Hmm, it did ad the possibility to become a real race driver? Other than that it added events and cars, so nothing special. And it definitly isnt innovative, as every racing game nowadays offers that...
What does add something to a racing game if the stuff i mentioned somewhere before doesnt? I mean, if even rallying on the moon with a moon buggy doenst add something i dont know what
The possibility to become a real driver was not applicable to the vast majority of players and even then, that didn't make the game any better for them, it was what came after the game that was great for them. I'm not saying GT Academy wasn't a great, innovative project, i'm just saying it added very little to the actual game. They could have gone so much further with it, like replacing the old license tests and using the structure of GTA throughout the whole game.
Like I said, there is a difference between simply adding something new and adding something new and worthwhile. Nobody is going to deny that the moon events were something new, you're just also not likely to find many people who found them a worthwhile addition. They were slow and boring for most, a one-off novelty.
Btw the people looking for news must love this thread
This thread is only full of stuff like this because PD are silent.