Gran Turismo 7's Microtransaction Pricing Revealed

  • Thread starter Famine
Also, shame on PD for not disclosing the MT and their prices to reviewers before release. I’m sure the metacritic would lower for the low 80s / hight 70s if reviewers knew about this and tested how much it takes to get 20million Cr.
Yes, acutally PD betrayed the reviewers.

These reviews before an actual release are useless these days.

In GTplanets review, NO SINGLE WORD about microtransactions @Jordan @Famine

wtf...? Update your review please.

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There is 400+ cars in the game with more coming via DLC, i don't think that anyone is supposed to get every car in the game.
That was pretty clearly evident for GT5 and 6, but with GT7 we have a game where the main career is based around collecting cars. Your level is now Collector Level. I'm not sure you can say with certainly that no one is supposed to get every car in the game, when clearly the intention is that everyone collects to at least some extent.

It's a pretty natural conclusion in a game based around collecting that one should therefore collect all the things. Pokemon, the go-to comparison for the collecting parts of Gran Turismo, literally has the tag phrase "Gotta catch 'em all!"
They even added a check list type of menu with the silhouettes of every car so you can see which ones you’re still missing until you own every single one of them. That wasn’t a thing in past games so I believe GT7 is, more so than past GTs, all about collecting/owning/buying all the cars available.
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Not sure if I understand the concern of everyone with MTs in this game.

As far as I know of, there is nothing that can't be earned through usual in-game progression and players aren't locked out of any part of the game for not buying them thus making microtransactions totally optional. Most of us, or at least I, expected the game to require a high level of grinding based on previous entries and reviewers did all that they could in the limited time they had to try and give and accurate portrayal of the game.

I don't see the problem on those who have the money to spend and are willing to do so in order to hurry up there in-game progression. I do think it's ironic paying 70 dollars for a game and then paying extra money to fast forward through it, but to each their own.

Far different subject is games like Rocket League were you are not allowed to trade your randomly obtained items with other players unless you buy some of their currency or Genshin Impact where there are like 8 different currencies that completely obscure wat you actually get for your money.

How many people critizising MTs won't consider buying them due to the high price?? How different would their playthrough be if there were no MTs in Gran Turismo 7??

By the way, I am not sure the fact that there are some people more propense to buying microtransactions is something to take into account. Taking the same arguement and applying it to credit cards we could say that they shouldn't exist because advertising and offers encourage more succeptible people to spend money.

Lastly, why should MTs be included in a game review if their aren't any intrusive ads (As someone mentioned before I think their presence can be removed from most of the game) and they aren't the main method of progression?

Please forgive me if I offended somone with this post, but I am intrigued by several of the comments I've seen on this forum.
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Why are people not supposed tonger every car in the game.
Suppose someone paid full price for the game, maybe finally grinded out 2 20 milllion dollar cars. Then didnt get to try out the other 20 mil cars because the grind broke the camels back and that someone just gave up.
Yes, acutally PD betrayed the reviewers.

These reviews before an actual release are useless these days.

In GTplanets review, NO SINGLE WORD about microtransactions @Jordan @Famine

wtf...? Update your review please.

Reviewers knew about the game having MTX in their review build, since the top up menu pop up was still there. Clicking on that took them to a store page but the prices weren't live yet. Several reviews mentioned it.
Fully against MTX. I have never purchased any MTX ever and I intend to keep it that way. I don't have any problem with others paying for in-game credits, but I do have a problem with its inclusion having an influence on the game's economy.

At this point all post launch DLC, cars and tracks, better be free otherwise it won't be a good look for GT7.
i don't think that anyone is supposed to get every car in the game
The game literally has a screen that encourages you to do just that, it's even introduced in that way and you're told you should aim to do it!
As someone mentioned before I think their presence can be removed from most of the game
I've checked, and it doesn't fully remove them, in fact, it barely makes a difference, and you certainly should be able to fully remove them.
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The game literally has a screen that encourages you to do just that, it's even introduced in that way and you're told you should aim to do it!
It's truly amazing how people are willing to defend Polyphony for obvious cock ups, and in the process trip over themselves trying to directly go against what Polyphony are intending with the game design choices they make.

If Polyphony didn't want you to collect every car, then why in the hell did they make car collecting a major portion of the game, enough to give you a scrap book of all the cars in the game at launch? Which is it - Polyphony wants us to collect all the cars, or they want us to collect 'some'?

I've checked, and it doesn't fully remove them, in fact, it barely makes a difference, and you certainly should be able to fully remove them.
Just remember folks, you have the option to easily remove their presence from all the areas like Brand Central and GT Auto via the options menu like GT Sport so theres really no cause of concern for this
Boy, that was sure helpful. Thanks, Polyphony! Good guys you are.
It's truly amazing how people are willing to defend Polyphony
I think we hit the peak with...

Polyphony Digital, the actual creators of Gran Turismo - "Gran Turismo is a racing game"
People trying to defend the poor racing in Gran Turismo - "Gran Turismo is not a racing game"

When you're arguing against the people who make the game to try and defend something for them, you've gone WAY too far.
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I believe that Kaz, at best, is an idealist who believes that he can change then genre to his own whims and desires, when that hasn't been the case in close to two decades.

At worst, he is a habitual liar by omission, or straight up a liar, going by the things he has either promised, and didn't come to fruition or came to fruition too late to make an appreciable difference, and in different forms to what was originally shown, and I put him on the same level as Peter Molyneux in terms of trustworthiness since GT4.
sometimes i wonder how yall are even invested in these games in the first place when you guys clearly hate the creator

not to defend them though, this is actually ****ing scummy and i don't support any of it. you can't just raise the price of the game to 70 bucks and then start pulling this MTX BS.
But damn, you guys really have choice words for Kaz
I think we hit the peak with...

Polyphony Digital, the actual creators of Gran Turismo - "Gran Turismo is a racing game"
People trying to defend the poor racing in Gran Turismo - "Gran Turismo is not a racing game"

When you're arguing against the people who make the game to try and defend something for them, you've gone WAY too far.
That’s fair game, but can one say you and others also take it extremely far with complaints and argumentative attitudes? Do you have GT7 are you actually playing the game?
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sometimes i wonder how yall are even invested in these games in the first place when you guys clearly hate the creator
Never understood this also.. am I’m always up to hear other peoples opinion and debates… but for example I don’t enjoy the PC2 series and think while it was a good in some aspects it was really bad in others… what I don’t do though is go to the sub forms and complain about the things I don’t like even though I don’t play the game… again people have every right to do so but it’s a weird flex if you want my honest opinion… and as you said you get the feeling Kaz has PERSONALLY hurt some people on this forum.
As I have no idea on how much money I need down the line but in the first day and a bit ignoring my pre-order money I have made over 250k and spent very little on it on tune ups etc.

Also the 50% bonus money when it comes to a "clean" race of which all but one have been for me is a nice touch as well promotes a certain style of driving.

Also when you do the daily 26.1 miles and a menu card you can get money with the roulette tickets so money is there to be had and I am expecting to play this game for a goodly long while.
I bought car DLCs for GTS. About 150 CAD. I played a few thousand hours over 4.5 years so I didn’t care about spending cash on a great game like GTS.

My only concern with credit packs is loss of data on the server. Some friends lost all their cars at one point in 2018. At least with the GTS DLCs, you could always acquire the car again if it got deleted from your garage. I prefer it over the GT7 model.

I do understand that cars aren’t always available in game so that model wouldn’t be appropriate for GT7.
Also the pricing for the MT's can be made a bit cheaper in the UK as there is a website selling PSN credit for 10% less than it's face value. and it's where I go for all my PSN and PS+ cards I even got £9 off my copy of GT7 for buying £90 card for £81.
Being critical of obviously bad tactics that the series has partaken in for three straight games now is trolling, got it.
You've said some pretty nasty things about a game creator, as quoted above, would be reported if others had said about you, yes you are a troll lad.

Repeating the same opinions regardless what is said to you, for no furthering of a conversation but just to hear yourself talk, yes you are a troll lad.
I bought car DLCs for GTS. About 150 CAD. I played a few thousand hours over 4.5 years so I didn’t care about spending cash on a great game like GTS.

My only concern with credit packs is loss of data on the server. Some friends lost all their cars at one point in 2018. At least with the GTS DLCs, you could always acquire the car again if it got deleted from your garage. I prefer it over the GT7 model.

I do understand that cars aren’t always available in game so that model wouldn’t be appropriate for GT7.
I’m glad what you said in your first statement. I just don’t see why many are just so upset like this is the first time a company is trying to over maximize their profits?? I mean this is just a game we have companies that we work for not paying enough money to folks screwing up people real lives!! This is just a game we can buy at our leisure and enjoy. You don’t like it don’t buy it your not forced?

Normally my wife, family members give me PS gift cards… I wouldn’t mind using it to get some extra cash in GT7 lol. Will I use my own cash… prob not I don’t care how long it takes me to get expensive cars in GT I know I’m going to play this game for years. I’m just not shocked to see something like this as others are. In the end it does not change the way I’m going to enjoy playing GT7.
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You've said some pretty nasty things about a game creator, as quoted above, would be reported if others had said about you, yes you are a troll lad.
They are my opinions, born from observing how he interacts with fans, sites like this, and his general attitudes towards the industry. Are they brusque, and go for the throat? Sure, but that's how I see it and speak it. You're free to disagree, and if the mods believe I have broken the AUP, then they will be the arbiters of that. For now, Kaz isn't here, and I can speak my mind about my opinion on him.

Repeating the same opinions regardless what is said to you, for no furthering of a conversation but just to hear yourself talk, yes you are a troll lad.
What else am I supposed to do? Micro transactions are bad, full stop. Polyphony has now had three games where they've added micro-transactions either post launch, or from the start, and this time around, one can very easily wonder where it leads with regards to in game economy, and if stuff like the Hagerty's adjusting of car values in the Legend Cars pavilion and the continued hard 20 mil credit cap, alongside not doing much to push MT visibility off to the side like some people are suggesting you can do in the options are any indication, it seems to my cynical mind that Polyphony are testing the waters of seeing how far they can take the in game economy in the route of getting people to pay for micro-transactions in order to get the higher end of vehicles in the collection portion of the game, a part of the game they heavily advertised before launch.

More then anything else, what pisses me off more then anything else, and why I (and others) have repeated our opinions, is because of stuff like this...

I just don’t see why many are just so upset like this is the first time a company is trying to over maximize their profits??
which reeks, frankly, of huffing copium to try and make Polyphony out as somehow virtuous, or justified in their actions that they have done for three straight games now. Polyphony are a first party Sony studio - and Kaz is on the literal Playstation board. He, and by extension Polyphony, are not the plucky underdogs where not maximizing profits means death of the studio. GT7 could sell 100 copies and the game would still be supported well, and long, because Polyphony have gained that trust. Yet they still seem to want to test that trust with players of the game, by introducing tactics such as micro-transactions that most other developers they are directly competing with, specifically Turn 10 and Forza, have left behind long ago. But of course, that doesn't matter in the long run, because some people on this forum, who find themselves seeing red whenever Forza is mentioned even in a correct context, will make up literal falsehoods to demonize T10, Forza and Microsoft in general, yet will trip over themselves when Polyphony and GT do the exact same things, often times for much longer, and worse.

This is why I am frustrated and hostile. The very obvious hypocrisy present that seemingly, Polyphony is justified in doing stuff like micro-transactions for as long as they have, that it isn't a big deal, that you can just turn them off and they won't be a problem. When the actual reality of it all is crystal clear that they aren't justified in making these moves, not in the slightest, that it is a big deal (and that the possibility of them adjusting the in game economy and car prices in order to push more people to buy micro-transactions) and that even turning them off from the options ultimately does little to hide them. More then the confusing and frankly unintuitive gameplay decisions, more then the absolutely shamoblic AI that only gets 'difficult', even on the highest settings, due to them being further spaced out then you are, this is what pisses me off. When Polyphony does obviously wrong, and should be raked over the coals, but they aren't. And instead, are defended.
I’m glad what you said in your first statement. I just don’t see why many are just so upset like this is the first time a company is trying to over maximize their profits?? I mean this is just a game we have companies that we work for not paying enough money to folks screwing up people real lives!! This is just a game we can buy at our leisure and enjoy. You don’t like it don’t buy it your not forced?

Normally my wife, family members give me PS gift cards… I wouldn’t mind using it to get some extra cash in GT7 lol. Will I use my own cash… prob not I don’t care how long it takes me to get expensive cars in GT I know I’m going to play this game for years. I’m just not shocked to see something like this as others are. In the end it does not change the way I’m going to enjoy playing GT7.'s OK for you, so you don't care about anyone else? If someone else doesn't have thousands of hours to put into the game like you do then oh well, they either go without or have to pay extortionate MTs.

I've asked you several times now, you've never answered. If all you want to see is a choice, where you can grind and someone else who doesn't have the time or desire can just pay extra to unlock them all, what's wrong with a $10 or $20 option on the store to unlock everything?

Why do you instead support predatory micro transactions, and claim they're fine purely because they're optional? You realise it is possible to be against something even if it doesn't affect you, right? Whether I can afford the price of these MTs or intend to buy them is irrelevant to why I greatly dislike them.

The more people tell companies that MTs are acceptable and OK in the game, the more they're going to try and push what is acceptable.
Last edited:'s OK for you, so you don't care about anyone else? If someone else doesn't have thousands of hours to put into the game like you do then oh well, they either go without or have to pay extortionate MTs.

I've asked you several times now, you've never answered. If all you want to see is a choice, where you can grind and someone else who doesn't have the time or desire can just pay extra to unlock them all, what's wrong with a $10 or $20 option on the store to unlock everything?

Why do you instead support predatory micro transactions, and claim they're fine purely because they're optional? You realise it is possible to be against something even if it doesn't affect you, right? Whether I can afford the price of these MTs or intend to buy them is irrelevant to why I greatly dislike them.
What you’re crying about is what’s called life… and guess what it’s not fair you seem smart enough to understand that..AGAIN your not forced to buy this at all… you don’t believe in it that’s fine don’t buy it you have every right! I don’t care for MT’s at all.. I have heard peoples beef and I understand but at the end of the day you DONT HAVE TO BUY THEM…

You mad at the guy who bust his ass for 50 plus hours a week and drive a nice sport car, and pitty the person who is lazy and wants better things but doesn’t work hard for it?? Bro stop it… don’t make it seem like I’m going to sit on my ass and just play GT for the next 1000000 hours straight and get everything… I understand GT is a game for me that will last me years! You been a member here for sometime you played the GT formula before right?? you shocked it takes time to get certain cars really??? There’s cars in GTS which took me years to get so I was able to drive them.. I never came On GTP crying how hard it is to get a car or spent real money to obtain it. I got it when I got it! You didn’t have GTS right did you actually ever play the game before? And you never answered my question do you even have GT7 are you going through the game?
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What your crying about is what’s called life… and guess what it’s not fair you seem smart enough to understand that..AGAIN your not forced to buy this at all… you don’t believe in it that’s fine don’t buy it you have every right! I don’t care for MT’s at all.. I have heard peoples beef and I understand but at the end of the day you DONT HAVE TO BUY THEM… You mad at the guy who bust his ass for 50 plus hours a week and drive a nice sport car, and pitty the person who is lazy and wants better things but doesn’t work hard for it?? Bro stop it… don’t make it seem like I’m going to sit on my ass and just play GT for the next 1000000 hours straight and get everything… I understand GT is a game for me that will last me years! You been a member here for sometime you played the GT formula before right?? you shocked it takes time to get certain cars really??? Theres cars in GTS which took me years to drive.. I never came On GTP crying how hard it is to get a car or spent real money to obtain it. I got it when I got it! You didn’t have GTS right did you actually ever play the game before? And you never answered my question do you even have GT7 are you going through the game?
You literally just said it's a game. Games are made for fun. Now you're trying to equate it to the real life struggle. Come on. I play games to escape the working life, not resume more of it.

Yes, I've played all previous GT games. In none of them did it take hundreds of hours of grinding to acquire everything like it did in GTS, and seemingly will in GT7. This has been factually, mathematically proven by @Famine many times, so please quit pretending this is the norm in the series. It is not. No GT games have personally last me "years".

I don't know how many times I have to say them being optional doesn't make it OK. It's how the economy is scaled around them. No, I haven't bought GT7 yet, it doesn't feel worth full price for me, but I've seen enough streams and how many credits you receive that earning enough to buy all the cars, modify them as you want, is going to take a hugely unreasonable amount of time for the majority of people. Playing a game for months or even years on end should not be expected of players, and again, nor was it required in the old games.

Even if you don't use them, them being there is almost certainly affecting the game and forcing people to choose between grinding for months or using them. I don't know why that is so hard to understand.
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What you’re crying about is what’s called life… and guess what it’s not fair you seem smart enough to understand that..AGAIN your not forced to buy this at all… you don’t believe in it that’s fine don’t buy it you have every right! I don’t care for MT’s at all.. I have heard peoples beef and I understand but at the end of the day you DONT HAVE TO BUY THEM…

You mad at the guy who bust his ass for 50 plus hours a week and drive a nice sport car, and pitty the person who is lazy and wants better things but doesn’t work hard for it?? Bro stop it… don’t make it seem like I’m going to sit on my ass and just play GT for the next 1000000 hours straight and get everything… I understand GT is a game for me that will last me years! You been a member here for sometime you played the GT formula before right?? you shocked it takes time to get certain cars really??? Theres cars in GTS which took me years to drive.. I never came On GTP crying how hard it is to get a car or spent real money to obtain it. I got it when I got it! You didn’t have GTS right did you actually ever play the game before? And you never answered my question do you even have GT7 are you going through the game?
Congratulations. You're not the one being explicitly targeted by MTs. There's people out there suffering from a lack of impulse control and cower in fear seeing their favorite games trying to railroad them into spending real money. The psychological manipulation of these practices has been clearly evident for years and its shocking that people are still blind to the harm they cause to ACTUAL vulnerable people.

You literally just said it's a game. Games are made for fun. Now you're trying to equate it to the real life struggle. Come on.

Yes, I've played all previous GT games. In none of them did it take hundreds of hours of grinding to acquire everything like it did in GTS, and seemingly will in GT7. This has been factually, mathematically proven by @Famine many times, so please quit pretending this is the norm in the series. It is not. No GT games have personally last me "years".

I don't know how many times I have to say them being optional doesn't make it OK. It's how the economy is scaled around them. No, I haven't bought GT7 yet, it doesn't feel worth full price for me, but I've seen enough streams and how many credits you receive that earning enough to buy all the cars, modify them as you want, is going to take a hugely unreasonable amount of time for the majority of people. Playing a game for months or even years on end should not be expected of players, and again, nor was it required in the old games.

Even if you don't use them, them being there is almost certainly affecting the game and forcing people to choose between grinding for months or using them. I don't know why that is so hard to understand.
No my friend this is a game… and your crying over a game in which your not forced to even buy the damn game 1st of all.. In a real life matter such as the guy who works for 15 bucks an hour for the billion dollar company who can afford to pay that person so they can live a decent life gets richer every day while they struggle. That’s sucks doesn’t it but guess what that’s life…

This crusade your on with these MT’s god bless your heart buddy…. And as I said before I don’t think your point of view is wrong… the way your feeling on here shocked and upset has me scratching my head.. you seem bright.. negative but you are smart .. are you truly shocked at this??? There is a remedy to this also… as gamers and consumers we should laugh at Sony and say nahh y’all can keep that!!!! But guess what there is going to be someone willing to spend their OWN money because it justifies their purchase..

So what you going to do?? Coming on here upset everyday acting like Kaz and Sony personally hurt you.. trying to make people seem we are suck ups to PD and Sony is a weird flex.. but what ever do as you do I’m done arguing with you bud gonna enjoy some GT7!

@AudiMan2011 bro please with the article… I respect you trying to back up an argument that I don’t even disagree with you guys on but I have different views when it comes to things in that nature… as a parent if you can’t control your child when playing games or as adult you feel the dire need to keep up with the jones no matter what the consequences are… that’s those parents and person personal issues… I understand many pressures are thrown at our face but dealing with a man trying to take care of his family working hard is an issue more so people being tricked into buying some MTs because you have no self control!
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No my friend this is a game… and your crying over a game in which your not forced to even buy the damn game 1st of all.. In a real life matter such as the guy who works for 15 bucks an hour for the billion dollar company who can afford to pay that person so they can live a decent life gets richer every day while they struggle. That’s sucks doesn’t it but guess what that’s life…

This crusade your on with these MT’s god bless your heart buddy…. And as I said before I don’t think your point of view is wrong… the way your feeling on here shocked and upset has me scratching my head.. you seem bright.. negative but you are smart .. are you truly shocked at this??? There is a remedy to this also… as gamers and consumers we should laugh at Sony and say nahh y’all can keep that!!!! But guess what there is going to be someone willing to spend their OWN money because it justifies their purchase..

So what you going to do?? Coming on here upset everyday acting like Kaz and Sony personally hurt you.. trying to make people seem we are suck ups to PD and Sony is a weird flex.. but what ever do as you do I’m done arguing with you bud gonna enjoy some GT7!
Yes, that's life. This is a video game. Are you seriously suggesting that because real life can screw you, that it's OK and accepted video games should as well?

I'm not on any crusade and I'm not crying. This is the topic for MTs in GT7, I'm discussing MTs in GT7. You didn't have to come in here to defend them. You chose to. If you're going to try and defend them, I'm gonna reply to you.

I also never once said I was shocked, so no.

What am I gonna do? You're sounding scarily like people who suggest that we should just sit back and take anything life throws at us, what can we the little people do, right? Corporations are going to do everything they can to maximise profit and we have to accept it.

No, sorry, I'm not one of those people. I'm gonna continue calling out things I think are not right and try to make a change.
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Yes, that's life. This is a video game. Are you seriously suggesting that because real life can screw you, that it's OK and accepted video games should as well?

I'm not on any crusade and I'm not crying. This is the topic for MTs in GT7, I'm discussing MTs in GT7. You didn't have to come in here to defend them. You chose to. If you're going to try and defend them, I'm gonna reply to you.

I also never once said I was shocked, so no.

What am I gonna do? You're sounding scarily like people who suggest that we should just sit back and take anything life throws at us, what can we the little people do, right? No, sorry, I'm not one of those people. I'm gonna continue calling out things I think are not right and try to make a change.
My friend please re read what I wrote now your putting word In my mouth and we are not going to do that!!! First of all I don’t agree with MTs and told you plenty of times! Second I told you how I deal with them very easy… I don’t buy them I don’t support them with my own money… so Sony not getting nothing from me I’m not the problem.. but I won’t act like you an others… shocked… madd… or as I said before the Sony reps hurt me personally… this business practice is not new bro please…

then you hit me with… I think we should sit back and take everything what can we little people do blah blah crap… Stop re read and stop putting word in my mouth!! I know the remedy and I said what I’m doing, I’m not buying those MTs and I don’t care for them… so please agin explain to me on how I’m insisting people lay down and get screwed and don’t do nothing about it?!?!?

Again you say oh I’m not shocked but your word say different and now your making up stuff on me not cool bro sorry… As I said before I don’t agree with these MTs and I won’t buy them unless I get a gift card or something…. But guess what that’s just me.. there are going to be people who don’t have time to put in the game and want to spend a couple dollars of THEIR OWN money to further their own enjoyment… guess what I am cool with that…