Gran Turismo 5 Full Game Footage/Images

  • Thread starter Sam48
Damage, Damage, Damage. Virtually all topics always come back to this "issue". From what we've seen in previous demos, the damage is decent, there is no way that Kaz would have gone a step back after most people were satisfied with the latest demo vids showing damage. Either the GT5 up-loaders don't know how to switch the damage settings or the damage effects are progressive to ease the players into the game, i will eat my shoes if the GT5 vids showing damage are the highest damage setting in the game.

Are there any vids showing simple effects like sparks etc? That the final damage setting is yet to be seen. Even mechanical damage is yet to be seen in the current vids, like i said i doubt Kaz would have taken those out the game.

The theory that damage gets progressive in GT mode is plausible just like AI difficulty gets progressively tougher. Its way to early to make so many stupid assumptions until you either get the game yourself or someone reputable can make a clear cut review.
Damage, Damage, Damage. Virtually all topics always come back to this "issue". From what we've seen in previous demos, the damage is decent, there is no way that Kaz would have gone a step back after most people were satisfied with the latest demo vids showing damage. Either the GT5 up-loaders don't know how to switch the damage settings or the damage effects are progressive to ease the players into the game, i will eat my shoes if the GT5 vids showing damage are the highest damage setting in the game.

Are there any vids showing simple effects like sparks etc? That the final damage setting is yet to be seen. Even mechanical damage is yet to be seen in the current vids, like i said i doubt Kaz would have taken those out the game.

The theory that damage gets progressive in GT mode is plausible just like AI difficulty gets progressively tougher. Its way to early to make so many stupid assumptions until you either get the game yourself or someone reputable can make a clear cut review.

Damage, Damage, Damage. Virtually all topics always come back to this "issue". From what we've seen in previous demos, the damage is decent, there is no way that Kaz would have gone a step back after most people were satisfied with the latest demo vids showing damage. Either the GT5 up-loaders don't know how to switch the damage settings or the damage effects are progressive to ease the players into the game, i will eat my shoes if the GT5 vids showing damage are the highest damage setting in the game.

Are there any vids showing simple effects like sparks etc? That the final damage setting is yet to be seen. Even mechanical damage is yet to be seen in the current vids, like i said i doubt Kaz would have taken those out the game.

The theory that damage gets progressive in GT mode is plausible just like AI difficulty gets progressively tougher. Its way to early to make so many stupid assumptions until you either get the game yourself or someone reputable can make a clear cut review.

Bookmarking for potential to see someone eat a shoe. BTW we will need video proof if and when this happens.

And no fair wearing licorice shoes or anything....
Sorry I couldn't resist...


original picture
OK, people without internet wont have damage in there game.

Good move sony.

Actually I downloaded GTPrologue and if I'm offline it wont let me play.

You were warned when you set up the purchase. I know, because I got Prologue the same way, and specifically remember the warning.

Those who bought the disc were also warned, on the back cover in large font, that it would only work if you were online.
Damage, Damage, Damage. Virtually all topics always come back to this "issue". From what we've seen in previous demos, the damage is decent, there is no way that Kaz would have gone a step back after most people were satisfied with the latest demo vids showing damage. Either the GT5 up-loaders don't know how to switch the damage settings or the damage effects are progressive to ease the players into the game, i will eat my shoes if the GT5 vids showing damage are the highest damage setting in the game.

Are there any vids showing simple effects like sparks etc? That the final damage setting is yet to be seen. Even mechanical damage is yet to be seen in the current vids, like i said i doubt Kaz would have taken those out the game.

The theory that damage gets progressive in GT mode is plausible just like AI difficulty gets progressively tougher. Its way to early to make so many stupid assumptions until you either get the game yourself or someone reputable can make a clear cut review.
Wow I think im going to faint because i've just read your post which adds some sanity to this thread.

However I doubt some will follow your logical thinking because it will get in the way of their favourite hobby, moaning!
no ... i just unlocked nordschleife (night) .. there was fog too or on one sector was raining and on another was clean sunset (licence test) ...

RDK the car models are more detailed and higher resolution in PHOTO TRAVEL, if you can take some shots in PHOTO TRAVEL, you will not be disappointed.
Damage, Damage, Damage. Virtually all topics always come back to this "issue". From what we've seen in previous demos, the damage is decent, there is no way that Kaz would have gone a step back after most people were satisfied with the latest demo vids showing damage. Either the GT5 up-loaders don't know how to switch the damage settings or the damage effects are progressive to ease the players into the game, i will eat my shoes if the GT5 vids showing damage are the highest damage setting in the game.

Are there any vids showing simple effects like sparks etc? That the final damage setting is yet to be seen. Even mechanical damage is yet to be seen in the current vids, like i said i doubt Kaz would have taken those out the game.

The theory that damage gets progressive in GT mode is plausible just like AI difficulty gets progressively tougher. Its way to early to make so many stupid assumptions until you either get the game yourself or someone reputable can make a clear cut review.
Isn't that the same as saying "MY xbox 360 isn't RRODing so clearly those who say they don't RROD aren't wrong"?

Nope. But he shouldnt be asking for an apology when he is clearly wrong. Also I had an Xbox 360 RROD on me but my second Xbox 360 I bought two years ago is still good.
Nope. But he shouldnt be asking for an apology when he is clearly wrong. Also I had an Xbox 360 RROD on me but my second Xbox 360 I bought two years ago is still good.

So wait, he has a copy that does this to him, he has a big name website that backs up the claim that this did in fact happen to some users, someone calls him a fibber, and HE is the one that's wrong? :dunce:

Me: No it didn't, doens't happen, you are a liar
Guy: Yes it does, here is a big name site saying it happens and verifying it, now apolgize for calling me a liar.
Me: Mine didn't RROD, my buddies didn't RROD, therefore it doesn't happen. I don't have to apologize for you being wrong.
If it makes profit, Sony wouldn't give a rat's ass whether the few people without internet will get the update or not. Majority has internet = Sony will make profit = minority ignored.

For a company like Sony, there's no reason why they wont upload a patch because of internet availability (unless of course if majority of the customers aren't connected to the internet). And if the reason why Sony wouldn't use the internet for a critical update is because it's "unfair", it's simply not enough.

Sony won't do it because it's retarded. DLC has nothing to do with it. I am talking about a patch that will unlock content.

If anything, it will get unlocked automatically by a specific date or time. I doubt that, though.
You were warned when you set up the purchase. I know, because I got Prologue the same way, and specifically remember the warning.

Those who bought the disc were also warned, on the back cover in large font, that it would only work if you were online.

Uh, I haven't had the internet connected to my playstation in months, and I can play every part of Prologue except online....