Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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Because it takes away all the skills for creating top notch pictures. Anyone can now click one button and have the perfect snap, so nice for us average Joe's, but not so much for the photomode pro's of yesteryear?

Realworld scenery has never taken away the skills of any photographer be it a pro or an enthusiast. I understand the apprehension that this new compositing mode may lead to many pictures looking similar as it effectively suggests a "place your car here" cutout guideline. That said we only got a glimpse of how the new feature works, and I’m willing to bet we will be surprised by the range of personalization options ultimately available. Pretty sure those with a particular eye will continue to impress with their galleries in the Gran Turismo Sport Photomode sub-forum.
The Scape can also be used as moving/speed mode, where the background can be blurred making the car appeared to be moving at high speed. There should be many things that can be played around producing many kinds of photos even from one scape location. The key is imagination.
The thing about the weather effects is that it would be somewhat excusable if they had other things going on, I mean the AI still is not up to par, we haven't seen visual damage yet, and the backgrounds aren't that impressive either, so what's hogging the performance?
Remember the game is not complete yet also Pd have stated they are going for quality over quantity and that means 1080p 60 locked to me.I am pretty sure they could do dynamic weather and time but that would compromise the overall framerate.If the game releases and it still has fluctuating framerate then that would really suck.
Remember the game is not complete yet also Pd have stated they are going for quality over quantity and that means 1080p 60 locked to me.I am pretty sure they could do dynamic weather and time but that would compromise the overall framerate.If the game releases and it still has fluctuating framerate then that would really suck.

Evo have shown that you can do amazing stuff if you lock at 30fps, but if you go for locked 60fps, then you have to sacrifice stuff.

Pcars wanted dynamic and they sacrificed the frame rate.

Something has to give, these aren't miracle machines, they're home consoles.
The thing about the weather effects is that it would be somewhat excusable if they had other things going on, I mean the AI still is not up to par, we haven't seen visual damage yet, and the backgrounds aren't that impressive either, so what's hogging the performance?

If the game comes out still with a tyre model from the '90's, I'll be wondering the same thing. Pcars might not be a locked 60, but on PS4, at 1080p, it manages to hold it's frame rate quite well under stress.
That GTP story is written so poorly. Does it mean no weather (as in no wet tracks) or no dynamic weather? And if your whole article is based around what someone said, then include what the person said....

Anyway I love the direction this game is taking, it is exactly what GT needs. A focus on quality and strong online components. Next weekend cant come soon enough.
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I'm getting fairly confident that the somewhat underwhelming graphics along with the cut to dynamic time and weather is all for the sake of PSVR functionality.

Pretty sure I heard at some point that they intend the entire game to be PSVR-compatible. Whereas if they went and pushed the 2d version of the game harder, they'd have to have a separate and limited form of PSVR functionality, which might still be cool, but.........limiting. The latter is what I was expecting, so it's interesting that dont seem to be going that route.

Seems to me they intend this to be a flagship PSVR title. A 'system seller', basically. And they probably wont fully accomplish that unless they make the entire game playable using PSVR. I'm sure it all sounds a bit disappointing right now, but I think that GT fans might have a turn of heart when they see what VR actually brings to the table with a game like this. Could be quite incredible.
Seems to me they intend this to be a flagship PSVR title. A 'system seller', basically. And they probably wont fully accomplish that unless they make the entire game playable using PSVR. I'm sure it all sounds a bit disappointing right now, but I think that GT fans might have a turn of heart when they see what VR actually brings to the table with a game like this. Could be quite incredible.

Yeah, I was assuming DC would be the VR system seller, but that seems unlikely right now.
So if this works well in VR, then I can understand the cutbacks elsewhere.
Must be a lot of pressure from Sony for VR.
Yeah, rain can last as little as two laps on a long course in PCARS, and it dries up very quick. The thing that really munches is that it's the same pattern every race series. This is the only racing game I've ever seen that it rains the very same way in every event. Not every stint necessarily, but dang, every freaking event?? And the rain becomes a pretty good downpour. I really hate PCARS' weather. :P
Odd as I've come across rain of differing intensities in Pcars, from light to a heavy downpour, my copy also scales the duration of the weather to the length of the race so running full length races has never resulted in weirdly short rain (not that short rain showers don't happen in reality).

Of course it would be nice of PCars varied the weather in career mode (however in other modes you can of course set it however you want, including random), it does however seem a little odd to call out PCars for this given that GTS will have neither variable weather or a career mode!
A LAN race right? Everyone was in the same location not people racing all over the world with 300ms pings? Netcode including predictive code is hard to do. If you have a car travelling at 200km/hr in 300ms that car has travelled 16m. If the car in front of you suddenly brakes and the server sees that and then tells you that it is slowing down with a 300ms ping you have travelled another 16m before you even react, but the server still doesn't know what you will do and it will get your response 300ms after you make it.

Trying to make that mess work is very hard to do. In some games you will see cars warping around a track, in some you can't race unless you both live in the same region and have a low ping. Like I said I can't remember how good or bad PD's netcode was last time I tried but it was so long ago that it may have changed dramatically. Surely you guys have a decent idea of what GT6 netcode is like currently? Because I can't imagine it will be a major improvement from that.

I must say though in the event video even with everyone in the same building at least on the live stream there was some weird car behaviour going on but that might be due to the broadcast system not being as critical as the gaming system. I really hope it isn't indicative of the gaming system.
I'm not sure how it was setup. Others on here might know. Ran fine at least in that scenario for me. Would hope with the eSport focus it would make a reasonable improvement and Sony should have wealth of knowledge regarding networking with Gaikai and what happened with Driveclub to lend a helping hand if needed and to benchmark it. Wonder if there will be dedicated servers too, I guess something to ask the Facebook person.

Haven't played GT6 online so don't know how that is. It's interesting to look back at early online console racing and seemed to do it quite well on dial-up back in SNES days: Link
I thought that was over? Anyway logic says no because of the explanation used for no beta. If the issue is they do not have time for 2 masters then GTS is the first release we will see this year in November. I remember reading somewhere a comment about them not meeting an important deadline, I'm guessing that had to do with whatever they originally planned on releasing. Also reading between the lines with a telescope I'm wondering if this release has changed their process and where perhaps earlier they may have been working on GT7 alongside GTS perhaps now this has turned into all hands on deck for GTS and that is why the comments have changed regarding what this is and it has been forced into a more major release than perhaps originally intended. Also perhaps internal decisions have changed due to logical progression so perhaps as I would have done they have realised the need for 2 separate released, one for the online racer and another for the real driving simulator. They really don't fit together. Then in addition I can only imagine that due to corporate decision making processes that perhaps a feature like scapes is borrowed from GT7 to add features to what seems like a light title.
It isn't over AFAIK. I think they have ability to put out custom builds quite easily if they wanted like they do for events so don't see why they couldn't do one of them and release to PSN.
Has that been confirmed Scaff? Would be a real bummer :(
Based on what we have seen so far and from listening to Kaz's presentation at the Copper Box the closest we will have are the licence tests/driving etiquette stuff with some misson's thrown in. Around 114 odd bits in total, but it would be a big leap to call it a career.

The CB build did have an arcade mode to allow single races and time trials, but nothing more than that, its worth keeping in mind that PD do have 'form' in this regard as GT PSP didn't have a career mode either.
Underwhelming graphics? Funny that the graphics are said to be on par with the competition (on consoles), sometimes being better, sometimes being not as good as X game, but still considered not good enough...
Is GT known for being 'on par' with the competition graphically? And if we're talking Forza, which it was always close to, PS4 is 40% more powerful than the XB1.

If Uncharted 4 didn't look any better than Shadow of Mordor, you think nobody would have said anything about it?

That's not how it works.
Well, they *could* do that. It's far from impossible.

But it would have to be more limited and I dont think they want to it to be some separate mode, but rather a genuine way to play the complete game.
That's excessive development that they don't need, just to make a separate portion of the game for VR instead of integrating it into the main game.
it is, but it's PD we're talking about.. besides, remember how they degraded graphics in GT5 for 3D mode? wasn't that an excessive development altough they did it anyway?
Also, related to staff numbers, it seems like no-one really knows for sure, but if we take the oft-quoted numbers, i.e. 400 for Forza (plus outsourcers?) and let's say 200 for PD (I'll happily be corrected on more accurate figures), that's quite a big difference no? I think Turn 10 have a great work rate, and they make great racing games at regular and reliable intervals, (which among racing game devs makes them almost unique), but they still have roughly double the workforce.

In those terms, it seems a little harsh to criticise PD for not matching their output?

Turn 10 has ~70 full time employees, the rest of that 400 is the contractors and outsourcing.
Unlike the last generation of consoles on this generation something would be very wrong if GT didn't look better, we all know there is a significant enough gap in performance between the two. Especially now we know PD aren't doing anything dynamic either.
Based on what we have seen so far and from listening to Kaz's presentation at the Copper Box the closest we will have are the licence tests/driving etiquette stuff with some misson's thrown in. Around 114 odd bits in total, but it would be a big leap to call it a career.

The CB build did have an arcade mode to allow single races and time trials, but nothing more than that, its worth keeping in mind that PD do have 'form' in this regard as GT PSP didn't have a career mode either.

If that is the case then they pay-outs in the arcade mode should be generous otherwise it will be pretty impossible to get those 137 cars.
Forza is funded by one of the richest companies on the planet, who can hire 400 employees and design companies across the globe without batting an eye, pay the Porsche/EA licensing fee, and hire a Hollywood graphics company to help create their graphics engine for Forza 4. You know, Hollywood, the one place which can rival Washington DC with how large sums of money get spent instantly.

Things have been "dire" since the days before the launch of GT5 Prologue, and PD just keeps chugging, producing the most popular and prosperous racing game in history. Every year, people bail on the series swearing never to return, declarations of doom are made, and they always come just as true as every environmental prediction. I can't see this year being any different.
Actually, the budget for GT5 was $80 million.
Since you're throwing up the, "Forza is funded by the giant Microsoft and poor little Sony can't keep up" argument, again, and you already said the budget for GT5 was $80 million, you should have a link then to T10's budget for Forza 4 or 5 to show us how much more money was spent on either of those games right? How much money was spent on the Porsche license or for the services of a Hollywood graphics company?
Unlike the last generation of consoles on this generation something would be very wrong if GT didn't look better, we all know there is a significant enough gap in performance between the two. Especially now we know PD aren't doing anything dynamic either.
At least, life and racing atmosphere will come back on GT tracks. (I know...Tokyo track in Gtsport...)