Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
No he didn't. You asked him about whether GT5/GT6 models and GTS models will have a quality divide. He explicitly said that he couldn't answer your questions, then proceeded to talk about Standard and Premium cars. Those are terms that have never been used by PD to talk about anything other than GT3/GT4 and GT5/GT6 cars; and his reasoning for why they would be better doesn't hold up to any scrutiny.

Nothing when they are actually based on something.

Almost every time you post anything from that page.

If this is supposed to be a rebuttal to something I can't imagine what that may be.

Slipstream wrote a page earlier that PD did say that there wont be any standard/premiums differences in GT6. And yes, if you take that one sentence from the interview with PD you could say that this is true. But to ignore the rest that yamauchi said about the standards that will not be graphically upgraded an so on is pretty easy hm?

So i am sorry you didnt get that...

And to the rest you wrote about me interpretating everything to my wishes: i am just not an always pessimistic never believing nobody trusting mc donalds wants to kill you guy.

I like to see things how they could be meant logically and not how they could be meant in the most negative way.
It's almost like nobody read the article about 4k. :lol:

Sony's "plans" to "enable" 4k, involve releasing a PS4.5, or PS4k, if you will.
If that isn't effectively proving the current PS4 can't handle 4k, what the hell is?

Slipstream wrote a page earlier that PD did say that there wont be any standard/premiums differences in GT6. And yes, if you take that one sentence from the interview with PD you could say that this is true. But to ignore the rest that yamauchi said about the standards that will not be graphically upgraded an so on is pretty easy hm?

So i am sorry you didnt get that...

And to the rest you wrote about me interpretating everything to my wishes: i am just not an always pessimistic never believing nobody trusting mc donalds wants to kill you guy.

I like to see things how they could be meant logically and not how they could be meant in the most negative way.
Logically you say?
Stop calling premiums premium. They are simply standard PS3 content, not unrivaled.
Stop calling standards standard. They aren't standard, and they meet no PS3 standards of quality. You would be very hard pressed to find worse looking graphics on any PS3 racing game.

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Logically you say?
Stop calling premiums premium. They are simply standard PS3 content, not unrivaled.
Stop calling standards standard. They aren't standard, and they meet no PS3 standards of quality. You would be very hard pressed to find worse looking graphics on any PS3 racing game.

Did you even read anything else than that part with the logic too? I guess not..
It's almost like nobody read the article about 4k. :lol:

Sony's "plans" to "enable" 4k, involve releasing a PS4.5, or PS4k, if you will.
If that isn't effectively proving the current PS4 can't handle 4k, what the hell is?

Its not that PS4 cant handle 4k it's just that no AAA game could get anywhere near the rendering process it needs given the high detail assets on display. Sure studios produce games at 900p as standard as a compromise so they can focus more on graphical output and steady frame-rates! Theoretically the PS4 could easily output Pong at 12k because there is nothing else hogging resources from the system! The average consumer cares much about how it looks graphically, then what the resolution is (even though a lot of people don't even know what resolution means, they just hear buzzwords from big TV makers and want the 'new' thing) and then finally the frame rate! Sony know's this and so do the developers so they respond in kind!
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I like to see things how they could be meant logically and not how they could be meant in the most negative way.
You sent a message to the GT Facebook guy explicitly to get proof for this forum that he is capable of answering questions with "serious information" instead of PR doublespeak like everyone is saying has been said so far.
You got a response where over half of it was him explaining the reasoning for why he was not able to answer questions with "serious information." He then followed that up with PR doublespeak, answering a question you didn't even ask with an answer that isn't actually true.
You posted it anyway, presumably as proof that he can answer questions with "serious information." You then defended his PR doublespeak as if it was actually an answer to the 5 questions you did ask.

"how they could be meant logically" indeed.
Oh sorry, how about removing the k from the ,,thank''? (And maybe replace the ,,a'' with an ''e''?)

But with a bit of logic.......
Replacing the a with an e would be incorrect in context.
"Did you read anything other than that part with the logic too"
Still not good but improved.

I read every post in it's entirety of this thread since page 70something.
And no, I don't follow your logic, on a FB answer that says the divide is gone, I've heard that before just like the 4 other people that told you.
You sent a message to the GT Facebook guy explicitly to get proof for this forum that he is capable of answering questions with "serious information" instead of PR doublespeak like everyone is saying has been said so far.
You got a response where over half of it was him explaining the reasoning for why he was not able to answer questions with "serious information." He then followed that up with PR doublespeak, answering a question you didn't even ask with an answer that isn't actually true.
You posted it anyway, presumably as proof that he can answer questions with "serious information." You then defended his PR doublespeak as if it was actually an answer to the 5 questions you did ask.

"how they could be meant logically" indeed.
Oh, i didnt know that i defened his message as if he was answering my five questions.... Dont see it now either oO

I didnt post it to proof anything but to keep the community informed what the messenger communication part of GT has to say like why they cant answer most of the questions we ask.

And how should his answer regarding GT6/GTS cars be wrong?
Oh, i didnt know that i defened his message as if he was answering my five questions.... Dont see it now either oO

I didnt post it to proof anything but to keep the community informed what the messenger communication part of GT has to say like why they cant answer most of the questions we ask.

And how should his answer regarding GT6/GTS cars be wrong?
We already know why they can't answer questions, most of us would probably call it common knowledge.

Regarding car quality, there is a noticeable difference between GT5 cars and GT6 cars on the PS3. How will they remove that for GT7?
Oh, i didnt know that i defened his message as if he was answering my five questions.... Dont see it now either
He didnt refer to having standard cars in GTS but to the question of having cars from GT6 next to cars made for GTS in GTS!

I didnt post it to proof anything but to keep the community informed what the messenger communication part of GT has to say like why they cant answer most of the questions we ask.
Except no one here seems to be under any illusion that he could have answered most of the questions asked. And several times people here have already explained why he can't give out information on Facebook. Literally every few pages of this thread for the past, I dunno, twenty, people have been saying that the Facebook page manager can't answer these questions people have regardless of if he is a PD employee or not. In fact, you're one of the ones who has been most vocal that the Facebook guy is giving out real answers. And you were already aware that no one here is under the illusion that he could answer most of the questions asked, or you wouldn't have started off your questions to him with "I wanna disprove the people on GTPlanet that you aren't giving out serious information via the messenger".

So you posted it to tell people here what they already knew and have already told you was the case? And you did so by framing your questions to him like he would be able to do the opposite?

And how should his answer regarding GT6/GTS cars be wrong?
For starters because he didn't say anything regarding GT6/GTS cars. Those were the terms you used and assumed he meant to use. It's certainly possible that he was trying to convey the idea that GT5/GT6 and GTS cars won't be like GT3/GT4 cars were with GT5, but to assume that interpretation is the correct one we would have to assume that he was using the words "Standard" and "Premium" in a different way than PD ever have before.
I know you're trying to make your pestering a guy on Facebook unrestricted access to PD's inner workings sound important, but you should check to see if he actually answered your question before you shout from the rooftops your interpretation of what you wanted him to say.
You should first try to calm down there. It is very obvious from the statement of that facebook guy that he means: By implying there won't be any division between standards and premiums suggest every cars will be premium quality at least. This is proven by the fact that: -It has been said many times now -The cars in the trailer were only Premium. If this is not enough as an evidence, you should know that we knew about standards apparition at least from this date: and this is the only time there was any doubt about their apparition, as GT5P did not include those. Now with the time remaining for GTSport's release and the various sources we have to confirm standards will disappear, we can safely reject this idea.

Also you misunderstood the part about power. This is only a way to mean that there won't be any difficulty to run multiple premiums on the PS4 at the same time. This is the obvious meaning, as it has been suggested that the most possible explanation for not having any standing starts in GT6 is caused by the impact upon the framerate when premiums are all displayed on the screen at the same time. Add to that that GT6's premiums are trully on another planet compared to the surroundings and other details, and a complete overhaul of the environment can trully be possible only on PS4 plus the premiums. Also, it is obvious the premiums will be displayed in far greater polygon counts in-game on the PS4, thanks to its "power".

EDIT: I've given a wrong link from 2012 sorry, I've changed it
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It is very obvious from the statement of that facebook guy that he means: By implying there won't be any division between standards and premiums suggest every cars will be premium quality at least.
Oh just like it worked with GT6... oh wait.
This is proven by the fact that: -It has been said many times now -The cars in the trailer were only Premium. If this is not enough as an evidence, you should know that we knew about standards apparition at least from this date:
That would be a separate situation, and not entirely related to what you said just before. The talk about not having a separation in the past game was by just removing the titles all together. Standards where still there, they just weren't called it anymore.

Now, besides all that, they have mentioned a significantly smaller car roster, so that may lead to being all premiums, but the fact is that the separation has been mentioned before, and that we have absolutely no concrete information on the fact. Even if it was, it would be wise to wait until we get some more information.
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Wow over a page of arguing whether info from a FB message is trustworthy...

I don't know who this guy answering questions on the FB page is or who put him there to do that, but it's just weird that all the sudden someone "affiliated" with PD decided to start communicating with us after years of dead silence. So for those that think info from this source is trustworthy do so at your own discretion. I don't remember reading anywhere that Polyphony Digital has hired a "social media guy"

I'm sure when the beta is ready (whenever that is) PD/Sony has a plan for announcing it before some guy on FB "breaks the news"

Dead silence is better then unreliable info any day
^^^^I believe it was front page news when PD started claiming were going to start communication, their blogs, the immediately closed Q and A section, and whatever else.

I feel like the fact GT6 had so many cars "ready for PS4" (100 or more if I recall) makes the idea of GTS only having around 100 cars laughable.
Maybe that's just me...

It also makes the idea of subpars(stds) in GTS beyond silly, and I'd bet a substantial hunk of change GTS will be PS2-car free.

GT7 is the game that might embarrasingly host a plethora of 15 year old content.
You should first try to calm down there.
I'm perfectly calm. Amused more than anything.

It is very obvious from the statement of that facebook guy that he means: By implying there won't be any division between standards and premiums suggest every cars will be premium quality at least.
I think you need to practice your deductive reasoning a bit. If it was "very obvious" that every car would be Premium quality, PD would be shouting it from the rooftops by now. Sony never, ever ever would have let Kaz say this:
"I doubt that we'll be throwing away the standard cars," said Yamauchi. "Each car has its own fans. So I think we'll hang on to the archive. In the meanwhile, some of those cars we may be able to make into Premium cars as they become available - but basically we're more focussed on increasing the number of premium cars."
Regardless of whether he was talking about GT7 then, and then let it stew for a couple years without further comment. And they sure as hell wouldn't have chosen to let the information about GTS's car makeup leak by the guy who runs the Facebook page just because he kept getting bothered by people on a forum. The only way GTS won't have Standard cars is if they just don't include them. That's certainly possible (probable, even) because of what GTS is and the purported lower car list it will have, but not really quite the same connotations as saying "every cars will be premium quality at least."

This is proven by the fact that: -It has been said many times now -The cars in the trailer were only Premium.

You mean like every trailer and screenshot GT5 had until 4 months before it was originally set to release had?

If this is not enough as an evidence, you should know that we knew about standards apparition at least from this date: and this is the only time there was any doubt about their apparition
Nope. No one knew anything about what Standards were when they were brought up at Gamescom. You need only look at the comments of that link to see that. There was plenty of doubt about what Standard cars actually were all the way up to E3, when it was finally clarified that they were ports of PS2 assets. That was also well after GT Academy 2010, which was the first chance the public had to play GT5 proper; and there was nothing about Standards in that either.

Now with the time remaining for GTSport's release and the various sources we have to confirm standards will disappear, we can safely reject this idea.
GT Sport's release is only five months away, then?

Also you misunderstood the part about power. This is only a way to mean that there won't be any difficulty to run multiple premiums on the PS4 at the same time. This is the obvious meaning, as it has been suggested that the most possible explanation for not having any standing starts in GT6 is caused by the impact upon the framerate when premiums are all displayed on the screen at the same time. Add to that that GT6's premiums are trully on another planet compared to the surroundings and other details, and a complete overhaul of the environment can trully be possible only on PS4 plus the premiums. Also, it is obvious the premiums will be displayed in far greater polygon counts in-game on the PS4, thanks to its "power".
That's an awful lot of words to explain an answer that was originally only "all will be a higher quality thanks to the faster PS4 computing power".
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I'm perfectly calm. Amused more than anything.

I think you need to practice your deductive reasoning a bit. If it was "very obvious" that every car would be Premium quality, PD would be shouting it from the rooftops by now. Sony never, ever ever would have let Kaz say this:

Regardless of whether he was talking about GT7 then, and then let it stew for a couple years without further comment. And they sure as hell wouldn't have chosen to let the information about GTS's car makeup leak by the guy who runs the Facebook page just because he kept getting bothered by people on a forum. The only way GTS won't have Standard cars is if they just don't include them. That's certainly possible (probable, even) because of what GTS is and the purported lower car list it will have, but not really quite the same connotations as saying "every cars will be premium quality at least."
Plans have probably changed, and this was pronounced when..?


You mean like every trailer and screenshot GT5 had until 4 months before it was originally set to release had?

That is the reason I have given a link which links to further earlier.

Nope. No one knew anything about what Standards were when they were brought up at Gamescom. You need only look at the comments of that link to see that. There was plenty of doubt about what Standard cars actually were all the way up to E3. That was also well after GT Academy 2010, which was the first chance the public had to play GT5 proper, and there was nothing about Standards in that either.

Of course there was doubt, but the information appeared much earlier as pointe out in the link

GT Sport's release is only five months away, then?
No, furthermore, and again, plenty of information points out that standards will disappear, except if you believe that facebook guy is running a real conspiracy working for the cia in order to fool all of us and keep us from the truth as much as possible.

That's an awful lot of words to explain an answer that was originally only "all will be a higher quality thanks to the faster PS4 computing power".

That's not "an awful lot of words", I think a seven line answer does not trouble anyone there? Surely you don't have to put this into an ereader and read that for a week.
But that someone else didnt say quite the truth...

Here is what yamauchi said in an interview with GTPlanet a few days after the announcement oft GT6:

"We wont be making all the Standard cars from GT5 into Premium models, and we wont make all of the GT5s Standard cars fully 'Premiumized,'"

"Up until now, we used to categorize them as Standard and Premium because there were functional differences between them: some of the Standard models might not have tuning parts, or couldn't be used in Photo Mode. That will all be cleared so every model can be used in Photo Mode, and every car can have parts fitted for it."

"In terms of graphics quality, the bad quality Standard models weve updated so they look better."

So some people seem to have interpretated something to their wishes back then ;)

I shouldn't have to point out how that quote turned out to be untrue: there are still functional differences between Standards and Premiums in GT6. There are still some shoddy quality Standards that haven't been tidied since their GT3/4 days, too.

Going back to this, as already pointed out, the PS4's power didn't dictate the use of PS2 assets. Time did. Having a more powerful system won't change that. In fact, going by how few Standards were given the semi-Premium treatment in GT6, unless PD was intentionally sandbagging (or have since went on a massive hiring spree, or outsourced), there's no way the entire Standard library will be updated to even that level of quality by the end of 2016.

Now, that quote could mean there simply won't be any Standards in GT Sport whatsoever. That'd be a smart move on PD's behalf, really: there was quite the blowback when they did it in GT5, doing it six years later, two generations removed from when those assets were created, would likely make that worse. It's in their best interest to lead with their best foot forward. Of course, we've heard differently before on the subject.

PD could bring in the entire Premium lineup from GT6 untouched, and only be slightly down on FM6's car count. Naturally, we can assume they've got quite a few new cars to add to that too. That'd put them comfortably at the top of the class in terms of numbers on the PS4 either way.

And to the rest you wrote about me interpretating everything to my wishes: i am just not an always pessimistic never believing nobody trusting mc donalds wants to kill you guy.

I like to see things how they could be meant logically and not how they could be meant in the most negative way.

To ignore the potential (and I can't stress that word enough) negatives to focus solely on positives is the opposite of logical. It has nothing to do with pessimism, it has to do with being rational. As someone that works in advertising, all of these responses are pitch-perfect PR answers. They leave a lot of room for interpretation, and don't actually give any info away.

I don't remember reading anywhere that Polyphony Digital has hired a "social media guy"

They didn't. At least, not with that specific title.


This is proven by the fact that: -It has been said many times now -The cars in the trailer were only Premium.

How many times did Standards get the spotlight in GT6 trailers, again?

Also you misunderstood the part about power. This is only a way to mean that there won't be any difficulty to run multiple premiums on the PS4 at the same time. This is the obvious meaning, as it has been suggested that the most possible explanation for not having any standing starts in GT6 is caused by the impact upon the framerate when premiums are all displayed on the screen at the same time. Add to that that GT6's premiums are trully on another planet compared to the surroundings and other details, and a complete overhaul of the environment can trully be possible only on PS4 plus the premiums. Also, it is obvious the premiums will be displayed in far greater polygon counts in-game on the PS4, thanks to its "power".

There's nothing "obvious" about that; you're simply interpreting it however suits your argument.

"All will be of higher quality thanks to the faster PS4 computing power" does not reference framerate, or the environment, or much of anything.

Again, the plan could be to simply exclude Standard cars from GT Sport completely (the smart move, IMO). It could mean any cars we've previously known as Standards have since got the Premium treatment, with a new, ground-up multi-piece model. The response is intentionally vague.
Ah, so it it went from "It was very obvious from the statement" to "plans have probably changed."

That is the reason I have given a link which links to further earlier.

Of course there was doubt, but the information appeared much earlier as pointe out in the link
And your link is useless for this discussion, because the information provided by Sony at Gamescom was also useless. They said the word "Standard", "Premium" and a rough car count; and some information that was horrifically mistranslated by everyone and never corrected by Sony until E3 of the following year. Going by that link you provided, even Jordan's interpretation of what Standard cars were at the time was merely that they were cars that had appeared in GT4 previously. Jordan didn't say that they were literally the same art assets carried over from GT5, like they ended up being, because no one knew that until PD clarified ten months later and frankly as someone who was actually here following GT5's development the concept itself was inconcievable.

Not only that, but that same bit of information was actually reported by gaming sites like this:
Cars: 1000 (830 "regular" ones, 170 with a little more modelling, with their interiors responding to damage, etc)

Meaning the only difference would be the level of damage.

And this:
From the sound of it, there will be 1,000 vehicles in the game, 60 courses, full physics-based realtime deformation damage on all cars with 170 of them also incorporating interior damage, a completely new physics system (with possible rollovers),


Now, the translation is a little rough, so it's possible that the 170 car bit with the interior damage is actually referring to only 170 cars having either an interior view or damage at all, though given Polyphony's adherence to perfection, this sounds a little odd. It makes more sense that some manufacturers might not want to show their dashboards being ripped to shreds, so we're hoping that it's referring to that feature and not a lack of interior views or damage on more than 80% of the vehicles.

And that second, more accurate interpretation of what Standard cars were still isn't the same thing as "directly ported GT4 assets." Because, again, the very concept of "directly ported GT4 assets" was considered laughable every time someone suggested that might be what it meant. "Expect perfection" was still a believable mantra in August of 2009.

You can talk all you want about how obvious what Standard cars were back in August of 2009 with your seven years of hindsight, but my only question to you is where the hell were you in August of 2009 because no one on this forum knew dick and it's probably safe to say this was one of the most informed places on the internet about the game.

No, furthermore, and again, plenty of information points out that standards will disappear, except if you believe that facebook guy is running a real conspiracy working for the cia in order to fool all of us and keep us from the truth as much as possible.
I know this is supposed to be sarcasm, but it's so broadly applied that I honestly can't tell what it is supposed to be mocking.

That's not "an awful lot of words", I think a seven line answer does not trouble anyone there? Surely you don't have to put this into an ereader and read that for a week.
You wrote an entire paragraph attempting to justify your unrelated interpretation of half a sentence written as a non-answer to a question not even asked. That's the exact kind of attempt at overthinking that made everyone know GT5 was going to have a livery editor because it showed up on a slideshow at E3 in 2006 and Forza had it and something that could possibly maybe sorta be some custom livery options showed up in some screenshots for GT5
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^^^^I believe it was front page news when PD started claiming were going to start communication, their blogs, the immediately closed Q and A section, and whatever else.

Yes indeed it was great news which got a lot of people excited including myself... And what did we learn from those failed attempts? PD does not like to communicate
So much pessimism so just a quick reminder that this has already been said:
2016-02-19 18.04.26.jpg

I hope there is good customization in GTSport
2016-02-19 18.04.26.jpg

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