Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?

  • Thread starter Sele1981
So are we already forgetting Amar's thread?

Something good is coming!!! Just wait!
So are we already forgetting Amar's thread?

Something good is coming!!! Just wait!

+1 👍

According Amar's word's and KY word's from Ahmed interview (that all will be done as a surprise).. we are smelling that something big it's going to happen. Remember, we havn't any GT5P big fall update.. that means that they are working hard with GT5.
I just watched the TGS 2007 PD Studio Tour on youtube, and the reporter claims this to be the release date (third one from the top). He says something like "We're not supposed to show you, but this is the release date". I don't know what it says and if it's the release date of Prologue or the full game.


Anyone who can try to figure out what the numbers means?
I just watched the TGS 2007 PD Studio Tour on youtube, and the reporter claims this to be the release date (third one from the top). He says something like "We're not supposed to show you, but this is the release date". I don't know what it says and if it's the release date of Prologue or the full game.

Anyone who can try to figure out what the numbers means?

90th April 3600. Jeez, I knew it'll take a while, but that long ? ;)

( Honestly : Release dates from 2007 are absolutely worthless, forget them )
Despite the release date being unconfirmed I have just pre-ordered GT5. Interestingly I was in Game the other day talking about racing games to an employee and he told me GT5 would be released in Sep which is exactly the same date as

Do you mean Game Stop? My guess is that you will hold on to that preorder reciept for a long while :P I do not think that GT5 will come out anytime soon, we are STILL waiting for the BIG fall update from last year. It does not look promising for a 2009 release. I had my GT4 preorder 6 months later than it was supposed to come out, and i got it about 7 months in advance :( thats a whole year after i ordered it! Lets all hope that Poly will come through with something truly amazing:tup:. After all, it has been a while since the release of GT5:P:P
No, he means Game.

We got a Fall update October 3rd, no one promised it would be BIG (KY did hint damage and later laughed how they are late)
I just watched the TGS 2007 PD Studio Tour on youtube, and the reporter claims this to be the release date (third one from the top). He says something like "We're not supposed to show you, but this is the release date". I don't know what it says and if it's the release date of Prologue or the full game.


Anyone who can try to figure out what the numbers means?

Those numbers are cell phone numbers of the employees (whose names are displayed in the centre column). All cell numbers in Japan have the dialling code 090. Perhaps someone should try calling one of them and asking when they'll have the game ready?!
sorry for my english, and my grammar.. but i found a site, VGReleases, there is coundown 288 days til gran turismo 5 come out! and i think its a real deal
sorry for my english, and my grammar.. but i found a site, VGReleases, there is coundown 288 days til gran turismo 5 come out! and i think its a real deal

Well imo there is no such thing as the real deal until PD/Sony announces it!
@big dani, that release date stated is just an 'expected' release date. Its not confirmed.
Besides, its main source of info regarding that 'expected' release date is this site - GTPLANET.NET
I don't really mind too much about the release date, I'd rather Polyphony Digital release the game later and get it just right... Rather than throwing it all together and release it soon.
I don't really mind too much about the release date, I'd rather Polyphony Digital release the game later and get it just right... Rather than throwing it all together and release it soon.

I agree. As much as I want GT5 soon. I would like PD to make sure it's as good and accurate as possible before releasing it.
Today i went to a Game shop (in Catalonia) and asked about GT5. I was really surprised because it was the first time that in a game store they haven't said me: we don't know it for now, it's under work. I said to the employee: Do you know when GT5 will be released? The employe said me: we don't know for sure (he was searching on his computer) but in the store computer says "it's in a end of 2009" but it has to be anounced. Also told me: and maybe IT WILL NOT BE CALLED GRAN TURISMO 5. When he told me that i was just ***??? I asked what would be the name and he told that "they don't know". Also he told me that GT5 could be sold out now, but they want a lot of licences. Also told me that there are a lot of pressures from the fans about thinks like damage and it could be in the game, but that are only suposes.

That's anything new but he told me: "maybe IT WILL NOT BE CALLED GRAN TURISMO 5"

That's what he told me. Was he joking? Was he on drugs? I don't know... I don't belive what he told me. He sounded more like a GT fan, because he talked a little bit about cars. For now, the only I belive it's the excitament of Amar and the words from KY: "all will be done as a surprise".
Today i went to a Game shop (in Catalonia) and asked about GT5. I was really surprised because it was the first time that in a game store they haven't said me: we don't know it for now, it's under work. I said to the employee: Do you know when GT5 will be released? The employe said me: we don't know for sure (he was searching on his computer) but in the store computer says "it's in a end of 2009" but it has to be anounced. Also told me: and maybe IT WILL NOT BE CALLED GRAN TURISMO 5. When he told me that i was just ***??? I asked what would be the name and he told that "they don't know". Also he told me that GT5 could be sold out now, but they want a lot of licences. Also told me that there are a lot of pressures from the fans about thinks like damage and it could be in the game, but that are only suposes.

That's anything new but he told me: "maybe IT WILL NOT BE CALLED GRAN TURISMO 5"

That's what he told me. Was he joking? Was he on drugs? I don't know... I don't belive what he told me. He sounded more like a GT fan, because he talked a little bit about cars. For now, the only I belive it's the excitament of Amar and the words from KY: "all will be done as a surprise".

He may have just been searching for "Gran Turismo 5" as a working title in their inventory system or whatever. That comment makes sense, because in the end the game could be called something like Gran Turismo Revolution, Gran Turismo 2010, Gran Turismo Spec-V, who knows.
It might, and if it is, it'll be rushed, gimped, flawed and buggy like FM2.

Exactly! 👍 As well compare FM1 and 2. One is OLD GEN (xbox) one is next gen (360) and on the 360 version it did not feel that much different, graphics where not that much better. Nothing new to the table. It was HUGE disappointment. look at GT4 and GT5P.. you can see and most important FEEL the difference. Quality should be a standard in games.. *you hear that Microsoft?*
Today i went to a Game shop (in Catalonia) and asked about GT5. I was really surprised because it was the first time that in a game store they haven't said me: we don't know it for now, it's under work. I said to the employee: Do you know when GT5 will be released? The employe said me: we don't know for sure (he was searching on his computer) but in the store computer says "it's in a end of 2009" but it has to be anounced. Also told me: and maybe IT WILL NOT BE CALLED GRAN TURISMO 5. When he told me that i was just ***??? I asked what would be the name and he told that "they don't know". Also he told me that GT5 could be sold out now, but they want a lot of licences. Also told me that there are a lot of pressures from the fans about thinks like damage and it could be in the game, but that are only suposes.

That's anything new but he told me: "maybe IT WILL NOT BE CALLED GRAN TURISMO 5"

That's what he told me. Was he joking? Was he on drugs? I don't know... I don't belive what he told me. He sounded more like a GT fan, because he talked a little bit about cars. For now, the only I belive it's the excitament of Amar and the words from KY: "all will be done as a surprise".

I have more ou less the same experience, when a few weeks ago a go to a Game Store and I see "book now GT5" I ask for the release date and the employee after consulting is computer said:

- This is not a solid information but the game will be release in Setember or October 2009.


Its just marketing from the game stores!

I think the GT5 will be release in December 2009.
GT5 is only worth waiting for if it's innovative and groundbreaking.

GT1-GT5P were just more of the same, good for their time, but the competition is now far stronger.
october/november release could be possible, with them then doing a ps3/gt5 bundle for the christmas craze, espescially when i think of the hints from Kaz that the 2010 guesstimate is off, the end of 2009 seems even more likely but then again until they do announce it everything just that guesses! :)


What competition i still don´t see anyone doing what GT does, not even close?
I'm sure Kaz and the lads put way more pressure on themselves than they ever feel from the game market, and the sales show that.

This might be the first time that a worldwide GT release happens. The amount of localizing for a racing game, suiting the different releases for different regions, is probably nothing compared to a first person shooter. I'm anticipating a delay anyway, but hoping this time that Polyphony pulls it off worldwide. SONY could sure help make that possible, and having GT5 available for global holiday sales would mean huge money for them. And a heavenly Christmas for us. Well, most of us. ;)

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