Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?

  • Thread starter Sele1981
why should they keep it as a surprise? i really think PD has problems so they don´t really know whats up with the game!?

Because it has been clearly stated by ky that he wants to make it a surprise. oh and that most updates to gt5p have been surprises. Though I guess you are right. PD must be having big problems with gt5/going down the gurgler/spontaneously combusted :banghead:
Ratchet & Clank Future is undoubtedly coming out this year, or very shortly afterward in 2010. SONY isn't giving out all the games coming out this year, so they can have some thunder to unleash in E3.
Sorry if I start rambling and sound all angry :P, but Iam a huge GT Fan played every game besides 1 and got 2 right at the start of 2000 before i even turned 8.
I really really really do hope that launch is this year because to be quite honest there is nothing in terms of racing simulation that has come out within the last 2 years that is as good or better then the GT games, in my mind games like ferrari challenge are rubbish, system 3 I have learnt the hard way after paying full rrp for the game on ps3 I get half of whats on the back cover in what I think is a very ugly looking game too and plays nothing like GT its more of a Arcade game with Higher end physics by that I mean the overall game is arcadey but the cars feel real.
Then we get these simbin games which use the same dam engine from 2004, come on guys there is a limit on any engine and what is outdated is outdated for crying out loud the Gmotor 2 lacked features of modern games back in 2004 when the rfactor demo was released, sure it has decent physics but the game looks and sounds like utter nothing, they also do what EA does launch a game every 11 or so months (Fifa) and dont change anything besides model 2 more ugly cars, I think they should really give up on the ISI engine even their new lizard engine isbased on the ISI Gmotor 2 which is why the game is so pixilated.
There I have proven I like GT:P.
But polyphony is taking their time, and I think too much time. Iam betting that I will get fanboys/mods comming back at me for saying this stuff, but polyphony for godness sake get a bigger team, you cant work with the same amount of people you had when you made GT4, games every generation take 2-3x aslong to make so it is only common sense that if you still want to make games you cant be too stingy you have to have more money each generation, some might say they have wasted more money on Gt5 because of more workers, yes, they have wasted more money but only because it is a more advanced game not because of more workers the simple fact is that they still dont have any extra employees there which they should.
They Really need to release new info,I know what i will get here ;), "What does Polyphony owe u ?" nothing really but im sure they wont be too happy if some of the other guys waiting gave out and they got about 20% less game sales, ill still buy the game but im just saying, most gamers arent completely into the game and they are those that make up a majority of the sales and they are those who with a game taking 6 years to accomplish will give out sell their Ps3 and buy a 360 which is not what sony wants.
there is nothing in terms of racing simulation that has come out within the last 2 years that is as good or better then the GT games

Forza 2 is a great sim,imo way better than GT4 and GT5P. You should check it out.
Forza 2 is a great sim,imo way better than GT4 and GT5P. You should check it out.
Well... that's a matter of taste. I got my 360 back from my bro, but that's just because I want to create some more race cars. Forza 2 seems to have too much tire grip where GT5Pseems to be a touch slippery. The tire sounds in FM2 are terrible; every car sounds like a truck. The camera angles are atrocious. The replays are even worse than in FM1. Every car oversteers.

It's a nice game, but "better" is definitely in the hands of the beholder.
Well... that's a matter of taste. I got my 360 back from my bro, but that's just because I want to create some more race cars. Forza 2 seems to have too much tire grip where GT5Pseems to be a touch slippery. The tire sounds in FM2 are terrible; every car sounds like a truck. The camera angles are atrocious. The replays are even worse than in FM1. Every car oversteers.

It's a nice game, but "better" is definitely in the hands of the beholder.

That's why I said "imo" ;)

I don't want to hijack the thread and start a discussion about Forza vs GT...

Pro Forza :

- Great online features ( GT4 : none, GT5P : yes, but it sucks )
- Damage model ( GT4 / GT5 P : none )
- I think the engine/exhaust sounds are better than in GT 4&5P
( better mixed at least. If you want a great car sound in GT5P you've got to set your stero to the max, and still it sounds like a studio record, Forza is a lot more organic )

Then there are some points where Forza of course beats Gt4 ( graphics, sound ) and obviously beats GT5p ( number of cars, tracks, tuning ).

I'm a huge fan of racing games and as much I like GT from part 1 (jp) until today, GT5P with 400 cars and 40 tracks won't be enough to even beat Forza 2.
I really hope Polyphony gets their job done. But even then, Forza 3 will be improved aswell.

@ tire sounds : never really payed attention to that, guess it can't be too bad then ;)

@ replays : no comparison to GT, that's right

@ camera angles : again, never had a problem

@ grip / oversteer

Oh well, racing was fun and felt realistic. Can't always say that in the case of GT5P. If cars would understeer and brake like that in the real world ( n1 tires ) then nobody would survive a day in traffic.
That's why I said "imo" ;)

I don't want to hijack the thread and start a discussion about Forza vs GT...

Pro Forza : (snip)

And then you start a discussion about Forza vs GT. I notice there's no "Pro GT" there. Okay, I know how you see things. ;)

And then you start a discussion about Forza vs GT. I notice there's no "Pro GT" there. Okay, I know how you see things. ;)

Ok, now that you say it :lol:

No, honestly, I'm not against GT or sth, but I respect good games and Forza 2 was a lot of fun, I played it countless hours, especially online. It's not perfect, but neither is GT5P.
I'm still hoping for the best, and if GT5 is better than Forza 2 / 3 I couldn't be happier.
I actually never thought forza 1 looked better then Gt4 at 1080 i :S maybe its just me but everything in forza looked alot more bland, just look at the dullness of the trackside at Laguna seca in forza while Gt4 has all the little details track side, there used to be a clip on this on youtube which did a graphics comparison of fm vs Gt4 a few years back at laguna seca.

I dont understand what you mean by "GT5P with 400 cars and 40 tracks wont be enough to beat forza"
I firstly highly doubt that Gt5 will only have 400 cars its clearly not being rushed like Gt3 was :P as we can see im hoping my great grandkids will get a turn at Gt5 if i dont but I think that there will be no less then 900 cars and 60 tracks as 4 had 800 cars and 50 tracks.
Iam not really begging for damamge Ive got relatives who argue that without damage the game sucks, now I just dont understand I have enjoyed Gt4 more then the utter rubbish like GRID with superb damage I really dont see what people find good in damamge.
About Forza 2 sounding better then GT5 maybe but graphics wise Gt5 looks a generation apart.
I actually never thought forza 1 looked better then Gt4 at 1080 i :S maybe its just me but everything in forza looked alot more bland, just look at the dullness of the trackside at Laguna seca in forza while Gt4 has all the little details track side, there used to be a clip on this on youtube which did a graphics comparison of fm vs Gt4 a few years back at laguna seca.

I dont understand what you mean by "GT5P with 400 cars and 40 tracks wont be enough to beat forza"
I firstly highly doubt that Gt5 will only have 400 cars its clearly not being rushed like Gt3 was :P as we can see im hoping my great grandkids will get a turn at Gt5 if i dont but I think that there will be no less then 900 cars and 60 tracks as 4 had 800 cars and 50 tracks.
Iam not really begging for damamge Ive got relatives who argue that without damage the game sucks, now I just don't understand I have enjoyed Gt4 more then the utter rubbish like GRID with superb damage I really dont see what people find good in damage.
About Forza 2 sounding better then GT5 maybe but graphics wise Gt5 looks a generation apart.

Forza 2 graphics are very good, and most important : steady 60fps !
Forza1, Gt4, well that's a long time ago, let them rest ;)

@ Gt5P with 400 cars and 40 tracks

What I wanted to say : class, not mass. GT5p is not a good game imo. It's ok, but not more. Online modes are a bad joke, no crash model, no tuning.
If GT5 is GT5p with more cars and tracks, then these negative points would still be there. That's why I said : Polyphony has to do more, than simply adding cars and tracks in order to create a great game, in order to be able to compete with Forza 2 / 3.
900 cars and 60 tracks ? I don't think so. Creating 1080P cars is a ton of work, especially including interiors. Same goes for detailed tracks. It would be a miracle if there were more than 500 cars in GT5, maybe not even 400.
Talking about different cars of course, there might be 50 Skylines in GT5 ;).
The fact that Grid is not as good as GT5p / Forza 2, doesn't mean that a damage model isn't necessary. We are talking about the real driving simulator. Bouncing off a wall at 300 km/h like a golf ball isn't simulation, it's fantasy. If you had played Forza, you'd know that it is great. Not always in multiplayer, but in general it adds a lot to the sim feeling.
GT5p looks great, that's for sure.
Again, sorry for starting this Forza vs GT debate, but since there is no release date for GT5 anyway, why not using this thread for a different useful (? ;) ) discussion.
Sorry if I start rambling and sound all angry :P, but Iam a huge GT Fan played every game besides 1 and got 2 right at the start of 2000 before i even turned 8.
I really really really do hope that launch is this year because to be quite honest there is nothing in terms of racing simulation that has come out within the last 2 years that is as good or better then the GT games, in my mind games like ferrari challenge are rubbish, system 3 I have learnt the hard way after paying full rrp for the game on ps3 I get half of whats on the back cover in what I think is a very ugly looking game too and plays nothing like GT its more of a Arcade game with Higher end physics by that I mean the overall game is arcadey but the cars feel real.
Then we get these simbin games which use the same dam engine from 2004, come on guys there is a limit on any engine and what is outdated is outdated for crying out loud the Gmotor 2 lacked features of modern games back in 2004 when the rfactor demo was released, sure it has decent physics but the game looks and sounds like utter nothing, they also do what EA does launch a game every 11 or so months (Fifa) and dont change anything besides model 2 more ugly cars, I think they should really give up on the ISI engine even their new lizard engine isbased on the ISI Gmotor 2 which is why the game is so pixilated.
There I have proven I like GT:P.
But polyphony is taking their time, and I think too much time. Iam betting that I will get fanboys/mods comming back at me for saying this stuff, but polyphony for godness sake get a bigger team, you cant work with the same amount of people you had when you made GT4, games every generation take 2-3x aslong to make so it is only common sense that if you still want to make games you cant be too stingy you have to have more money each generation, some might say they have wasted more money on Gt5 because of more workers, yes, they have wasted more money but only because it is a more advanced game not because of more workers the simple fact is that they still dont have any extra employees there which they should.
They Really need to release new info,I know what i will get here ;), "What does Polyphony owe u ?" nothing really but im sure they wont be too happy if some of the other guys waiting gave out and they got about 20% less game sales, ill still buy the game but im just saying, most gamers arent completely into the game and they are those that make up a majority of the sales and they are those who with a game taking 6 years to accomplish will give out sell their Ps3 and buy a 360 which is not what sony wants.

See PD? It's as simple as that! :sly:

Oh well, racing was fun and felt realistic. Can't always say that in the case of GT5P. If cars would understeer and brake like that in the real world ( n1 tires ) then nobody would survive a day in traffic.

Well it's just as well that in your average day in traffic, people don't drive everywhere flat out then, isn't it?...

Again, sorry for starting this Forza vs GT debate, but since there is no release date for GT5 anyway, why not using this thread for a different useful (? ;) ) discussion.

Because there are already this many threads on GT vs. Forza comparison. It's even more useful leaving this thread for actual release date discussion and information, and taking a peek in one of those other threads if you'd like to discuss Forza and GT.

You won't get your head bitten off for digging up an older thread as long as you contribute well to the discussion that's been going on :) But please don't turn this thread into another GT vs. Forza discussion 👍
Well it's just as well that in your average day in traffic, people don't drive everywhere flat out then, isn't it?...
I am willing to bet that if you strap the cheapest tyres you can find (because that's what N1 represents) on a Subaru Impreza and you drive it at the limit, that it will understeer like a pig and brake like poo. During 'normal' driving, it may not be that obvious, since many people use cheapass tyres. ;)
Forza 2 is a great sim,imo way better than GT4 and GT5P. You should check it out.

I did,and i personall wouldn't waste my money on that consol or game.
i tried it when my friends brother bought just after it was released and then a colleuge brought his xbox over to my house to update and forza2 and still i was bored with it.

PD need to give us a release date soon or at least some info to help bide time.or at least which season we can expect a release.
Just keep your eye on Amar's thread. If any useful information is going to be released to us, he's the guy for the job. And given that he created that thread, he clearly knows something good that's on the horizon.
I did,and i personall wouldn't waste my money on that consol or game.
i tried it when my friends brother bought just after it was released and then a colleuge brought his xbox over to my house to update and forza2 and still i was bored with it.

PD need to give us a release date soon or at least some info to help bide time.or at least which season we can expect a release.
I'v played 1 and 2. Forza is overated by the Xbox community precisely because it's Microsofts answer to Gran Turismo. I fear for anyone giving Forza 3 a bad review the bile and attacks would be extroadinary. A bit like Halo 3 etc being rated one of the best games ever.:crazy:
I can understand why Forza fans love Forza 2, but to be honest I will never 'get' Halo..... Yes I have forced myself to play for a while (I generally like FPSers) and was even offered it for free but didn't bother.

Anyway, E3 feels like a release date for me just thinking about info we should get by then, then I have to remember it's just info not the game.
I have started playing Forza2, and actually, and shamefully paid cash for the Online gold membership 2 nights ago! It is a decent game, love the engine noises, and the choice of cars. Overall it is a good game, but 'feel' is way of GT levels, and I did not notice any of the bumps at the ring. I tried online, but becuase I am a Forza newb, I was booted from games before I even got started - Darn Xbox fanboy snobs!! Funny thing is, when I did get a match up, I was using a Suburu 22B, and racing others in that class, I won a 10 lap race easily. I guess 10 years of GT have made me a Forza pro! lol

Going back on topic, PD are being coye, they will not give a date because: 1 they do not want to dissapoint - PD have not a good record with release dates, nor sony. 2: I think now we will get it in 09 - just, they will springa suprise for us. Don't worry, all will be revealed.
I'm beginning to think August for Japan, October for the US and PAL regions. That, I could deal with easily. Feb-March 2010... eh, I'd survive. ;)
Just a heads up I would not expect GT5 to come out this year. Why would I think this? Well according to this source GT5 is not listed on "Sony's official big exclusives of 2009 list". This list also goes into 2010 and actually covers the 2009 fiscal year. In other words do not expect GT5 until April 2010 at the earliest.
Just a heads up I would not expect GT5 to come out this year. Why would I think this? Well according to this source GT5 is not listed on "Sony's official big exclusives of 2009 list". This list also goes into 2010 and actually covers the 2009 fiscal year. In other words do not expect GT5 until April 2010 at the earliest.

Iread that earlier. Could be true, but I think that GT5 is hush hush, and we may se it sooner. I think Sony would want GT5 out before a PS3 price drop as it is a good way to make money.
Sony have made no announcments about GT5 at all, it's all kepted under wraps for the moment, they would not put it in a 2009 fiscal year list yet.
I think we will know more after E3, so I'm cotent to just wait... but I'm gasping for new material. I hope its not 2010, I'll loose the will to live lol :nervous:
if you look on wiki about all release date of gt series, you will see that nearly always the japan version is released on december... this year we will see the same story... will be released on december 2009...
Despite the release date being unconfirmed I have just pre-ordered GT5. Interestingly I was in Game the other day talking about racing games to an employee and he told me GT5 would be released in Sep which is exactly the same date as

This might be wishful thinking though!
Despite the release date being unconfirmed I have just pre-ordered GT5. Interestingly I was in Game the other day talking about racing games to an employee and he told me GT5 would be released in Sep which is exactly the same date as

This might be wishful thinking though!

so... it will be an EU version???? cuz doesn't sell japan game