Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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It was Inside Sim Racing.

Their article (with the pictures from that very same video):

Shocking and embarrassing. It reads like he (Mark Puc) did a similar thing on Nurb too?

My first drive was a half lap of The Nordschleife in a single brand race. Initial impressions for me, being a PC sim racer, the graphics, the polygon count per car and the scenery are almost photo realistic when you see them in person. However, my first driving impressions were a little underwhelming. I did not feel that I was totally connected to what was happening on the screen, in some of the corners the car would wash-out understeer without warning.
I think Gt6 launched at a terrible time and the ps4 played a part in gt6 relativly low sales.I have no doubt gtsport is gonna do big numbers.
I'm not so sure the 4~ million people that had bought a PS4 by the end of 2013 would have made such a big dent on the receiving of the game. 80 million people had apparently purchased a PS3 before, or around the end of 2013, so unless every single one of those 4 million people where GT fans, I'm not so sure it would have been affected that significantly.
Is it proven that it's a myth ? All manufacturers allows damage ? I find very hard to believe Stefano at all, unless the majority of racing game devs says the same thing.

I don't think he's speaking for all manufacturers, just the ones he's dealt with. So you're calling him a liar? That's a pretty serious accusation. Damage in AC isn't extensive but you can put some serious dents and scratches in the body panels, break the windshield and of course blow up your engine or transmission, virtually that is, no visual representation. IMO they choose not to model extensive damage because they consider it a niche feature and a waste of resources and I think PD and others are basically the same. I don't care one way or the other about extensive visual damage I'm more concerned about the simulation of damage to the car. Blown engines, transmissions, brake issues, aero comprimised by hitting something etc.

I showed that video on the PCARS forum and Ian Bell responded there are more restrictions than just the passenger cell or fire:

And looking at both PCARS and AC it seems to be the case. Other games like Grid do however have more extensive damage, so no idea who's telling the truth. PCARS had originally way more damage in the pre release builds, but they had to tone it down when the game came out.
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Pretty big mistake for ISR to make. I think it was a genuine mistake however, I've read other reviews this guy has done at another site and he is normally very good and thorough.
His colleagues are gonna rip into him he is never gonna live this down.I actually feel sorry for the guy.
Stefano Casillo of Kunos says that manufacturers not allowing damage in sims is an "urban myth".

He says that not allowing any damage is an urban myth but that doesn't make it less true that the manufacturers do restrict it.
I've seen it during PCARS development, detachable parts and opening doors were removed because some manufacturers simply didn't allow it.
I Long time ago i was looking around DriveClub's facebook page and someone asked if Cars can suffer from Visual Damages and They said that the Vehicles damage models can be varied by Manufacturer, i don't remember correctly.
Random thought of the day:
Remember back in GT4 when you could hear when your car backfired during downshifts?
Wait, how did i forgot about that? I don't remember seeing them in GT5 or GT6, did they remove that in later games?
Add a Nissan Patrol and a Toyota Land Cruiser to the game and I guarantee you at least 5 million new players from the Middle-East/Arabian gulf countries just to install the turbo on those two cars and go crazy.
And add an "open" off-road map in the desert or empty wide straight of tarmac
Also why the hell PDI and Sony forced to remove those videos? I mean they already showed their game on livestream which thanks to various reasons (*cough* physics, graphics, that spanish commentator...etc) made the game look bad. I find these videos GTP uploaded are much better and somehow made me hyped a bit more.

Really PD 👎:grumpy:
I was initially excited about this game, and when the videos were posted in the news section, even though they still had "that" tyre screech sound effect that you hear all the time in the real world, never, nowhere. But already video content is being pulled, I'm looking at the info that's slowly creeping out and whilst I'm a "glass-half-full" person I am slowly getting a sense of Deja-GT3/5.

Perhaps PD need to be clearer on whether this is GT7 or not. If it's just a new name, tell us, and hopefully a crapton more content will become apparent soon. If it's not, and more of a prologue, fess up and personally at least, I'll hang on for the real GT7, which on previous form will still have a ton of the same old issues and be released around when everyone is talking about the PS5. I'll probably still love it though.
The only thing I regret from Polyphony at this point is the lack of an open beta. If the naysayers got a chance to actually experience the game they would probably leave feeling really satisfied. The game definitely isn't perfect right now but I'm tired of people making judgements like "Well from what I can see the physics feel the same as GT6 blah blah" or "The graphics xyz", please stop.

Not white knighting the game, and the rollout/marketing for this game is pretty shoddy at the moment, but I promise it's next-gen worthy and is certainly an improvement on GT6. Just because the gameplay is similar to the previous instalment that doesn't suddenly make the game "GT6 2.0", that is mad corny. How far would one have to stray from the traditional track racing formula to not be simply a refresh of GT6? Bury that phrase please.

Perhaps PD need to be clearer on whether this is GT7 or not. If it's just a new name, tell us, and hopefully a crapton more content will become apparent soon. If it's not, and more of a prologue, fess up and personally at least, I'll hang on for the real GT7, which on previous form will still have a ton of the same old issues and be released around when everyone is talking about the PS5. I'll probably still love it though.
It's already been said by Kazunori himself that this game isn't GT7, although he could name it as such due to the amount of work and content in the game. Expect GT7 to be like GT Sport with even more features and a higher track/car list.
Okay. I finally got to see the video posted by @MrWaflz55 in Post #13451. I am someone who respects others' opinions on things whether honest or whatever. After seeing that video, though... I got to ask... what the hell was this guy smoking or drinking saying what he did about GT Sport? I can somewhat agree with two points he made- GT6 is more like "GT5.5" and maybe even his comments of wanting to make GT great again. But if you ask me, this is a changing of the formula that could possibly make GT great again. So what is this bloke talking about? He talks about GT like it's being overtaken by Forza, the Need for Speed games, Project CARS, and Assetto Corsa or something. I was scared to comment on the video or issue a dislike because I'm sure I'd get stampeded by YouTubers (ain't the first time speaking as a YouTube veteran). You know if you go against the grain or tell a side opposite of the mainstream, you're going to get ripped apart. I do respect his opinions if that's how he honestly feels about a 50% complete game.

To me, Gran Turismo is still great. GT Sport will offer something a bit different but will offer a bit new life to progressively make GT "great [again]." What this guy was spewing up about GT Sport was absolutely foul. Even an old-fashioned gamer like myself- who still plays racing./driving games with a gamepad and doesn't know anything about force feedback or anything related to hardcore sim racing, can still find plenty to love about GT Sport even at its 50% completion stage. I swear some people get easily offended or disappointed about almost anything. Whatever happened to giving things a chance and not having too lofty of expectations? When I joined GTPlanet in 2003, I've followed the progression of Gran Turismo 4. I mentioned how GT4 still had world-class manufacturers even when most people complained about no Ferrari or 50 Skylines/GT-Rs and not much else of any real cars people care about. Then when GT5 was in the works, I mentioned how much the shortcomings of GT5 would affect how well it may sell- even with the likes of Ferrari and Lamborghini among other makes. I want the best GT experiences as much as anyone. At the same time, though, I am not easily disappointed about certain things. I guess most people WANT to be disappointed about anything in GT. Even I was a bit bored and disappointed after playing through Gran Turismo 6 because I didn't really have much motivation to keep playing even as I've been blogging and making other material online. But still, even Gran Turismo Sport is helping me get at least somewhat excited again after being in this lull. I still don't have a PlayStation 4, but I know one game I know I will want to get when GT Sport is released proper.

It's okay to not have as much interest in GT Sport, but at least give it a chance.
As far as I can understand he's saying the license will allow you to get out there and race on a track, which is what a theory license does. You can't go out on a track without doing that, but it's not a physical test, it's merely learning the etiquette and racing/circuit rules. Exactly what the GT Sport license teaches.

You are still going to need to pass real world driving tests/skill levels to move up from an amateur rank. This license is not going to allow you to jump into FIA racing series, or even low level professional events.
Of course not, if you would like to go on track in FIA top events, you needed knowledge, appropriate skills and not only on the track, eg. the nature, physical aptitude, talent etc. But certainly it facilitates get to lower leagues, amateur events or even some premium track days.


I think the best players in GT Sport, will also have a chance, something like gt academy and finally they sign professional contracts.
High level mechanical damage with some cosmetic would be more than enough to make racers more careful me thinks...

That's the thing, it is almost impossible to find people to race properly. I remember, with my father in law, we always ended up racing together because as soon as you set damage then bye bye, you're completely alone.
After a couple of weeks we find 5 more guys who liked it and it was really really fun for... 3 weeks. Then, as always, it gets complicated and you can be online at a certain hour, or the other guy is from Japan, the other one from Argentina and... Is complicated.
My experience told me that no, people playing online dislikes playing with damage because they seem not to consider GT "serious enough". :(
And I hate it, because we loved to play that way.
But certainly it facilitates get to lower leagues or amateur events.

Yes, which as I say anyone can get by going to their local circuit and taking a theory test. It's not the equivalent of anything you'd acquire by driving a car in the real world, that is a separate part of earning a license.

Also something I think people are probably missing, this isn't going to be free.

We will announce the final list of participating regions, conditions, fees and procedures at a later date.
Wait, how did i forgot about that? I don't remember seeing them in GT5 or GT6, did they remove that in later games
Think so. Don't remember it from GT5 or 6 either.
Interview with Kaz:

GT Sport is it GT7, but in different name. Officially Confirmed.

+ they have physics model which can be easily use in F1 teams.

This video has been posted what, 5-6 times now? :lol:

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