Gran Turismo 7 Physics

Do you want more detailed and realistic physics on the next GT

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are you sure your also not scrubbing the ever loving out of your tires? Its easily forgiven. Gt has been training us to do it for years
I'm doing it deliberately to force the angle a little more by quickly snapping more lock/angle which allows the grip to catch pointing the new direction.

I'm expecting the understeer and trying to make it happen and I do so that bit is all fine, we are talking about .5 of a second.

It's the way the game reflects this back in the FFB is far too aggressive for both the actual situation but also the hardware.

Imagine the GR1 oscillation but sped up 10x the movement is minimal 1/2 and inch but it causes a huge shaft knock which feels and sounds unpleasant but also stresses the shaft its self and the mounting bolts.
I'm doing it deliberately to force the angle a little more by quickly snapping more lock/angle which allows the grip to catch pointing the new direction.

I'm expecting the understeer and trying to make it happen and I do so that bit is all fine, we are talking about .5 of a second.

It's the way the game reflects this back in the FFB is far too aggressive for both the actual situation but also the hardware.

Imagine the GR1 oscillation but sped up 10x the movement is minimal 1/2 and inch but it causes a huge shaft knock which feels and sounds unpleasant but also stresses the shaft its self and the mounting bolts.

Yeah. Thats not happening on the ddx. Whats your in game sensi?
After some minor tests, here is what I felt.

The feeling of driving on ice after breaking the limit is gone.
There is more grip when sliding and it is less snappy and you can recover.
Drifting transitions between breaking and regaining traction are smoother.
Comfort soft on road cars has more grip.
Racing hard on Gr3 felt like racing medium.
The cars feel heavier.
There is more weight transfer on all cars and it seems to induce more grip.
You can now feel when you compress the suspension on one side of the car to take the curves and it feels like you can rely on the car. It is like you can make it sits on its side to make the turn until you straighten it out and then the suspension goes back to a stable level.

This update seems to be good for road cars but that new civic si has so much grip it felt a bit heavy for a light car and like it had sport soft on. But it is not a bad thing. It feels more natural.

I don't now if it is a good thing or not but all cars are easier to drive.

Gr3 cars are harder to spinout. On the ring, racing hards let them pass through some turns while flooring the gaz pedal. Wasn't like that before. They are not floating nor on rails, so it is a good thing. But I did not tested the racing soft. I would bet they have too much grip.

The braking is different. I liked it more before but I cannot say why.

The oscillation on the straight is almost gone but I think it is linked to something else. Dampening the oscillation seems to affect the road feeling. I feel less bumps in the road now. The bumps are there but less noticeable. The effect is less stronger.

I tested many cars but most of the time I used these. I used the 190e with CS and CM on skid pad at Streets of Willow to test weight transfert, grip and drifting. I used the Gr3 2020 AMG gt3 and Hurancan at Daytona, Mount Panorama and the ring.

I usually tend to prefer the new physics update but this time, I miss the road bumps feeling. It is a good update and I don't hate it but...Time will tell us more things about those new physics and we will get used to it.
IMHO this game should lean to a more approachable style. There's iRacing and Assetto Corsa if you want to really get down to brass tacks. The fundaments should still apply in GT7 and the faster guys who love a really edgy car will still be the faster guys but it's got to accommodate people who casually want to race with some skill and not hang on for dear life.
Generally, I agree with you. GT7 was never a hardcore sim, and I don't see that changing in the future. My personal problem is that VR ruined me in terms of sim racing. Since GT7 is the only racing game on PS5 that supports it, that's what I play. If ACC got PSVR2 support on PS5, I'd switch in an instant.

Long story short, I'm a selfish bastard and want GT7 to be more realistic :D
Very very early impressions from a player who never played the game pre the big physics update last year:

Cars seem much more stable than before and far harder to spin out - I don't know whether this is more realistic but I think it's a good move for GT - I was finding it very frustrating being unable to use classic cars (or anything that wasn't a high-downforce racecar) as they would be far too twitchy and spin out at the slightest misstep. Wasn't easy for friends or family to play the game either, because it felt like unless they instantly knew how to control the throttle and be careful with their inputs they were going to spin out.

Cars seem noticably more understeery

Braking feels different, but I'm not entirely sure how exactly or whether it's better or worse. It's just different...
Long story short, I'm a selfish bastard and want GT7 to be more realistic :D
Here's the issue with that. The PS5 comes with a controller, so that's what millions upon millions of people play with.

A good wheel and rig will cost a lot of money. I tried the last Assetto Corsa with the controller and it was unplayable. Can you imagine removing the steering wheel from a racing car and driving it with a controller in real life?

I am of the opinion that Gran Turismo and the term "more realistic" should always have a cautious relationship. If more realism makes the game better, great. If more realism makes the game unplayable for the vast majority of people, then I suggest the minority go play another game.
Yeah I am a notorious tightwad and I bought a used rig, used wheel, used pedals and new base at 30% off over black Friday and STILL dropped $1,550 CDN. Brand new you'd be out about $2,200. Now it's good upper mid range gear, you can go cheaper but I got burned with a T150 that really was just awful to use.
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G29 works just fine for $300 afaic...

I still use the controller every day nearly as I can't be bothered to set up the wheel rig for my daily grind at Sardegna. I also usually do a rec run in the newest online TT event on the controller before I try with the wheel. GT7 is still by a fair margin pretty much the best driving game that has any realism cred with a controller. Most of them are basically awful without a wheel but GT7 is pretty driveable. However, going back and forth regularly I definitely feel there's a ton missing with the controller. It's not that it's easier or harder (in some ways it's both). It's just so much less involving.
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Yeah even though I am missing about 1 second a lap in grp 3 and 4 cars, everything else has really felt good. The formula cars are a relation with a wheel
Noticed something else today. I went back to the testarossa TT at Brands. That car was more lively before the update. It understeers and feels heavy. You have to pendulum swing that thing to steer it where you want. I find it dull and not as fun to drive. It is supposed to be almost the same weight as an NSX. Should feel nimble a bit more.

Anyone tried the new Kyoto Sunday cup event with the C-HR S? I thought I was driving a tractor. This car made my wheel vibrate all the time even on the straights. A very strong vibration at acceleration. And so much understeer was unnatural. Felt like a truck with locked 4WD LOW transmission. Anyone got that kind of vibration from their wheel?

That much weight is really good to make the ionic 5 feel heavy like an electric car should be but it does not do justice to some lighter ICE cars. The more I drive this update, some cars are really good and some others are not.

I had a lot of fun with the ionic and the F3500 by the way.

EDIT : I restarted my wheel and the heavy understeer feeling was gone. But the C-HR S still vibrates the wheel a lot with true force on. Sorry for the misleading opinion and information.
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Here's the issue with that. The PS5 comes with a controller, so that's what millions upon millions of people play with.

A good wheel and rig will cost a lot of money. I tried the last Assetto Corsa with the controller and it was unplayable. Can you imagine removing the steering wheel from a racing car and driving it with a controller in real life?

I am of the opinion that Gran Turismo and the term "more realistic" should always have a cautious relationship. If more realism makes the game better, great. If more realism makes the game unplayable for the vast majority of people, then I suggest the minority go play another game.
Thanks for a sensible take on the balance PD needs to strike with GT. The majority of players will be on a controller, so the game has to be fun using a controller. I am a controller player and no way I am going to shell out € 2000 for a rig.
Thanks for a sensible take on the balance PD needs to strike with GT. The majority of players will be on a controller, so the game has to be fun using a controller. I am a controller player and no way I am going to shell out € 2000 for a rig.
I agree re: the controller. The game definitely has to be good with the peripheral that comes with the system, and GT7 is that for sure. But I think it's important to keep pointing out that nobody has to spend thousands of dollars to get the wheel experience. As I said before, the G29 will do the job quite well for a few hundred (or less). Been using mine for more than a year now with GT7 (hundreds of hours use at this point) and I still am completely happy with it. No desire whatsoever to upgrade to a different rig.
They seem to flip flop between too much grip and not enough grip while the issue always lies in snap oversteer. Sometimes the cars just feel like a giant flicked the back end of the car and you have no way of saving it. Then they update and there’s simply more grip until that feeling of a giant flicking the car again. It’s the transition they need to focus on.

I wish they’d find something behind the scenes that is about as accurate as they can get, they can’t do any better…. and then release so we don’t have to keep re-tuning cars.

I had a trans am Camaro tune I could powerslide at goodwood, spent a lot of time on the tune. It was tricky to drive but with practice is was fairly accurate with the four wheel sliding through corners… they did an update and if I drove it the same way I’d just slid right off the track. It actually became undriveable there. What a disappointment. Maybe it’s back since this update.
I had a trans am Camaro tune I could powerslide at goodwood, spent a lot of time on the tune. It was tricky to drive but with practice is was fairly accurate with the four wheel sliding through corners… they did an update and if I drove it the same way I’d just slid right off the track. It actually became undriveable there. What a disappointment. Maybe it’s back since this update.
This latest update actually gives you back some traction. The cars can slide, they can oversteer and you can actually catch it. I’m not good at drifting, especially with a wheel, but if you do get the back end to come out a bit you can save it. The previous version made it mostly impossible to recover from a slide and understeer was rampant.

I find this tire modeling to be much closer to what we got with the big update. I think it was v1.39.
I had some time to play yesterday and drove all the new cars except the F3500, the R8 V10 (because I know it to be broken/horrible to drive in stock form) and played around swapping and tuning the EF Civic.

Everything does feel noticeably "softer" and more forgiving during traction loss. I also notice a bigger window of flexibility in the front end while cornering. It feels like you can push harder into the fronts while still returning decent grip, but this also feels a little strange with the increased vibration through the wheel. The overall characteristics seem improved, but the vibrations are a little excessive.

I'm glad the bounce/jounce is reduced as well, as a lot of people were having trouble with certain cars, especially during suspension compression.

The R8 V10 still sucks. It's like the front and rear of the car are different vehicles. It's simultaneously has the worst understeer and on-brake snap oversteer at the same time. It feels like the game is yanking the e-brake on you mid corner. It can be driven, but it's just a waste of time when it should be a great thing to drive.

One that that blows my mind in a bad way, though it's not really physics related, is that the I5N didn't come with the option for manual mode. It's the biggest selling point of the car, and something the N division team spent a LOT of time developing and perfecting and it's not here. Now the I5N I was excited about is just another EV.
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The oscillation on the straight is almost gone but I think it is linked to something else. Dampening the oscillation seems to affect the road feeling. I feel less bumps in the road now. The bumps are there but less noticeable. The effect is less stronger.
I wasn't testing anything but I did a custom rain race at Tsukuba yesterday in the C-HR and noticed that I couldn't hardly feel any vibration in the controller over the rumble strips. I had bigger wheels and stiffer suspension on as well. I could feel the tire vibrations just fine but not the rumble strips which used to be pretty violent vibrations and sounds if I remember right.
I agree re: the controller. The game definitely has to be good with the peripheral that comes with the system, and GT7 is that for sure. But I think it's important to keep pointing out that nobody has to spend thousands of dollars to get the wheel experience. As I said before, the G29 will do the job quite well for a few hundred (or less). Been using mine for more than a year now with GT7 (hundreds of hours use at this point) and I still am completely happy with it. No desire whatsoever to upgrade to a different rig.
Which is why I said my gear was medium to high end, but you still need a rig not just a wheel so it's more than the 300 or so. I stepped it up to a DD Pro etc because it feels like we're on the cusp of doing direct drive industry wide, well that and the 30% off helped.
Which is why I said my gear was medium to high end, but you still need a rig not just a wheel so it's more than the 300 or so. I stepped it up to a DD Pro etc because it feels like we're on the cusp of doing direct drive industry wide, well that and the 30% off helped.
I actually think that you are partly right, just getting co-ordination and turn in timing, learning to brake using a screen/vr with your feet that it's probably best to start with a cheap setup, recalibrate from a controller and once you start improving on your controller times then the step up in gear is worth while.

The cheaper stuff is good and has some things going for it in so much as the lighter weighting helps build that snap catch muscle memory, having less detail to start with helps focus on the core things like turn in points and braking muscle memory.

But if you play a lot of other games than GT then it's probably not worth the investment of time or money.

I only play GT or ACC and have progressed my skills to where I can only drive with a wheel. But pop over to the TT thread and you'll see some of the fastest peeps on the planet just use a controller. So it's not about ultimate pace just what you get the most fun from and what you can personally justify, time, space and cost wise.
PErsonally I found the triggers impossible, ultra sensitive, kudos to those that could use them. I had to keep reverting to the dpad which rues out banked corners or esses, the wheel is a revelation at Daytona, high speed ring, suzuka etc as well as with formula cars. Looking fwd to Group 2.
PErsonally I found the triggers impossible, ultra sensitive, kudos to those that could use them. I had to keep reverting to the dpad which rues out banked corners or esses, the wheel is a revelation at Daytona, high speed ring, suzuka etc as well as with formula cars. Looking fwd to Group 2.
I'm a wheel guy after 20 years on pad and honestly it's a skill issue, my skills work better with a wheel dpad or stick I was ok but doing 40k a year in a real car the wheel just felt more natural.

But @Tidgney does golds with wheel and pad....granted he's an ex world tour finalist but clearly it's ability over device when both are more than capable!
You don't need a wheel to be fast on Gran Turismo, although arguably it's easier to be faster on a wheel.

I was one of the fastest in the world on a pad/controller in 2011 (Fastest at GT Academy 2011 on a pad)
My first wheel was a G25 on a wheel stand pro (Total cost was £150-£200 from memory).

I've used ironing boards and all sorts over the years aslongs there's force feedback any wheel can work well you definitely don't have to break the bank. My usual statement on it is all you need is the basic logitech wheel when it's on offer (Normal offer price now is like £160, but I got one for £120 a few years ago).
You don't need a wheel to be fast on Gran Turismo, although arguably it's easier to be faster on a wheel.

I was one of the fastest in the world on a pad/controller in 2011 (Fastest at GT Academy 2011 on a pad)
My first wheel was a G25 on a wheel stand pro (Total cost was £150-£200 from memory).

I've used ironing boards and all sorts over the years aslongs there's force feedback any wheel can work well you definitely don't have to break the bank. My usual statement on it is all you need is the basic logitech wheel when it's on offer (Normal offer price now is like £160, but I got one for £120 a few years ago).
Agree Tidge... Nevertheless I'd like to add that as you said, you don't need a wheel to be as fast on GT7, but you most likely should consider getting at least a decent one to actually enjoy driving a car AND being fast.
I started with a Driving Force GT back in 2000 which I got bundled with a copy of GT3 for the Legendary Ps2 😬.

It clicked immediately, I got hooked and 25 Years later... I'm still around enjoying every km behind the virtual Wheel.
Because it's not only about being fast or not fast it's all about how you get the most satisfaction whilst doing so.
Cheers my ultimate Pleb 🍻
I tried the last Assetto Corsa with the controller and it was unplayable. Can you imagine removing the steering wheel from a racing car and driving it with a controller in real life?
Just like what I mentioned in the AC Evo thread then 😅
Hey there
So, after spending 1000s of km of driving under the 1.55 Update, I'd like to share my thoughts and impressions.
Long story short, I'm positively surprised.
The driving feels good as always.
Of course some noticeable changes have had a more or less visceral impact to the perceived FFB Sensations, but nothing too drastic or completely game changing.
One major thing though I'd like to point out which in my opinion is very good is that the Dynamic Curve for the FFB using a Fanatec DD + is highly improved.
The FFB feels more tightened up than it ever did.
The Steering is firm, very precise and overall more dynamic with greater variability in terms of forces building up and decreasing, depending on the speed you are doing as well as your individual FFB Settings for both Wheelbase wise as well as in game.

Especially the in game sliders are worth playing around with after this latest update.
Of course only if you feel the urge to fiddle with them settings.
I personally haven't changed anything mayor other then bump up the Sensitivity a notch.
I'm definitely NOT going into detail as I usually use to do, mainly because I gave up feeling the need to give people advices or trying to convince them to use this or that.
It's all personal preference.
What I will say though.
With all the latest comments I've read, I can confidently say and claim that anyone using a DD + is a lucky person.

Because with the following Settings I'm going to share, I assure that from my point of view, you are most likely going to experience a pretty damn close to perfection driving experience.

The still remain mostly the same as documented 2 years ago by @Jordan in his big article about the Fanatec DD Extreme FFB Setup Guide.

Wheelbase Settings
Sensitivity : Auto
FFB : 100
NDP : 28
NFR : 5
NIN : 1
INT : 3
BRF : 55 ( this is absolutely personal preference) with Csl Load cell.
The rest is all to be kept at default.

GT7 In Game Settings
Controller Sensitivity : 0
Controller Vibration : 0
Torque : 4
Sensitivity :9

No matter the car or tire compound, these Settings will always feel plausible and confidence inspiring driving around any track.

Keep in mind though that these Settings are strictly for an Immersion driven FFB driving experience.

If you are into a detailed FFB driven driving experience you should simply use the following in game settings.

Torque : 3 or 4 at most
Sensitivity : 1

That's it, your choice now.
Use it or leave it, from here on its up to every individual what you make of this.
Good luck and enjoy finding your line, the experience of GT, the real driving Simulator.
Cheers 😁