Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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Jesus H

@Zlork I agree, it will be super interesting to see what goes down now, after this delay.

At the very least, we'll get some sweet DC VR footage :)

These are only hypotheses but it's not impossible that the delay is due to VR and/or PS4 Neo.

I mean, all big Sony games will release next year. They will probably need a good line-up for sell PS4 Neo.

Moreover, Kaz didn't talk about VR, probably because this feature isn't ready.
Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 9.27.53 AM.png

Oh...stop it..
There is nothing incorrect unless you like to delude yourself and ignore how companies operate. Sure there may be products that are similar but the consumers or the market dictates any serious competitors to GT and there is none and there hasn't been any for a long time.
I don't think competition means what you think it means. One can out compete another, but it doesn't mean that the competition no longer exists. It also remains to be seen how successful the GTSport concept will be against the current crop of games and in comparison to the lofty sales levels of previous iterations of the game.
Dear PD, for one of your 'cutting-edge' features, I'd like to see the legacy museum have this Aesthetic feel to it.

Oh that 90's japanese feel from the ads. (Like the Isuzus jumping through fountain and Fairlady ad the most)
Better than Simpsons Vaporware :D
GT has competition. Yes it has beaten that competition for pretty much it's entire lifetime so far in terms of single titles but that doesn't mean it can't change, nothing is infallible. There are countless companies who in the past could've trotted out "We're fine, the competition are miles behind us, we're in a league of our own etc etc" and eventually they've disappeared/been overtaken.

Blackberry waves hello! Blockbuster also says hi.


I can't imagine GT Sport being shown at the NYC event next week. Not after this vague delay. It'd be a little insulting. Plus, with DC VR coming so soon, I imagine Sony will want to show it off.
But... He said it was PD's fault :confused:

That's what I said, since yesterday, PoDi needs more time, not just for the game itself but also for features such as VR.

VR for GTS is clearly not ready. For proof, Kaz doesn't talk or show more. And delaying, they can work on the PS4 Neo to better exploit it.

And of course, it suits Sony.
That's what I said, since yesterday, PoDi needs more time, not just for the game itself but also for features such as VR.

VR for GTS is clearly not ready. For proof, Kaz doesn't talk or show more. And delaying, they can work on the PS4 Neo to better exploit it.

And of course, it suits Sony.
Just to be clear, for future reference, in the future if Kaz doesn't talk about something that means it's not ready or doesn't exist? And why would working on a Neo improved feature delay the release of the game on the current PS4 when not a single consumer owns a Neo?
Just to be clear, for future reference, in the future if Kaz doesn't talk about something that means it's not ready or doesn't exist? And why would working on a Neo improved feature delay the release of the game on the current PS4 when not a single consumer owns a Neo?
It could be a launch game.
It could be a launch game.
So you would delay the game to launch it on a platform which has an install base of zero, leaving 40+ million PS4 users in the dark in the meantime? If the game were finished it would make much more sense to launch it on time and be a part of the holiday sales frenzy and then re-release a sort of Spec II: Neo edition when the console launches don't you think? Isn't it just more likely that the game is just not ready to release and it has nothing to do with Neo?
So you would delay the game to launch it on a platform which has an install base of zero, leaving 40+ million PS4 users in the dark in the meantime? If the game were finished it would make much more sense to launch it on time and be a part of the holiday sales frenzy and then re-release a sort of Spec II: Neo edition when the console launches don't you think? Isn't it just more likely that the game is just not ready to release and it has nothing to do with Neo?
Not exactly. The PS4 would have GT Sport, Neo would have GT Sport as a (better graphics wise) launch game. It would be fair for both systems and it needs to be that way anyway. A year and the Neo comes out and it's a PS4 only game? Bogus.
So you would delay the game to launch it on a platform which has an install base of zero, leaving 40+ million PS4 users in the dark in the meantime? If the game were finished it would make much more sense to launch it on time and be a part of the holiday sales frenzy and then re-release a sort of Spec II: Neo edition when the console launches don't you think? Isn't it just more likely that the game is just not ready to release and it has nothing to do with Neo?

I agree, totally, in the case of GTS.

But you seem to be arguing against the basic logic of launch titles. Manufacturers always want compelling games at launch specifically to sell a system. Or am I misreading you?
It's not like Neo is a totally new console, it's still a PS4 and doesn't really need traditional launch titles.

VR for GTS is clearly not ready. For proof, Kaz doesn't talk or show more

Hang on, we haven't seen a damage model either but Kaz said it would be present, just like VR. You even said this yourself:

Nothing says that the damage isn't ready.

I'm sensing a contradiction here.

Damage not shown but Kaz says it'll be present = Nothing says it isn't ready.
VR not shown but Kaz says it'll be present = Clearly not ready.
So, are people suggesting GT Sport was otherwise en route to its original November 2016 launch, and big bad Sony stepped in to intentionally delay it as a Neo title? Or simply that now that it's been made clear PD wouldn't be able to hit the original release date, Sony will push them to further delay to line up with Neo's launch?

I just would like clarification on how much of this is Sony's fault versus, oh, I don't know, the developer responsible for the game.
Here's my prediction. PD/Sony needs more time because of all the features they plan to add. You want more cars? Time. You want more tracks? Time. You want a big career mode? Time. Same with everything.
So, are people suggesting GT Sport was otherwise en route to its original November 2016 launch, and big bad Sony stepped in to intentionally delay it as a Neo title? Or simply that now that it's been made clear PD wouldn't be able to hit the original release date, Sony will push them to further delay to line up with Neo's launch?

I just would like clarification on how much of this is Sony's fault versus, oh, I don't know, the developer responsible for the game.

No, I don't think anyone was saying that. It was just one guy misreading a French chap.

It was delayed because they didn't finish on time. Am I right, @Zlork ?
Would be good to just get some bloody info on this NEO thing. The gap between journo scoop and reveal has been crazy long.

It's just a hypothesis. Perhaps the PS4 Neo will be out this year.

Anyway, it doesn't change the fact that PoDi, thanks to delay, will better exploit the PS4 Neo.
I fixed it :D
Normal mistake! :lol:
So, are people suggesting GT Sport was otherwise en route to its original November 2016 launch, and big bad Sony stepped in to intentionally delay it as a Neo title? Or simply that now that it's been made clear PD wouldn't be able to hit the original release date, Sony will push them to further delay to line up with Neo's launch?

I just would like clarification on how much of this is Sony's fault versus, oh, I don't know, the developer responsible for the game.
Wait wait. Sony and PD worked together for years. They both have a right to delay the game. Am I wrong?
Not exactly. The PS4 would have GT Sport, Neo would have GT Sport as a (better graphics wise) launch game. It would be fair for both systems and it needs to be that way anyway. A year and the Neo comes out and it's a PS4 only game? Bogus.
No idea what you're saying here.

I agree, totally, in the case of GTS.

But you seem to be arguing against the basic logic of launch titles. Manufacturers always want compelling games at launch specifically to sell a system. Or am I misreading you?
I would guess that the vast, vast majority of people who will purchase GTS already own a PS4 unless there are millions and millions of people out there who only purchase consoles just so they can buy a GT game (in b4 the inevitable, "I only buy consoles for GT games" comment). While it's a romantic notion I just can't see it being the case. I can't make a business case for missing the holiday season launch window and either delaying the game for an entire year to catch the next one or launching the game part way through the next year when the PS4 Neo version could be launched to coincide with the Neo launch with the regular PS4 version of the game already in the hands of millions of gamers and many of the kinks worked out already.
Anyway, it doesn't change the fact that PoDi, thanks to delay, will better exploit the PS4 Neo.

It's taken them over three years of development time and they still haven't released a single title on the PS4; what makes us think they'll be able to maximize the capabilities of a system they've had in their hands for (presumably) less time?

Of course, you don't know this: it's not a "fact". It's a guess, which I'm positive you're 99% sure of. Just like the public beta. Just like the original release date.

Also, we should probably start the clock on the "system isn't powerful enough to realize the vision" comments for the Neo.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm plenty satisfied with how the game currently looks. I don't think the extra power of the Neo is required, and if that system isn't available until holiday 2017, I'd vastly prefer GT Sport released as a vanilla PS4 title before that, and a later update could take advantage of Neo's extra horsepower. They could even replace it on store shelves, much like later editions of GT5.

IMO, the game should release the moment its ready for PS4 players, not intentionally held back to time with a Neo release, regardless of how much it will be optimized for that. This delay has done the brand enough damage.
I am too actually, although I am seriously doubting that PDI has anything to show.

if PoDi is there, that would be cool but I want, first of all, know what the PS4 Neo is really :)

It's taken them over three years of development time and they still haven't released a single title on the PS4; what makes us think they'll be able to maximize the capabilities of a system they've had in their hands for (presumably) less time?

Of course, you don't know this: it's not a "fact". It's a guess, which I'm positive you're 99% sure of. Just like the public beta. Just like the original release date.

It's a fact. If we look the "leaks", games coming out from end of 2016, are forced to have a Neo mode.

Also, we should probably start the clock on the "system isn't powerful enough to realize the vision" comments for the Neo.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm plenty satisfied with how the game currently looks. I don't think the extra power of the Neo is required, and if that system isn't available until holiday 2017, I'd vastly prefer GT Sport released as a vanilla PS4 title before that, and a later update could take advantage of Neo's extra horsepower. They could even replace it on store shelves, much like later editions of GT5.

IMO, the game should release the moment its ready for PS4 players, not intentionally held back to time with a Neo release, regardless of how much it will be optimized for that. This delay has done the brand enough damage.

You will be surprised: I agree with you.
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