I really don't see why people are reacting like this, it changes nothing about PS4. Nobody has made the PS4 obsolete and Sony aren't alienating anyone lol. If the rumours about PS4K are true, all it will mean is that a higher spec PS4 will be released, likely at the same price the original PS4 launched at. The regular PS4 would likely still sell alongside it, as a cheaper option, and Sony would have to make sure all future games would still support the PS4, but there would be a higher spec option available for people who want 4K Bluray playback. As for the games, they won't be in 4K, or anything dramatically different to the current games, they will likely just be able to run in higher graphics settings.
If you bought your PS4 for racing sims, you'll still be able to play those games, with the same peripherals, as anyone who owns a PS4K, and you'll have spent far less on your console than those people will. The only difference you'll find is the games will run lower graphics settings on the PS4 than on PS4K. This is something PC gamers have had in their games forever and you don't see them spitting the dummy over it, and they spend thousands on their PCs.
I see it as a good thing. PS4K should run closer to the highest PC settings for multiplats, while still allowing older systems to run the same games at the same settings they would have if the PS4K didn't exist. The PS4 literally won't be any different than it would have otherwise, it doesn't suddenly make the PS4 weaker than it already is. The better GPU in the PS4K will also allow the PSVR to more closely compete with other VR systems on the market.
The fact that people are carrying on about this is just strange. PC gamers accept that the games will support the most powerful systems, and that after a couple of years, their system will no longer be top of the range. They understand they can still run the games, and their system will still be capable of the same graphics and performance it always has been, but the games will be capable of more thanks to the newer systems being more powerful. It changes nothing to the person with the older hardware, it just means there are newer and better options on the market. It would be hilarious if PC gamers started complaining that a better PC was released than theirs, so why is it any different for a console owner?