Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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baah, I really hope that the cockpit wheel will match your own ffb wheel when the games comes out or at least gives you the user option to disable the cockpit wheel if it only is 180* of rotation.
I hope there's an option to disable cockpit wheel and driver arms, regardless of the degrees of rotation. I don't see it in any other game I play.
I hope we get Dash cam, only drive using it in Driveclub and Dirt Rally.

I've been sold on GTSport since I've played the gtacademy demo and the M4 video looks like a ton of fun. The physics I feel are more fun than PCARS.
Agreed, love the wheel and armless cockpit in AC.

One of the best aspects of the game, IMO.

I hope we get Dash cam, only drive using it in Driveclub and Dirt Rally.

Yeah, I've defaulted to that too, in DiRT and all FM titles. Horizon, due to its more arcade nature, is played in third person from time to time, especially if I'm racing against the unwashed masses online. :(

Polyphony's awful roof cam is in no way a replacement for a base-of-windshield one.
That camera discussion is going on for a long time now and they seem not to care. I'm on it since the beginning of complaining about the views.
Not only the roofcam is very hated and should be replaced by a proper hood/bonnet cam. Also the chasecam is awful. Same goes for some Cockpitviews. And overall for me sitting close to a 50" TV the FOV is in general too narrow which kills the sense of speed making me feel like going in Slow motion at high speeds.
While in Project cars I can adjust my FOV wider to get a proper sense of speed again.

Options is the key... but PD doesnt like options they force us to play as they want us to play it...
That camera discussion is going on for a long time now and they seem not to care. I'm on it since the beginning of complaining about the views.
Not only the roofcam is very hated and should be replaced by a proper hood/bonnet cam. Also the chasecam is awful. Same goes for some Cockpitviews. And overall for me sitting close to a 50" TV the FOV is in general too narrow which kills the sense of speed making me feel like going in Slow motion at high speeds.
While in Project cars I can adjust my FOV wider to get a proper sense of speed again.

Options is the key... but PD doesnt like options they force us to play as they want us to play it...
Their cockpit view is pretty good but yep, all the other views are awful.
That camera discussion is going on for a long time now and they seem not to care. I'm on it since the beginning of complaining about the views.
Not only the roofcam is very hated and should be replaced by a proper hood/bonnet cam. Also the chasecam is awful. Same goes for some Cockpitviews. And overall for me sitting close to a 50" TV the FOV is in general too narrow which kills the sense of speed making me feel like going in Slow motion at high speeds.
While in Project cars I can adjust my FOV wider to get a proper sense of speed again.

Options is the key... but PD doesnt like options they force us to play as they want us to play it...
I'd agree with you apart from lack of options. You are forgetting the three field of view options AND the additional option in Multi screen configuration that let you do a lot of modification to your view.

That's not to say that these options will be in GTS though.
I'd agree with you apart from lack of options. You are forgetting the three field of view options AND the additional option in Multi screen configuration that let you do a lot of modification to your view.

That's not to say that these options will be in GTS though.

That wasnt possible in GT6 anymore, and also been patched away in GT5 because I have used it there aswell.
And sad enough you had to enter those options by tricking the game not using 3 TV's...
It seems tire selection has become even more complicated than it already was. And with no real-time weather changes taking a pit stop won't be as crucial as it could have been in GT5/6, much like in days of GT4 or before.

Shame we won't have to worry about driver's fatigue or engine temperature. These could compensate for lack of real-time weather changes.
Do you also have a picture from Fisherman Ranch with a tractor, it could be called "Gran Turismo Farming 7". It's hard to be a nisseman.... there is whiteøl in the tønde.
Go and get that værktøjs case Hansi....why it's always me?...Fritz-because your the one with the biggest tænder, and the grimmest tøj Hansiii....derfor.
Fritz-Where hulen is that haul?...Gynther-we could kig in the book..Fritz-that's what I skud til to say, you do that Gynther...Gynther- ohh .... it's på Danish?...Fritz-ahh Gynther, let me, man shall da og gøre alting sjel...Hansi- what stands there, læs up...Fritz- there stands, if you're faren vild, you should kig in the landkard. Merry Jul:D:cheers:
Do you also have a picture from Fisherman Ranch with a tractor, it could be called "Gran Turismo Farming 7". It's hard to be a nisseman.... there is whiteøl in the tønde.
Go and get that værktøjs case Hansi....why it's always me?...Fritz-because your the one with the biggest tænder, and the grimmest tøj Hansiii....derfor.
Fritz-Where hulen is that haul?...Gynther-we could kig in the book..Fritz-that's what I skud til to say, you do that Gynther...Gynther- ohh .... it's på Danish?...Fritz-ahh Gynther, let me, man shall da og gøre alting sjel...Hansi- what stands there, læs up...Fritz- there stands, if you're faren vild, you should kig in the landkard. Merry Jul:D:cheers:


Cast: De Nattergale
From a idea of Hans-Erik Saks & De Nattergale

"Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a no where place in the same cold place, and outscured terrain that mankind in a long time after eventually called Jylland (in Denmark), lived a little elf people. They lived in peace and harmony, they sang and played music, and worked in their respective underground homes, right until the evil, evil darkness people itself, 'Norssorende', one evil, evil day, hold their presence in the elf's land. All the elf's got liberated from their land by Norssorende. In good luck, the elf's got the big book with them, because if the big book got in the hands of the Norssor, the world would be lost.
All the elf's homes got destroyed, beside one only, that the Norssor never found. Near by this elf underground home, is their in the time went on, build a little mankind house, there live the potato farmer 'Oluf Sand, and his wife Gertrud Sand, and their little dog Emil, it's a dark, and stormfull evening"...

"Oluf, do you know where the case with all the Christmas stuff are?, we have to get going with Christmas preparations. Do you think we get ready for Christmas?
-Oluf; Should we not take it easy...-Gertrud; It's only Christmas one time in a year.
Yes, that is nice
In a distant, and far away land, in the outer space in the world, is the old elf "Old enough" lying near dead, because the play case that play his life melody is running out of time, the only play key to it, he got to leave behind in the underground home back then, when the elf's got liberated from the evil darkness people "Norssorende". Old enough, is calling for help from three elf's, "Fritz", "Hansi", and "Gynther", he kindly ask them to go back to the old underground home in Jylland, to get him the play key back. Old enough gives them a old land card that shows where the underground home is, and the key to the underground home. To help them on the big trip, he overhand them the "big book", that contains the answer to everything, he tells them that it must not get in the hands of the Norssor, that still lives in the old land Jylland. Norssorende is especially dangerous, because they have got mankind looks, there are though one thing that can get them back to their old ugly look, but that is all described in the big book.
Old enough ask them to hurry, he don't have much time left.

-Gertrud; There's only to days till my sister and Kaj travel to Rhodos. I think it's a good way to celebrate their silver wedding, instead of a big party. I would very much like that too Oluf, lift your feet so I can clean the floor. Oluf, do you think we could get to those places, when we go to town tomorrow, we must go to the bookstore first. I have to get some glitter paper, and silk paper to make Christmas decorations. After that...and some clue by the way. After that we drive to the convenience store, and while you talk with the guys at the warehouse, I go over to the lady hair dresser Winny, you know..She may not have the time, but I have to try, now that I am in town. I do long to get my hair done..
-Oluf; Yes, that was just nice.

The three elf's is running towards an old airplane with a propel, the weather is very over clouded, and is soon to get dark, Fritz is not carrying anything that himself, Gynther is carrying a shoulder bag, Hansi is carrying a toolbox, a big bag and other stuff. And it was handed to Fritz to ensure that they have enough fuel to the hole flight. We see them take off, they get confused of the land card and the fly longer than anticipated first, but eventually get back on track, but over the little land of Jylland they went out of fuel, they try to safety land, but they can't, and simply crash down in the middle of Jylland...

...., -Fritz; Gynther! Wasn't it you, who should get fuel on the airplane? Look what happened, the propel is completely broke! - Hansi; very much indeed. -Fritz; wasn't it you? -Gynther; no, it wasn't me. -Fritz; was it you so then Hansi? -Hansi; no, I carry the bag package and toolbox! -Fritz; ah, what should you do then Gynther? - I should take the toolbox, -Hansi; no, I should take the toolbox! -Gynther; no, I should take the toolbox!, -Hansi; no I should take the toolbox!. -Gynther; then we have enough toolboxes, what?
-Fritz; it's not funny. Where are we? - what on earth, do we do? -Gynther; we could look in the book.
-Fritz; that's my words. You do that, Gynther. - ah .... its in Danish! -Fritz; Gynther ...! Let me.
Well, let's see one gong. -Hansi; what's stands there?, read up. -Fritz; there stands: "if you're lost, then see on the map." That's it. -Gynther; what map? -Hansi; the land card Gynther! Think the little around!, take it together! -Gynther; oh yes. I have it right here in my back pocket. -Fritz; well ... let's see. Ahh ... where are we? - we are here! -Hansi; where is the hole then? -Fritz; there! I think, we shall that way. -Hansi; ohh ... I think it's unbelievable, I always have to carry the bag pack. Why it's always me who shall carry the bag pack and the toolbox, it's hurting on my shoulders. -Fritz; ohh, not so much bull.... with you Hansi! -Hansi; why do I always ...? -Fritz; because you are the one with the biggest teeth's and the ugliest clothes.

-Gertrud; Oluf. Do you know what I wish myself at Christmas? -Oluf; No! -Gertrud; I wish a foodproccessor. -Oluf; yes, that is nice, but we can't afford it, you know when taxis and moms is paid, there is not much left. -Gertrud; I could spare on house keeping. -Oluf; I said, it's just nice ...!
Phone is ringing ... yes hallo, it's Oluf Sand, himself. Potatoes? Yes, that is needed. How many do you need? You will get it. It will be hundred and ... it will be to hundred croner. Autograph? No ... we don't use that. It don't actually work. It will be to hundred, black. Yes, it's OK then, by by. That was just nice.
- Gertrud; who was it? -Oluf; One, who got the wrong number.

-Fritz; ahh ... where in the god is that hole?, it should be near around, ahh ahh, let's see on the map, ahh.
-Gynther; what's stands there?, I don't understand it. -Fritz; there stands: "when the clock is five, the shadow will fall from the tree on the gate." -Hansi; what tree? -Fritz; ehm, that tree! -Gynther; ohh that's lucky!, the clock is five in a few seconds. -Hansi; we must hurry, to get light on the tree. -Gynther; where is the shadow? -Fritz; ahh, Gynther, it's on the other side! -Gynther; oh yes ...
-Hansi; heey ...! It's here! The gate to the underground hole! -Fritz; ahh good, Gynther, come with the petroleum lamp - then, who has the key? -Gynther; what key? -Hansi; the hole key Gynther! Think the little about! -Gynther; oh yes. I have it right here. -Fritz; Put it in the key hole Gynther! -Gynther; Yes, Fritz.
Hansi and Gynther tries to open the too gate doors, but they are much heavy, Fritz look on.
-Gynther; that must I now say there. -Fritz; we must soon be getting there, they have to do a little walk before they enter the underground hole. -Hansi; hey ...! Have you seen all that leftovers from spiders? -Gynther; yes, it's all over the hole. -Hansi; oh yes -Fritz; yes, yes, yes -Hansi; ahh, ahh -Gynther; that must I now say. -Hansi; What? -Gynther; yes, the hole interior. -Hansi; oh ...! -Fritz; Well ... it's have been a long day. Let's take some rest, then we can find the key tomorrow. -Hansi; It's hard to be a elf man. -Fritz; Not so much Crap with you, Hansi! -All singing; doh, de do de doh, de do do do, do do de doh, Yeah, it's hard to be a elf man, I say, Yeah, it's hard to be a elf, da do, da do do do doh...

-Radio broadcast ... it is reported in the late evening, that the work on the big belt bridge, again has been strucked by an accident. Just before evening they found a bad burnt scotch employee in the hydraulic system and inbetween four tunnel machines, that is making its way graving it's way from fast land and to Sprogoe. One of the head leaders is quoted saying, "I haven't been seeing anything like it", and the weather, the stormfull weather continues, we can tonight.....! -Oluf; good damn. -Gertrud; it is a long time since it has been storming like this. -Oluf; god damn. -Gertrud; we must hope it will be better tomorrow. -Oluf; that would just be nice. -Gertrud is putting a tape in the cassette player. -dear memories coming up, from Christmas......! Voice speaker. Who is this mysterious stranger in the dark, is the elf's gonna find the play box key, what about the propel, is this a Christmas Calendar, find out tomorrow......End:cheers:
Cast: De Nattergale
From a idea of Hans-Erik Saks & De Nattergale

"Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a no where place in the same cold place, and outscured terrain that mankind in a long time after eventually called Jylland (in Denmark), lived a little elf people. They lived in peace and harmony, they sang and played music, and worked in their respective underground homes, right until the evil, evil darkness people itself, 'Norssorende', one evil, evil day, hold their presence in the elf's land. All the elf's got liberated from their land by Norssorende. In good luck, the elf's got the big book with them, because if the big book got in the hands of the Norssor, the world would be lost.
All the elf's homes got destroyed, beside one only, that the Norssor never found. Near by this elf underground home, is their in the time went on, build a little mankind house, there live the potato farmer 'Oluf Sand, and his wife Gertrud Sand, and their little dog Emil, it's a dark, and stormfull evening"...

"Oluf, do you know where the case with all the Christmas stuff are?, we have to get going with Christmas preparations. Do you think we get ready for Christmas?
-Oluf; Should we not take it easy...-Gertrud; It's only Christmas one time in a year.
Yes, that is nice
In a distant, and far away land, in the outer space in the world, is the old elf "Old enough" lying near dead, because the play case that play his life melody is running out of time, the only play key to it, he got to leave behind in the underground home back then, when the elf's got liberated from the evil darkness people "Norssorende". Old enough, is calling for help from three elf's, "Fritz", "Hansi", and "Gynther", he kindly ask them to go back to the old underground home in Jylland, to get him the play key back. Old enough gives them a old land card that shows where the underground home is, and the key to the underground home. To help them on the big trip, he overhand them the "big book", that contains the answer to everything, he tells them that it must not get in the hands of the Norssor, that still lives in the old land Jylland. Norssorende is especially dangerous, because they have got mankind looks, there are though one thing that can get them back to their old ugly look, but that is all described in the big book.
Old enough ask them to hurry, he don't have much time left.

-Gertrud; There's only to days till my sister and Kaj travel to Rhodos. I think it's a good way to celebrate their silver wedding, instead of a big party. I would very much like that too Oluf, lift your feet so I can clean the floor. Oluf, do you think we could get to those places, when we go to town tomorrow, we must go to the bookstore first. I have to get some glitter paper, and silk paper to make Christmas decorations. After that...and some clue by the way. After that we drive to the convenience store, and while you talk with the guys at the warehouse, I go over to the lady hair dresser Winny, you know..She may not have the time, but I have to try, now that I am in town. I do long to get my hair done..
-Oluf; Yes, that was just nice.

The three elf's is running towards an old airplane with a propel, the weather is very over clouded, and is soon to get dark, Fritz is not carrying anything that himself, Gynther is carrying a shoulder bag, Hansi is carrying a toolbox, a big bag and other stuff. And it was handed to Fritz to ensure that they have enough fuel to the hole flight. We see them take off, they get confused of the land card and the fly longer than anticipated first, but eventually get back on track, but over the little land of Jylland they went out of fuel, they try to safety land, but they can't, and simply crash down in the middle of Jylland...

...., -Fritz; Gynther! Wasn't it you, who should get fuel on the airplane? Look what happened, the propel is completely broke! - Hansi; very much indeed. -Fritz; wasn't it you? -Gynther; no, it wasn't me. -Fritz; was it you so then Hansi? -Hansi; no, I carry the bag package and toolbox! -Fritz; ah, what should you do then Gynther? - I should take the toolbox, -Hansi; no, I should take the toolbox! -Gynther; no, I should take the toolbox!, -Hansi; no I should take the toolbox!. -Gynther; then we have enough toolboxes, what?
-Fritz; it's not funny. Where are we? - what on earth, do we do? -Gynther; we could look in the book.
-Fritz; that's my words. You do that, Gynther. - ah .... its in Danish! -Fritz; Gynther ...! Let me.
Well, let's see one gong. -Hansi; what's stands there?, read up. -Fritz; there stands: "if you're lost, then see on the map." That's it. -Gynther; what map? -Hansi; the land card Gynther! Think the little around!, take it together! -Gynther; oh yes. I have it right here in my back pocket. -Fritz; well ... let's see. Ahh ... where are we? - we are here! -Hansi; where is the hole then? -Fritz; there! I think, we shall that way. -Hansi; ohh ... I think it's unbelievable, I always have to carry the bag pack. Why it's always me who shall carry the bag pack and the toolbox, it's hurting on my shoulders. -Fritz; ohh, not so much bull.... with you Hansi! -Hansi; why do I always ...? -Fritz; because you are the one with the biggest teeth's and the ugliest clothes.

-Gertrud; Oluf. Do you know what I wish myself at Christmas? -Oluf; No! -Gertrud; I wish a foodproccessor. -Oluf; yes, that is nice, but we can't afford it, you know when taxis and moms is paid, there is not much left. -Gertrud; I could spare on house keeping. -Oluf; I said, it's just nice ...!
Phone is ringing ... yes hallo, it's Oluf Sand, himself. Potatoes? Yes, that is needed. How many do you need? You will get it. It will be hundred and ... it will be to hundred croner. Autograph? No ... we don't use that. It don't actually work. It will be to hundred, black. Yes, it's OK then, by by. That was just nice.
- Gertrud; who was it? -Oluf; One, who got the wrong number.

-Fritz; ahh ... where in the god is that hole?, it should be near around, ahh ahh, let's see on the map, ahh.
-Gynther; what's stands there?, I don't understand it. -Fritz; there stands: "when the clock is five, the shadow will fall from the tree on the gate." -Hansi; what tree? -Fritz; ehm, that tree! -Gynther; ohh that's lucky!, the clock is five in a few seconds. -Hansi; we must hurry, to get light on the tree. -Gynther; where is the shadow? -Fritz; ahh, Gynther, it's on the other side! -Gynther; oh yes ...
-Hansi; heey ...! It's here! The gate to the underground hole! -Fritz; ahh good, Gynther, come with the petroleum lamp - then, who has the key? -Gynther; what key? -Hansi; the hole key Gynther! Think the little about! -Gynther; oh yes. I have it right here. -Fritz; Put it in the key hole Gynther! -Gynther; Yes, Fritz.
Hansi and Gynther tries to open the too gate doors, but they are much heavy, Fritz look on.
-Gynther; that must I now say there. -Fritz; we must soon be getting there, they have to do a little walk before they enter the underground hole. -Hansi; hey ...! Have you seen all that leftovers from spiders? -Gynther; yes, it's all over the hole. -Hansi; oh yes -Fritz; yes, yes, yes -Hansi; ahh, ahh -Gynther; that must I now say. -Hansi; What? -Gynther; yes, the hole interior. -Hansi; oh ...! -Fritz; Well ... it's have been a long day. Let's take some rest, then we can find the key tomorrow. -Hansi; It's hard to be a elf man. -Fritz; Not so much Crap with you, Hansi! -All singing; doh, de do de doh, de do do do, do do de doh, Yeah, it's hard to be a elf man, I say, Yeah, it's hard to be a elf, da do, da do do do doh...

-Radio broadcast ... it is reported in the late evening, that the work on the big belt bridge, again has been strucked by an accident. Just before evening they found a bad burnt scotch employee in the hydraulic system and inbetween four tunnel machines, that is making its way graving it's way from fast land and to Sprogoe. One of the head leaders is quoted saying, "I haven't been seeing anything like it", and the weather, the stormfull weather continues, we can tonight.....! -Oluf; good damn. -Gertrud; it is a long time since it has been storming like this. -Oluf; god damn. -Gertrud; we must hope it will be better tomorrow. -Oluf; that would just be nice. -Gertrud is putting a tape in the cassette player. -dear memories coming up, from Christmas......! Voice speaker. Who is this mysterious stranger in the dark, is the elf's gonna find the play box key, what about the propel, is this a Christmas Calendar, find out tomorrow......End:cheers:
I think you're in the wrong forum.