Gran Turismo 7 takes center stage in an all-new State of Play, arriving Wednesday at 2pm Pacific:

  • Thread starter GlamFM
A video wiull not nesaceraly show it, hands-on is what we need.
This is unquestionable. However, they have never made as many direct claims nor shown trailers with cars that behaved in the manner that they did in the State of Play.

Is GTS better optimised for a gamepad? 100%, but I would have no idea if the problem percentage for ACC is 90%+, nor I suspect do you.
It’s irrelevant. I can assure you more people than not are walking away from those games due to the difficulty of using a pad with them.
Just about every GT release has had a trailer showing a car spinning, its conclusive of nothing at this point in time. Again we need hands-on.
The cars behaved exactly as they did in the trailers in game. Take a look at GT5’s and GT Sport’s trailers. You can tell that the tires have too much grip and the suspensions are basically non-reactive.

By the way, when I mentioned cars spinning I was talking about how the Porsche was intentionally spun in a manner that showed the tires weren’t over- grippy and continued forward. As far as I know that has never been shown in any of the previous trailers and they did that at the beginning of the section on Car Physics. Also, I’ve never seen prior game trailers where the tires and suspensions were as reactive in the way that they were in the State of Play. Obviously we won’t know until we get hands on but this is not the same situation as prior titles. In fact, I’m quite confident that many of the issues you’ve described have been corrected. I believe they have improved their tire model massively. We shall see. This is PD’s chance to truly live up to their claims. With the advantages of the PS5 controller and all of GT7’s features, if this is true it will be next to impossible for another racer on consoles to match it. We’ll see what happens.
This is unquestionable. However, they have never made as many direct claims nor shown trailers with cars that behaved in the manner that they did in the State of Play.
They made claims of that very nature for GT5, GT6 and GTS. They still even claim that GTS is a "hyper realistic simulator".
It’s irrelevant. I can assure you more people than not are walking away from those games due to the difficulty of using a pad with them.
Citation required.
The cars behaved exactly as they did in the trailers in game. Take a look at GT5’s and GT Sport’s trailers. You can tell that the tires have too much grip and the suspensions are basically non-reactive.

By the way, when I mentioned cars spinning I was talking about how the Porsche was intentionally spun in a manner that showed the tires weren’t over- grippy and continued forward. As far as I know that has never been shown in any of the previous trailers and they did that at the beginning of the section on Car Physics. Also, I’ve never seen prior game trailers where the tires and suspensions were as reactive in the way that they were in the State of Play. Obviously we won’t know until we get hands on but this is not the same situation as prior titles. In fact, I’m quite confident that many of the issues you’ve described have been corrected. I believe they have improved their tire model massively. We shall see. This is PD’s chance to truly live up to their claims.
I can quite clearly remember a video trailer for either GT6 showing off suspension modelling, aero and tyre models and making claims about how amazing it was, that didn't transpire to be the case. A good number of the issues with GT's physics are simply not going to be visible on video, how is a video going to show me if the self aligning torque is correctly modelled, how is it going to show me if the understeer to oversteer transition is correctly modelled for MR and RR cars?

It's not. The videos are interesting, but they are far from conclusive, and despite you claiming otherwise, we have been here with PD before.

Here we go, complete with deliberately spinning cars and grand claims about suspension, aero and tyre model accuracy

"With help from KW Automotive, the suspension system of each vehicle, most notably the shocks, more accurately showcases how a car reacts to various lateral loads, reproducing body roll and wheel slip in an amazingly real manner. Polyphony Digital worked closely with Yokohama Rubber Corporation to produce a new tire model that reflects the tire compound, tire structure and changes in characteristics during extreme load conditions."

With the advantages of the PS5 controller and all of GT7’s features, if this is true it will be next to impossible for another racer on consoles to match it. We’ll see what happens.
Match it in which area? Visuals, career, vehicle modification, FFB, physics?

As the answer to each of those is likely to be very, very different.
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At the time GT4 came out, it was not unreasonable to claim that GT was "the real driving simulator". There wasn't really any competition on consoles. With the arrival of AC, ACC & PCars2 that changed. All those games outdid GT in different, but undeniable ways. It seems as if PD is going back to the same familiar formula: a huge car collecting game with some franchise-defining elements like "licenses", photo-mode, and stunning graphics. Maybe that's enough to make the game successful with a significant chunk of car game enthusiasts, but it seems like they have conceded the sim racing ground to other car games. Not sure if that's a good strategy. I would consider buying a copy of GT7 for $69.99, but I wouldn't consider buying a PS5 for the privilege of playing GT7 on it. I wonder how many other people would have a similar point of view?
Same. Just happened that I got my invitation to buy a PS5 direct from SONY a couple of weeks ago just before I pre-ordered so I got the PS5 version. Was quite content to get the PS4 version.
They made claims of that very nature for GT5, GT6 and GTS. They still even claim that GTS is a "hyper realistic simulator".
I completely agree that they were on the wrong page in prior games. However, you’re missing my point about their claims. They were never nearly as specific about car physic characteristics as they are now. They have never spoken of being able to feel the car body’s resonance through haptics, the controller’s haptics being an extra audio channel that can pick up frequencies of the engine through feel in the subsonic range of 20 to 200hz, being able to feel the weight of the car through the adaptive triggers while braking, wheel lock, etc.

Citation required.
I’m basing this on sales and the mountain of evidence in forums of people complaining. If you have to tweak the controller for a game to make it playable and that advice is offered on a forum with little exposure to the masses then your game likely isn’t playable on a controller to most. Either way, this is a dead issue as GT7’s physics are the focus here.

I can quite clearly remember a video trailer for either GT6 showing off suspension modelling, aero and tyre models and making claims about how amazing it was, that didn't transpire to be the case. A good number of the issues with GT's physics are simply not going to be visible on video, how is a video going to show me if the self aligning torque is correctly modelled, how is it going to show me if the understeer to oversteer transition is correctly modelled for MR and RR cars?

It's not. The videos are interesting, but they are far from conclusive, and despite you claiming otherwise, we have been here with PD before.
What has been shown in their past trailers has been extremely consistent with car physics in actual game play for good or for bad. That said, it’s not unfair to conclude that while you won’t get the full picture from visuals you can get a general idea.

"With help from KW Automotive, the suspension system of each vehicle, most notably the shocks, more accurately showcases how a car reacts to various lateral loads, reproducing body roll and wheel slip in an amazingly real manner. Polyphony Digital worked closely with Yokohama Rubber Corporation to produce a new tire model that reflects the tire compound, tire structure and changes in characteristics during extreme load conditions."

That trailer is completely in line with GT6’s game play. Also, there is no example of a car spinning 360 degrees and continuing in a straight line like the Porsche in the State of Play video. The tires in the prior trailers are displaying the exact issue of the tires being overly grippy and that will naturally lead to the on the rails understeering that you’ve touched upon.

I haven’t even begun to ponder under/oversteer in MR/RR cars as that is not possible through visuals. What is highly observable and why I have such extreme confidence is the tire flex and the suspension systems of the cars in GT7’s State of Play are behaving correctly. My conclusions could be wrong, however the lack thereof was highly observable in trailers of prior GTs, not GT7 however.
Match it in which area? Visuals, career, vehicle modification, FFB, physics?

As the answer to each of those is likely to be very, very different.

I was speaking of overall presentation and physics. On consoles, a game like ACC does not have the amount of cars, photo mode, scapes and other miscellaneous features to compete with GT if the physics are finally competent. As for a game like Forza, by default it’s out of the discussion due to the fact that most people play on a controller. If the haptics/adaptive triggers are as useful as PD claims then the Xbox’ lack of these features in their controller will become an issue when compared to GT7.

Admittedly, I’m being purely speculative but the good thing is that the game releases very soon and many questions will be answered.
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If the haptics/adaptive triggers are as useful as PD claims then the Xbox’ lack of these features in their controller will become an issue when compared to GT7.
Xbox has had haptics on the controller triggers for a generation already. Far less nuanced and expressive than the ones on the PS5 controllers, but I didn't see anyone writing GTS off because it didn't have wobbly triggers.

How fancy your controller is shouldn't really come into it when discussing how well the game plays. It's a cherry on the top, not a core part of the experience. Bad games don't become good games just because they have nice haptics.
I completely agree that they were on the wrong page in prior games. However, you’re missing my point about their claims. They were never nearly as specific about car physic characteristics as they are now.
Yes they have, I've directly linked and quoted such claims, your argument now seems to rest on (and you continue this below) the fact they don't use the same exact words.
They have never spoken of being able to feel the car body’s resonance through haptics, the controller’s haptics being an extra audio channel that can pick up frequencies of the engine through feel in the subsonic range of 20 to 200hz, being able to feel the weight of the car through the adaptive triggers while braking, wheel lock, etc.
They've never had haptics before, as such that's not a massive shock at all. However, the output of FFB and Haptics is zero guarantee that what's going on with the physics engine is correct across the board. GT has had FFB since GT3, that doesn't mean the physics on every title since is spot on.
I’m basing this on sales and the mountain of evidence in forums of people complaining. If you have to tweak the controller for a game to make it playable and that advice is offered on a forum with little exposure to the masses then your game likely isn’t playable on a controller to most. Either way, this is a dead issue as GT7’s physics are the focus here.
So that's a no then, you have nothing to support those claims in terms of actual data.
What has been shown in their past trailers has been extremely consistent with car physics in actual game play for good or for bad. That said, it’s not unfair to conclude that while you won’t get the full picture from visuals you can get a general idea.
Or you get a marketing lead and a highly curated version of it.
That trailer is completely in line with GT6’s game play. Also, there is no example of a car spinning 360 degrees and continuing in a straight line like the Porsche in the State of Play video. The tires in the prior trailers are displaying the exact issue of the tires being overly grippy and that will naturally lead to the on the rails understeering that you’ve touched upon.
Here you go again with, if it's not exactly the same then I'm right. The general stance, approach, and claims are the same (and expecting them to be exact, as you are, is absurd), I also note you've failed to address GTS being a 'hyper-realistic simulator', or the specific claims made around the suspension, aero and tyre model in GT6, all of which failed to actually be the case.
I haven’t even begun to ponder under/oversteer in MR/RR cars as that is not possible through visuals. What is highly observable and why I have such extreme confidence is the tire flex and the suspension systems of the cars in GT7’s State of Play are behaving correctly. My conclusions could be wrong, however the lack thereof was highly observable in trailers of prior GTs, not GT7 however.
Appear to be behaving correctly.
I was speaking of overall presentation and physics. On consoles, a game like ACC does not have the amount of cars, photo mode, scapes and other miscellaneous features to compete with GT if the physics are finally competent.
The presentation I would agree on, but physics, PD have to leap a good generation to even come close in that regard (and haptics are not physics), and their past track record doesn't show that happening at all. Expecting ACC to match GT's car count is also odd, given that it's a licensed title from the SRO its car and track count is always going to be limited by that, I'm not sure why you would expect anything different.

As for miscellaneous features? That depends on what you find useful, for me the lack of flexibility when it comes to FFB set-up, FOV, and HUD adjustability in GT seriously drops it points in that regard.
As for a game like Forza, by default it’s out of the discussion due to the fact that most people play on a controller. If the haptics/adaptive triggers are as useful as PD claims then the Xbox’ lack of these features in their controller will become an issue when compared to GT7.
PlayStation is in reality behind MS when it comes to introducing that feature, while Sony has overtaken MS in how well they have implemented it, your claim that Forza lacks it is simply incorrect.

Nor is it 'out of the question' based on one single feature, in terms of raw sales and mass popularity, right now GT7's biggest competitor is FH5, despite one being track based and the other being open world. That aside they are both, in the eyes of the majority of gamers, titles about driving, racing and collecting cars, and GT7 will have to bring it's A-game to match FH5 sales and player counts. Dismissing Forza for a feature it had before GT is something I suspect Sony are not doing at all.
Admittedly, I’m being purely speculative but the good thing is that the game releases very soon and many questions will be answered.
Nothing wrong with being optimistic, but it's my view that not only are you simply wrong on some points but stretching what we can actually infer from the information we have at hand.
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How fancy your controller is shouldn't really come into it when discussing how well the game plays. It's a cherry on the top, not a core part of the experience. Bad games don't become good games just because they have nice haptics.” Imari

False. They have rumble in the Xbox triggers which isn’t remotely close to the experience you’ll get from the adaptive triggers. Yes, a poorly designed game won’t be corrected by haptics and adaptive triggers.

However, a well designed game with the addition of adaptive triggers and haptics absolutely plays better than without.
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Yes they have, I've directly linked and quoted such claims, your argument now seems to rest on (and you continue this below) the fact they don't use the same exact words.

Can you please slow down and listen to what I’m saying? I am agreeing that they have made claims of hyper realism. However, they have not gone into this much nuanced detailed on how the cars will actually behave which is why I made a list of the things they claim the haptics and adaptive triggers will provide.
They've never had haptics before, as such that's not a massive shock at all. However, the output of FFB and Haptics is zero guarantee that what's going on with the physics engine is correct across the board. GT has had FFB since GT3, that doesn't mean the physics on every title since is spot on.
See my message above. They are not obligated to make such claims as they’ve never been that nuanced before despite having the equivalent of haptics in a wheel in prior titles.

So that's a no then, you have nothing to support those claims in terms of actual data.

Drop it. You can ignore that the sky is blue because you are seeing it as a lighter tint. NO, there is no data that exists. If you wish you can take it as a “no” although it won’t affect reality. Either way, for the third time it’s off topic.
Or you get a marketing lead and a highly curated version of it.

Or it could be the opposite. I’ve been very clear that we don’t have definitive data and I’m being speculative.
Here you go again with, if it's not exactly the same then I'm right. The general stance, approach, and claims are the same (and expecting them to be exact, as you are, is absurd), I also note you've failed to address GTS being a 'hyper-realistic simulator', or the specific claims made around the suspension, aero and tyre model in GT6, all of which failed to actually be the case.
See above statements. You’re seriously and absolutely misinterpreting my statements.

Appear to be behaving correctly.
They didn’t “appear to be behaving correctly” in prior titles is my point.
The presentation I would agree on, but physics, PD have to leap a good generation to even come close in that regard (and haptics are not physics), and their past track record doesn't show that happening at all. Expecting ACC to match GT's car count is also odd, given that it's a licensed title from the SRO its car and track count is always going to be limited by that, I'm not sure why you would expect anything different.

As for miscellaneous features? That depends on what you find useful, for me the lack of flexibility when it comes to FFB set-up, FOV, and HUD adjustability in GT seriously drops it points in that regard.
I’m speaking of the overall package. I’d be stunned yet happy if the physics in GT7 can match ACC’s. It simply doesn’t need that to be the best racer on consoles. If it can match the claims of the Dual Sense that will be enough as AC absolutely didn’t maximize those features.
PlayStation is in reality behind MS when it comes to introducing that feature, while Sony has overtaken MS in how well they have implemented it, your claim that Forza lacks it is simply incorrect.
Stop it. Are you serious? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. AT ALL.
Nor is it 'out of the question' based on one single feature, in terms of raw sales and mass popularity, right now GT7's biggest competitor is FH5, despite one being track based and the other being open world. That aside they are both, in the eyes of the majority of gamers, titles about driving, racing and collecting cars, and GT7 will have to bring it's A-game to match FH5 sales and player counts. Dismissing Forza for a feature it had before GT is something I suspect Sony are not doing at all.

STOP IT! Are you serious? This is going into goofball territory and it’s not even something I care to entertain. If you like Forza Horizon 5 that much bless you.
Nothing wrong with being optimistic, but it's my view that not only are you simply wrong on some points but stretching what we can actually infer from the information we have at hand.
I’m more confident in what PD and myself are saying than what you are suggesting. Lets drop this until the title releases. If you are right you have my word that I’ll come back and give you praises for pointing out the massive flaws in GT’s physics in hopes that they will fix them in updates.

I don’t care about this egotistical nonsense, I simply want the best racing game on consoles, plain and simple.
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How fancy your controller is shouldn't really come into it when discussing how well the game plays. It's a cherry on the top, not a core part of the experience. Bad games don't become good games just because they have nice haptics.” Imari

False. They have rumble in the Xbox triggers which isn’t remotely close to the experience you’ll get from the adaptive triggers. Yes, a poorly designed game won’t be corrected by haptics and adaptive triggers.

However, a well designed game with the addition of adaptive triggers and haptics absolutely plays better than without.
What exactly is false about what you quoted me saying? All I see is you agreeing with me.

Also, you might want to tone down the amount of time you spend telling other users not to speak. That's not really how it works here. Address their points, or step away from the keyboard. I mean, bonus points for trying it with a mod, but not the smartest thing I've ever seen.
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For me, the haptics and adaptive triggers have become a big part of my PS5 experience. I don't think I could go back to an Xbox controller now. Especially with games that utilise it well; Cyberpunk for example is seriously fun with the triggers, each gun feels sightly different and it adds to the immersion and drama.

In a racing game context, I'm really enjoying how they feel on Ride 4, one of the big things it does there for me is providing the resistance on the throttle, it allows me to modulate the throttle better because there is that little bit of resistance, not too unlike a real bike. Then the haptics almost.kimicking the vibration of the bikes, feels great. If GT7 is implementing it in this kind of a way, bring it on.
I only hope the weight reduction has actual visual effects like have the car seat removed for example. Games like Forza Motorsport 4 had that too.
I was hoping for that to happen in GT5. Incidentally it just have been found that at least some cars in GT5 already had 5 stage of weight reduction ready.
What exactly is false about what you quoted me saying? All I see is you agreeing with me.

Also, you might want to tone down the amount of time you spend telling other users not to speak. That's not really how it works here. Address their points, or step away from the keyboard. I mean, bonus points for trying it with a mod, but not the smartest thing I've ever seen.

Huh? If you state something from an obviously uninformed opinion I will indeed ask you to stop for your own sake. I definitely wouldn’t want a moderator to appear to be an uninformed fanboy. If that ruffled your feathers then you need to toughen up.

As for you, I was NOT agreeing with you. I don’t think the Dual Sense is simply a single feature as you’ve falsely explained. It is intrinsic to the experience; as long as the game is competent without them then adding in variable resistance (NOT RUMBLE) to the triggers and haptics will elevate it to an experience above and beyond the same game without.

As for citations…here you go.

“It's a revelation, frankly, and in tandem with Gran Turismo 7's outstanding visuals and 3D audio it makes for a driving sensation that's unparalleled on console.” Martin Robinson from Eurogamer in reference to the Dual Sense

Huh? If you state something from an obviously uninformed opinion I will indeed ask you to stop for your own sake. I definitely wouldn’t want a moderator to appear to be an uninformed fanboy. If that ruffled your feathers then you need to toughen up.

As for you, I was NOT agreeing with you. I don’t think the Dual Sense is simply a single feature as you’ve falsely explained. It is intrinsic to the experience; as long as the game is competent without them then adding in variable resistance (NOT RUMBLE) to the triggers and haptics will elevate it to an experience above and beyond the same game without.

As for citations…here you go.

“It's a revelation, frankly, and in tandem with Gran Turismo 7's outstanding visuals and 3D audio it makes for a driving sensation that's unparalleled on console.” Martin Robinson from Eurogamer in reference to the Dual Sense

Lol, you're aware I'm not @Scaff, right? The giveaway is that our names are different.
It’s quite obvious I was responding directly to you.
I mean, you quoted me so that's a start compared to the last time when you simply copy and pasted what I wrote.

But then you're telling me that if I respond with an obviously uninformed opinion that you'll ask me to stop, something you were telling @Scaff. You're making sure to give me citations, something Scaff was asking you for.

If you want me to believe that you're responding to me and not Scaff, stop replying to me as if I'm Scaff. I'm not.

As far as DualSense, you're still agreeing with me. Keep it up.
Can you please slow down and listen to what I’m saying? I am agreeing that they have made claims of hyper realism. However, they have not gone into this much nuanced detailed on how the cars will actually behave which is why I made a list of the things they claim the haptics and adaptive triggers will provide.
Yes, they have, with pretty much every title from GT4 onwards, they dedicated an entire chapter to it in the Press Release book (Driving the Game) that came with GT4.

See my message above. They are not obligated to make such claims as they’ve never been that nuanced before despite having the equivalent of haptics in a wheel in prior titles.
When did I say they were obliged to do so, they are obliged to do nothing, yet they have made claims about physics accuracy with every title. That is not exactly a surprise.

One example that goes far beyond what has been claimed for GT7 comes from 2013, when Kaz claimed the aero modelling in GT6 was so good they used it to fix one of the cars he raced, and lets be blunt we know that the aero model has never been close to that accurate in GT.

I don't take instructions from you.
You can ignore that the sky is blue because you are seeing it as a lighter tint. NO, there is no data that exists. If you wish you can take it as a “no” although it won’t affect reality. Either way, for the third time it’s off topic.
Then don't make factual claims you can't back up and then tell people to 'drop it' when you can't support them
Or it could be the opposite. I’ve been very clear that we don’t have definitive data and I’m being speculative.
Then stop presenting your speculation as if it were fact.
See above statements. You’re seriously and absolutely misinterpreting my statements.
No, I'm not, I'm providing sourced rebuttals.
They didn’t “appear to be behaving correctly” in prior titles is my point.
And appearance alone isn't enough to be definitive is mine.
I’m speaking of the overall package. I’d be stunned yet happy if the physics in GT7 can match ACC’s. It simply doesn’t need that to be the best racer on consoles. If it can match the claims of the Dual Sense that will be enough as AC absolutely didn’t maximize those features.
Then it will be the 'best racing title on PlayStation for you', not 'the best racing title on PlayStation', as other peoples priorities will differ.
Again, you don't get to tell me what to do.
Are you serious? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. AT ALL.
Which console introduced a form of trigger-based haptic feedback first?
That's a third time, either change the way you post or the AUP is going to start coming into play. If you can't post without losing your temper and attempting to tell other members what to do, then you will be getting a cooling-off period.
Are you serious? This is going into goofball territory and it’s not even something I care to entertain. If you like Forza Horizon 5 that much bless you.
So in place of a considered and reasoned rebuttal you resort to digs?
I’m more confident in what PD and myself are saying than what you are suggesting.
And I've not said that's a problem.
Lets drop this until the title releases. If you are right you have my word that I’ll come back and give you praises for pointing out the massive flaws in GT’s physics in hopes that they will fix them in updates.

I don’t care about this egotistical nonsense, I simply want the best racing game on consoles, plain and simple.
I'm not after praises or anything of that nature. I want to be wrong, I want PD to have sorted this out, but with over 20 years of that never quite happening, despite repeated and detailed claims regarding changes to the physics, I reserve the right to be skeptical until I've tried it myself.
I mean, you quoted me so that's a start compared to the last time when you simply copy and pasted what I wrote.

But then you're telling me that if I respond with an obviously uninformed opinion that you'll ask me to stop, something you were telling @Scaff. You're making sure to give me citations, something Scaff was asking you for.

If you want me to believe that you're responding to me and not Scaff, stop replying to me as if I'm Scaff. I'm not.

As far as DualSense, you're still agreeing with me. Keep it up.
“Xbox has had haptics on the controller triggers for a generation already.”IMARI that is YOUR QUOTE

Stop your nonsense because I’m NOT nor was I ever agreeing with you in the slightest because Xbox has NOT had haptics in it’s triggers for a generation already. So yes, I was disagreeing with YOU even if it overlapped with some of the blatantly false statements made by Scaff.

How fancy your controller is shouldn't really come into it when discussing how well the game plays. It's a cherry on the top, not a core part of the experience. Bad games don't become good games just because they have nice haptics.
I didn’t disagree with this. I simply said Xbox has neither haptics or adaptive triggers.
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Yes, they have, with pretty much every title from GT4 onwards, they dedicated an entire chapter to it in the Press Release book (Driving the Game) that came with GT4.

They’ve never gone into this much detail on how your tires and the car would interact with the inputs.
When did I say they were obliged to do so, they are obliged to do nothing, yet they have made claims about physics accuracy with every title. That is not exactly a surprise.
My point is simple..they’ve finally gone into extreme detail on how physics would be affected via the inputs. In the past they haven’t done this. I never said YOU said they were obligated. I was only making a general statement.
I don't take instructions from you.

Watch out now!😆
Then don't make factual claims you can't back up and then tell people to 'drop it' when you can't support them

Then stop presenting your speculation as if it were fact.
It’s not a claim, it’s the truth. A game like ACC is not optimized for a controller. This is common knowledge. If you want to reject this because you know 3 or 4 people who can do otherwise then more power to you.
No, I'm not, I'm providing sourced rebuttals.

And appearance alone isn't enough to be definitive is mine.
You haven’t provided anything aside from your own speculations and some false statements that are proven to be incorrect or that the vast majority disagree with.
Then it will be the 'best racing title on PlayStation for you', not 'the best racing title on PlayStation', as other peoples priorities will differ.
The idea that I (and many others here) would wish that Gran Turismo would be the best racer on consoles would even be an issue is actually YOUR problem. Never mind that this forum is dedicated to Gran Turismo. You need to take a very long and deep breath. My saying this clearly ruffled your feathers no matter how much you deny it.

Again, you don't get to tell me what to do.

Please stop your egotistical nonsense. Your inability to separate a figure of speech from reality is disturbing.
Which console introduced a form of trigger-based haptic feedback first?

It certainly wasn’t Xbox and you continue to make a fool of yourself.
That's a third time, either change the way you post or the AUP is going to start coming into play. If you can't post without losing your temper and attempting to tell other members what to do, then you will be getting a cooling-off period.

I hope you permaban me. The only reason I would ever post to this forum is to give feedback to make GT the best title it can possibly be. Based on all of the reviews and discussions on the physics so far of GT7 I have no place here as that issue is likely taken car of as of now. I really don’t care to post here for any other reason. Your speculations of GT7 have been proven wrong as of now based on citations from multiple reviews.
So in place of a considered and reasoned rebuttal you resort to digs?
Stop crying. You sound weak. I respected that you interjected yourself into the discussion as a mod. Unfortunately many of the statements you’ve made are absolutely false. If you take offense to me or anyone else calling you out then my advice is to go behind the scenes. Let me guess…

”you don’t tell me what to do”…SCAFF
“Xbox has had haptics on the controller triggers for a generation already.”IMARI that is YOUR QUOTE

Stop your nonsense because I’m NOT nor was I ever agreeing with you in the slightest because Xbox has NOT had haptics in it’s triggers for a generation already. So yes, I was disagreeing with YOU even if it overlapped with some of the blatantly false statements made by Scaff.
Oh dear. Has someone else been confused by the fact that Sony labels it's adaptive triggers as "Haptic™ Triggers"? Adaptive triggers are not the only technology that can be correctly labelled as haptic - it's a broad term that covers anything that gives tactile feedback, from rumble packs to force feedback wheels to buttkickers to adaptive triggers.

The rumble triggers in the Xbox 1 controller are haptics. It's not as good as the haptics in the DualSense triggers in the same way that the rumble in an N64 Rumble Pak isn't as good as a DS4. But it's still haptics. If you think that the Xbox 1 triggers don't have haptics, you're demonstrably wrong.
It certainly wasn’t Xbox and you continue to make a fool of yourself.
Rofl. Tell me you don't know what "haptic" means without telling me you don't know what "haptic" means.
Please stop your egotistical nonsense. Your inability to separate a figure of speech from reality is disturbing.

Stop crying. You sound weak.
This is getting into some pretty gaslightey territory. You said what you said, dude. Own it.
Oh dear. Has someone else been confused by the fact that Sony labels it's adaptive triggers as "Haptic™ Triggers"? Adaptive triggers are not the only technology that can be correctly labelled as haptic - it's a broad term that covers anything that gives tactile feedback, from rumble packs to force feedback wheels to buttkickers to adaptive triggers.

The rumble triggers in the Xbox 1 controller are haptics. It's not as good as the haptics in the DualSense triggers in the same way that the rumble in an N64 Rumble Pak isn't as good as a DS4. But it's still haptics. If you think that the Xbox 1 triggers don't have haptics, you're demonstrably wrong.

Rofl. Tell me you don't know what "haptic" means without telling me you don't know what "haptic" means.

This is getting into some pretty gaslightey territory. You said what you said, dude. Own it.
I’ll make this entire thing simple for you as you’re clearly in the shadow realm and playing a game of semantics. Adaptive triggers are about variable resistance, not RUMBLE. There is nothing even remotely close to that happening in the Xbox controller’s triggers. You can deny this but MS even sought a patent detailing the exact things that the Dual Sense does so your implication that it’s only marketing is once again…FALSE

What I won’t do is waste anymore time here.
They’ve never gone into this much detail on how your tires and the car would interact with the inputs.

My point is simple..they’ve finally gone into extreme detail on how physics would be affected via the inputs. In the past they haven’t done this. I never said YOU said they were obligated. I was only making a general statement.
Yes, they have
Watch out now!😆
The poor attitude really isn't needed.
It’s not a claim, it’s the truth. A game like ACC is not optimized for a controller. This is common knowledge. If you want to reject this because you know 3 or 4 people who can do otherwise then more power to you.

You haven’t provided anything aside from your own speculations and some false statements that are proven to be incorrect or that the vast majority disagree with.
That wasn't the factual claim you made, so please don't move the goalposts.
The idea that I (and many others here) would wish that Gran Turismo would be the best racer on consoles would even be an issue is actually YOUR problem. Never mind that this forum is dedicated to Gran Turismo. You need to take a very long and deep breath. My saying this clearly ruffled your feathers no matter how much you deny it.
I have absolutely zero issues if GT7 turns out the be the finest and best racing title ever, that wasn't the point. The point was that different people have different criteria as to what would make a title that.
Please stop your egotistical nonsense. Your inability to separate a figure of speech from reality is disturbing.
The poor attitude really isn't needed.
It certainly wasn’t Xbox and you continue to make a fool of yourself.
So haptic feedback didn't appear on the triggers of the last gen for the Xbox controller? Odd as owners of the said console would disagree. Now Sony has eclipsed that with PS5 controller, but that doesn't mean they were the first with it. Oh and re-read the AUP, it's quite clear that your behavior is unacceptable.
I hope you permaban me. The only reason I would ever post to this forum is to give feedback to make GT the best title it can possibly be. Based on all of the reviews and discussions on the physics so far of GT7 I have no place here as that issue is likely taken car of as of now. I really don’t care to post here for any other reason. Your speculations of GT7 have been proven wrong as of now based on citations from multiple reviews.
We ban based on AUP violations, not personal requests. If you wish to leave the site, then you are free to do so.
Stop crying. You sound weak. I respected that you interjected yourself into the discussion as a mod. Unfortunately many of the statements you’ve made are absolutely false. If you take offense to me or anyone else calling you out then my advice is to go behind the scenes. Let me guess…

”you don’t tell me what to do”…SCAFF
Speaking of AUP violations.
  • You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
I’ll make this entire thing simple for you as you’re clearly in the shadow realm and playing a game of semantics. Adaptive triggers are about variable resistance, not RUMBLE. There is nothing even remotely close to that happening in the Xbox controller’s triggers. You can deny this but MS even sought a patent detailing the exact things that the Dual Sense does so your implication that it’s only marketing is once again…FALSE

What I won’t do is waste anymore time here.
So that post of mine that you were so adamant that was false?
“Xbox has had haptics on the controller triggers for a generation already.”IMARI that is YOUR QUOTE
Did I say rumble? Did I say adaptive triggers? Or did I specifically say haptics?

You're the one playing semantics, dude. I made a correct statement. Haptics is haptics.

It's unclear whether you just didn't know what haptics meant and now you're trying to backpedal, or whether you misinterpreted it in order to pretend I was saying something I never did so you could go on a little rant about how Sony is so much better than Microsoft.

You don't get to pretend that I said something I didn't just so that you can crow about how I'm wrong for saying something I never did.

As far as the actual adaptive trigger technology, it's great. It's currently the best thing on the market by a significant margin. Of course MS would try to copy it. They should, and the more games we get with that sort of controller feedback on Playstation and Xbox (and hopefully eventually PC) the better. Props to Sony for advancing the field of controller feedback significantly.

What I'm writing off as marketing is Sony's silly naming convention of using an entirely generic term (haptics) to describe a specific implementation of that technology. Because, like, that was the choice of the marketing people. So it's a marketing thing, and it's dumb. They could have made life a whole lot easier for everyone by not using the phrase "haptic feedback" to describe the specific technologies in the DualSense and just picking something more unique.
I’m not even reading your garbled nonsense. I’m disappointed that I haven’t been PERMANENTLY banned yet. I will be playing GT7 with a superior controller experience than what Xbox can provide in a few hours.
I’m disappointed that I haven’t been PERMANENTLY banned yet.
Well I'm delighted to inform you that your disappointment ended there.

"IncredibleMind" is about right. I've never seen anyone get that hostile over their own obliviousness.

Here's a previous discussion about the conventional meaning of "haptics" and the actual meaning, in which you'll see you were flat out wrong:

And if you ever do come back under a new username, take the time to grow as a person and not explode when someone - quite rightly - disagrees with you.
Big "Based on True Events" energy.

Man, what I would give for GT to implement a proper double file rolling start.
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but has Polyphony ever explained why double file starts aren't a thing?
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but has Polyphony ever explained why double file starts aren't a thing?

It's easy, isn't it? The logical capabilities of the AI are so poor that it would mean you would be 1st by the end of first bend. Until Sophy is introduced, it will be like that...
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It's easy, isn't it? The logical capabilities of the AI are so poor that it would mean you would be 1st by the end of first bend. Until Sophy is introduced, it will be like that...
I've been working on a couple setting for AI cars from my garage to get some decent starts.... having to seriously detune my car to at least make it less of a cake walk on professional...

I used to do a lot of NR2003 *.ini file manipulation to get decent 2 and 3 wide racing pack at Daytona & Talladega back in the day (before YouTube)... realy wish GT-7 would come to PC (but due to in-game economy, doubt that will ever happen :()