Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
The footage for the new car is Gran Turismo Sport. Come on, PD have worked very closely with the R35, even making the graphics for the multimedia system in the original model. We all know how much Kaz loves his Nissans and everything about the video shouts Gran Turismo to me.
Am I the only one not impressed by the footage with the GTR, maybe it's the filters but it kinda looks like Driveclub, washed out and color corrected to look gritty and cinematic, but GT5 looked more realistic to me as far as color and contrast went. Waiting for actual gameplay, but hopefully they don't diverge from their path of having realistic art style, the graphics is the only thing that interests me in GTS.
IMO, I find the 458 tribute a lot more realistic. But don't expect a wooah effect like the transition from ps1 to ps2.
What corner is this?


Is this really the Nurburgring? Why does the trackside detail look more like a jungle than a race track? Is there really that many trees at the Ring?
Is this really the Nurburgring? Why does the trackside detail look more like a jungle than a race track? Is there really that many trees at the Ring?

I'm pretty sure this picture doesn't show the Nürburgring. At least I can't think of any passage that looks like the one in the picture. The only passage I can think of that comes close is Bergwerk, but I think it doesn't have catch fences on the inside.

The image below also seems to be not located on the Nürburgring. This is definetely, at least for me, Stirling's Bend at Brands Hatch GP. Unfortunately I don't have access to GT6 at the moment, so I can't prove it.

Looks like...


I'm pretty sure this picture doesn't show the Nürburgring. At least I can't think of any passage that looks like the one in the picture. The only passage I can think of that comes close is Bergwerk, but I think it doesn't have catch fences on the inside.

The image below also seems to be not located on the Nürburgring. This is definetely, at least for me, Stirling's Bend at Brands Hatch GP. Unfortunately I don't have access to GT6 at the moment, so I can't prove it.



There are certainly a few forested sections on Brands Hatch - that screengrab above certainly looks more like it than the Ring. That arrangement of barriers and fences in the middle of the image strikes me more as a Brands Hatch feature too.
I find it unbelievable quite how excited this has got everybody. We have learned absolutely nothing more about the next GT game. It's an indication of just how poor PDI are at conversing with their fanbase that such a brief bit of footage would create such a storm. There's no doubt GT is involved somewhere, the helmet gives that away, but to what extent it's impossible to say. And what does it say about PDI that the only, potential, squeak out of them for months is a promotional video for a car manufacturer. If they produced a stonking game every four years their lack of communication and wandering attention to other sectors of the automotive industry would get a free pass. However, the last two games have been sub standard when compared to their previous efforts and when compared to the competition which is now many and churn out better efforts more often, under these circumstances it is incredibly difficult to not criticise and find fault with the way PDI work. The next game has to be perfect in almost everyway for PDI to return to their former glory. Anything short of perfection and they will have failed, there are no more excuses.
I'm pretty sure this picture doesn't show the Nürburgring. At least I can't think of any passage that looks like the one in the picture. The only passage I can think of that comes close is Bergwerk, but I think it doesn't have catch fences on the inside.

The image below also seems to be not located on the Nürburgring. This is definetely, at least for me, Stirling's Bend at Brands Hatch GP. Unfortunately I don't have access to GT6 at the moment, so I can't prove it.

I agree with you, imho there's no section on the Ring that fit with the picture above. Bergwerk is an ascending right-hand band ;)
IMO, I find the 458 tribute a lot more realistic. But don't expect a wooah effect like the transition from ps1 to ps2.
All I really expect is some decent trackside detail, non jaggied shadows and a solid framerate. Everything else is icing on the cake. Just a bit down on seeing that PD won't lead the pack in graphics anymore. PC, AC and F1 seem pretty comparable to GTS there, on PS360 nothing really touched GT5 graphically.
With the closure of evo studios, Poly sees that Sony is very serious with their first party games. Their game has to be polished from day one, not after ten updates. And if GT sport is devolopped as an esport game, constant 60 fps is a necessary condition. So even if the game could be prettier, they must stick to 60 fps. Maybe the audio and climatic effects a la driveclub require a lot of ram :P
Am I the only one not impressed by the footage with the GTR, maybe it's the filters but it kinda looks like Driveclub, washed out and color corrected to look gritty and cinematic, but GT5 looked more realistic to me as far as color and contrast went. Waiting for actual gameplay, but hopefully they don't diverge from their path of having realistic art style, the graphics is the only thing that interests me in GTS.

I guess they keep quiet until E3, it's again very unstatisfying what PD does. No news at all, no dev diaries about how the progress of the game is going or how certain things are developed and implemented.
Just pure silence once again, they gonna never learn it. I dont understand that policy at all but well...
Am I the only one not impressed by the footage with the GTR, maybe it's the filters but it kinda looks like Driveclub, washed out and color corrected to look gritty and cinematic, but GT5 looked more realistic to me as far as color and contrast went. Waiting for actual gameplay, but hopefully they don't diverge from their path of having realistic art style, the graphics is the only thing that interests me in GTS.

Wow you are judging GTS graphics by a 3 sec long cinematic trailer for a new GTR with black and white filters on the terrain...
I'd suggest looking at the proper trailer here-->
Although GTS trailer is probbably gonna look better than the actual game just like GT5 and GT6 trailers were
I'm pretty sure this picture doesn't show the Nürburgring. At least I can't think of any passage that looks like the one in the picture. The only passage I can think of that comes close is Bergwerk, but I think it doesn't have catch fences on the inside.

Yeah good call on that, it's Stirlings.


The kerb style is a giveaway, pretty much all kerbs at Brands have that small and thin, big, small and thin style.