Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?

  • Thread starter Sele1981
Has anybody considered the fact that polyphony has just released the cover art for the PSP version of GT5 and it`s release date is set as the 1st of october. So it would be easy to assume that any real evidence of nailing down a release date would be roughly 2months after the news of the chosen official cover art is released,if polyphony do release that kind of info. It`s probably more accurate that guessing for xmas time,but thats my 2 cents worth.
How exciting.

My guess is that the game will be released sometime in November so everybody who wants the game has enough time to buy the console and there to be enough consoles for them to buy.

Will this forum die for a few weeks when the game comes out as everybody will be hammering the game or will this forum literally explode with activity?
Just wondering if GT planet are going to be added to the named and shamed thread because they are discussing release dates without official confirmation.:sly:

I did say to Jordan that if he posted the date we've received, I'd put the entire site in the named & shamed thread :lol:

Most of us know about the "Christmas card," but Jordan - and SONY both - are being coy about the actual proposed date

Sony's coyness is their own business. I'm sure they think there's something to be gained from keeping us in the dark.

Jordan's is easy to explain. And I did:

Not to be a downer, but it's worth noting that GT4 had several official Sony release dates before it actually came out - so even if Sony reveal the same date Jordan has, nothing's guaranteed.

Telling everyone what the release date is, only to have Sony change their mind or PD delay it again, would reflect badly on us.
Something tells me it would be week of January 16th to 23rd 2010
Absolutely no chance GT5 will be released during this period.

The simple reason is many people are skint and this will be even worse early next year due to the recession. I know some people could get a PS3 before xmas and then GT5 in january but I honestly feel Sony are going to use the combination of a PS3 price drop to coincide with the release of GT5 to entice customers.

I think its a fair to say that GT5 is finished or very nearly. The only real delay is Sony deciding when to release from a marketing perspective. Im even sure they have analysts working out which date of the year would be most prosperous for a release which becomes even more important in a recession.

There is no denying GT5 is going to be a massive console seller. I know many who are going to buy a PS3 for GT5 but just think how many other Xbox 360 owners will be tempted to buy a PS3. If someone asks for a PS3 as present they are more likely to recieve this as a xmas present than in Jan and what would be the biggest motivator for an Xbox 360 owner wanting a PS3? Answer GT5.

Im going to find it interesting to see the effect GT5 will have when its released. Already some are actually fearing this which is the reason for certain developers presentation style at E3!!
I did say to Jordan that if he posted the date we've received, I'd put the entire site in the named & shamed thread :lol:

Sony's coyness is their own business. I'm sure they think there's something to be gained from keeping us in the dark.

Jordan's is easy to explain. And I did:
That would of been funny.:lol:

I actually think the lack of info about GT5 only adds to the anticipation but its certainly making some people very anxious. A certain developer which I won't name was mocking PD recently about how they don't release info but then I thought what does that matter, its the final product that counts. These days I find some developers release too much info so come release day there isn't any surprises.

The lack of info about the game and the release date is only adding to the hype rather than the reverse. However we are nearly at the right time for Sony to unleash GT5 announcement on the video gaming community and if this happens at Gamescom the whole video gaming industry will go berserk.
Well... he originally said March 2008.
originally, now things have changed: competition with fm3, amar's cryptic message, gt mobile, possibility to transfer cars to the ps3(imo this feature is an important sign, players should test it as soon as possible), E3 trailer, possibility of a GT5-PS3/PS3 Slim bundle, latest interviews ("we can release it anytime","this is they year of GT"...), Gamescom, TGS, Christmas.... and finally Jordan's article
no gt5 in Christmas !!

SCEE comment:
SCEE has told CVG that talk of a Christmas release for Gran Turismo 5 is just that: “rumour and speculation”.
It comes as GT Planet tagged the game would for a release in time for the holidays, although the site claimed a date from Amazon US, December 29, is wrong.
“We haven’t announced a release date for GT5 yet,” said a rep from Sony, adding that it “can’t comment on the US.”
Keep an eye on Cologne in two weeks. It’s more then likely the date will be announced there.

sorry guys 2 let u down :(
All they said was they haven't released the date yet. We know that, otherwise we'd have told you the date!
Interesting that i've had GT5 pre-ordered with Shop to for ages now and until recently the release date has been 25th September. Now this has changed to the 4th Dec which is exactly the date i've been harping on about.

Please don't name and shame me again.:lol:
That the same answer given when the task about a new PS3 Slim was rampant. SCEE comment circa E3 2009 was that PS3 Slim release is just.........“rumour and speculation”.
Breaking news:


DENY NEWS REFUTMENT and does not present Gran Turismo 5

Any feature won't be shown until the end.
Sony's coyness is their own business. I'm sure they think there's something to be gained from keeping us in the dark.

Jordan's is easy to explain. And I did:
Yes, you did, and I agree. This was why I was careful to make sure I typed "proposed" date rather than release date. Naturally, with SONY having a press conference coming up at Cologne in a bit over two weeks, Jordan couldn't say anything definite, even in jest. If he stole their thunder weeks early, SONY would take him to the woodshed, and the site would probably be dead for a day.

So until SONY puts a nail in a certain day and hangs a GT5 shingle on it, no release date exists. And as we both said, even then it could still change. Kaz could have a revelation in the restroom about something. :lol:

But I will have to say that I think you really should consider throwing the whole site in the shame thread on the release news day. It would be the greatest practical joke / celebration stunt EVAR!
Quick bump :D

Something I've noticed: for the first time, there's a Gran Turismo 5 link on's US website. I'm assuming this is all of the other websites as well.

Gran Turismo 5 on

Genre: Racing
Publisher: SCEA
Release Date: TBD

The next installment of the award-winning racing franchise, Gran Turismo® 5, is coming exclusively to the PlayStation®3 system. Known for its signature beauty and precision, the highly anticipated racer will showcase new jaw-dropping cars, real-life tracks, and diverse racing styles. Gran Turismo promises to deliver exciting advancements to the series in the most comprehensive racing experience ever.
Sony's coyness over GT5 only works as a marketing tactic if it is released when expected, i.e this Christmas.

Coyness over GT Mobile, then announcing it as a PSP GO launch title, has given the system an unexpected boost, it will work the same with GT5 and PS3 Slim.

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