Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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I have to say that as much as my first online race was awesome, the next 5-6 were not nearly as much, next race got t-boned twice by people who obviously weren't trying to race but just to wreck others, which caused my SR to go down tons way into C and it took like 4 super clean races with basically no contact to get back to B.

Fine losing SR for mistakes, but I think the penalty system should realize that if you are going around the correct speed for a corner and somebody hits you going 50mph faster it's not your fault and you should not lose SR... also maybe the sensitivity needs a slightly higher threshold as in a kart race I was racing head to head with another player super clean and they basically just grazed me while we were side by side in a turn (did not affect my trajectory or theirs, it was super super super minor) and still got docked SR.

Anyways the presence of SR definitely makes racing a lot more exciting as you do think twice before committing to a pass, guess it's the same as if you were racing with your own car that you'd have to fix after the race with your own money :)
So I try out Sport mode ..thinking I know how you can cheat at this (more later) but didnt.
Gave it my best shot. Was placed 5th on the grid out of 24. My time 1:47 leader was 1:43. Worst was 1:56 (hmmm)
Start off clean..but leopards and spots huh? Turn 3 had me shunted off down to 12th by 5 people behind me.
Gained a place by last bend..shunted off now 16th.
Next lap gained few places got up to 12th again. 10 ahead of me pushing hard and FAST.
Qualifying cheating has occurred for sure as I suspected.
End of 2nd lap side shunted off into the dirt.
Last lap I'm in 12th straight on inside barrier to my left. Dude takes that line. Only way he can do it is to shunt me over int right wall, which her does without a second thought. I finish 13th in the end. The top 10 finishers had times that equaled out to 5 seconds faster than their fake qualifying times.
Only 1 more day to go with this punishment but I keep telling myself its free!
So if you want to cheat and win easy Sport races you just have to put in a lousy qualifying time, Like 10 seconds below your best so they dont suspect, then get placed half way down in the race, or even last cos who cares you gonna shunt anyway aint ya?
Then after it kicks off...wait for the others to blow the whistle then push through the scrum avoiding others if possible,,,but like sorry mate aint my fault it was that geezer in the Vette! You will now be in to 7 or so who assuming only half of those have cheated as well in the same way you have then up for a good podium shot. Or if you got lucky and it was a field of rubes then it's easy first and back to the manor to spend your winnings on the ladies.

The only worthwhile online race is a prearranged one with friends IMO.
Anyone surprised that the GT Sport logo at the VERY START OF THE GAME is a driver with his fists up for a fight?!?! well DUH!!

Okay so it sounds like you had a few bad races. It happens. Don't give up on me already, old man!

I ran out of fuel on my first attempt then after my 2nd, which I won, the servers died and it didn't save :(

I ran out of fuel on my last lap... bad math. Was able to coast into the pits and get 3rd. Still got the prize car so good enough for me.
Okay so it sounds like you had a few bad races. It happens. Don't give up on me already, old man!

'Old man'..dang you figured me out! :P
Well...a few maybe is one way of looking at it...100% bad ie every one so far is another!
I will keep racing until the demo is over. I have nothing to lose anyway if I'm not getting the game. Seems most likely I will get pcars 2 for PC if the career there is fixed.
My REAL life has been destroyed by crims, scammers and cheaters..I play games to escape from all that! Hence the old school career suits me fine.
So i read about the 2 modes on PS4 Pro but i cant selected the quality setting is that normal?
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Yeah I would like to know that too...I have ps4 pro and sony 4k tv...
The quality modes are for 1080p users. If you see, it says it's a quality option for 2K output, not 4K. If you're on a 4K set then you've already got the best possible quality I believe.
Mazda Atenza Gr.3

Mazda Atenza Gr.4

This car alone, might sucker me into getting a PS4 Pro and the game. Close enough to a couple of past suggestions.


The 6 has had its 2.0-liter gasoline engine re-tuned to produce a maximum output of approximately 300 hp. Its driver is Macau-born Ryan Shinron.





Where in thee hell, am I going to find the time?.... The unlocking and buying, is going to kill me.
In which ways do you find it more challenging?
Do you really want to read a wall of text?
It's more challenging in every single aspect. You can't be cocky with the throttle, because that will result in mistakes. There's much more feel in the car's handling, and pushing the limits is actually difficult. There's much less grip than GT6, and downforce is less effective at slow speeds. You have to be careful not accelerate too early otherwise you'll find yourself with very little grip and go off track. There is so much more communication between the road and the car, it's much more involved than GT6. In short, you need some decent skills to get the most out of a car.

Edit: This is hardly a wall of text.

Now that I actually think about it, that does make sense :)

There was a discussion about what the 'always online' statement meant in the build-up, and I saw this (despite my early optimism) as meaning the worst.

However, it is a time limited demo, so it is necessary. My bad.

They could have worded that a lot clearer though! Almost put me off buying the full game.
Not having offline saving would be suicidal. Sorry, I can't put it any other way.

From the Trophy List:

Master of Manners
Unlocked Sport Mode after Completing all Racing Etiquette Lessons.

Praised be. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Unlocks? Since when? Thank goodness sport mode is locked, because if it wasn't, all hell would break loose with dumb drivers. This somewhat limits access but it's a necessary evil I think.
Can anyone point me to the option to disable the auto track reset function??

I'm aware it's not truly a sim, but if I bugger up I want to get back on track myself![/QUOTE
Can anyone point me to the option to disable the auto track reset function??

I'm aware it's not truly a sim, but if I bugger up I want to get back on track myself!

I'm not 100% sure but I noticed that when I was playing in professional mode track reset did not happen. Where you playing at beginner or intermediate level?
My experience was quite different. I was skeptical about GTSport, but was pleasantly surprised at the driving experience. Only played a few hours, a couple online races, all the license tests available, some missions, etc. I thought the rally racing was phenomenal. Throwing the car sideways and sliding trough the corners was great. I found cars to be correctable when the back end steps out. Honesty, I was just impressed at how good the cars felt in stock form. I use a Thrustmaster T300 wheel and drive in cockpit view. My only complaints would be the lack of ability to adjust the seat position in cockpit view, the clutch doesn't work realistically, and I'd love to see keyboard mapping support added for button box use.

Yeah the total inability to move the camera about is very disappointing, but not shocking. Cock-pit view is the only way I could come close to playing it too (as you could see the delayed inputs and try to adjust), which is a shame as some of the views are horrible.

But playing with the PS4 controller the game is a total mess. Counter-steering isn't possible which means that when your in a race, pushing for a few laps, one mistake, one wheel on the grass and your race is ruined. It's not just because I'm bad at the game, the inputs are visibly delayed.
You can't be cocky with the throttle, because that will result in mistakes. There's much more feel in the car's handling, and pushing the limits is actually difficult. There's much less grip than GT6, and downforce is less effective at slow speeds. You have to be careful not accelerate too early otherwise you'll find yourself with very little grip and go off track. There is so much more communication between the road and the car, it's much more involved than GT6

I’m surprised you think this, not disagreeing for the sake of it but for me there has been no learning curve, it more or less feels exactly the same as GT6, and this is the only fault I have with the game,

Has GTSPORT moved on all that much from GT5/6 when you take the way it looks out of the equation? Not a whole bunch in my opinion, I suppose it could be argued that it has taken a step back without any dynamic weather or change in time, and whilst I miss this, do I think it detracts, probably not.

What makes this more of a game for me is the fact that tyre pressures are not modelled, and where the game becomes bland is the feedback through the steering wheel, not that the feedback is bad I suppose its alright, I guess the way I would describe it is its quiet.

There has never been an evolution with Gran Turismo and its tyres during a race, except for a token drop off in grip, or a feeling that the tyres are getting slippy, something that has never been translated through a wheel. It strikes me that a driving game which in its own right claims to be the real driving simulator could and should do more with how it simulates tyres.
The RSR event? It's piss easy. Just learn the track, estimate your fuel usage and DON'T crash. Be patient with the turtles.

I'm still salty about the servers denying me the gold last night. Thank god the replay and gift car are still here.

is it still not possible to have a rear mirror when using the bonnet-view? This is the view of my choice, but can use it only for timetrails. When in traffic I need a mirror.

Because the game will then 'match' you to players whose best times equal your fake low time (unless they post low times too deliberately). Meaning it's not a fair match at all and the race is stacked in your favor as you will race 5/10 secs better per lap and get wins against lower opposition than you fairly should be getting. IF your rating in game is NOT based on wins/places but just TIMES then no you won't benefit directly, but will have a better chance at those too as you will be ahead of the pack with a clear track ahead. Also with a less competitive race and a clear track ahead your sportsmanship wont have to worry so much about being rammed....

But the matchmaking isn't solely based off of your qualifying time, in fact it doesn't seem to be much of a factor at all. I would say about half of my races so far 2nd place has been several seconds slower than me in qualifying, and only one race have I seen a mix of rankings different to my own, and that was shortly after I went up to rank D. So it seems to usually match you with people of the same rank regardless of lap time and occasionally put you with higher ranked people with similar times I'm guessing just to see how you do.

the real question is why would you even want to? i always try and get my best lap times every time i qualify

That's my point, as far as I can tell all the going slower does it guarantee you'll start in a worse position.
There is a trophy with the description "Unlocked Sport Mode after Completing all Racing Etiquette Lessons.". That sounds like we won't be able to play Sports Mode before completing some campaign mode events. If thats the case it hopefully reduces the amount of kids that go fully blown crazy in Sports mode at the start of a race :).
*Already intended to buy/preordered GT Sport, will still buy GT Sport

Loving the demo. I'm sure I'll have fun with the game. To me, there's no better game in terms of how many hours of fun I can have for the cost (even if I'm buying the C. Editon). 135€ for hundreds of hours (hopefully if I have the time)? Yes for me.
I've been a fan of this franchise since day ONE on the PS1....I was ALWAYS going to get this game regardless of what the demo is/was like.

I Bought a PS4 Pro just for it

GT Sport AI = Credible Opponents.... Forza 7 AI = Infuriating Obstacles , so much so that when I play offline I just run solo laps in different cars, the F7 AI bothers me that much, how could they get it so wrong?
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seems like im bit out of luck though? no GR.1/GR.X drops during the demo - instead got 4C , Ftype , Hellcat and EVO X all in N Class FeelsBadMan