Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Any word about sharing set ups? We can supposedly share liveries. Wonder if we can share car set ups.
Why do I get the feeling that's a rhetorical question? :P
But seeing as I'm in a chatty mood, here are my thoughts. :)

I imagine set-up sharing will be done as it's always been done.
Via forum posts.
I think Sports Mode events will be extremely limited, with typically only brake bias, (ballast adjustment?), TC, and ABS.
Campaign Mode to follow suit.
Online lobbies will open the full gamut of options.
I anticipate all set-up options as per previous games here.
Arcade Mode (via Garage) to follow suit, or not, can't decide. :lol:
And crossing fingers that the most glaring omission, that being tyre pressure, is added to the options.
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I think the graphics for GTSport look pretty awesome. At least, the replay footage views that I've seen mostly. I can't really give an opinion on in-car footage.

I'll never play GTSport, but I'm sure those who will purchase GTSport will be quite happy with the graphics. Sounds are another matter. :D
I think the graphics for GTSport look pretty awesome. At least, the replay footage views that I've seen mostly. I can't really give an opinion on in-car footage.

I'll never play GTSport, but I'm sure those who will purchase GTSport will be quite happy with the graphics. Sounds are another matter. :D

Sounds seem to heading for another level in Sport, but comparatively to other games I expect it may still fall short.
But that's not to say the sound will necessarily be 'bad', as I'm confident it will be good enough for the majority of Sport's players.

Graphics I think will trump all.
And that includes PC games.
Excluding bumped up frame rates in that comparison, of course.
But still, a great achievement under the limited framework.

Whether it warrants the length of time for development is debatable though.
Show the people taking keen interest in your product that you're just as keen to keep us engaged.

I think a little reciprocity concerning fan engagement is overdue. If Polyphony Digital wants to keep their fans at arms length then maybe we should respect that. Start showing as much interest in their product as they are willing to give to their own customers.
I know nothing about game development, however, based on the size of the Polyphony Digital team and the fact that a boatload of cars are carry-over 3d models from GT6, I believe GTSport is taking way too long.
I'm in your boat, no clue here either. :lol:

The extended wait is certainly frustrating.
For me the biggest disappointment was the cancelled beta.
If that was on my console the release delay would be of less concern, or at least easier to take.
Even a demo download of the version used for the 2016 Academy would do.

But it is what it is, so I patiently wait.
I'm in your boat, no clue here either. :lol:

The extended wait is certainly frustrating.
For me the biggest disappointment was the cancelled beta.
If that was on my console the release delay would be of less concern, or at least easier to take.
Even a demo download of the version used for the 2016 Academy would do.

But it is what it is, so I patiently wait.
Yeah...I can imagine how frustrating it must be for some people. I gave up on Gran Turismo 6 in September 2015 and moved to Assetto Corsa on the PC, but I have many friends who want to give GTSport a shot. This endless waiting - it's got to be maddening. Hopefully the wait will have been worth it. Polyphony Digital is taking a big chance on changing the formula of Gran Turismo from car collecting & tweaking to a more pure racing focused game. With each passing day that risk becomes greater and greater, in my opinion. If they released something like GTSport - a vehicle limited, race focused version 12-16 months ago it would probably have skated past a lot of the skepticism that's formed regarding this new direction. I mean, if you're someone who loves the traditional GT formula, do you have to wait until GT7 or GT8 or whatever they might call a new version that resembles Gran Turismo games of the past?
I think a little reciprocity concerning fan engagement is overdue. If Polyphony Digital wants to keep their fans at arms length then maybe we should respect that. Start showing as much interest in their product as they are willing to give to their own customers.

There's not really that much product to get interested in at the moment. What we know 18 months after the game was revealed is pretty vague still.
Yeah...I can imagine how frustrating it must be for some people. I gave up on Gran Turismo 6 in September 2015 and moved to Assetto Corsa on the PC, but I have many friends who want to give GTSport a shot. This endless waiting - it's got to be maddening. Hopefully the wait will have been worth it. Polyphony Digital is taking a big chance on changing the formula of Gran Turismo from car collecting & tweaking to a more pure racing focused game. With each passing day that risk becomes greater and greater, in my opinion. If they released something like GTSport - a vehicle limited, race focused version 12-16 months ago it would probably have skated past a lot of the skepticism that's formed regarding this new direction. I mean, if you're someone who loves the traditional GT formula, do you have to wait until GT7 or GT8 or whatever they might call a new version that resembles Gran Turismo games of the past?
Good question.
One, which of course, no-one knows the answer.

For me it comes down to two factors.
And the definition of "service".

I think it will sell well, and therefore give PD confidence that the "new direction" works.
Then add to that this idea of continually growing the game and treating it more as a service, as opposed to, I assume, an individual finite product waiting to be superseded in the traditional sense.
(something I'm personally not sure how to take as very little has been spoken of it apart from a random comment or two)

Therefore I question that we will ever see a GT7, or if you like, GT8, depending on how you count. :)
My money as it stands is on GT Sport 2, emerging when it warrants adding to the continued car and track roster expansion built up via the "service" of Sport, but mainly introducing better graphics, physics, and sound, and a beefed up, let's call it, single player Career mode.

Wild guess, but that's where I'm leaning.
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If GTS is a success then it's the end of GT from a 1-4+5 perspective.
I agree...but, what is the criteria to declare it a success? They're going to move millions of units because Gran Turismo. Right now, I do believe that PD has no intention of going back to the 1-6 formula. Otherwise, they would have pushed out something long before today. Even if it wasn't a full fledged game...just something to show off what PD is capable of with the power of the PS4. Something like a Gran Turismo 7 Prologue or Gran Turismo Sport Prologue - something to keep PS4 owners entertained.

People like me who abandoned Gran Turismo 6 and moved to PC racing - having no intention of ever purchasing a PS4 are now lost players/sales. Gran Turismo 6 owners who did purchase a PS4 (and maybe a new wheel) and have bought PCars, Assetto Corsa or both most likely will buy Gran Turismo Sport, in my opinion. Sure, there will be quite a few PS4 owners who have given up completely, but I think sales numbers will at least match Gran Turismo 6 units sold. Sony has to market the hell out of this title as this is their bread & butter exclusive title and they must be nervous considering GT6 only sold half of the units GT5 sold.
I agree...but, what is the criteria to declare it a success? They're going to move millions of units because Gran Turismo. Right now, I do believe that PD has no intention of going back to the 1-6 formula. Otherwise, they would have pushed out something long before today. Even if it wasn't a full fledged game...just something to show off what PD is capable of with the power of the PS4. Something like a Gran Turismo 7 Prologue or Gran Turismo Sport Prologue - something to keep PS4 owners entertained.

People like me who abandoned Gran Turismo 6 and moved to PC racing - having no intention of ever purchasing a PS4 are now lost players/sales. Gran Turismo 6 owners who did purchase a PS4 (and maybe a new wheel) and have bought PCars, Assetto Corsa or both most likely will buy Gran Turismo Sport, in my opinion. Sure, there will be quite a few PS4 owners who have given up completely, but I think sales numbers will at least match Gran Turismo 6 units sold. Sony has to market the hell out of this title as this is their bread & butter exclusive title and they must be nervous considering GT6 only sold half of the units GT5 sold.
You caught the franchise at the wrong point mate. GT6 doesn't even deserve to be called GT. 5 was the last one that anything in common with the first 4 games but is comfortably the worse of them.

In GT5 terms, it cost 12 milion a year to develop. That was with 110-150 staff. With about 200 or so now the annual budget goes up accordingly. They will have to sell a LOT of copies to turn a profit.
I just bought a T300rs GT edition for 299€ on Amazon. I will receive it tomorrow :)

My T500rs pedals will be use with T300rs and maybe, I will replace wheel if it's small but I don't care about it.
I just bought a T300rs GT edition for 299€ on Amazon. I will receive it tomorrow :)

My T500rs pedals will be use with T300rs and maybe, I will replace wheel if it's small but I don't care about it.
Funny how you don't care about something like that after you mention what might not be right with it. :lol:
I often wonder if GT Sport is more complete than what we're led to believe, or have seen.

Obviously they are polishing it for the projected 2017 release, but I'm curious if it could have been released holiday 2016.

Lots of upset fans about the long wait between releases, and rightly so.

So perhaps a portion of the decision to delay was made as they are quickly working on GT7/8, holding back Sport for 2017 would tighten up the release cycle.
I often wonder if GT Sport is more complete than what we're led to believe, or have seen.

Obviously they are polishing it for the projected 2017 release, but I'm curious if it could have been released holiday 2016.

Lots of upset fans about the long wait between releases, and rightly so.

So perhaps a portion of the decision to delay was made as they are quickly working on GT7/8, holding back Sport for 2017 would tighten up the release cycle.
Well we do already know that the game is playable and from the feedback it seems this are in decent shape. So we would have to assume the holdup is mainly content, features, and maybe netcode.
Well we do already know that the game is playable and from the feedback it seems this are in decent shape. So we would have to assume the holdup is mainly content, features, and maybe netcode.

I agree.
The videos I've seen here and on YouTube, the menus and settings screens all look very polished.

You bring up content, I hope that is really what it is.
Adding more career and challenges for us non aliens to offset the focus on hardcore online FIA events.
I agree.
The videos I've seen here and on YouTube, the menus and settings screens all look very polished.

You bring up content, I hope that is really what it is.
Adding more career and challenges for us non aliens to offset the focus on hardcore online FIA events.
Seems pretty obvious to be content. They keep showing the same incomplete tracks, you think they would show new or complete ones if they have them, plus the Chinese presentation just before the delay showed that it was going to launch with 15 tracks instead of 16...

Which would suggest they had 15 tracks completed or close to?

Either way, scapes seemed done, menus seemed done, HUD seemed done... eh.

We'll probably never know the reason for the delay like we'll never know why course maker got delayed.
Well we do already know that the game is playable and from the feedback it seems this are in decent shape. So we would have to assume the holdup is mainly content, features, and maybe netcode.
Either that or they encountered a serious problem with the code that meant they couldn't release when intended. The lack of a subsequent release date supports that. On the other hand maybe they didn't get the pre order numbers Sony expected and though oops we'd better do something about the 80+% of players who don't care about esport this or online that and want a one player game of competence.
Well we do already know that the game is playable and from the feedback it seems this are in decent shape. So we would have to assume the holdup is mainly content, features, and maybe netcode.
The game is more than playable, it's a joy... Or at least that's what I thought when I played it.
Also, page 888
Not sure of the significance of it but there it is:

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but how is Fanatec with GT Sport? I've heard Fanatec is in pretty hot waters concerning support with the PS4.
Has anyone mentioned the sense of speed in these newer builds? I didn't get that feeling in the GT Academy one-off build.
Could you tell the differences in physics with GT6?
Ugh, I'd have to go back through this thread to find my post after I played the GT Academy demo...
But what you guys really want to know is how the game plays on a controller, rather than a steering wheel and pedals, so what I say may not apply to those who have tried it with a wheel and pedals.

First thing that I will talk about is the graphics - as always, they are fantastic, no problems at all. I couldn't even see any frame drops whilst I set my time on Brands Hatch GP in the Shulze Nissan GTR GT3.

This one is the biggie - the PHYSICS. What I'll say next might cause some controversy and not everyone will agree with the statements. For starters, the car felt FAR more weighted in the corners than it ever did in GT6, making the experience far more lively in the process. Yes, I will say that there is a very obvious improvement over GT6 and I will not call it a small one either. Shocking I know, but that is genuinely what I think. Let me continue - the car's performance at low speed is more realistic. There is less grip present, so it's easier to spin out when you are not careful on the throttle, and getting the car going again is much harder than the past games. Heck, I did it several times at Druids and I was truly amazed at how the car reacted. Felt like no other GT game. The sensation of speed - well, it's basically non-existent but it did not take away from the challenge that was presented to me. The tyres have less grip, trail braking is much harder to pull off without crashing, and everything about the car just felt RIGHT. It was the greatest feeling ever and I'm calling it - the physics IMO are BETTER than Project Cars. Especially on a controller. Honestly, this game is set to be the BEST EVER. The magic is back everybody...

As for sounds, I can't really say but through the speakers around the stand, it sounded solid and better than ever before. Really, really promising stuff.

And now I'm getting a free copy of GT Sport... Yup. Just for making the effort and making the arrangement to make the spectacular day happen. I'm so thrilled because my experience was totally unexpected and awesome. I thank all the guys who made the event possible. I didn't think GT needed this kind of exposure, but hell yeah it does... it's all part of Kaz' vision to make racing games accessible for everyone, no matter who they are. That was demonstrated at the event, and I'm even more excited for this game now.

Let me add - all driving aids were turned off, excluding ABS.
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