[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Yeah he got slammed for it, but it still begs the question, why OTHER than he was not favorable of GT? I mean he wasn't impressed, he gave his reasons why, and they were all legit (except the dying off part, and while dying off is certainly not accurate, he may well have been alluding to stagnation which is more reasonable).

Perhaps, but to me, his reasons are far from legit. Controllers? Wheel Set-ups? Collisions?.. and whatever else he mentioned. Regarding collisions, he judged it as if it was the final build. Other than that, really, there are hundreds of journalists out there who are well alert about GT5's current damage modeling, but in the end, the negativity towards the game was nothing like this guy's. If he really wanted to feel negativity towards something, then he better have better reasonings than that. If he's not bias, then I would certaintly say he's one of the worst journalists ever.

Then he either was unaware of this or I have no idea what he could have meant as he basically said "these wheel setups are neat, but most people will be using controllers, I didn't get to test with controllers because they dont' support it". He obviously can't think GT5 just doesn't support controllers since he says he would be playing it with a controller at home so what else is left?

Yeah, I don't think there is any other fair reasons why he would mention something that specific to one racing game. Again, this is one of the things that I thought was shallow, and I'm guessing this is one of the reasons why it fustrated some. There is absolutely no need to need to mention such things really, even if TGS had no support for controllers.

Here's an editorial from gamespot where it mentions controller setups being there:

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He was negative about the no controller support in the context of playing it at home - which doesn't make sense. Seriously.
That actually sounds a lot like you on GTP about GT, trying to take something really good and turn it around to something negative. in this case - Sony provides steering wheels for the convention visitors playing pleasure and extended experience with the demo - which suddenly is a bad thing - what would he and you have said if there only were controllers at the convention center?

I think you are being just what you accuse me of being... someone who finds something negative where it isn't.

He thinks most people will be playing with controllers (which I would venture is probably accurate, wheel owners are probably the minorty by a good amount) and he plays with controllers so he brings up that he can't reflect on how the game play is with controllers becuase he thinks they have no controller setups there (I have no idea if they really did or not but he is under that impression when he is making this video).

And why white that text?

Go ahead and say it... and if you mean I am willing to say the unpopular instead of spinning everything into the positive (ie I will say a delayed release date is not good instead of saying how great it is for the game) then ok, you got me... I call it like I see it and don't butter it up.

What would I have said if there were only controllers available? I would have probably thought it was strange and a cheap out on sonys part and a missed opportunity to show their product in the best light.

What would you have expected me to say?
None stop argument here and there :dunce:. Can someone tell what's the record post in a single thread here in GTplanet? This thread seems like it's taking the crown with over 190 pages. :D
I guess he has his opinion, and everybody has theres! Okay any new information about GT5? Or do we get to, wait for the Tokyo Motor Show?
It's going to be hard to flip over a high-performance vehicle, but I imagine that Land Rovers might be very susceptible to roll-over with its high center of gravity.

I admit, however, that looked pretty cool.
Regarding that reviewer and the vid, lots of game site people are like that... if its not something they personally are in to they come across as being stupidly ignorant. I love how he said GT died after GT2! :dunce:

I saw a review of GTPSP, one guy thought Cote d azur was a GT fantasy track and when asked what car he was driving he said "a white one". :lol:

^^OMG@ that video.^^

That's why I have many questions regarding roll-over. Is it an automatic disqualification? Will it always flip right side up? Won't it be weird to see your car belly up, and then suddenly flip over like in GTA?
you might not realise it but it's the player who is making the car rock like that. When your car rolls over in the Forza 3 demo you right it by pressing the accelerator, if you release it before the car has rolled over far enough it will drop back onto it's side or roof. So you as the the player can make the car rock like that, that's not the physics being odd causing the car to rock by itself.
^^OMG@ that video.^^

That's why I have many questions regarding roll-over. Is it an automatic disqualification? Will it always flip right side up? Won't it be weird to see your car belly up, and then suddenly flip over like in GTA?
It only flip up if you give it gas for a few seconds.
Some folks though, are making videos like that to try & use it as a way to critique Forza's physics without telling you the whole truth behind the video.
It only flip up if you give it gas for a few seconds.
Some folks though, are making videos like that to try & use it as a way to critique Forza's physics without telling you the whole truth behind the video.

Interesting. I got a strange feeling that PD took a good look at Forza 2 and 3 as a model for roll-over and damage. Do you think this is a good idea? Or have you not played Forza? (Note: I only played Forza 2 demo and it wasn't bad at all.)

What do you think about forza Physics? Can we expect from GT5 like that?

Wow that rollover physics looks spot on. I love how the car oversteer since it's on the grass and then roll because it oversteered. Looks really good 👍

I sure hope we will be getting the same in GT5
Makes me consider trading in for an xbox and fm3, and i've been playing GT since the first game. I just don't want to be disapointed with GT.
It only flip up if you give it gas for a few seconds.
Some folks though, are making videos like that to try & use it as a way to critique Forza's physics without telling you the whole truth behind the video.

I don't think you can possibly do that in real life can you? I mean when it's upside down, then that's it right? Pressing the accelerator will only make the tires in the air spin, and I don't think that will help it get back in upright position.
I don't think you can possibly do that in real life can you? I mean when it's upside down, then that's it right? Pressing the accelerator will only make the tires in the air spin, and I don't think that will help it get back in upright position.

Well from a game that let's you rewind, I'd say that's expected. Forza is about accessibility more than it is about simulation.
And you think GT5 will be different. Well it will probably be implemented differently but the odds are that the car will be rightable if you flip either by you pressing something or as an automatic process.
I don't think you can possibly do that in real life can you? I mean when it's upside down, then that's it right? Pressing the accelerator will only make the tires in the air spin, and I don't think that will help it get back in upright position.
No game that has had a car rollover has ever let a car just sit there & I highly doubt even Polyphony will do so.

Interesting. I got a strange feeling that PD took a good look at Forza 2 and 3 as a model for roll-over and damage. Do you think this is a good idea? Or have you not played Forza? (Note: I only played Forza 2 demo and it wasn't bad at all.)
I play FM2 quite a bit, but I think it only has a few physics PD should look at. As for FM3, I'd say it'll probably end up being the same case; both games simulating well while having some flaws the other makes up for.
No game that has had a car rollover has ever let a car just sit there & I highly doubt even Polyphony will do so.

Sorry, but that's not true.

If you've played NFS Prostreet, it's game over when you flip your car. I rather PD go in this direction.
Sorry, but that's not true.

If you've played NFS Prostreet, it's game over when you flip your car. I rather PD go in this direction.

I agree. The only way to get back on your wheels should be by pressing start and restarting the race.
Makes me consider trading in for an xbox and fm3, and i've been playing GT since the first game. I just don't want to be disapointed with GT.

And you can make that kind of decision based on a 14 second video?

I've seen a lot of Forza 3 videos, and honestly none of them make me want to rush out and buy an Xbox. Not one.
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The whole rocking your car into position after it was turned over was already done in Rally Cross for the PS1, so I would say that is a preety good way to correct your car back into position. However, that is not very realistic is it... What usually happens during a race if a car goes rooftop like that?
Forza 3 feels good, it feels nice to drive but from my experience of the demo it's not as good as GT5:P. It's hard to lose control, the damage is good for a game using licensed road cars and the AI is okay but although the handling feels good, imo the cars are far too planted even with all the driving aids off . Though I must point out I use a wheel for GT5:P, I've only used a pad for the Forza 3 demo.
So this thread has become exactly like the
"Forza 3 definitive racing game" thread
Don't make the mods lock this thread.