Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.49: Eiger Nordwand, Six New Cars, Physics Changes, & More

  • Thread starter Famine
Ok, got a couple hours in and... the jury is still out.

Thankfully, the Trueforce on my setup isn't totally gone. It was definitely gone when I fired up the game, but thanks to the suggestion(s) by LOGI_Rich I was able to get it back close to what I had it before (even if that meant maxing out the in-game option and within the wheel).

The new track, albeit a welcome addition, is not my thing. I am just not seeing how this track will lead to good racing... side-by-side through turns, back and forth racing, regardless of the cars used. Would bet my next paycheck it'll be a Daily race next week (likely A in the M3) so we shall see.

The cars are fun. Only driven the Subaru and F430 but they are both really fun to drive. The F430 handles Tokyo really well.

Jury is still out on the physics. It's definitely different and easy to tell what's different. I think it'll just take some time to get used to. Use too much brake and the cars will begin to slide, even in a straight line. It's as though ABS is off. The FFB feels fine; it's different for sure, but it feels okay (again, will take time to get used to).
We shouldn't call it abs anymore. We should call it roundtine.
Oh Snap, how did I just see this? Oh I was racing....

How can anyone dislike Eiger, it looks absolutely mint in VR, spectacular stuff. And a fun little track to boot, what's not to love?

Undecided on physics because I'm not very good and don't really know what I'm doing. Can't tell if I'm making more disastrous errors or less, can't really blame them on physics either way. Still feels fun to drive, that's the main thing :lol:
Good luck with the new physics and update, I'm joining in this weekend once I get to a stopping point.

@xDriver69x Lol at the bouncing cars in that picture. How'd that happen?
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The new track is great, Sophy is still the same rubber band fest as before, the new physics feel nice (I was having problems locking up but I changed by g29 brake pedal calibration ingame to the maximum and I've since readjusted), the new cars are nice but I don't drive road cars that much, dirty physics feel better and that's it.

Good upgrade but it's not the ground breaking update people were leading me to believe. Maybe g29 ffb hasn't changed and the driving (especially the braking) is a bit more nuanced, but the claims it's like ACC are extremely exaggerated in my opinion. It's still not as dynamic and the cars still feel planted most of the time.

I'm happy that PD keeps improving the game and bringing new content to the game for free.

I do have to say that for the first 10 minutes I was really worried. Give yourself time to readjust.

Edit: kart feels nice but we don't have a karting track.
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Lol at the bouncing cars in that picture. How'd that happen?
You may want to check the article Famine posted...

The cause of the bump glitches speculated on X/twitter seems to be possibly stiff dampers and spring rates, and extreme ballast on the front or rear.

My Deathtrap Corvette also coincidentally met this condition due to PP adjustment. (However, the same problem continued to occur even when the dampers were softened to a certain extent...)
You may want to check the article Famine posted...

Ok, I'll read it tonight/tomorrow. That was crazy stuff. I guess PD didn't fully fix the glitches/bugs.
Maybe g29 ffb hasn't changed and the driving (especially the braking) is a bit more nuanced, but the claims it's like ACC are extremely exaggerated in my opinion. It's still not as dynamic and the cars still feel planted most of the time.
It might be that you're bumping up against the limitations of your wheel. I'll be in the same boat as a DD Pro user once PD implements Tue Force for the Extreme wheel.

I've been one of the main people complaining about wanting GT7 to feel more like ACC and it's definitely a big step in that direction.
It might be that you're bumping up against the limitations of your wheel. I'll be in the same boat as a DD Pro user once PD implements Tue Force for the Extreme wheel.

I've been one of the main people complaining about wanting GT7 to feel more like ACC and it's definitely a big step in that direction.
A step yes. A big step? In my opinion as a g29 user, no. It's incremental but not amazingly better or close to ACC.
T-GTII user… As a person who mainly drives the 458 GT3 the physics update feels really really good! The information I get from the steering wheel is way more than before, making my driving at least better. The turn in feels a lot more natural I can catch the car better too. The tire wear is another thing that is way better after this update… normally the rears cook… and it doesn’t matter has careful you drive. I just did a race where the rears were almost matching my fronts… they were a little bit worse but not like before the update. Very good experience with the physics!
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Good luck with the new physics and update, I'm joining in this weekend once I get to a stopping point.

@xDriver69x Lol at the bouncing cars in that picture. How'd that happen?
I'm loving the update, but not gonna pretend otherwise, the bug for extreme tuning exploiting things is funny AF. I mean some of the bonkers videos are beyond hilarious. polygon online magazine calls Gran Turismo now as the flying simulator. Herbie the love bug would be proud, lol. Anyways back to the scientific testing.
I'm a bit of both sides on the new physics at the moment. Part of it may be finding the right new settings in the T300rs, and some of it might be getting rid of bad habits learned in the old model.

Initially I used the E36 M3 at Eiger and found myself plowing through corners with ABS weak. Had to dial it back a bit. Then began playing with oversteer and finding it to not be quite as catchable as some have made it seem. I'm not feeling the wider range of tire forgiveness quite yet.

Tires seem to be more separated from each other in terms of grip. It's a big step from CS to SH, and a similarly large gap between SH and SS. All slick tires seem to have gained grip as well.

I'm finding that there is an increased amount of nuance with braking and steering feel under braking and on compression with some road cars, but when it come to GR3 this seems reversed. Steering effort and feedback now load up a LOT at speed, but seems to disintegrate at slower speeds. FFB and communication with slicks previously seemed to be much higher at slow speeds before the update.

I am enjoying the increased body movements when the chassis is upset by curbs and things. Body movement was previously pretty stagnant, and I was pleasantly surprised to feel the steering wheel tug to the left when my L front was on the rumble strips at Deep Forest. Good stuff.

Dirt is... strange now. No steering feel at all with initial turn in, cars are bogged down easily on exit, front tire traction ramps up al lot with increased steering angle, and jumps mean practically nothing now. I honestly think it was a little more realistic before... there is no consequence for yeeting a car off a jump sideways with a wonky steering angle. It just lands perfectly settled now. Need more time to sus it out.

I was able to achieve a top 200 time with the Ferrari at Tokyo, but it's just not feeling great to me yet. I'm hoping that I unlearn some muscle memory, tweak some settings and find more harmony with how things are now. I haven't had a lot of time with it yet, so I may come back to it later tonight and feel completely different!

I also drive a t300rs, what settings do you use on yours?

I love the new physics but the Ferrari TT in Tokyo feels like almost not having any FFB, particularly on the middle part of the circuit.

I always used 4 for torque and 1 for sensitivity on my settings. On the weekly challenge at fisherman's ranch I increased torque to 5 and it felt really good on the new Subaru WRX

I feel GT3 and GT4 FFB is good but somewhat a bit less noticeable on road cars, it's like the roads are flatter on those.
Those physics making me to re-tune lot of cars settings. It don't affect a lot race cars, but road ones...
FF are much better in corners exit, feelings of MR are better in corners. FR cars is a lottery, some stay good as before, some better, and some became undriveable.
Especially in drifting, where I can really see these new physics working. More grip, but when you loose the car... you loose the car.

I only have issues with brakes, it's ok with pedals to adjust brakes pression, but not with a controller.
I also drive a t300rs, what settings do you use on yours?

I love the new physics but the Ferrari TT in Tokyo feels like almost not having any FFB, particularly on the middle part of the circuit.

I always used 4 for torque and 1 for sensitivity on my settings. On the weekly challenge at fisherman's ranch I increased torque to 5 and it felt really good on the new Subaru WRX

I feel GT3 and GT4 FFB is good but somewhat a bit less noticeable on road cars, it's like the roads are flatter on those.
I'm currently at 5/1, which is basically the same as I ran before. Sometimes I drop torque down to 4 depending on the car and what I'm doing (usually drifting), but it seems like this is the sweet spot for the moment.
I'm currently at 5/1, which is basically the same as I ran before. Sometimes I drop torque down to 4 depending on the car and what I'm doing (usually drifting), but it seems like this is the sweet spot for the moment.

Yeah same here. Increasing torque from 4 to 5 was perfect. But i do drive on ffb sensitivity 2. Need to try 1 after this update.

One thing that bothers me about this update is lack of rain. Every new track PD has added didn’t have it, and we didn’t get updated old tracks with rain. What is wrong? Especially that GT7 has one of the best rain implementation on market. I can’t understand what PD is doing with this. Are they cooking? Making weather 2.0 or something so they can add other tracks after that? I see improvements in all aspects of the game so I am calm that we will get other features like Sophy more implemented in the future, but weather seems to be left behind. Very sad.
Did some further testing on the off-road tracks, and the Suzuki Escudo is an absolute menace now. It's still a handful with that massive turbo lag, but driving it now takes me back to the GT2 days.
When I heard that Michelin branding was going to be applied as the new tyre design for most cars, I was interested about it. But after looking at it now I wished there was the option to change back to the unbranded ones. But that's just my opinion.

For some cars like the DP-100 VGT, it's fine by me

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But for some like the HiMedic, it looks funny imo.
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At least it only applies to cars from 1989-Newer. Plus, the BAC Mono still has the option to either stick to its stock Pirelli tyres or the newer Michelins.
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Gran Turismo® 7_20240725182054.png
Huh, they're less wide than before...
New physics arent really it for me, my driving style was basically slamming the brakes, and then just always trying to get the car to the limits, now i am learning trailbreaking, though in some cases i lack grip, idk why though when people are saying that there is more grip? Well the cars are ok/mid, but man the M3 is bad quality in terms of model, i hope this isnt the first stage of losing the best aspect of gt7, the detail, the quality. I must say what dissapoints of the game and its not getting fixed soon for me its the lack of modern cars, im tired of VGTs instead of some cool new italian/german supercars/road cars, atleast get 3 audi rs models. About Eiger, i must say it dissapoints me the fact that it is way more boring than GT5 version. Also almost the track is way to narrow sometimes. Overall just expected more from the update.
Ok ok ok, now that I've had more time and am putting down my fastest TT times ever I'm really starting to fall in love with the update.

I'm learning there's so much pliability in the tires. You can push into them and there's all sorts of info coming back depending on grip and yaw. FWD cars are so much more malleable with all inputs. I'm still unlearning bad habits from the old model, pushing in too much on RWD cars, getting complacent then not reacting correctly to oversteer. The feel is coming along and things are falling into place.

Curbs have come alive, cars jounce and hop over things, steering feel is so different depending on what you're in... it's good.

The more cars I drive, the better it gets. It takes a full scale pull back from what we were doing before and involves thinking about the cars in an entirely new way. A much more realism based way. It feels like a whole new game again, and the more time I get with it, the more I love it.

Now I'm excited... and have to leave for a week 😑. Gonna be jonesing for GT7 the whole time!

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