I think the "Title" say's everything we need to know. It may as well have been titled GT FIA/E-Sport. Clearly made to tutor future drivers on FIA/Race educate. And to reduce the madness experienced in turn 1 of almost every online race ever started regardless of title/vendor.
Again, there is absolutely no way the car and track roster do not expand. And real world laser scanned tracks will have to start showing up soon. I'd be willing to bet that some of the scanned track already in their archives could be adapted and used with this an future editions of GT FIA/E-SPORT 7 in the not too distant future.
The same with cars. Although I suspect the non-racing car roster will be largely driven by the real world sports cars that cross over into FIT-GT, NASCAR and hopefully WTCC and V8 SuperCars. Open wheelers and F1 entries will be feed directly into the game.
There will be a continued infusion of GT Vision simply because Kaz is in love with them. Hopefully there will be no more blackout interior offerings. That gave them a cheap low rent feel and turned off many if not all gamers who might have otherwise given them a shot in hell.
Don't hear anyone complaining about the overabundance of GTR's and RX7's in the game. I think the car roster will be augmented with most of the genuine GT classics being brought back in full 4K regalia, Perhaps even a user vote process involved.
We'll still be at the mercy of Kaz and his love of cars and respect for the classics. And that is not an entirely bad thing.
No one knows the pure joy of firing up your favorite machine on a Sunday afternoon and putting it through it's paces better than Kaz.
So that part of him will be very much alive and well in the game. It's what he does.
The physics and handling dynamics of the game will have to get better. Simply because fledgling drivers need to be raised on the real feel of driving at various tracks and in different weather conditions. I expect changes to the tire properties, not necessarily adjustable by us, but more realistic overall. Same with rain, wind and heat. Day to night transition will make a return.
Again, prospective drivers will have to be trained in these conditions. Hell, I can remember GT being the first franchise to bring rain to racing games. And it looked better than what they have now. The Project Cars people have taken the lead in how weather should be handled in racing games. They are not perfect, but they are clearly the best. PD will have to follow suit....in a hurry because the weather in GT without transition between different conditions is fake and basically sucks. And the same thing can be said of day/night transition.
All n all it's going to be a wait and see type of thing. However, I think PD has and is putting the pieces in place to be the leader.......again. They are going to have to start dropping major bug fixes and DLC to get everyone's attention.
I find it totally unsat to release without consistent wheel support and shabby support for your default controller (DS4 I'm looking at you) which should be the most simple and trouble free method of playing your game.
I would have loved to give driving impressions. However, until PD addresses and fixes the non support of the TS300RS wheel, I suspect the game is dead to be. Because I'll be damned if I pay for another wheel (T300RS GT) just for the privilege of playing GTS.
This too shall hopefully pass. But in the meantime, PCars 2 is a better game as is Assetto Corsa. RFactor 2 is the king of physics.
They all bow to GT Sport in the graphics area, bar none. Just remember, there is more to a standard setting game than just a pretty face (IE top notch graphics) that and advanced on-line interface however is a good start.