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I just think that its really sad of PD to be reading these forums (which we are told they do) and yet they still do nothing. On they have a teaser video of Call of Duty Modern Warefare Two with an exact date of release in September 09 - does this hurt Activision/infinity Ward (whow evers making it nowadays) ? I think not.
PD should learn from other software houses that it's good business to commincate with your fanbase.
I was just about to say that they should fire their PR /marketing person but remembered they where advertising for this postion recently - well there you go there's our answer they have no PR/marketing person - no wonder were getting diddly squat!!!
First day memo to whoever gets the marketing job.
1. Reward loyal customers with information.
2. Sit back and watch sales of exiisting game (prologue) and final relase dramtically increase.
PD should learn from other software houses that it's good business to commincate with your fanbase.
I was just about to say that they should fire their PR /marketing person but remembered they where advertising for this postion recently - well there you go there's our answer they have no PR/marketing person - no wonder were getting diddly squat!!!
First day memo to whoever gets the marketing job.
1. Reward loyal customers with information.
2. Sit back and watch sales of exiisting game (prologue) and final relase dramtically increase.