Gran Turismo 6 coming to PS3

GT5 ran at 60 fps, in 1280x720, with AA, in 3D (meaning it renders 2 images simultaneously), 16 cars on-track (premium car at 100k polys), with dynamic time and weather.

Do you even have any idea how hard that is, in a 256MB VRAM and 250MB RAM?

It's actually 1280*1080 hence the 1080p (HD) designation.
gt6 compatible with multiple devices. playstation 3, smart phone, tablet, and pc

no vita? I didn't have one anyways.
So, since GT5 already had 1140 cars with DLC (including standards of course), this means there are about 60+ new cars in GT6. By the way, remember that RM cars are counted as separate models.

It might be 60 new cars to the game but if PD remodeled standards into premiums then I have no issue whatsoever at the low new car count!
This is done ready for a ps4 release, so this game is ready to be fixed for the ps4 as soon as possible. Sound...please sound too!

JakeLingeman Jake Lingeman 2m
Sample of user interface in #gt6 And on multiple devices, just not XBox!