Built a Mini today to replicate my friends modified R53 S and this shed a light on some more issues with GT7s handling model.
FWD cars just won't lift-throttle oversteer... like, at all. This is a fundamental trait of driving a properly set up FWD car. Back off on throttle to help rotation (to the point of spinning if you allow it), add throttle to stop rotation. LSD helps to pull you through the corners until understeer develops, but there is nice balance to be found in well sorted FWD cars.
The game thinks that FWD are basically RWD until front traction gives up. The car rotates a LOT on throttle 'til that point, then transitions into understeer. There is basically ZERO lift-throttle oversteer at all at any speed, which is just ridiculous. I noticed it before in the Integra R and Civic touring, but I thought that maybe I tuned it out but... nope. It just doesn't exist, and this is a basic tenant of FWD driving dynamics. This is all wrong, and if this is so broken, what else is fundamentally wrong as well?
With the Mini I tuned the diff to max braking, 50 accel, and 15 initial torque, bumped the rear sway up to 6, and still no oversteer. Then I resorted to doing something I hate and would never recommend anyone doing, putting different tires on front and rear. This led to SH on the front, and CS on the rear. Strangely, this bumped my PP up which also makes less than no sense but it did allow for more rotation, and the car became very fun to drive, but it's still not enough. It's a strange work around for something that should be a normal driving trait for any FWD car, and it felt like the CS tires have a softer carcass than the sports, because the rear became very wiggly before it ever broke traction.
Still hoping for GT7 staff to get their stuff together, but this strange handling, and my game freezing multiple times today, has left me not very optimistic.