On that note, first at these type of events footage is never recorded from the console itself. That means good footage is already discarded.
After that then comes NDAs, meaning that the actual testers can't talk about the game nor have permission to record nor share footage. What we are going to see is shaky 30 seconds long phone videos, with vertical orientation, recorded in a very noisy area.
And if we go by what always happens at PD hosted events, then there will also be an official trailer that's clearly CGI, lots of pictures of Kaz posing with GTRs (9:1 than about the actual game) and people will quote Amar on neogaf about hats being blown off and shedding tears of manliness (despite him not attending any events).
Our hope is that one GTP user attends and just breaks the NDA. Don't give your nicknames to PD