Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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On the 'super premium' talk; I don't have the picture, but wasn't it (super premium) in quotation marks? I know some are taking it seriously in both regards.

It's either
a. gospel- all cars are going to be super premium (it's over 9000! etc.) ;) or

b. taken with a grain a salt- we were fooled once, you'll never fool me again!

I think it was actually a pretty smart reply and goes along with what a previous response was on the FB page. If the guy in charge of the replies is in tune with the community, the term "super premium" makes sense. I think that term was coined by the fanbase? I'm not taking sides but I look at it and see a fitting response to the standard/premium car question. I don't think his or her validity or knowledge on GTS is questionable by giving responses using internet terminology. What say you all?
On the 'super premium' talk; I don't have the picture, but wasn't it (super premium) in quotation marks? I know some are taking it seriously in both regards.

It's either
a. gospel- all cars are going to be super premium (it's over 9000! etc.) ;) or

b. taken with a grain a salt- we were fooled once, you'll never fool me again!

I think it was actually a pretty smart reply and goes along with what a previous response was on the FB page. If the guy in charge of the replies is in tune with the community, the term "super premium" makes sense. I think that term was coined by the fanbase? I'm not taking sides but I look at it and see a fitting response to the standard/premium car question. I don't think his or her validity or knowledge on GTS is questionable by giving responses using internet terminology. What say you all?
I actually do think it means PS4 LoD, but I know enough to not assume it.
Did you know that in Japan, every season is spring? So actually, it could be any season in 2016.

Didn't you suggest First season as a possible translation? It seems the benchmark cherry tree of "Somei Yoshino" (Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo) started blooming today.

Also, the Japanese don't count past six, they just use the same number for 7, 8 and 9 as well. The calendar goes 2015, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2020. So actually, it could be any season in the next three years.

GT6 on PS4 confirmed!
Whoever is in charge of this forum or whatever, don't shut it down, lock it or whatever you do.

It's pure gold b*********z. Long may it continue.

I think there is chance not all cars will have cockpits due to not being ready like for some VGTs but exterior detail will be better detailed than current Premium cars. Super Premium difference is like below and can be "super" / "of higher quality thanks to the faster PS4 computing power", as simple as that for me. Hopefully shouldn't be too long now before more information is released.
GT Sport vs GT6


D2ub7ub.jpg wait, was it not said by "who shall not be named(Kaz)" that current modelled cars, will be easy to plug into next GT_ on PS4?
Plus, if te current modelled cars are pretty much 'perfect' as is, why would the pixels be any better? Super premium might be in relation to better definition on PS4.
The PS4 is quite capable of 1080p at rock solid 60fps. The only thing that would stop that is if PD or any developer put too much of the power towards the visuals and not the performance. Just as they did on PS3, but didn't on PS2 or PS1.

Suggesting they're releasing a new PS4 in part because PD can't optimise their games is pretty funny though.
The PS4 is quite capable of 1080p at rock solid 60fps. The only thing that would stop that is if PD or any developer put too much of the power towards the visuals and not the performance. Just as they did on PS3, but didn't on PS2 or PS1.

Suggesting they're releasing a new PS4 in part because PD can't optimise their games is pretty funny though.
Well, 1080p/60fps requires steel solid professionals. To be honest, not many games achieve that nowadays @ day 1.
But Gran Turismo is all visuals. Let that never change.

I'm not suggesting PD is lacking optimizing skills. As a platform, PS4 should be piece of cake for them after PS3. The PlayStation VR will cause the difficulties with current PS4.

If the PS4.5 is for GTS, what is the XBOX upgrade for?
PS4.5 would secure GTS VR, as I speculate in the video.
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about XBOX.

Well, yes. Speculation is speculation. I admit partially. Although, it wouldn't be first time PD/Gran Turismo to pioneer something. I can see them to start the real VR action in video game industry.
Who knows, maybe all this silence from them is because of VR plans?
Well, 1080p/60fps requires steel solid professionals. To be honest, not many games achieve that nowadays @ day 1. But Gran Turismo is all visuals. Let that never change.
It'll have to change if they hope to achieve a rock solid 1080/60 required by VR.
I'm not suggesting PD is lacking optimizing skills. As a platform, PS4 should be piece of cake for them after PS3. The PlayStation VR will cause the difficulties with current PS4.
If it was so much easier on PS4, the game would be out by now, instead of more than 2 years after the launch of the platform and more than 5 years after the launch of GT5. GT6 did not require full game development by a long stretch because it utilized much of the GT5 engine and assets. PS4 is easier to work on but at the same time games are bigger and more complex.
PS4.5 would secure GTS VR, as I speculate in the video.
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about XBOX.
GTS VR is already possible on PS4.
Well, yes. Speculation is speculation. I admit partially. Although, it wouldn't be first time PD/Gran Turismo to pioneer something. I can see them to start the real VR action in video game industry.
Who knows, maybe all this silence from them is because of VR plans?
VR is well under way, dozens and dozens of titles are in the pipe and will be ready for launch. Many games are already compatible on PC with imminently released Oculus Rift or will be shortly. The time to pioneer was a couple of years ago, now they'd just be jumping on the same bandwagon as everyone else.
Well, 1080p/60fps requires steel solid professionals. To be honest, not many games achieve that nowadays @ day 1.

Only because most don't target it. Most PS4 devs are targeting 1080p30 so they can cram in more visual eye candy but make no mistake, if they targeted 60fps it would be no problem whatsoever. It doesn't require "solid steel professionals", whatever they are. It just requires a target, and knowing your hardware.
For once in a decade, Poly has enough computational power to make a 1080p/60fps game with great effects. In the ps3 era, the environments were so dull. I just want to see again the heat haze effect at Laguna Seca, a constant framerate even in standing start or real 3d trees...
Don't try 4k, it would be a ps3 era bis.
It'll have to change if they hope to achieve a rock solid 1080/60 required by VR.
If it was so much easier on PS4, the game would be out by now, instead of more than 2 years after the launch of the platform and more than 5 years after the launch of GT5. GT6 did not require full game development by a long stretch because it utilized much of the GT5 engine and assets. PS4 is easier to work on but at the same time games are bigger and more complex.
GTS VR is already possible on PS4.
VR is well under way, dozens and dozens of titles are in the pipe and will be ready for launch. Many games are already compatible on PC with imminently released Oculus Rift or will be shortly. The time to pioneer was a couple of years ago, now they'd just be jumping on the same bandwagon as everyone else.
Yes. Good points on GT6.
But by pioneering I ment console front. PD to be the first, out of the blue, to offer full VR experience in console race track at October this year. But of course, that is not going to happen. Too much silence from their side. :confused:

It may be that the PS4,5 rumour is nonsense. If so, I just hope that the quality of the bigger games is more than good, very smooth but maybe not so detailed. To be honest, I doubt that smoothness. Therefore I'd say GTS VR is possible on PS4 but not really qualitywise.

The point is, if both PS4 are XBOX are getting their rumoured upgrades, it's not just for a single game.
Yep. I was not clear enough. I ment PD being first to show the VR bliss to the large audience. And that happens only in "Scenario #2".

Only because most don't target it. Most PS4 devs are targeting 1080p30 so they can cram in more visual eye candy but make no mistake, if they targeted 60fps it would be no problem whatsoever. It doesn't require "solid steel professionals", whatever they are. It just requires a target, and knowing your hardware.
It just isn't that simple in reality: it seems that most devs fail to achieve 1080p30 at day one patch too frequently. And ver. 1.4 would be just ok sometimes.

Let's hope PD knows the hardware. You see, their target seems to be "a bit" lost sometimes. :indiff:

For once in a decade, Poly has enough computational power to make a 1080p/60fps game with great effects. In the ps3 era, the environments were so dull. I just want to see again the heat haze effect at Laguna Seca, a constant framerate even in standing start or real 3d trees...
Don't try 4k, it would be a ps3 era bis.
Well, yes! This! So this!
If I remember correctly, PS3 actually couldn't generate the heat haze PS2 had as an effect. Was it Kaz who revealed it later..?
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I can echo this sentiment and feel fortunate/lucky that I had always decided to wait until the next instalment of GT to purchase a PS4.

Smart! I jumped in early and none of the main/big Sony games (for me) have released almost 2.5 years later.

I'm actually in the process of slowly upgrading my PC for gaming which I'm actually bitter about because I love console gaming and the exclusives. Problem is the games are so exclusive, they don't actually exist!
Yes. Good points on GT6.
But by pioneering I ment console front. PD to be the first, out of the blue, to offer full VR experience in console race track at October this year. But of course, that is not going to happen. Too much silence from their side. :confused:
As things stand its more likely to be Driveclub and Project Cars, given that both developers have been stated to be working on PSVR title, which is most likely to be the two titles they currently have out (and in the case of PCars the dev already has VR working with it)
It just isn't that simple in reality: it seems that most devs fail to achieve 1080p30 at day one patch too frequently. And ver. 1.4 would be just ok sometimes.

Yes, and you know why? Because they try to push the hardware further than it can go on graphics. Unless you're telling me it's still technically hard to hit 1080p30 in general on PS4? Because it's definitely not, given the hardware.
@Laffinassasin Try EDF 4.1 on the PS4.

As for the steady 60 FPS and resolution debates, as we know on the PS3 PD could have made GT5 and GT6 run at a steady rate at 1080p, which they did not. For example in GT5 there were dips to even 20 FPS when it was raining, and neither GT5 and GT6 run at 1080p. Of course for that PD would have had to severely compromise graphics.

The thing is, since the PS3 was so underpowered and had very little RAM available for games, with the fierce competition of the time PD was practically forced to go for the better graphics instead of stability at a higher resolution. If they had downgraded for stability then GT5 would have looked awful compared to the Forza series and the realistic games/sims of the time, all that ran on better hardware or at 30 FPS (unfair conditions), and no developer can afford lower graphics.

In racing videogames the #1 seller is how good the game looks. What impressed mass consumers was how nice and novel GT5 looked with the raining effect, despite it running awfully, while a 60 FPS shiny boring day doesn't attract anyone over the former. Further, I would prefer to play a racing game casually (a couple of times on consoles with a gamepad) with gorgeous graphics at steady 30 FPS, over not so good graphics at not so steady 60 FPS. This is what attracted people to DriveClub, because without its graphics the game didn't have substance, and for that reason I wouldn't be surprised if PD eventually goes for that route as well.

As for VR on the PS4, I'm confident PD will deliver on that regard. Since in previous games similar add-ons and special modes worked really well, on all three Playstation consoles, it's safe to say PD considers them a way to market the game, alike good graphics do. Well or at least somebody at the office likes to toy with them.
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Around a week after Sony included them on a list of developers working on VR, left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing springs to mind.

Ah man, this is really ****** news, for racing games, and the UK dev industry.

PD should employ Rushy for some major PR improvements...
Poly can feel the pressure now... I'm sure that if evo studio had the chance to call their game "Gran Turismo Club", sales would have been better. I wish the best to evo employees. Even if I don't like the gameplay or their art direction, you can deny the obvious qualities of Driveclub.

By the way, Sony doesn't believe anymore in the racing genre. Gran Turismo can be seen as a brand and not only a racing game, that is their biggest advantage.

BUT if gtsport is a commercial failure, I don't know what to expect for PD studio.