kinda mad if they promised me the game early and don't deliver. On second thought, that was pre-delay so maybe that threw a wrench in it....... any Subway winners out there?

Meh, probably the winners will either get it after the actual release, or well get someone who wont even record it onto youtube. Or i could be wrong ( I hope i am :P)