Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?

  • Thread starter Sele1981
i hope gtmobile doen't sell at all. the t franchise isn't that big anyways. i mean its probably gonna sell like gears of war 2, which is great, but nothing to keep us waiting for 6 years for.
you will only feel worse when sony annouces its out late 2010.

psp go 250$
gow3 2010
heavy rain 2010
price cut?
giving up exclusives.
STILL losing money on every ps3

releasing gt5 late 2010 will be nothing for sony. and forza? sony will let it take the tittle from gt. I mean final fantesy sold like gt but sony gave it up to microsoft.

i don't know man. i actually want it to sell, but if its the reason gt was delayed then i hope it disappoints sony
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It's easy to call people jerks when we have done nothing to prove we are not like them. I know many of you have been waiting years for GT5's release date. But it's also your fault for awaiting the game so long. It's a game, after all. I've said it before, and I will say it again: Always expect the worst. That way, you won't be dissapointed when things are a little less worst than expected.
I highly doubt they will announce it for late 2010 for reasons mentioned many times before.

And most of that post really doesn't mean or prove much at all.
i love PD they make good games Im just mad @ sony?

@ the e3 video they said teaser, and they didn't give us any other news. that screams late 2010.
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I'm losing my respect for Yamauchi. He is a jerk, really.

Isn't he aware of the excitement he is caused by saying "We can release it at any time"!? Srew him. Of course, he doesn't care the least about us, with all the sports cars he has got, trackdays and what not!

2010 in my ***! I rather get a crapbox with the less impressive Forza 3. At least you don't have to wait 'til your grand children grow old for Turn 10's releases...

EDIT: Oh, I think it might be time to change my avatar as well.


What a statement by KY. Sounds like something a kid would say to their parents: "Johnny, did you do your homework tonight?", "Yeah Dad, I did it."
"Well, let me see it son." "Err, umm, well...I'm getting ready to do it. It doesn't matter, I can get it done any time I want to."

If they can release it at any time, why don't they? Because either a) they can't because it's actually not ready, or b) they won't, because they think they can squeeze more money out of the project by releasing it at a more "opportune" time. I don't really buy the fact that they are just "polishing" it up. Nothing dirty really, they are behaving as a lot of other businesses would. I am fully aware that PD and Sony are looking first and foremost after their business considerations--maximizing sales and Q4 profit numbers for Sony shareholders, blah, blah...

Funny thing is, here is an interesting FACT--regardless of whether they release GT5 tomorrow, or Christmas 09 or whenever, they will sell as many (if not more) copies as if they release it now. I would like to see someone prove that releasing a game on x date ensures that the game will sell more total copies than releasing it when it is ready. Would GT4 have sold fewer total copies if they had released it on a different, more opportune date? I don't think so. The logic behind my reasoning is this. Game sales are kind of analogous to a person's career. The earlier you begin your career (assuming you stay in the same position and don't get fired or change jobs too often, etc.) the more money you can reasonably expect to make in your lifetime. Is this not correct? Why wouldn't the same hold true for a game? The earlier the release, the greater the ultimate number of copies sold (assuming demand and market conditions remain relatively stable). All this assuming that the game is not being rushed but put out at a relatively reasonable pace.

Waiting only proves what they (PD & Sony) are really concerned about: Money. And I've heard, frankly, all I want to hear from people who say "quit whining, just wait till the full GT5 comes out, it will be worth the wait because they will make it perfect, you know KY, he's a perfectionist." No game is perfect, nor will it ever be. I can guarantee you there will be issues with GT5. It could be gameplay/physics issues, online play issues, lack of certain features, you fill in the blank. Just don't insult my intelligence by claiming the game's release is still pending because it is being "polished."

There's more I could say, but I'll quit my "whining" now.
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What a statement by KY. Sounds like something a kid would say to their parents: "Johnny, did you do your homework tonight?", "Yeah Dad, I did it."
"Well, let me see it son." "Err, umm, well...I'm getting ready to do it. It doesn't matter, I can get it done any time I want to."

If they can release it at any time, why don't they? Because either a) they can't because it's actually not ready, or b) they won't, because they think they can squeeze more money out of the project by releasing it at a more "opportune" time. I don't really buy the fact that they are just "polishing" it up. Nothing dirty really, they are behaving as a lot of other businesses would. I am fully aware that PD and Sony are looking first and foremost after their business considerations--maximizing sales and Q4 profit numbers for Sony shareholders, blah, blah...

Funny thing is, here is an interesting FACT--regardless of whether they release GT5 tomorrow, or Christmas 09 or whenever, they will sell as many (if not more) copies as if they release it now. I would like to see someone prove that releasing a game on a certain date ensures that the game will sell more total copies than releasing it when it is ready. Would GT4 have sold fewer total copies if they had released it at an earlier date? I don't think so. The logic behind my reasoning is this. Game sales are kind of analogous to a person's career. The earlier you begin your career (assuming you stay in the same position and don't get fired change jobs too often, etc. the more money you can reasonably expect to make in your lifetime. Is this not correct? Why wouldn't the same hold true for a game? The earlier the release, the greater the ultimate number of copies sold (assuming demand and market conditions remain relatively stable). All this assuming that the game is not being rushed but put out at a relatively reasonable pace.

Waiting only proves what they (PD & Sony) are really concerned about: Money. And I've heard, frankly, all I want to hear from people who say "quit whining, just wait till the full GT5 comes out, it will be worth the wait because they will make it perfect, you know KY, he's a perfectionist." No game is perfect, nor will it ever be. I can guarantee you there will be issues with GT5. It could be gameplay/physics issues, online play issues, lack of certain features, you fill in the blank.

There's more I could say, but I'll quit my "whining" now.

i agree, look how microsoft is handling their #1 franchise, gt5 can be released the holiday and they can release something like a gt5+ in late 2010 with all the **** they are adding making the game take so ****ing long
Jesus Christ, learn to post n an internet forum first and start editing your post instead of constant double posting.
2010 in my ***! I rather get a crapbox with the less impressive Forza 3. At least you don't have to wait 'til your grand children grow old for Turn 10's releases...

EDIT: Oh, I think it might be time to change my avatar as well.

Then do it.

I don't understand what is going on, another "in the know" nobody makes some silly release date (has happened many times lately) and a bunch of people slander PD/Sony and KY like they're beating up your children. Woooo Forza 3 threats, please go ahead jump ship and stop threatening about it.
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Wow wow and another wow...

What is going here now? one guy claims to have the release date, and i quote him from his twitter page:

GT5 on PS3 will get a launch date soon, but don't be happy: it's for the end of 2010.

And all of the sudden we are cancelling pre-orders and buying 360's for forza 3 now? come on guys, who is the guy to listen to.. this Dawkins guy or our own good ole Amar?

exactly.. stop panicking and also stop causing it (PSNkilluminati).
A end of 2010 release sounds like TOTAL bullcrap anyway.. why delay it for more then a year when you are almost done.. get outta here.

Also, for a guy named Richard Dawkins who lives in the states, his english is below par.. seems weird to me.
Wuuuw a late 2010 release? thats sick but there is nothing we can do... Mr Yamauchi is giving his best... but thats disrespective to let the fans wait for a so long time... they have to bring 1-2 new circuits for Prologue so we are happy for 2 months...

By the way R.I.P. Michael Jackson :( can´t believe that...
A jerk huh? he brought us GT1/2/3 and 4 (which surely you enjoyed, otherwise you wouldn't be here) and is trying his very best to bring us GT5 as quickly as possible. Sometimes things happen which are beyond peoples control, and I highly doubt Kaz would lie just to keep fans hopes up.

Secondly, you're acting as if GT5 has DEFINITELY been posponed until late 2010, when all we have in the way of evidence is some lonely bloke on Twitter.
Yes I enjoy every other GT game, but since after GT Concept it has taken to long. GT4 was delayed for, I don't know how long, and it still didn't live up to the expectations. The promised online feature wasn't in there for example.

You think it was a smart move by Mr Yamauchi to mention they could release GT5 at any time, when in fact they couldn't?

EDIT: I rather believe that lonely bloke on Twitter, and then be surprised if it's released earlier than what he claims.
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You think it was a smart move by Mr Yamauchi to mention they could release GT5 at any time, when in fact they couldn't?

How do you know they can't? Where is this "fact" you mention?
You think it was a smart move by Mr Yamauchi to mention they could release GT5 at any time, when in fact they couldn't?

EDIT: I rather believe that lonely bloke on Twitter, and then be surprised if it's released earlier than what he claims.

This fact you speak of.. link?
This fact you speak of.. link?
Ok, it's not a fact! Happy? Go ahead and expect it to come in september or whatever! Go right ahead, and just ignore what I'm saying. Cause I'm not expecting anything this time around. I learned a lesson back when GT4 was to be released. GT5 is already delayed at least a year right? So why not delay it some more?

I know I sound like douche bag, but I can't help it. It's just that it wouldn't surprise me one least bit if GT5 gets delayed to 2012! As Yamachi actually said in an E3 interview: "There is always something to do". He and his crew can polish this game for 20 years!

Sorry for bringing the pessimism in here. :rolleyes:
After the PSP GO is out for a few months, then you will see GT5!! Sony is the one holding up the release of GT5, not PD or Mr. Y. Sony wants to sell some PSP GO's, before GT5 is released!!:sly:👍
Hey guys guess what? GT5 is going to come out this Saturday. Lol... I am just as credible as this "twitter" guy. Oh and Halo Reach is going to be awesome but I will not say why, oh yeah its going to have lots of features. LOL! Seriously who reads, even better, believes this crap:banghead:. Are you guys so desperate for GT5 that something as futile as a twitter post sends you into a tizzy? If you are telling me that since GT5 is going to take forever to come out you are not going to buy it when it does:banghead:? Lol. People these days. In fact GT5 coming out latter means I get to enjoy all the games that come out until then, because once GT5 comes out all other games will not matter to me... unless the new MGS is out. The only solace I can offer is every day GT5 is not out is a day it is getting even better.

Oh and BTW this is his Bio: Someone who knows things relatad to the gaming industry that shouldn't said. At least, shouldn't said now ;-)

Thats some amazing spelling and grammar right there. again... lol, but a sad lol:(.
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I'm losing my respect for Yamauchi. He is a jerk, really.

Isn't he aware of the excitement he is caused by saying "We can release it at any time"!? Srew him. Of course, he doesn't care the least about us, with all the sports cars he has got, trackdays and what not!

2010 in my ***! I rather get a crapbox with the less impressive Forza 3. At least you don't have to wait 'til your grand children grow old for Turn 10's releases...

EDIT: Oh, I think it might be time to change my avatar as well.

Is your life really that pathetic. There goes my assumption that Swedes are more reserved and astute. Assumptions are usually based on fallacy. I should've known better. Another lesson learned. I think you should get a real car (I was going to say Get a Life but that's very much like calling someone a jerk which should only be reserved to someone you really know. But I guess you already know that).
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Theoretically, since a release date has never been announced, the game has never been delayed.👍

QFT. I'm so sick of people bitching about these so called "delays". There are NO delays!

Furthermore to strittan if you think GT5 is so easy to make, advertise and release, why don't you go open up your own company and make your own racing sim with over 600 cars and 90 tracks , I'm sure it'll be so awesome! Hopefully you'll get it released within the next 2 years, I'm sure its easy enough right?

No one has ever asked you or anyone else for that matter to WAIT for GT5, They don't ask you to be faithful or crap like that, go buy an xbox if you want, no one would care. The point is, WHEN A GAME IS RELEASED (whenever that may be) YOU CAN EITHER BUY IT , OR NOT.
I personally would buy it even if it was released in 2012 because i believe it would be that good. If you're unhappy that it isn't released even if it is supposedly "ready" then take it out on Sony cause they have control over that. Send them a hate mail or something, I'm sure theyll give a crap *cough*.
As much as I would love GT5 to come out this year even if it doesn't it wouldn't be the end of the world.

The way I see it is if GT5 comes out November then excellent. However if its delayed until next year then I can enjoy playing MW2, FM3, Bioshock 2. Sometimes I even think to myself that I would prefer a later release date because if GT5 came out in September then I wouldn't play the games I just mentioned.

The only thing I will say about PD is I wish they interacted with their fanbase a little more. However I will not make harsh comments about them because at the end of the day the lengthy development time of GT5 will be noticeable when GT5 comes out. Some people say that Turn 10 have only taken 2 yrs to make FM3 but when both games are released you will see the difference!
Is your life really that pathetic. There goes my assumption that Swedes are more reserved and astute. Assumptions are usually based on fallacy. I should've known better. Another lesson learned. I think you should get a real car (I was going to say Get a Life but that's very much like calling someone a jerk which should only be reserved to someone you really know. But I guess you already know that).

Hang on please. You are making an assumption that because he lives in Sweden, that he is in fact a Swede. I live here and I am english. So please, as you say, assumptions are based on fallacy. So what is the lesson?
don't you see this is a false rumor and let people discuss about it on forums and youtube like they're gone crazy?
I'm sure that twitter guy is a 360 fanboy.

now please STOP
tomorrow we'll have the first playstation magazine scans. Be happy.
you will only feel worse when sony annouces its out late 2010.

psp go 250$
gow3 2010
heavy rain 2010
price cut?
giving up exclusives.
STILL losing money on every ps3

releasing gt5 late 2010 will be nothing for sony. and forza? sony will let it take the tittle from gt. I mean final fantesy sold like gt but sony gave it up to microsoft.

i don't know man. i actually want it to sell, but if its the reason gt was delayed then i hope it disappoints sony

i hope it will sell much, cuz if it will not sell, we will wait more:yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::sly::sly: