Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
$20 says the micro transactions are a Sony deal, not PD.
Why? PD designed the game, not Sony, right?

Edit: The quickest way to grind for cash as far as I know is the Clubman Cup 700 at Special Stage Route X, which earns you 45,000 with the clean race bonus. It’s a 1 lap race and it takes around 4 minutes. I’m doing it with a fully tuned Corvette C7 ‘14. I’m gonna do a test now to see how much you can earn in 1 hour. I’ll be back.
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I'm not so sure that this game should not be called a MASTERPIECE

When I saw the menu book Cafe idea I thought it was terrible and now I absolutely love it. When I heard about these little pop up characters that give you an explanation of everything I thought I would hate it but now I love it.

There's nothing they can do to make the game more beautiful and the menu cityscape thing is such a nice touch

So far, the driving has been fantastic and outside of a few easy two lap races, everything else has presented a really good challenge for me. I should say that I'm not an elite racer, though.

I didn't expect to enjoy the tuning aspect but I love it and it makes such a difference and you can really FEEL that difference on track.

On a side note, I believe in AI driver got mad at me and deliberately hit me. I did a short video screen capture on my PS5 and I would love for you guys to judge it but I don't know how to move it to this site from the PS5
Who's keeping track of the animals?

Minor pet peeves, one of which is better aired in the photomode sub-forum but I'll share it here:

1. Why did we lose control of what music we can play on the menus and during the race? On the same token, why does the music change every time you go to a different hall!? I've had to sit on the main GT World page because I didn't want a song I like to stop playing.

2. Ray tracing looks terrible in photomode. And, is it just me, or is the quality lower in Scapes when compared to Sport? I've zoomed in on the pictures I've taken and there are some nasty jagged edges or janky textures (I've realized the latter is largely caused by ray tracing; seems the mesh itself is a lower poly model. If it isn', I hope that's patched).

3. The fail screen isn't "Oh Yeah" by Yello. I mean, really? :lol:
So this will be my first post on this forum in many years. I wasn't interested in GTSport, and thought I was done with the series after GT6 (which served as a nice "swan song" since all the cars were purchaseable off the bat), especially since I will not buy a PS5 (I'll be getting a Series X... too many exclusives now that MS bought Bethesda). However, when GT7 was announced for PS4, I decided I'd buy it for nostalgia's sake if nothing else. I've played about 4 hours so far (I don't have nearly as much time as I used to, real life happened in the last 7 years! 😂) Here's my opinion on GT7:

First off, this is easily the best GT game since GT4. Everything is here and it has that sense of completeness that GT5 and GT6 were simply lacking with all the "standard" model cars. Here every car is premium, and so is every track. Even on the PS4, it looks breathtakingly beautiful. The AI seems better than in previous iterations, and that was always my largest complaint with GT games (I'm a casual gamer who plays using a controller). This game has stayed true to Kaz's original vision, and no matter your opinion on how good or bad the game actually is, you have to applaud Kaz for having a vision and sticking to it. GT7 is as Gran Turismo as it gets.

Here's my biggest complaint with the game: The single-player campaign feels like a giant tutorial. There's so little that is unlocked at the beginning, and you have to complete events in exact order to unlock things that should be unlocked automatically. For instance, there's only 3 tracks that are unlocked at the beginning of the game. Compare this to GT5 (the last GT game to feature a true campaign) where every track (I think) was unlocked from the beginning and there was a nice arcade mode where you could drive a car that was too expensive to buy early on. GT7's campaign feels like work, because it's so forced. Also it looks like it will take a long time to unlock everything (and, like I said, time isn't something I have much of anymore). I haven't gotten to far into the campaign yet, but I'm afraid I will have to spend my credits on cars the campaign forces me to buy to complete collections instead of cars that I actually want.

Speaking of cars I actually want, GT7 is filled with them. I remember the first GT game I played, I was mesmerized with all the cars that were GT-exclusive and modified by the team at GT to make e.g. racing versions. GT7 is no different, with its modified cars e.g. gr.4, gr.3 etc. Some even have their drivetrains modified! And of course there are more exclusive VGT cars from manufacturers that didn't have one yet the last time I played a GT game. These, coupled with the special events that I always enjoyed in the past, will keep me playing. The allure of GT to me was always about driving cars that I literally can't drive in any other game. That sense is definitely still here for GT7. So while I despise the campaign, I am going to play through it until everything is unlocked. The benefits are worth the grinding/suffering. And that, to me, makes the game worth it.
I don't want auto counter steer. It's awful and is counterintuitive to everything I've done in 25 years of playing racing video games. If it's your first racing game that's one thing with it catching a slide but if you've been playing any others for any sort of time you instinctively apply a bit of your own when the rear end starts to come out to catch it. So when the rear starts to come out and you go to catch it like you normally would, the car already has some countersteer being applied so your small adjustment just throws the car the opposite way.
This is kinda where I'm at right now. It wasn't really noticeable in the slower FF and FR cars, but high HP American muscle cars tend to oversteer a little more. So trying to correct a slide while driving around an oval makes it feel like there's someone else in the car with their hands on the wheel even with the counter steer assist set to "off".

I'm not a perfect driver, but if I'm going to send it into a wall I want it to be entirely because of my own failure, and not because the game was "trying to help".
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How do you find out the weather conditions for a race? never know what tyres too use if the skys a bit cloudy, starts dry then rains , expected some kinda info on race screen.
I made the mistake of reading what one of the circle heads(at the bottom of the screen) were saying pre-race. One of them mentioned wet conditions. I guess reading what they have to say may help on strategy. I don't know.
I absolutely think that having a PS5 for this game is worth it, not just because of the enhanced graphics which are awesome, but the loading times, huge difference.
I absolutely LOVE just heading into a race and getting all loaded and ready to go in like 5 seconds. I saw the PS4 loading takes upwards of a minute???

Geez, with all the menus this game has lord have mercy on them :ouch:
2. Ray tracing looks terrible in photomode. And, is it just me, or is the quality lower in Scapes when compared to Sport? I've zoomed in on the pictures I've taken and there are some nasty jagged edges or janky textures (I've realized the latter is largely caused by ray tracing; seems the mesh itself is a lower poly model. If it isn', I hope that's patched).
I thought the lower quality was my eyesight. But it's not, and I've noticed when editing a livery transported from GTS that the Sport decals are fine, but the GT7 are jagged, a bit blurry, and not vibrant. It's really so bad that PD has got to fix this in an update.

On my laptop, my profile pic looks OK, but in the game it doesn't.
Oh, ok so slightly underestimated it. 5 million, but again, that’s the whole “main campaign” cleared and then some, and only managed to scrape together a quarter of one 20 million car.

This along with the fact you can’t sell cars (I mean, what?!) and micro transactions. Screw PD, seriously.
The game come out 3 days ago. In the previous games take months and repeat a bunch of races to achieve 20mill.
You are a little impatient
So, has anyone figured out how to export photos from the PS5 to a USB stick yet? I've pulled two off the GT website and the compression is absolutely atrocious.
I wonder what the point of having a truly gorgeous game is then when everything pulled out of it is compressed all to crap and looks terrible then?
No idea
It is especially weird because Kaz himself is passionate about photography and he should for sure know the value of a good quality and an uncompressed 4K image.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love that the A.I. cars in the later events are modified and actually have custom kits and liveries. It's like how some A.I. cars were in GT Sport, but taken to another level. It gives it more of a proper auto racing or track day kind of feel. and they definitely make for some great photo mode shots.

One negative I noticed is that I can't extract pictures to usb as an option. I can only do that with the PS4's screenshot function, but I don't want to do that. The pictures lose their quality. The only other workaround I noticed was that I can share the pictures online still, save them to my computer and convert the pictures to png with a converter site used. That feature needs to be patched in.

I'm sharing my thoughts on that as to why I haven't shared many screenshots. The process for either is annoying and I'm lazy.

Update: I finally reached the 20s for the GT Cafe books and just recently finished the M3 collection. Now working on the Sardinga Clubman race with my recently bought AMG GT Black Series. I car I really didn't need for this event nor the M3 collection events, but I just wanted to try this car.

EDIT: Okay, I'm convinced that the clean race bonus now is just for crashing into other cars, because I just had 2 wrecks on Sardinga and I still got it.
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Ok, so after an hour of grinding the Clubman Cup 700 race on Special Stage Route X, I managed to earn 540,000. That’s, if I recall correctly, about a quarter, if not less, of what you could earn in an hour from the Blue Moon Bay race in GT Sport.

That’s roughly 37 hours of grinding for one 20,000,000 car, or 6 hours of grinding to afford the Ferrari F50 currently available at the Hagerty Collection.

I really hope I’m missing something here.
I have a question before I make a decision to buy the game. When you are offline, can you use the cars that you've owned from your garage? I can't remember if GT Sport allowed you to do that.
PD has to fix mileage for online.. when you leave the room it resets the mileage on your car… it did this with GTS also. If you wanna get free mileage just go online it won’t count against your motor. Some might like it but it’s annoying in my opinion.

@fuchikoma im jelly! I’m saving up for that right now!
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