This is a good point to remember, and one of the reasons why we can't keep handballing the lack of Career just because Arcade is still around.The arcade races in GT6 had no tyre wear or fuel consumption, so I never used them.
Amen.People want a decent career and decent AI. Nothing more, nothing less.
sweet that's nice to hear good guy kaz to the rescueI can see the irony being pointed out regarding AI and Career mode.
But the bigger point stands.
We all want better AI and a solid Career mode.
AI this time around seems to be improved from where I sit, but we'll see.
Career mode, evidence shows its non-existent, which no doubt is disappointing.
On another note, I wanted to post this article.
It's a couple of months old, so apologies if it has already been posted.
(I was too lazy to look through the dozens of pages to check if it had.)
But if you can look past the horrible translation, it's actually a decent read.
In the interview Kaz talks of things like disc space limitations and therefore making some Scapes downloads, car modelling, and even a comment regarding "thinking of reviving" B Spec.
I was taught to avoid random links O_OYou can start here.
I was taught to avoid random links O_O
Yes, yes it is. Actually it's sextacular tbh, I was quite happy with it!Good for you then.
I tell you what happened in nutshell:So..... It's been a while O_O Couple years? I logged in to see what's up and here is all this brewhaha about GTSSo, what have I missed O_O
Sooooooooooooo, the community hasn't stopped being salty? Didn't think they would, bless them.I tell you what happened in nutshell:
We got a night footage. People got disappointed. We got drastically better sounds. People got disappointed. We got Porsches. People got disappointed. We got an in-depth video of the livery editor and the scapes. People got disappointed. We got a cool bathurst footage, where the AI was amazing. People got disappointed. We got a video where an AMG GT moved on a picture, and it looked mind blowing. People got disappointed. We'll probably get rain footage at TGS. People will be disappointed.
Looks like I'm the only one who aren't disappointed by this game.
I tell you what happened in nutshell:
We got a night footage. People got disappointed. We got drastically better sounds. People got disappointed. We got Porsches. People got disappointed. We got an in-depth video of the livery editor and the scapes. People got disappointed. We got a cool bathurst footage, where the AI was amazing. People got disappointed. We got a video where an AMG GT moved on a picture, and it looked mind blowing. People got disappointed. We'll probably get rain footage at TGS. People will be disappointed.
Looks like I'm the only one who aren't disappointed by this game. Seriously.
Nice to see that you are happy with this game too!Nah its just a vocal minority who have a lot of time on their hands to constantly complain. They've been here since the GT5 days when I came here lol
Excited to see what we have in store at TGS. Really nice to have a steady stream of info since E3.
Copper Box is the place where the game has been revealed. (Hands-on Gameplay, Livestream etc.)Question, and pardon my ignorance here. The poll says:
After Copper Box, would you consider buying GTSport?
May I please inquire as to what 'Copper Box' is?
Thank you sir, much appreciated.Copper Box is the place where the game has been revealed. (Hands-on Gameplay, Livestream etc.)
I tell you what happened in nutshell:
We got a night footage. People got disappointed. We got drastically better sounds. People got disappointed. We got Porsches. People got disappointed. We got an in-depth video of the livery editor and the scapes. People got disappointed. We got a cool bathurst footage, where the AI was amazing. People got disappointed. We got a video where an AMG GT moved on a picture, and it looked mind blowing. People got disappointed. We'll probably get rain footage at TGS. People will be disappointed.
Looks like I'm the only one who isn't disappointed by this game. Seriously.
I tell you what happened in nutshell:
We got a night footage. People got disappointed. We got drastically better sounds. People got disappointed. We got Porsches. People got disappointed. We got an in-depth video of the livery editor and the scapes. People got disappointed. We got a cool bathurst footage, where the AI was amazing. People got disappointed. We got a video where an AMG GT moved on a picture, and it looked mind blowing. People got disappointed. We'll probably get rain footage at TGS. People will be disappointed.
Looks like I'm the only one who isn't disappointed by this game. Seriously.
We got Porsches.
Don't know if this has been posted but damn is it good.
Don't know if this has been posted but damn is it good.
Ah, okay, maybe there are some issues with the spelling.
I love your post ! 👍
Ahhhh Rono! Memories of many battles against the Reapers come flooding forth!! Man, they were some bloody good times <3Welcome back @HP, The racing will begin soon, perfect timing to dip your toe.