Gran Turismo 7's Next Update Arrives April 13

  • Thread starter Famine
Yeah, what they've done there is copy the bits of the GT site where it says certain issues will be fixed in a future update and slapped them into an article with a guess at the version number (and no guesses to the update size):

It's not reliable.

That site always triggers my antivirus too...
Thank you for debunking this. I knew something didn't look right. Also, the word 'app'. Maybe I'm wrong, but don't they use game instead?
If you're anything like me and love cheating within the parameters of the game, get onto this hack

It's totally going to be patched tomorrow

What's the point of using unreal car for not so good race? Really I would like to know. I like cheating, even outside of parameters, but I don't like wasting time.
is it real?

Or is it Memorex...

Yeah, no.

Firstly, PS5Patches is for a completely different site(Update Crazy is, shockingly, @update_crazy) and it only logs updates after they become available. Secondly, I just clearly showed where Update Crazy got its information from: it literally copied the bits from the existing known issues articles on which say things will be fixed in a future update. Like, straight up copy and paste.

UC is guessing at the version number, clearly has no information "from the playstation database which houses the update files" (if it did it would at least have a ballpark figure for the file size... which it doesn't), and has copy-pasted "information".

It's not "real", it's the definition of clickbait. Which is probably why it triggers not only my antivirus but every other security feature on the PC. I've visited less dangerous porn sites.

It's clearly fake as it has missed out the MOST important part of the update...

"Various other issues have been addressed." ;)
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I reckon that this patch is probably the intended bug patch that was planned before the hoohaa erupted re the economy/nerf, with a content update to follow end of April.

That would kind of follow the GT Sport pattern where bug fixes and content updates seemed to alternate for a while early on.

There's a logic to that as the people involved in producing bug fixes would not be the same as the content providers (car modellers/track modellers etc.)
Just grabbed another 3 million from the Tomahawk exploit in time for the update.

But in reality the exploit does need to be patched. It breaks 600pp races both online and offline (not just the Tokyo event) and it’s obviously not intended to be possible in the game.

as cool as it is getting tonnes of money super fast, it’s also not fun to host a 600PP lobby or have another 600PP daily race where half the grid are driving ridiculously overpowered Tomahawk X’s.

I hope they don’t nerf the payout of that race though. It would be a bad look for PD to the unconvinced players from 1.11 who are still upset over the prize cuts.

Also we’ll probably see some minor bug fixes but I don’t anticipate any new races, cars or tracks. That’ll happen at the end of April still.

As for getting money after the update, the Zonda R at Sardegna is close enough and pretty enjoyable so I don’t mind losing Tokyo. I’d like to try running more cars there eventually as well like the CLK LM and McLaren P1 GTR.
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I'd rather see significant updates to the online lobby, with ability to alter the lobbies once they're launched, kick people ,& some kind of host migration before I see new content added.

Not against adding new content, just not when it's used to cover up major flaws in the game like how GTA always did.

Maybe add better stat tracking, better online lobby customisations, improvements to the penalty system & BoP changes to bring other cars in line with the RCZ gr.3 & Atenza GR.4 metamobiles
I can't spectate anyone in a race, all i get is a black screen. it's ridiculous.
Side note - does it happen to anyone else? Am i the only one?
I'd rather see significant updates to the online lobby, with ability to alter the lobbies once they're launched, kick people ,& some kind of host migration before I see new content added.

Not against adding new content, just not when it's used to cover up major flaws in the game like how GTA always did.

Maybe add better stat tracking, better online lobby customisations, improvements to the penalty system & BoP changes to bring other cars in line with the RCZ gr.3 & Atenza GR.4 metamobiles
Honestly speaking, if this was the case, we wouldn’t see any new content for like a minimum 6 months - still quite a number of bugs to fix in lobbies and career progression.
Not necessarily, but by tradition higher "category" races in GT games have been higher paying.

That aside, look at the other WTC 600 races:
Circuit de Spa Francorchamps - 4 laps/17.4 miles - 80,000cr
Nurburgring GP - 5 laps/16 miles - 80,000cr
Tokyo Expressway South/AC - 5 laps/20 miles - 80,000cr

And then:
Tokyo Expressway East/C - 12 laps/54 miles - 550,000cr

It's way, way, way out of sync - more than twice the value per mile of even the second-best WTC600 race, and even worse when you take time into consideration given the two and a half braking zones. I'd expect it to drop to 250,000cr or so when "rebalanced".
but, is one of the most difficult races of the game by far
They wont fix the tomahawk

Instead theyll just make the wtc600 at tokyo sardegna and sarthe a field of all tomahawks!
I'd rather see significant updates to the online lobby, with ability to alter the lobbies once they're launched, kick people ,& some kind of host migration before I see new content added.

Not against adding new content, just not when it's used to cover up major flaws in the game like how GTA always did.

Maybe add better stat tracking, better online lobby customisations, improvements to the penalty system & BoP changes to bring other cars in line with the RCZ gr.3 & Atenza GR.4 metamobiles
You can already kick people.
I just want to race in the game. Custom races are good but without payment and you can't save anything. Normal situation is the race is almost the same as before but you change track or something. Not here, game knows nothing. If I want 20 mins race every time I won't set it like ***** every time.

New missions are probably useless to me because that doesn't sound like a fun after work. I want my fun, not some prepared frustrating hell.

New races on tracks are probably good but I've never tried them. Doesn't look like fun either. I don't want to waste 30 mins of my time to realize I am last and get 10k credits. :D

Or I can do track experience, right? No, I don't want to, limits are too high for any fun without aids. Why there is no special money for playing without aids? When I enable some it's completely different game, Grid easy. I don't want to play Grid.

I am not sure but I like some old championships. Good fun for 14 days but game should be for years, right?

And races should be in some menu like in career. I don't want to find races on tracks, that's so dumb. Who did the UX???

Maybe I want too much from a racing game. :D
Sounds like you should just move over to PC then. In AC you don't have hundreds of things, you have thousands of things to do and you can do whatever you want to do, whenever and however you want to do it. GT isn't going to give you what you want here.
PD could make a simple change that would both encourage people to play the way Kaz wants us to and increase payouts for races: Make the payout for beating the AI increase exponentially the lower PP you can beat them with. We had this in Sport I believe?. It was a shame to leave it out this time but hey, that's what they do.
Tokyo WTC 600 nerf incoming and, as much as I hate to say, it does makes sense.

Not because of Tomahwak, but like Famine said last page, the payout is just way to much compared to the other WTC 600 races.
Not really, even if you nerf Tokyo, you still have Sardaigna 725k/19min.(maybe less, didn't try hard). You can also use the Tomahawk for this race.
It's less but not a loss less than Tokyo.
Real problem is PP system which is completely busted, they need to fix this but I don't think it will be (update came too soon).
Let's see what they do.
Sounds like you should just move over to PC then. In AC you don't have hundreds of things, you have thousands of things to do and you can do whatever you want to do, whenever and however you want to do it. GT isn't going to give you what you want here.
Yes, move to AC where you need to spend hundreds to low thousands on a decent PC setup, install a bunch of 3rd party mods that are in a perpetual cycle of releasing thousands of preview builds with the last stable version being forever ago, paying shady people for stolen content on patreon to get anything nowadays, and things just generally not working quite how you want them to.

Ok probably overexaggerating on some aspects but AC isn't the greatest thing ever for everyone. It works mostly but it feels like a constant beta test now and it's really been soured by patreon modders and encryption looking to make a quick buck. It can be just fine if you stick to the high-quality paid mods but the content there is limited to mostly formula, some prototypes, and some GT race cars. Nothing super different or unique from GT7, which has a lot more road cars and eccentricities to offer.

Some just want to fire up a quick race on the couch with a controller setup that works. GT7 and other racing games have the ability and content required to implement good custom races, but the devs never give players adequate tools for some odd reason and it sucks big time.
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OK so colour (color if you are in mururica) me unaware but can someone pls advise me what the tomahawk grind that has been mentioned refers to that people are concerned about being patched.
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