Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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Hi guys, I was watching a gtsport video on YouTube and I couldn't help but notice what looks like indicator lights on the hud, from the cockpit view, they flash at the end of a race like hazard lights and at first I thought they were blind spot indicators but they appear to be above them so could we have usable indicators ( blinkers/ signals) in the game??

Yep, saw it as well! The PSX trailer featured flashing indicators a couple times too.
Hi guys, I was watching a gtsport video on YouTube and I couldn't help but notice what looks like indicator lights on the hud, from the cockpit view, they flash at the end of a race like hazard lights and at first I thought they were blind spot indicators but they appear to be above them so could we have usable indicators ( blinkers/ signals) in the game??

From what I gather indicators turn on when you exit while in an offline race and the race continues as it loads the menu. It would be a great feature in online lobbies if when you paused your game while on track (during qualifying or free practice), your car continued driving but stuck to the right side of the track with its hazards on. I don't think it'll be mapped to an actual button though.
I hope the Veyron is not the "stock" equivalent of the Bugatti VGT which is basically a Chiron with a bodykit.

The Chiron and Veyron are worlds apart despite the similarities in their execution.
The Chiron and Veyron are worlds apart despite the similarities in their execution.

I thought VW decided (after Piech execution) to make the chiron much less radical than the veyron and just tunned this one a little bit to make another car instead of spend a masive amount of money on I+D (in order to not loose money with every car). The engine in the chiron seems to be the same quad turbocharged 8.0 W16.
Is it just me or does anyone else here think there won't be weather (even static) in GTS? We've seen/heard NOTHING about it.

Wet and snow tire options are in the beta. I think Polyphony is just waiting until the marketing blitz and they know there won't be anymore delays. They haven't even announced anymore tracks like Bathurst but I feel pretty confident that will be in the game.
First off, sorry if this has been mentioned already!

Is it just me or does anyone else here think there won't be weather (even static) in GTS? We've seen/heard NOTHING about it.

This is the thing I'm trying to think about at the moment when I'm watching beta videos. GT is well known for using all the performance of a system isn't it? So if PCars2 has live track (Dynamic track, weather, time, seasons) and all the graphics to go with it plus large grids, what is GT using the extra performance for? If there is no dynamic weather, that surely opens up a lot of processing/rendering power? I'm certainly very interested in the answer!

edit: Added the word dynamic, forgot to add :embarrassed:!
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First off, sorry if this has been mentioned already!

This is the thing I'm trying to think about at the moment when I'm watching beta videos. GT is well known for using all the performance of a system isn't it? So if PCars2 has live track (Dynamic track, weather, time, seasons) and all the graphics to go with it plus large grids, what is GT using the extra performance for? If there is no weather, that surely opens up a lot of processing/rendering power? I'm certainly very interested in the answer!
there are rain tyres tho
well I hope in the final version of the game, the Sports Mode will be a little more elaborate than what we see now in the Beta version. Elaborate I mean more like a real race weekend. Not this quick match type of races but proper long races with full damage, tire n fuel strategy,...
These short matches in the Beta are too inviting for overtaking in a not so clean way and just flying into the first corner pushing others out. Also even with the driver rating system it still is possible to force yourself to the inside of another driver during cornering and gently push him out without being penalized...
I'm a little worried here. The experience feels a bit arcadish. But I gave them the advantage of doubt. It s only the Beta...

And oh well, as long as there will be custom online lobbies so clean drivers can organize their own fun...
Someone on twitter has pointed out the board : 22 cars?

The interface hints the numbers of max participants is potentially set on an event basis (with 18 being the standard so far)


Dedicated servers could be required for a full 22 cars grid.
well I hope in the final version of the game, the Sports Mode will be a little more elaborate than what we see now in the Beta version. Elaborate I mean more like a real race weekend. Not this quick match type of races but proper long races with full damage, tire n fuel strategy,...
These short matches in the Beta are too inviting for overtaking in a not so clean way and just flying into the first corner pushing others out. Also even with the driver rating system it still is possible to force yourself to the inside of another driver during cornering and gently push him out without being penalized...
I'm a little worried here. The experience feels a bit arcadish. But I gave them the advantage of doubt. It s only the Beta...

And oh well, as long as there will be custom online lobbies so clean drivers can organize their own fun...

Yeah I'm waiting for the custom lobbies to see what functionality they have, but I imagine races in sports mode will surely have Qualifying.
@sems4arsenal Nothing impressive like a dramatic rain, shaky camera, trackside animations, god rays... but still more impressive than any other game in this natural feeling.

I think maybe PD's graphics guys thought "how often do you actually see god rays IRL?" and didn't bother with them!
It speaks very highly of the quality of the games we're now getting when this is what the arguably worst sim racing developer is able to accomplish. :cheers:

Meh. They may be arguably the worst at making sims, but they've always been arguably the best at visuals. At least in technical terms when given unlimited hardware (*cough*PS3*cough*).

The game looks stunning. Absolutely incredible. However, in the modern era where even small developers can make games that are at least good looking enough that it's not distracting, I question the value of looking stunning. Driveclub also looked stunning, but it wasn't until they got the gameplay right that it actually became a pretty good game.

However, I do think that with how good GTS looks all it has to do is not be mediocre in all other areas. The visuals will carry it as long as there isn't anything else intrusively bad.
Meh. They may be arguably the worst at making sims, but they've always been arguably the best at visuals. At least in technical terms when given unlimited hardware (*cough*PS3*cough*).

The game looks stunning. Absolutely incredible. However, in the modern era where even small developers can make games that are at least good looking enough that it's not distracting, I question the value of looking stunning. Driveclub also looked stunning, but it wasn't until they got the gameplay right that it actually became a pretty good game.

However, I do think that with how good GTS looks all it has to do is not be mediocre in all other areas. The visuals will carry it as long as there isn't anything else intrusively bad.
I don't believe there is a market for a eSport racing game. But GTsport at least understand visuals are important for the lambda viewer. I don't know what is the best : a genuine simulator like iRacing, AC, rFactor... with so-so graphics or GTSport with awful collisions. There is no eSport without a big community so Forza 7, PC2 or GTSport.
The game looks stunning. Absolutely incredible. However, in the modern era where even small developers can make games that are at least good looking enough that it's not distracting, I question the value of looking stunning. Driveclub also looked stunning, but it wasn't until they got the gameplay right that it actually became a pretty good game.

For the record, I think GTSport looks like an online focused, 4k, HDR GT6.

My comment was really focusing on the graphics, though perhaps it was inadvisable for me to try to speak positively of GT in some way for a change (especially with regard to photo-realism which is fast becoming an area to be taken for granted). Guess I kinda got caught up in the moment.
well I hope in the final version of the game, the Sports Mode will be a little more elaborate than what we see now in the Beta version. Elaborate I mean more like a real race weekend. Not this quick match type of races but proper long races with full damage, tire n fuel strategy,...
These short matches in the Beta are too inviting for overtaking in a not so clean way and just flying into the first corner pushing others out.
I'm sure they will give us these types of events in Sport mode as PD-configured events, at least at first. The question is whether they'll stick with them. I suppose it will depend on the popularity. If they go through a huge effort to put up these official FIA championships and there isn't much interest, why bother?

The important thing is that all the tools will be there for clubs to put on their own legit race events, no need for PD to curate it.