Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
I didn't realize being confused by someone's post warranted such a response.
I suppose if I'd sum it up, I'd say that the presentation is absolutely superb and no other racing game hits the spot quite like GT. You really feel when your playing like it's a love project from a team of that absolutley loves cars.

I mean that's great, I'm just confused why you suddenly posted all of that.
I was confused too. But not for the reason Samus is saying, but because I dont understand some things and I completely disagree in others.

First I didn't see nobody saying something of GT sales on PC. Didnt understand the comparision between Mario Kart, TDU and GT for hot lapping either.

Then I think there is a difference between appearing to be special and being special. When I used to play GT5, cant remember very well but I really liked the presentation, minimalism and the polish appearance in general. But the gameplay didn't have much. The driving was good, the FFB was very good but the AI was, like we know, idiotic. The races were pretty dull and the only thing that keep me going was the possibility to get better cars.

It happens to me exactly the oppositte with other games. AC and SLRE for example have very bad appearance. But AC is the only game I know that I can play hot laps or single race with the AI and say wow. The same feeling I get when finishing a rally stage in SLRE.

I have the sensation that GT, because of the past golden age, get's the recognition and fame other games deserve more.

Other thing I didnt understand is saying that GT is more accesible than Driveclub. I think is the other way arround.

Not agree, at all, that PCars or Driveclub dont have good soundtracks. But I understand this is a thing of personal tastes.

And I dont believe GT is the gaming title that gets the best the automobile culture. Specialy GT Sport. I like how the present the cars and other things. But I like more the aproach of other titles like Driveclub (the carreer mode titles and the general aproach to the road cars), AC (speacial events names and how every car shines), PCars (racing world aproach)...
I just hope that GT Sport will include interior layouts for most (if not all) of the vehicles included in the game. I am glad to find out that they are going to make improvements with the sound quality of the cars. I wonder how this game will compare to iDrive...
I plan on grabbing this game regardless.
Yeah, it's not a bad thing if the car quality is kept at a high standard across the board. But prioritising that graphical quality isn't a good thing if other factors are suffering because of it. The absence of dynamic time and weather is one of the consequences.

Strictly speaking, the two are unlikely to be related. Yes, there is a graphic element to the dynamic features, but there's also a massive physics undertaking there as well if they're to be implemented properly.
Strictly speaking, the two are unlikely to be related. Yes, there is a graphic element to the dynamic features, but there's also a massive physics undertaking there as well if they're to be implemented properly.
Physics in relation to what?
Physics in relation to what?

I believe he's reffering to things like Grip, Contact patch, traction etc.

I'm of the impression what he is saying is that the dynamic features like that involve a lot of work in making the physics account for the changes those bring.
Well yes, I think that may have been the case. After all, it didn't happen, and remember the slideshow from the Chinese show just before the delay. The track number had dropped to 15, which again suggests they were behind and they knew with a November release, 19 wouldn't all be ready in time. The 15 probably also wouldn't have been 100% finished and patched later.

I just cannot see any logic in showing off obviously unfinished tracks for over a year if they have even one other track ready to go. I mean take Suzuka, it's not a new track and everyone expects to see it, if that is ready, why not use it? No logical reason against it.

We'll never know for sure, obviously, but it seems like a logical conclusion to me based on what we've seen and what we know.
TBH, I struggle to accept that PD put out a bogus release date.
So I believe there's more going on behind the scenes dictating these decisions.
But that's not to say I don't find the relentless showing of the same tracks at events for this amount of time (*searches for the right word*) bewildering, because to some extent I do.

Saying that, there's no denying the logic of your reasoning.
And your point is well made. 👍
They could have modelled a premium Toyota Supra, but no, this is clearly more important.

Isn't the modelling and design of the Vision GT cars done by the respective manufacturers rather than Polyphony? If so, then this has absolutely no impact on the modelling capacity of Polyphony's internal staff... and it's fairly unlikely there's going to be a premium Supra in GT Sport anyway since the game's focus is on modern performance cars and racing cars. Isn't the oldest car in the game so far from 2009?
TBH, I struggle to accept that PD put out a bogus release date.
So I believe there's more going on behind the scenes dictating these decisions.
But that's not to say I don't find the relentless showing of the same tracks at events for this amount of time (*searches for the right word*) bewildering, because to some extent I do.

Saying that, there's no denying the logic of your reasoning.
And your point is well made. 👍

I don't think they purposely put out a bogus date, I think they probably agreed to a launch alongside the Pro, foolishly thought they could do it, then quickly realised they really couldn't.
Isn't the modelling and design of the Vision GT cars done by the respective manufacturers rather than Polyphony? If so, then this has absolutely no impact on the modelling capacity of Polyphony's internal staff... and it's fairly unlikely there's going to be a premium Supra in GT Sport anyway since the game's focus is on modern performance cars and racing cars. Isn't the oldest car in the game so far from 2009?
The design? Sure. They probably even do a CAD model, but that can't be put into a game, it still has to be turned into a game model that can run in real time on their engine.

And we've seen a Ferrari Dino in one of the screenshots, so maybe it will have some classic cars.
Maybe what really slowed PD up was, realising many people weren't going to accept for Standards in the game. Modelling the cars has to be the main factor.

As for tracks, how long does it take PD to model one in man hours/months. We know it takes 6 months per car.
Give us the game already. Not a VGT from a previously unknown manufacturer. (Unknown in the VGT program, that is)
Funny how every time I hear anything new about this game I just dislike it more and more. Not bad for a franchise that was once the only reason I needed to buy a console. I wonder if I'm going to see anything new that I actually do like. At all.:ouch: